St- 3r I. Profpccinnal PrJiimri DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper (or dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and 10NE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM l VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY-AT-LAW HEPFNrER, OREGON Notice for Publication Department'of the Interior. lT. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon. October loth. 117. Notice is hereby given that William K. McKer rin. of Henpper. Oregon, who. on October :ilst. 1910. made Homestead Entry. No. 0M.;;l. for Sl j NEli and N" SEW. Section 18. Township 5-South. Range 27 East. Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make five- 1'cn.r Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at hia office, at Heppner, OreKon. on the 12th day of December. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: John V. Hiatt. Enoch Cave. Matthew HuRhes, and Eugene Mat teson, all of Heppner. Oresron. 26d31 C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon. October 15th. 1917. Notice is hereby riven that James W. Craig, oi Heppner, Oregon, who. on May '21st, 1912, nmde Homestead Entry. No. 010372, furSEU NE'i, Sec tion 19, and on December 10th. 1112, made addi tional Homestead Entry No. OlUlyii. for the SWU NEVi, Section 19. Township 2 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has hied notice of in tention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day oi December, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Amos Missildire, John H. Edwards. Ernest Edwards, and Dawd Brown, all of Heppner, Oregon. 2idHl C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Oilice tit La Grande, Oregon, October 15th. 1917. in, Notice ib hereby given that Clarence Reid, of Heppner, Oregon, who. on January 2tiLh, 1911. made Homestead Entry, No. 01278. for SWl SW'i, Section 4, SEV4 SE1,, Section 5, NE'-i, N E ' a SEVt. Section 8. NWW NW-i, Section 9. Town ship 6 South. Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before C. C. Patterson. United Slates Commissioner, at his oHice. at Heppner, Oregon, on the 13th day of December. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Warner C. K en nedy, Alonzo D. Reid. Charles Oaten, and Arthur R. Reid, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A McMENAMIN la'wyer Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby piven that the undersigned, II. A. Noyes. has been duly appointed executor of the Last Will and Testament of Millie R. Whitten Berwick, deceased, by the County Court of Mor row County. Oregon, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me. duly verified, at the office of my attorneys, Wood son & Sweek, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the fust publication hereof. Dated and first published this 2nd day of No vember 1917. H. A. NOYES. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Millie B. Whitten Berwick, deceased. 2tidl Teachers' Examinations Notice is heryby cc'.ven that tin County Superintendent of Mor row county, Urejron, will hold the regular examination of applicants for State Certificates at Heppner, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Pec ember lit, HUT, at );(() o'clock a. rn., and continuing until Satur day, December 'J2, M7, at 4:00 o'clock p. m Wednesday Forenoon U S History, Writing, (Fenmanshipl Music, Drawing Wednesday Afternoon Thy si- ology, Reading, Manual Training Composition, Domestic Science. Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithme tic, History of Education, Psy chology, Methods in Geography, M. I 1 T 1 " i iecnanicai wrawing, Domestic Mrs. Eliza J. Ayers Mrs. Eliza J. Ayers, who passed away at her home in this city, Thursday, November 2ith, was born in Burlington, Iowa, April 3,183i). the daughter of William ami Elizabeth Greenwood. The family crossed the plains by ox team in 1819 and settled on How ell Prairie, near Salem, where Mr. G reenwood established his home, and where, on December 1, 1S51, the subject of this sketch was married to Israel Shaw. Five months later, May 1, 1852, Mr. Shaw died leaving a widow but little past 16 years. October 1, 1854 she was mar ried to Harvey Smith, and the young couple secured a donation ! land claim and established their home about 8 miles south of . Salem where the little town of ' lirooks now stands. There the i family resided until 1872 when -... ah rf . .w. "j. --. !. i t- Art, Course of Study for Domes-: amoved to Heppner where lic t ; uiey esiaousnea a nome ana nv ' , ... , i where one year later Mr. Smith mar, Geography. Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods in Lan guage, Thesis for Primary Cer tificate. Friday Forenoon Tlieo'ry and Practice, Or t liography Spelling ) Physical Geography, English Literature, Chemisry, Physical Culture. Friday Afternoon- School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon Geometry , Uotauy. . Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. J. A. CHURCH ILL. Superintendent of Public In struction. 30d32 Good Mules Wanted I want to buy good Mules 3 to 10 years old. Guy Boyer, Hepp ner, Oregon. 20tf a HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN A RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON Notice of Stockholders' Meeting died. Seven children were born to this union, as follows: Mrs. Josephine Forwood, of Sumpter, Mrs. Paulina Quaid, of, Portland Mrs. Cora Van Duyne, of Spok ane, Mrs. Eliza Walbndge. of Heppner, and Mrs Viola Swin 1 burn, Mrs. Abbey Thorton and ' ( has. H. Smith who are deceasd. There also three grandchildren, ias follows: Raymond and Green ! wood Thorton. of Heppner, and J Ralph iS'vvinburn, of Seattle. On September 6. 1888, Mrs. .Smith was married to T. W Ayers, a prominant citizan and buisiness man of this city. He also passed to the Great Beyond August 28, 1901). During her long residence of 15 years in Heppner Mrs. Ayers was closely identified with the growth and development of Hep pner and Morrow county, for many years. In the pioneer days when stage coaches and pack trains were the only means of travel she conducted a hotel here n. Ssra w m m is SI i Go to Gilliam & Bisbee For Your Xmas Gifts WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF Pi m hi Community Silver, Cut Glass and Decorated Chinaware of All Kinds, Waiting Trays : All Kinds of h Aluminum Perculators u Come and See Us Gilliam & Bisbee People s Casli Market HENUV SC11WARZ, Prop. All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Notice is hereby j;iven thai the regular annual stoukholders' meeting of the Lexiagton Stati Hank will be? held tit its bank ing rooms in the Town of anj ner house became a haven of Lexington, Oregon, at - rest for many wearv travelers, o'clock P. M Thursday .Janu-! She enjoyed a wide acnuain l't. l'J ix. The purpose for which this tance throughout this sec tion of the state and was meeting is called is to elect n nnR.h esteemed and highly re L5o:ird of Directors for the en ' speeted by all who knew her. suing year and for the transac-j She waSt for many ypars a tion of any other business which member of the Baptist church may properly come before it. hut shortly before her death at Dated at Lexington, hegon, , her own reipiest she received the December 11H7. W. G. Scoit , Attest: President. W. O. Hill, Cashier Secretary. :;id;:i If You Have Trouble With Cold Feet Try a Pair of Ail Knit Wool Gaiters .'!!??V Ami Your Trouble Is ( ver Do you know that we are ready to do your Job Printing? Notice for Publication Drinrtmvnt of thr Interior. V. . S. l.nd OIHpi't L Ontnilf. Onuon. Oi IoImt l.'