HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An Independent, Local Newspaper. Entered at the heppner, Oregon, Pont Office as second-claim matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDAY. DEC. U, 1917. CECIL ITEMS (li'otjri! Wilson wits iii Cecil on business, from Portland lavi riy for loin; tlic siiine )u.v, Monday. Gordon Hull from F.if'bt Miie was in Cecil ulonjr with Walter Poor on the way to Kd Reit man's placo. Martin Anihis camo down from i!jmr to work at "Tbc List, Oamp" for (J. A Minor. Hill Skinner on his way from Portland stayed overnight at Hutterby Flats Tuesday Jack llynd accotn punied by T. H. Lm' Mrs. llynd and Mrs. .1. H. FtHiiklin were callers at t he Le'n Lupin pluce Tuesday . Mrs. I5erm"t returned from Portland U'e.lnesduy, after bav in": bud a p-md 1 1 tut:! with her friends. T J, I'otiHier and wife who liav'H rented the ivl Funswolh ranch weie in (Veil Wednesday, UiUii.tr in their winters supply accom p.iiiied hy M rs. Ahalt. D.u'.'d and Charley llynd along With Geo 1), Anderson brought in ti tine bunch of cat I le f rem the Uki th, ranch, to be fid on Hut terby Hals. Thursday. V. G, lived CiiiiM! in from Sand Hollow in his new Huick car and was joined by his broth er J. irk n i I proceed, d to he Dalles where they attended the Wool ( 1 rowers Meet i tip 'J'he sloreuei per of Cecil was aroused from his peaceful slum bers Thursday evening by a parly of gentlemen from Hep. pner enquii ing the way to Arl ington t hey u ere goi rg to take in (he Wool Glowers Meeting, the in forin!iti"i sought was quickly t 1 1 1 M 1 1 1; n' ' I i d pni' on le 1 1 j' iu luey , .lift I r i i y and W, 1)iimi reil.'h'-o I he ;tsl I 'iill, p W II II It l.jli il "I 'I" ep loi C A Mmoi Thin silii , Ihihii will like ( ha I t "I I he sh, i p w liil- ,1 iin t, ll.es a lew il.iy s i IT M I s ... ile let ' l,T h pptl' ' I'' I lilay so I h it hi I Ley woinil In lib I., y 'ii -.i I,. "I , I "h n I m tin .nil i i le o f Early Fire Alarms An early morning fire at the Swob home near the warehouses in north Heppner alarmed, the citizens many of whom believed the warehouses had been tired and their contents of precious wheat etc. theatened. Mr. Swob, who works at the round house got up and built the range tire as usual and left the I house before Mrs. Swob arose. Before she was dressed she dis covered that the house was in flames and had. barely time to save her two young child ren from their bed. The hose carts ar rived in good t'me. as soon as the high pressure water was turned on the fire was quickly quanched. The house which be longed to Tom Morgan, was bad ly damaged and most of the con tents were destroyed. rfe:-f3i;a:?3;''3s2tjj:t:-a:-::':- $ Professional Column g DR. It. