Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 07, 1917, Image 4

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    "Shop Early," let this be our slogan-Don t wait until Christmas then make a mad rush
for the store, when it will be impossible to give good service.
Commence Now and Get Good Service
We must not forgot. Our Soldier Boys, they have
need for warm Sweaters, Socks, Shirts. Underwear,
Etc. We can show you something the boy will sure
Mother will enj'y a pair of llnue Pelt Slippers, a
pair of Kid (Jloves, nice Silk Dress or a Good Woi 1
Sertre. Table Linen, Blankets and Toilet Articles. Any
Wfijqj Mother is glad to receive Dishes of any kind for a
Is on hand with a good supply of
Toys, Wagons, Sleds and Games
of all kinds for the Children. Be
sure and let Santa Claus know
what you want.
Now is the time.
Don't let the Kiddies be forgotten.
Big Sister always has need of Silk Hosiery; add a
piece of Ivory to her set we have a nice selection
Silk Petticoat, Kimona, Sweater, or a pair of Gloves or
House Slippers will not come amiss either.
Big Brother will like a pair of Military Brushes,
Bath Kobe, Razor, Mackinaw, Ties, Belt, Purse,
Gloves, Hat, Shaving Set, Etc.
We have a beautiful line of Jardiniers all sizes
they are sure to please.
Come in and let us Help You Solve Your Christmas Present Problem
Heppner, Oregon
Tl IP, fundamental basis of service at the Farm
ers & Stockgrowers National Bank consists of
both the ability and willingness to helpfully
co-operate in the problems of the local Farm
ers ami Stock-raisers. Wherever we can aid
legitimate enterprise and development - we
shall be found more than glad to do so.
Checking and Savings accounts
bolt small and large are in.
To the Public:
I in- s 1. 1 i.f it It ink in i In uit i ilHiti'il to a
hnn t ! tr of tln iii'i-iU nf it part ifiilur locality,
a tli'oirc to render persona! und imliviiluitl service
in promote tlu Mvlfnro of its customers, and re.
iiiri'i'4 utile In meet nil demands. Tin1
Moot l rotjuiroiuoiitn
We Invite Your Account
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interim, U. S. I,;mi oflii'e,
at KaUrande, Oretftm, Sept. JMh. HUT.
Notice is hereby tfivrn t lint Fran It T. IVerv,
whoHe poat-ollieu ailil n-srt in Lena, (Ip'tfoti, ilnl.
on the 17th fifty of Auwust. l!ilt'.. tilr in (ins i.lluv
Sworn Statement ami ApplirHtum, Nn. nli..;r;, tu
purchan the K'b SK'i, Section :L ,i
South. Kanire l-V Kattt, WiH;,m.-tW Meriilum. i-iul
the timher thereon, under the prmiMuiM uf ilte
act of June '., 1K7H. and (iiMh iniiiKiaturv. Un.-nn
an the "Timber and Stone I.hw." nt mh It value as
might he tixetl by appratHi niriit, and licit pursu
ant to Slli'h applii-ttlloii, the land ;imi t iintn-i' th. -iron
have been a-ipritihed, a! v..f.tn the tnnli r e.ti-
maled at 'mi.ui Itotud feet at V,V per M. M.d the
land $UM).lKl; that nid npiiltcut;! wtil oil. r dual
pnnif in auppurt uf In am.lir.it mn ai d sv.mii
utatemeilt mi the ;ilst dav el IU m Pet, I ...
fore W. J. Warner. I'mtnl Siat'-r unn - - i ,
at hit fitltee, at Hermintmi. ih. rnii.
Any perMn mat Itbertv to prutr
befure entry, nr tnitiate a hhIm1
fore pitteiit iHtttiew. b lihi.e a rm t
vit in thin iitlice. alhyn y lurtr- h
feat the entry.
C S. l-t nv, I
. h
Notice for Publication
Isolated I' met
rutin: ianh sai r.
(department of the Intettor, I S. I .n ) ml
The Pallen. Oietfon. OrteP. i pi .'l.
N nt lee in hereby irtven iln.t a-, d n ri'. !
CftinmiitHHiner uf the ( nrntl l..n 1 mi.r. i
pnV)n1nn uf Sec. 'J.' "., IE S., ui -i:;t-it i" ( .
phcatimi of Haihi Wtu'ht . i ..i V-
Will offer t pllldl. n.tle lu Hit- h i le-t ! : i. t
at not ha than i.i.t pi-r u m . jt p ,
m.. un the lith dav ul iVtimim ui
trftiev the fulliminir tract tl' he d N.St,
tlen IV TtiHinihip a. South Kir-we l u t, V
I'ohtmnmit Mi are.
I he Hale will net U kepi open Imt a i ! ' U
C laird ch-at-d when thf pri-fitv ut t ht- h ui
d have (eael b ddinu. 'I he itv, n in ir F,
hltthmt hid will be reui!l (o ttmiu-.l .ill
thr Keeeier thr amount th. to. t
Any ieraina i'laimmg M'Im'im'iv t'e
crdml land arr adviaeit u in. ir . . m
iet tuma. tin or before the tun.- u ,v, i t i
VWJH I.. P.imiIU p... ,
Notice (or Publication
teirlmrnt f the Inlei ot I S I i '
I a Grande trrn O. t..U i I h :
Notice l herrbir aiventhtt Civ I.
