HEPPNER HERALD SUPPLEMENT VOLUME 4 HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1917. NO. 31 Lexington Red Cross Items. I The Lexington Branch of the American Red Gross held it's tirst entertainment Thanksgiv ing Eve. Supper was served cafeteria style, from six to ten P. M. Many were noticed "Do ing their b;t" by eating two sup pers. Miss Baner arranged the fol lowing program: Music by orchestra Songs by 3rd. 4th. 5th. and (ith grades 1. Thanksgiving at Grandma's. 2 First Thanksgiving Day. !5 The Gobbler's Story. Vocal Solo, by Mrs. H. Holmes, (encored ) Address. Red Cross and Patriot istn. by Mrs. A. E. Bums of Heppner. Music by orchestra Vocal Solo by Mrs. II. Holmes (encored ) Music by orchestra. Instrumental Duet by Misses Baner and McMillan. The Donation Table was well patronized. This will be a per manent feature of the Brunch here All donations will be car ed for and sold at the Red Cross counter at Barnett's store. A total of fifty dollars wus re lized from the entertainment, The Lexington orchestra gave a dance November 17. and turned the proceeds in to the American Red Cross. This money with some raised by private subscrip. tions and tnat from the sale of Red Cross buttons covered the Lexington assessment for the Christmys packages. The Indies of 'he Lexington Branch meet euch Saturday at 1:30 P. M.in the domestic science room at the school house. The meetings are well attended and much work is being done for our boys 'Over There." AMERICANS FIGHTING IN FOREIGN LEGION v1 - 4-'- An interesting group of Americans with Foreign Legion. Left to right; Aviator Zinn.of Buttle Creek. Allen Keegar, of New Jer sey. John Bove. of Wisconsin, Bob Scanlon, well known American tighter. Insert: Sergeant Bouiigny, liist American to enlist in Foreign Legion. TEACHKHH TAKE NOTICE. A letter from the Provost Marshal General has been received In this office, requesting that we convey to every teacher in this jurisdiction, the following: "I desire to impress upon you the necessity for disinterested advice and aid to registrants, especially the poor or ignorant, in answering their Ques tionnaires, and for competent volun teer clerical assistance to the selec tion boards; and I wish to call to all teachers particular attention to the President's call to national service of all citizens: 'I call upon all citizens therefore, to assist local and district boardH by proffering such service and such nia j terlal conveniences ns they can offer land by appearing before the boards, either upon summons, or upon their own initiative to give such Informa tion as will be useful in clHsslfylim registrants.' "I'pon the abundant giving of such assistance depends in large measure the success of the new system, ami success Involves speed and accuracy, coupled with the doing of complete Justice, both to the registrant and to the nation. "Volunteer workers will receive all necessary Instructions and liter ature from the Loral Hoards." LENA HNEIX SHUKTK, County School Superiiiteridnnt. Dr. Van Waters will hold ser vice in the Kpiscnpul church next Sunday.