.lh. 1917. Nut in- to hrn'by ivi Hint WumMT. Kcnnnlv. of Hriipncr. Ori'iiiin. whu. on April lt. 1914. mailc lliimciUfHil Kntry. No. lililicj. furtw'. 'a iw1.. ne1. 't. Sii'tion ;t. nw'i nr'.. n's nw'i. nw'i. Sirtioii W. Tiiwnnliip 4 South. Knei' WillnmHte Mrrulin. hM fiM no- tlr of intention tomnk thrws-yemr I'roof. lo Ul'liith flmm lo thp Innrl 1k rliirritrtl. tx-for C. C. Pmtrrw'n. I'rutM Stmrt CommnnioniT. t hi office. t He,,ntT. Oregon, on the l;ith (Uy of IlrrrmUT. 1H1T. Claimant nmi mitnemeii: Clarrnr hnl. Alonni O. Krnl, Waller Helmick. and Walter H'd. all or Heoiner. Oreeon. 2!il C S. Ul'N'S. Kegnter. ..Choose Your Gifts.. EARLY AND WITH CARE Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, t. S. 1. and Office at The Dalle.. orer. O' tolr Sottre ia herel.y irten that Haymonrt Steer, of Harilman. (Invn. ho on Nuveni!er lB'h lyln. mat H'im'tea.1 f'.ntrv So. i'T;ia and on July 21t. I'J1. ma.le aiMitional llomeatead f.ntnr Nol'i"'. f.,r SW'i '.. Sertu.n 21. NW Sn- ton V. !.' NF'i. N' i'K'i. Se. tii.ii 2t'.. Town. hm &. South. Han- 24 Kat. Wil,Mm-tle Meridian, ha llled notu e of intention u.make inal three. year Tn-if. to vatahhan rlaim Ui the land ale de-rihed before C. '. I'aller. ,1.. I'niterf State, ('mm.. ioner. at Heiuner. tirei.n. crft the l'F'h day of lererr.trfr. 1 1?. Ctaimant a. itn-w r'! II. land, ( harle. II Mn,el J-.l,n J. Mrlkmald t.e..r- M O'.nal.l all "f llardman. Ilrmm. A M HIASK W'-oIX K Keitter. v, .t i ( Mill l't fM.lf ATION. t hrf n lbt J-hn V-rrmr mr ' cf Ua. Of fc-n fv, rm M I lil ' ft ' 7 hi A jm-r. . .' nr.. r. . .nv .r.-. it's to , 4 rite of confirmation and became a member ol the l',piscopol S church. She was also a charter ! member of the Eastern Star I chapter in this city and was active in the work of the order. Although her physical vigor has been failing rapidly for some time her mental faculties were unimpaired and her mind was clear ami active until the end. The funeral was held Satur day afternoon under the auspices of the 0. H S. the services being conducted in the Masonic hall by Kev II. A Noyes, Interment was in tin- Masonic cemetery. E. N. Gonty Shoe Store The (iifi is ever it eon-taut remind giver. It in (linn-fore important il remembrance!, bo of fitting merit. Here you will find a well selected r of the at jour stuck of Pain Lavalliers, Cuff Links, Brooches, Car Pins, Scarf Pins, Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass, Fine China, Fountain Pens and Umbrellas Here ig a mcsRac;f( to rSuflerinp; women, lrom Mrs. K;itluyn Idwards, fit U.I-. I). 4, Wa-.lnrtKton Court II'iiisp. Ohio. "I am clad lo tell, and have 1' tiff many women, what I siitlcred More I knew fit t'ardul and the preat lirnctil lobe derived lrom Ihis remedy. A lew year, auo I became prac tically helpless . . .' TAKE . . , J .... -i I ... Tali' U t,'.A OSCAR BORG t.i.i h i . e at H-l I ' r Hre,o. on the ,th dat ol JaF. .ay ( A n.m' - t irm a ineM fle'.rr f 'a nil"! "'' J I' eet..h ,,f,iHa'e llr N-h I'.tli i, (IP.I . M II. , , f l(i i "e? er-" . a. IfLSN. tUe-Kta The Woman's Tcnic "I was vrry wait," Mm. I riwai'K fiH on lo nay, "and could not M'Mi without H'ltlrrin 'teat p,tin . . . f.'ollwitf fceemeo to lit If) me linlil i heard cdCarnul and the u nt II ... I tadiially Riinrd my Mreni'th ... am now able to do all my work." It r,n nerd I Ionic lake C'ardui. Il 1 l ir women. II a';ts fentlyand relmtily and will proiMhly fr-! ; you at it hrird this lady. All DruggitU r. mi DONATION BAZAAR At the PAVILION on Saturday, Dec. 8, 1917 Brim; in your Donations of Produce, Cooked Foods, Cider, Jellies, Canned Goods Fancy Work, Towels, Ftc. There will be Amusements and a J1TNFY DANCK M mm 1 1 III, BRICK Mi A I I L MKI N. I't.-ps, ICFCRFAM ;uul CARD PARLOUS. Up-to-Date Job Printing at l'"s shop