Heppner, ire-n, a ho in M. ! : :
HoniMitnatl r ntrv No
i t.
a1 Section l 1.-i-t (i (
.ot 1 and 4. ' t d - .
I Section l, !. l e 1 s
Wtllanwtttr Wet -dun Im t;.,i r;
lu make threv rr Vr-f ft
land attite de.Mitl kl. tr
I'mtMl ttaii C.-ntni;" iu r ,t t
nr tr?gin. on I he I lm - f t
t latnianl nan aa n n...
kt.. r t.,d t; t h.. 4. I,.. k.
I e Haum aH of i ' "
t t " !
New Song is Adopted
42 States of the U, S A. have
adopted for use in the Public
Schools the new Patriotic Song
"Loyalty is the Word To-day,
Loyalty to the U. S. A."
Oregon is among the forty two
States and Supt Churchill has
.sent a limited number of copies
nf the words and music for dis
tnlmtion among the schools
where there is a musical instru
ment. Teachers who would care
to teach this song to their pupils
may secure a copy from the office.
Very truly yours
Lena Snell Shurte,
County School Superintendent
krotit in any quantity at Cum
minus' Vegetable Market. 21K132
WANTKD -All kinds old Iron
r:i;s iimi rubtier 1 will jiay $10
p.'i- ton for iron if di'li vered with
in two weeks. GKO. W. VKU
I HIT. :ittf
t.( 1ST -On the Ilinton rn-ck
rn'td las' Sitnrdiiy evening, ii
tilack Fur Hood. FindiT plense
Ii' ivc at UiTiil l olive and ri-eeive
s aiiatile reward. Ili't f
!''K SALIv-Six'y tons f
wheat hi'adin.-'s and u dozon or
; inoie stacks (if straw. Pli-nty of
iiod paNtnro for feeding with
running water wiucli nm-er
' ffet.es .los. K-kelson's C'lirk
c i ci on r uicti li f
i Notice to Wheatgrswers
I liave bi'en apiHiinte.i Ilepp-tn-r
representative of the Pacific
C'itin Company, of Portland,
y icci ssovs to M. II. lUmser, ami
am prepared to buy all kind of
m ain. See me before selling.
Mrs. Haidee Brierly, of South
Bend. Washington, is the house
guest of Mrs. J T. Knappenberg
this week.
Bill Dobson. of lone, was in
town Wednesday transacting
business, and bad his name plac
ed on the Herald's lone subscrip
tion list.
C. N. Jones was in from his
ranch Monday feeling pretty
good, thank you, over the fine
rain and the good growing weath
er. Mr. Jones has his crop all in
the ground and he says it is grow
ing tine.
Cass Simpson, of Spray coun
try, came in from his ranch last
Saturday and on Sunday shipped
out a car of fat hogs lor the
Portland market. Mr. Simpson
drove his pigs in several weeks
ago and has been having them
fed near the stockyards since
putting on the finishing touches.
C. II. Williams, who has been
engaged at carpenter work on
Mrs. Anderson ranch in the 8
mile country, left for his home in
Newberg, Tuesday morning,
where he will spend the winter.
He expects to return to Morrow
county in the spring, however to
carry on farther building opera
tions in the same section.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sims, of
F.ugene, have arrived in Heppner
and will make their home here
indefinitely, Mr. Sims having ac
cepted a position as assistant
cashier in the Farmers and Fruit
growers bank. Mr. Sims has had
a wide experience in the banking
busness and this growing instit
ution is fortunate in securing his
services. Mrs. Sims (nee Miss
Hager) is a native daughter of
Heppner and her host of friends
here will be overjoyed to again
have he r as a neighbor and as
soeiate. Mr. Stms until recently
held the cashiership of a bank in
North Pakota. resigning that to
take the position here.
quantity of first-class Rock
Spring nut coal now on hands.
Best for stoves and mncpq
Ed Breslin. 31tf.
Married--At the countv clerk's
office in Heppner, Wednesday,
December 5. 1917 Mr. Smith
Dotson and Miss Mattie B.
Brashears, Rev. Turner MacDon
ald, pastor of the Christian
church officiating. Both the
parties are residents of lone
where they will make their home.
John Sheridan, well known
sheepman of the sand country
north of lone, was a business
visitor here Thursday, called at
this office and ordered the Herald
sent to his address. Mr. Sheri
dan says the recent rains have
started the grass in his section
and the sheep are doing well.
He had been feeding for a month
before the rain, however:
Born--Tuesday, December 4,
1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Far
ley, at the home of Dr and Mrs.
H. T. Allison, in this city, a
bouncing baby boy, weighing 11
pounds" Mother and babe are
reported doing nicely and papa
Pete is proud as a peacock ofthis
second soldier for Uncle Sam
that has come to his.house hold.
Complete Household Furnish
ings for Sale. Fnauire of Mrs.
Glenn Wells. 31tf
A Practical Gift
Mduuc n i ,lu, Krinu ici;ty. ,