LEXINGTON ITEMS Joe Osburn niter buying a place and concluding tinal arrang ements ri.'l u med to Tennese. Wt! do not, know whether Mi'. ( Isbnrn intends lo rent liis place or return with his wife and fam ily but we hope the latter is the ease. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Deviue Monday night. M r. and Mi s. Ivl Hui'cheil are enjoying a visit, from Mr. and M i s. iveauev and boys of L'oui einy. Mr. Reanoy is Mrs, Hur ehell's I'alher. M i s, Minnie I -each had the misl'orl line to mangle her hand very badly in the Klec.t ric, washer w bile il ii 1 1 v her washing Mor.day. I)r. Chick was called, and dross en the injured meiuber. Mis Merle Carinichue came home 'I't i ;i ti U v i titr F.vo after vis'n i ng several months with re latives in College Place Wash. I 'rolYssor Fed ig took advant age id' Thanksgiving holiday lo go to I lood Uiver his I'm mer iioine. lie returned with his wife and family Wed nesday even, ins;. They will live in the P.ar netl house forinely occupied by he Lunl folds The people of 1 ,e i 1 1 1 mi and vicinity enjoyed a caret rent wuen Kev .lames Pointer id' FugollO I li eiron preached to t hein here it t ue I 'h risi ian i-liu rch A ( lood si.-'.ed crowd at tended in all night Thanksgiving dance Mlpper was served at Ihe lintel Mr. and Mi's Kick ciiiii' Tues day cxeiiing to viil their da u ntcr Mi s. Helen 'a loc Mis-, t 'm a M i ' 1 1 i i: i is isit i nj. I i I sisl eC Mis. I Ir.lsliea Is. A daughter was l.o n S it u i d a y l o Mr aid Mis Hi ash. a is 'ne III ! ie I, id v w l'd be i lib d T'.li; ma CECIL ITEMS Mr. Hut Pea run and Kd Wilcox, arrived from Heppner with a Hull Tractor engine and a crew to proceed with the hay baling on Willow Creek Monday. Mrs Moore of Heppner is cooking for the out tit. Mr. and Mrs T ! Forkner moved to the Willows Mjtidiy, for an indefinite period aceomp anied by Mrs A halt. Mr. A M Perkins wdio is in ill health left for Portland Mon day to have a consultation with Dr. F. H. Kistner. Mrs. .John Nash and Mrs. Al bert Forkner visited with Mrs l'oyd Logan Monday. L. F. I 'isbee spentMonday and Tuesday at the Last. Camp Cecil lixmg up tiit Morse ami Fai .' banks engine. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Davis who has been working for the last few months on the Leon Logan p'ace left for California, w here he has bought some land . Henry Slender and his son Roy were Cecil callers on Monday Mrs. Hetiett left for T'oiitdule Wednesday, to attend the wed. ding of her Neice Miss Wallace, Mrs. Itennett will after the wed ding proceed lo Portland where she intends to stay a few days before eel u ruing to Cecil. Miss K iston and t he p"pi the State Highway, Friday morning. Cecil Ahalt was also a business caller in Cecil on Friday. Peter Baunertiend of Cecil ac companied Mrs. Davis of Ratter Springs as far as Heppner Junc tion on her return journey home sfter spending a few days on business in Heppner. Jack Hynd and Ceo. W. Willson and Walter Pope accompanied Mrs. T- H. Lowe and Misses Fasten, Shaw. Rjoigk, Hynd and Logan, also Master Robt. Lowe authored Morgan to the Enter tainment and Hasket Social given by school Dist. No. 2 under Miss' Irene Douglas, the program was a fine success. Ceo. Melton, has been spending the week end in Arlington taking in the sights. Herb Hynd from Heppner High School has been having his usual week end at home this week. LENA ITEMS The cold weather is just sot tins: in, and many are expecting snow very soon. Shirley Straight, who spent Thanksgiving with ins folks hen went, back to town Sunday to attend school again. I The Lena folks organized a f Sunday School at the Pleasant ive a tine Point grave yard. Wo hope that the Cecil school ThanKsgiving prog rain on Wed-! there will b" many attend every nesday November L'-mIi. j Sunday at 10 A. M. Ni. L. Williams spent his i 'lhe Lena cattle men are on Thanksgiving at the Franklin ' their way to hunt cattle in the hoiin place in I Vol lea viug tor his : it I !n;i rd man Sal u i d i y . ! Mr. and Mis. T. II l.iwi' and Mastei Robert Lowe, Miss Inez. Fasten aid Miss pernio,' Frank-1 ,iin w ere l-nest s al Mr aid Mrs. i .lack ll lids fur llieir Thanks. giving d inner. mon nt ai ns. Vein Pearson returned from Pilot Rock last Wednesday w here he has been t-pendini; a few weeks in work. "Very seldom he ever does." O nto a few of the Lenait.-s :,t- teiid d the big dance at the F.d II,.:, n Mr S.aus,ei of Morgan did Dolierly ranch en ! g P.ulter some business in Cecil on Friday l're.-k last Friday night. They Mrs. Van I hi ne. who has I n on his ret a t n f rem t he Lundells report, d a good lime here tor some time assisting in Th inUsmvieii tliunor. ! the i are of her meti er, the late Mi's. John Nash look her son FoR RENT-. Two furnish, , Mrs. I .'.i.'.i .1. .crs. ! as r, turned 11 iner to Morgan where he is rooms. Mrs. F. M P.ay',e, !,, h, r I'.ome in ioka! e. working w et h t he Surveyors en M .