" T TO ALL Our Present Xmas Stock contains Many Gifts out of the ordinary that are Useful and Satisfy the Requirements of Pocketbook and Taste TT t" CMR 0 - VI 8 V, t S w 8 Vi 9 - - 4 THE FOLLOWING LIST MAY AID YOU IN YOUR SELECTIONS: For Ladies and Diamond Rings Diamond La Valliers Diamond Brooches Diamond Ear Screws Solid Gold Brooches Solid Gold Cameo Brooches Solid Gold Beauty Pins Solid Gold La Valliers Solid Gold Hat Pins Solid Gold Emblem Pins Solid Gold Thimbles Solid Gold Bracelets Solid Gold Set Rings Solid Gold Signet Rings Solid Gold Band Rings Solid Gold Watches Solid Gold Ear Screws Misses $10 00 to $250 00 14 00 to 35 00 13 00 to 40 00 2 00 to 50 00 2 50 to 10 00 5 00 to 20 00 1 50 to 2 00 4 00 to 12 50 150 to 3 75 1 00 to 6 00 4 50 to 5 00 3 75 to 23 00 2 50 to 150 00 1 50 to 3 50 3 50 to 10 50 29 00 to 37 00 4 50 to 8 00 For Ladies and Misses Gold Filled Pieceless Ear Drops 1 DO to 14 00 Gold Filled Bracelets 2 50 to 7 50 Gold Filled Thimbles 25c to 2 75 Gold Filled Lockets 2 50 to 10 00 Gold Filled P.eautv Pins 50c to 1 50 Gold Filled Rosaries 1 00 to 2 75 Gold Filled Bar Pins G5c to 3 00 Gold Filled Brooches 1 00 to 8 75 Gold Filled Fobs 3 75 to 6 50 Gold Filled Bracelet Watches 10 00 to 37 00 Gold Filled Umbrellas 3 75 to 11 00 Gold Filled SilK Fobs 2 00 to 4 50 Gold Filled La Valliers 2 00 to 10 00 Gold Filled Long Watch Chains 3 00 to 4 00 Gold Filled Hair Burettes 1 25 to 1 50 Gold Filled Lingerie Pins 50c to 6 CO Fountain Pens 1 00 to 7 50 For Gentlemen Diamond Tie Pins g 00 to 21 00 Solid Gold Tie Pins o 50 to 7 00 Solid Gold Tie Clasps 2 00 to 2 50 Solid Gold CutY Links 3 00 to 5 50 Solid Gold Emblem Pins & But'ns 1 00 to 5 00 Solid Gold Set & Emblem Rings 5 00 to 18 00 Solid Gold Signet Rings Solid Gold Vest Chains Cold Filled Tie Pins Gold Filled Cuflf Links Cold Filled Tie Clasps Gold Filled Fobs Cold Filled Waldemar Chains Vest Chains Belt Buckles Watches Fountain Pens 2 50 to 15 00 12 00 to 25 00 50c to 2 25 80c to 4 00 75 to 2 00 5 00 to 0 75 3 00 to 5 00 2 00 to (5 75 4 00 to 50 5 to 40 00 1 00 to 7 50 For Children Solid Cold Band Rings Solid Cold Signet Kings Solid Cold Set Rings Solid Cold Pendant Neck Chains Cold Filled Bracelets Cold Filled King Chain Cold Filled Pin Sets Silver Children Sets Bib Holders Silver Thimbles 75c to 1 00 to 1 00 to 2 00 to 2 00 to 1 25 2 or 5 oo 5 00 4 00 50e 1 25 1 75 1 25 25c Silver Novelties. Fancy Scissors, Hand Bags, Match Boxes. Elk Card Cases, Napkin Kings, Sugar Tonus, Individual Salts and Peppers, Souv enir Spoons, Etc. Some Useful Pieces and Attractive Patterns in Cut Glass and Hollow Silverware Also Ivory Py-ra-lin Toilet Ware De Luxe and a Line of the Late Thing in Oregon Myrtle Wood Ware All Goods as Represented Yours for a Merry Xmas Mail Orders From Our Catalogue Given Careful Attention feSl MS or And a Happy New Year it Main St. Heppner, Ore. m Bowers' Shoe Hospital Again Open For Business I have returned to Heppner and re-opened my Shoe Hospital in the old location. Bring in your old shoes and I will make them good again. C. W. BOWERS Main Street Heppner, Oregon Opposite Oregon Garage Heppner lone Football Game 5v I ..Choose Your Gifts.. EARLY AND WITH CARE The Gift U ever a constant reminder of the giver. It is therefore important that your remembrances be of lasting merit. Here you will find a well selected stock of Lavalliers, Cuff Links, Brooches, Bar Pins, Scarf Pins, Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass, Fine China, Fountain Pens and Umbrellas .-it if A ! V ! i . 