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON George Clark, of Lexington, went to Portland Tuesday to enlist in the navy. FOll KENT Two furnished rooms. Mrs. F. M. Bay less 31-2t Arthur Crawfoud, editor of the Gazette - Times, returned from Oakland, California last iL:,l i, . I t i baby daughter expect to be in Heppner in about six weeks. Art admits that this particular baby is the most wonderful mite of humanity ever seen in Califor nia and his appearance indicates that being the father of a bounc ing girl agrees with him perfectly DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, . OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visits fo HEPPNER and IONE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM i !. VAN VACTOR VTTOltNEY-AT-LAW HEPFVER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phono Main 665 FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon Teachers' Examinations Notice is heryby given that the County Superintendent of Mor row county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for State Certificates at Heppner, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Dec ember 19, 1917, at 9;00 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Satur day, December 22, 1917, at 4:00 o'clock p. m- Wednesday Forenoon U S. History, Writing, (Penmanship) Music, Drawing Wednesday Afternoon Physi ology, Reading, Manual Training Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithme tic llmtnrv nf lt 1 n Plmt -".....v,.i, J I Knn, Nnnh IVttvji'hn, i.f I.i-ni. Onvnii, .lo eph M. etiology, Methods in Geography, lUlt'R, of ll.-pi.nt-r ll:- a-m. n tv. :.. ! ' i-.s,ih,n-,iiwt. When making your preparations for your Christ mas Dinner, don't forget we are Headquarters for Good Things To Eat Fancy Fruits and Vegetables Fancy Canned and Glass Goods Candy, Nuts, Etc. The new sugar regulations are causing a shortage in Xmas Candies. From the fact that we placed our orders early in October our usual supply is assured; prices higher, of course. Place your orders early while the supply lasts. PHELPS GROCERY CO. NOTICK FOll I'l'liUCA l ION. I)ppnrtnu'nt of the Interior. II. S. Land Oftii-e at La Grtimle. Oregon. Nov. lit, liii7. Notice in hereliy n"ivin tlmt John Hmwnnn, of Leim, OreKon. who, on May. 1 111 1 made Honiiteiul Knlry No. (i:iii,r.n, for SW N Wi W'n SW'4 See. L'n. N W't NW Sec. 'J9.NK Sec. 30, T). 'I S Hitnue L1 KaSt, W. M.. hiw liled notice of intention to make three-yetir I'rooi toes taldiMh claim to the huid tdo e dtcr.hed, hetore C. C I'litterson, United States t'urmniHsioner, at hid olliee at Heppner. Oregon, on the Tth iluy ef January, rinimant natneH hh witnehn: Henry C'liirU. f Lena. Oretfc n, J. D. French, of !iirdane, tie- Notice for Fiblication ochanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domes tic Art. ThurMlHV Aliniiiiw.ii Cium Uoi,.te.t iv J PrttLIf l. AM SAI.l llllir, Vil'Otf IHpiiy. rM'IMlrapllV, i Department of the Int.-i I . S. Lund Oil,. Aui.tu-mii I-i t.. rrti u i v. IMiysics, i Th, 1,Hll,", 0r,,tt,m-iU !"hr' u,,;- '11 i I il'IIK. Ml hull? 111 LtlU. '. ltninl.H.oner .f the i, -i.. rl land c t!1( e. m le. putM- .Li. rim., iu . '.,,.) umr.i I y krUHK,s Thesis for IVitntiry CVr-; ,,r,,v",,,,""' S,T": ;" l': s- ",,iUi"11 ii iii,, i . i rf 1 I'hcalit.n d 11 at ley r i, -, , i m N ,,. t - i . 2.. w e Uoy imI . in ill ; titieuio. ;,H..1f..r.i,...i.i,.-.,t i.,- 1,,,-h.M ..M.t.