"Shop Early," let this be our slogan-Don' t wait until Christmas then make a mad rush for the store, when it will be impossible to give good service. Commence Now and Get Good Service We must not forget Our Soldier Boys, they have neftd for warm Sweaters, Socks, Shirts. Underwear, Etc. We can show you something the boy will sure appreciate. Mother will enjoy a pair of House Felt Slippers, a pair of Kid Gloves, nice Silk Dress or a Good Wool Serge. Table Linen, Blankets and Toilet Articles. Any Mother is glad to receive Dishes of any kind for a present. SANTA CLAUS Is on hand with a good supply of Toys, Wagons, Sleds and Games of all kinds for the Children. Be sure and let Santa Claus know what you want. Now is the time. Don't let the Kiddies be forgotten. Big Sister always has need of Silk Hosiery; add a piece of Ivory to her set we have a nice selection Silk Petticoat. Kimona, Sweater, or a pair of Gloves or House Slippers will not come amiss either. Big Brother will like a pair of Military Brushes, Bath Kobe, Razor, Mackinaw, Ties, Belt, Purse, Gloves, Hat, Shaving Set, Etc. We have a beautiful line of Jardiniers all sizes they are sure to please. Come in and let us Help You Solve Your Christmas Present Problem MINOR & COMPANY Heppner, Oregon iiill POLICIES AND OPERATION THE fundamental basis of service at the Farm ers & Stockf?rowers National Bank consists of both the ability and willingness to helpfully co-operate in the problems of the local Farm ers and Stock-raisers. Wherever we can aid legitimate enterprise and development - we shall be found more than glad to do so. Checking and Savings accounts both small and large are in vited. MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK MIITM-H. OKI I. ON To the Public : '11 1 Siiivrs i f it l!"li y t) attributed lit a U hint li-il'i' of tin- ni'i'iU il it particular locality, a ilo-oro to rentier eroit.t! ntnl uitlivntuitl nerviee to promote t he w elf re of it t iiotoiner, and re. oiii'i e utile to no'i't it 1 1 ili'in tinl . The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Meet llit'Mt requirement ELKS' WAR R BAI Uil 1 Heppner Lodge 358, B. P. 0. E. Will Give a Grand Public Ball at the FAIR PAVILLION Heppner in We Invite Your Accounts Monday Eve., Dec. 31, '17 The Proceeds to be Devoted to War Distress Relief COMMITTEES General Committee in Charge Sam E. Van Vactor, W. L. Spencer and Oscar Borg Master of Ceremonies Kxalteil Ruler. II. II. HotTman Decoration Gay M. Anderson. Harry Duncan. Fred Lucas, Charles Cox and Andrew Kood, Jr. Reception and Entertainment Mrs. Oscar Boor, Mrs. It. J. Vaughan. Mrs. Charles Cox. Mrs. Frank Monahan, Mrs. John Healy, Mrs. A Bowker, J T. Knappenherg. R. J. Vaughan. 0. B. Robertson, Judge D. It Barker. Glen Graves Refreshment Ladies of the Red Cross i Floor Managers One Rasmus, V A. Richardson. John Kinney, Bert Stone, John Vaughan. Lester Wad.'. Robert S perry Finance I S V. Spencer LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. McMurdo reports the ar rival of a fine son at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Moreland. Saturday, December 8th. F. A. McMinamen weot to Portland Thursday to look after some legal matters expecting to return Saturday evening. LOST-Small bunch of kevs. Return to Norma Frederic. Re ward. It John Kirk, Jr.. a young far. mer of the Black Horse country, made this omce a pleasant call Monday in company with his daddy, J. T Kirk. Johnny told us about his young lamb, pits and dog Tippie. Call again. A big dance will be given at Hardman Friday evening, De cember 21, for the benefit of the Red Cross auxilliary and it is ex pected there will be a great crowd present. The best of mu sic will be provided, refresh ments will be plentiful and ev erything bids fair for a delight ful evening. TICKETS, - I Kvcryone Cordially Invited to Attend. - $2.50 General Com in Charge Morrow Co. Legal Advisory Board Heppner Sam E. Van Vactor, cha'rman. C L. Sweek. clerk: S. E. Notson. Associats members; 1 od he C. E.Woodson, J.J Nys. J. T. Knappenberg, Glenn Y. Wells, F. A. McMenamin. lone F. H. Robinson Lexington V. 0. Hill. Each of the above members will be at their respective offices from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. each day during the period of the selective draft beginning Dec. 15. 1317. the organization and although somewhat crippled by rheuma tism, is busy every minute of her time knitting articles necessary for the comfort of our soldiers. Mrs. May Conner, of Eightmila was in town for a few daj s dur ing the week and while here was the guess of Mrs. Ed Breslin. WOOD AND COAL--I have a quantity of first-class Rock Spring nut coal now on hands. Best for stoves and ranges. Ed Breslin. 31tf. Raymond Steers, of Hardman, was in tow'n Monday making proof on his homestead before U. fc. Commissioner C. C. Patterson. Hardman Boy Backs U. S. Dale Bleakman, the eieven year old son of C. A. Bleakman was the first applicant to buy thrift stamps and war saving stamps at the Hardman Post Office the young man bought two thrift stamps and three war saving stamps. He secured the money that he had been saving for the last year or two by his own labor doing litile job and had saved the money to help his mother put hot and cold watrr in their home, but hede cided that hi country needed it would do what he cou d to help his tbig. Window Sals A sale of cooked food, etc., will be held in the show window of Tasb & Aker's store. Saturday, Dec 2. by the ladies of C W. B. M. A good place to buy your Sunday dinner. Hardman Ladies Attend Bazaar The Herald office w as honored by a call from half dozen Hard man ladies last Saturday, who had driven in from their homes to attend the Red Cross Bazaar ; Those making up the partv were: Mrs. C. W Booher. Mrs. W. P. Prophet, Mrs. Wright. Mrs. John! Hadley, Mrs. James Wyland, Mrs. Ida Bleakman and Mrs. Guy ' Hadley. The ladies report Red Cross matters active in their j town and much good work being) done They are proud of. as a ! member of their auxilliary,' Grandma Bates, who, despite her' fc4 years is an active member of 1 A Practical Gift mooch or mucTioi. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. V, Oil. IW n4 nit lit,4 fc-lr MfeittU U'l lr. lt-Ull.g t llx-CUi! . CASE FURNITURE CO. 9 1