HEPPNER HERALD SUPPLEMENT VOLUME 4 HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917 School News Items Miss Edna Ritchie, of lone, has been visiting friends here this week. Miss Ritchie is a member of the graduating class at lone this year. She attended school here two years. The foot ball team left Hepp ner Thursday morning, and after i traveling over bad roads, they arrived in Moro, too late foe the game to be played that day, so it was scheduled for Friday morn ing at ten o'clock. The boys held their rivals to the middle of the field until Mor ro's quarterback got away for a sixty-five yard run for a touch down, Ueppner's touch-down came in the last six minutes of play. Twice they were within a yard of the goal when the man with the ball slipped and lost the yardage. The score was 7 to 6 in Moro's favor. Although tired by their hard ships, all the boys played their hardest and consider themselves good losers. On Monday morning the boys who went to Moro were asked to tell their experiences while on their trip, and we were given some very interesting talks. They reported a splendid time When thev reached Moro on Thursday night they were given a banquet by the town people. At the student body the High School decided to get the mater ial for a service flag and have it made by the Domestic Art Class, under the supervision of Miss Struck. This flag has a star for each one of the boys who have l.ft Hiirh School to join the colors. The Heppner High School is yoing to canvass the town to gather reading material for the soldiers and Bailors. If You Have Trouble With Cold Feet Try a Pair of All Knit Wool Gaiters And Your Trouble Is Over E. N. Gonty Shoe Store HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN A RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON AUTO CASKET DELIVERY FOR QUICK SERVICE M.L.CASE FURNITURE CO. NO. 32