-r. ..... IVcil Km I. .v.'i.ii.a in th ir ' Kml.iy Fnrenonn Tht-oi v imil "' u'"" ,h'" ' "r " 1 "" k " O'm-I nt l .i ,1 N 1 . S I , S, . i. S..hlh l.ai.i-i. . l-.j,.,!. . M II. F. TASH A. S. Akers TASH&AKERS Successors to Vaughn & Sons GENERAL HARDWARE MERCHANTS Our stock of Shelf Hardware, Tools, Builders' Hardware, etc., is full and complete and we respect fully solicit your inspection and patronage. We be lieve we can give you satisfaction both as to quality and prices. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT We are installing a new Piumb'ng Department and have secured the services of a master plumber as manager. All work in this lino will receive care ful attention and will be executed in the tuostapprov eel manner. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. TASH & AKERS IIKIHTF.R OREGON u a .' I., ii i. in.. ii... .... i ..... .,. . ii i ii'-ii(t,viriiioirapny ipeiiingi itrth,-f.ii.,,h, V 'riAt. pl of Mort-aii uiih n Physical (ieogrHpny. bDKlin ' '!"" T,,v,'i,"1' s"" t I'.iH Ft id. iv. j l.iteiiii urc. I'tH'misry. Phy sical i . n..-...n ... u y ii 1 1 ii i Kitdav AfterniMin School Law. tJciilogy, Algebra. Civil tllllllfS I I I. I .1 U . t t-O. . !! . ' I'illl'l plIIlT etiy i in1 .i i n. inl :ii ('.'.'il Friday. Illlil l'M'rts sunn to I... ilium; irat wotU o'i In- t in m.iipi1 oi 1. 1 1 -1 1 1 nun Mt'-tl illirs I'm. n i. I,t mill l.o'AC iiii.I Nn-..' (Ii.ni'ia Sum in. -i mi l I ti t iiuv Fi ,u I. mi w mi ! f ill. ii s on i an. I in i Vi linn Fii.lav who i- on tt,i kuIi list it,' mi .1 II MiiU f. U .1, I .liihnson mid plllV HI.' .p.'li.liiii; tin' urrk Hit on th" At lint.'.i KlulTi pi.iM' liuntii e A ll.'iiri.'lis.ii has f-jn'tst the lltt Wt't'li III Pol t l ll.il oil llllMIIOM I l.'l l F.Vl'H't t 1,11.1 W f. IHl tl 'I'll to K.'li.i Nuti.liiv iii'i'oni ip lined in tin 1 o'Vcr nmiMit . wh.'.it. Sal u i day Forenoon (loomet ry. I nl any. Sat .it day Afternoon (ieneral History, liookkeeping. J A. (.'llFKrillLL. Superintendent of l'ublie In struction. clA.ml rliin.il w hi'ii i h it !. I. ,1,1-1 Inul.-i! 11.1 wH l,. ,i Iin- K.s-.iiv.-r Hit- hi... -ii A ti In, niiin r i, in i .i-nlx-t'. Inn, I mi- ...K J. i"iii. mi or I .-i, .,- i i n I in i,!7l... ,,.. i -.-iit i.t I i.t- li,-.i i,i,t,i I I-.- I'.-v, n mii'i- 1 1 1 I mini,-,! ;it,:v (in l, -i. ri-iil ! It Hi.- ...--.!.- ti,.-.r .-In in-, ,-r , I- ,1, . -.i.t.-.l t,-r "in.-. A 11. mill. Il.-iv,..-.. tr-ll;t-..-tit ,1 I'..- 1 .1 l.m.lj.1 ,1.-. 1 1.,-K i, Sulii-r t li.-i.l-i , luM. Ht-.-ltl,. 11- ;0dl!2 "' A S worn Slut. in. ti i in lH.r,-li-r Ii,.- ' i l S..u.h. IU. r .,- Iln Itnilr 1 1- .,i ti Jinr .1. I" i the regular annual htockhoUlerw' lh'' 1 ",l,r n.ihl U !..,! I in iii.'ctiiig of tin- I'xington State .,,i i. ..,.h . ; -.-.. I'. inU uill In. t,..l,l ul its l.ui.U h "i i ' - Notice for Publication r. r. . . S. I...: -I Notice of Stockholders Meeting Notice in hereby iven that t, I! N ish .no! las w ii.- bv A Mis .1 .1 Aii ii I.. i at I. r Ai iiiit. ii Smui iy Fr.'it IIi.Iiiiiii mi.! aiai i. in' .Mi i,t a. I ' H'll'tl III .Hi. I ,.t .. Hi. I I fl- , i'i k. ,iU.i II if., il Aim I is m inc til1 l'...is ll ! Mils i-k, u iiiii l e is is i, i i; im n.i in I 'rrii in- t .i -1. 1 . -.1 W. ( ., Il u l i, I'-iin.'.l by M i -I ii ii It ., I . . 1 1, i m il to li.'SI' I . . II. N 1 1.. ,. , i , ll,il;iV I . I. t III 1 s,M. .I,,i I,, K I)) iiinliir- in. i si,- is,tul i per h' i. mi for ii 1. 