81 VA tv-i ;V 8 Vi The fool ball fame lust Sunday oil the local gridiron between I the Heppner and lone elevens, I was a warm one even 1 ho the day was f rit;ul. Tim Heppner ! boys acted very badly in the j inline in not allowing their visit, lorseveua look in at. the 1 1 1 1 1 1 (.- they call a score, but t he excuse them selves by saying ' th it the wind was so chilly they could not play slow enough to be considerate. The lone boys are ill lot of good sports a.:d they put up the best, they h id with t heiu ' ''hrting but they declaie that "It will be dilTerent next, lime " The score was rather too one-sided to pub lish but it may lie said t hat if Heppner had mail one more score she would have had ''.land that lone 'nt ll' les-, I b in it (J O.el). a few weeks in Heppner keeping house for her father while her mother is away on a visit. M rs. .J iin into Wyiand spent a few days visiting in Heppner lii'.t. week. A bunch of Monument boys passed through llarclmnn Mon day on their way to join the bovs!l',m,l's- Mr, A Kiley made a business trip to Heppner Saturday re turning Sunday. A school election was held iii Saturday for the purpose of I 5 a director to till a ' M vacancy formerly held by M. K. iy Uevore. Mrs, I'rophet was elect ed and became our first lady derector ! Bl ('liirenco Howell, Iiuis Kath, j I'reston Knyart ami Arthur1 THE BRICK Mi A I I.I. A AIKIN. hops. ICE CRKAM ami CARD PARLORS. Go to Gilliam & Bisbcc 3 w: 'r.n If i&1 1 For Your Xmas Gifts OSCAR BORG V Vl it Y 1 piMlit, I pin r tit, i,.i, , i l i.ik llVRDMAN MAI'l'l.NINGS Mrs. l-raiik Ward visited in llcppuer mi i Sal nr lay and S ihd iy. Mis. W. W. I!nimi"li I U hei sou .1 1 in m ie In Ib-ppniT Mniiday to have a bad luolh I.M.Ic d after. i. A I ; I .1 U n i n iiti'l wife made It bilsmi,, trip In t, Hity k 'ill Monday. A lively Ihiik li i f II. yll Si-leiol Mll.ll the I. ti r uy at l-'l ,dav eve ! i )v I ; 1 1 w i nt in l. ppi.i r 1'Ynbiv mi.iI i.i .... i,i ii.H a I . s stc -'lni- I ! l in A . ( bll l .l . ator hi t In: I'm plmie' i.,tii r, fir asbort vi-ii and f .t 1 1 1 1 I lin l.ner uy at lb- I ; i , 1 r- .lt School llo'ise Stif i I ti r 'i' to her dales Satnida). wil. .if .'!: . -I T. '"able went to join the colors. This is Mr. Kath's second at 'empt as he was rejected by the 'Miiuincrs home time n. Alf Mali's has t;n ne to Portland here he is win km;,' in yard. Mrs J W. Stevens was a busi ness visitor in Heppner the tirt of I he week. vi: iiavi: a i ui.i. stock or i1 hi Community Silver, Cut Glass and Decorated Cliinaware of All Kinds, h,,,,,.W Waiting Trays : All Kinds of Aluminum IVrculalors v ii.i .b.i I'r.u M.i 1 1 1 1, .v.-ll K'l-fi ' u id tuAii 1 1 1 i " lll'l W Hl'i'. e h. i is f li'i d the I I ll i l : 'I s . I " I Ik'l.t I 1 1;. i : v into It Mrn. i'arl I'arnsworth, of Mhea Siding, visited her sister, Mr. .1. T. K iiitppctibctv, for a few days last week. Mr. I'' a r n sworth came up Monday atnl accompa nied Mm, I'artisworth honie T'iisila, ('i)Ulity ( 'inn Ihissiolier lieot't'e t'ljt inn went In Cortland Sand i and Cniitity t'li ik Water and Hislrict Attorney Not son went I'liesday to attend tha annual meeiin' of county iifticiitU, in session there this week. Mr. bi, ! Mr;. KmnuU ('ii !,ra;. are h-pendirijf a few days at the I'aliice hotel liefore leftv itljf for M trip which Will tak Up there- 1 fnamdi r of the wilder. !'. nmett j savs he don't know where they i will irn: t n -i t kn'K-k nniund and 61 4 hi Come and See Us Gilliam & Bisbcc f "; WZ oo $n o ( oo 1 1 Peoples Cash Market IIKNKY StMWAK, I'n.p. All Kinds ot I rcsh and bait Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 a ft it Up to-Date Job Printing at lnis Snp I l.ls U i l i Mis. 'Ji A 1 u ! loaf lor a hile." is the way he n 'I'l'V mA it. HERALD FOR FINE JOD PRINTING