1. ii .1 i c 1 1 i nt ing roomit 1 ,1'Mtigton, in tho Town of Dregon, at - i "i tt on the o'clock F. M., Thursday Janu- 1 1. tup. wife. The purpone Hr which thin visiimj; ni,.,.tiin iM fulhul i to j.lecl a Hoard of Piri'ctnrt for the en suing year and for tint trannac iif any ot:r bsinesii wi.ic!: uiiiv rpTlv rmne before it iViteil at r.onigton, Oregon, I'eceuitier 7. PJ17. W. (',. Sc.ut. Attit: I'reiildeiil, W O H.I'. mfttetl nt tJfuf Itl tip pert inirmt-n en ttr f.M u ; W,t ml hi yrtu-. ( U An 'r4 t it wt lr(irv r' 1 1 i l ii ti'tm l-mUui .it. in Xh (ttl if-r nrti i ;. .-Ii i m:. t'wit Ir,, k I l-'-.i. - I n 'tew'--',. ,1 i 1 'J.'' in 11. elt . ; i :. mikIi. .No. .!: lo ' ( '-t . t .'H -' I I'W M "ll p t llniv. tti- . i .l-.it. nti.t ' I he pn . i'Un i-f 'le t h t itn - i .i;iot k ixnii i 1 il ' ' -...li V,.,!-.' H t . tn - t i!-.t 'I. iii piiru- '.! e t .1 t;mt-.-r tin r-- 1 i.', . it'r t'liiU-i e-n- i ' I" i il f . i t at i t r M tt. t lie tlint n t i-iu 4i i v, ,1! utU r tl"l r. JUST RECEIVED A NFW LINK OF DOLLS ALso - BOOKS IUH'H NF.W AND KF-FIUNTS HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY A Bright Fire In The Morning! No cold rooms, even if the wind is howling out of the Northwest, when you have A Great Western Duplex Heater For Coal or Wood This stove holds the fire, and It burns coal or wood perfectly, bcrauae of its Dupli'X Grate. All of the gases are burned, and there isn't a corner of the rooms that is Dot warm. Be sure to ask to see this marvelous heater. Case Furniture Co. 1 woWl w LoJ i i m-i ,.l l. ,1 S-..I I 'i , ,.- .1 u JUST RECEIVED NK'.Y I. INF. OF Notice to Vilieclgrceis I have b i- i ..i.j ointi'.l II. pp- ncr rt'ri s, - a' ct tl..' l :u i tJrain C i : 1 1 : . , of l'oi t .r .t, miiVi .ss.'t to M. 11 I! -i'.-i'i-, a''' am pn puft .1 t. b ki' .! (. cram. S.t iv.' !..-!',,. s- h i:ui v. uium.N WINTER GOODS VIMl-ll II L.11IV SHIRTS MACKINAWS HOSIERY, ETC. Fill .ii.tt n il' yi'U -ctiniK early. SAM. HUGHES COMPANY jj lleiHlU only 1 do por year. NOTICE HK PI'BLICATIOS tVrrlmnl of th Inl.rlnr. U. 8. Ijinil Off.r. .1 1 Gnind.. Oregon. Nuirmlwr 9. WIT. S.Kir. Ii h.rrhjr gin that William Hnrr CWrk. 'l l.italo. uiiirr lh Iu) Will I" rn.nl of V.'.Wn Tiirtt. dis-.MMl. of l. jvf.m. who. .n Jun. an. inn. m.ta Himr X I tin Na.UHV.1 for S'i NK'i. m't 3- V 't S. ii. T 2 S. Ut 2. Stc. S. Tp 1 S XJ '' Kul. W,limll Mrruliin hu AM .77. "f in(mtui ... m.k. ihrM-iMir l'rMif. to il i h cl.im to th I.Md )mv. ,1.,-rilM. lfr.r, t. f'.' trnon. l'n.tr.1 S:s rmniittmr. St ni t lUfbvr. Orrg-un. on lh. 7th d.y of J.hu.m. ll. ri.tm.nt nrmsl w ,nrr 'J, f. Frrt'h l'.i.M.n. i.fif'rfi J. hn llmsn.n. of ln. Hrff l N,h IVlMr.hn J.., h M H.ir. of H'lf nr. Orrim. ! r. . .fSN. Hf" Notice ol Final Account Not.r. i. hrl,r (iv.n Ih.t Am Ktmm.itr.t. ol lh I .! of J. O. W.!!,m 4 hM f. M hi tnml cmvr vtlh th. C."' Cmrt -,f tl.S-ji..of urnn t U-rn m CWi M th.i ..d t'.-.irt hu ! w iMtmr .4 i of ..lof,( ,,f M,4 mft'-t. tVr.fn.-f li: .1 lh. h-ir f l.o ,t. p. M . in " l.urt fn of ,i ciH In Hrifnr (' ti--l., b hl rm of h-fi f M.4 4.'.. A"! Xl.-Ml I'lM M-si A.lm,nntf.ttf. lb - .in-1 tin. i tin .s u i, d a j s atiier A Jvereury . " I ;;id.n I