POLICIES AND OPERATION THE fundamental basis of service at the Farm ers & Stockgrowers National Bank consists of both the ability and willingness to helpfully co-operate in the problems of the local Farm ers and Stock-raisers. Wherever we can aid legitimate enterprise and development we shall be found more than glad to do so. Checking and Savings accounts both small and large are in vited. MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK tll.l't 'NI-.K, OKI-XON When the Chill Wind Blows You will be reminded that you need a warm WINTER SUIT a smitf 0 VERCOAT, or a COMFY MACKINAW. Call and inspect our stock, leave your order and become one of our satisfied customers. LOUIS PEARSON MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER OREGON MOLES WANTED IB I will be at the PALACE HOTEL, Heppner, Or., to buy all kinds of MULES, from 4 to 12 years old, from 15 hands high up. Broken or un broken. Will buy some smaller mules for the south. If you have any for sale, call or write me care the above hotel and I will come out to see them. W . H . KIME LOCAL AND PERSONAL H. S. Ewinsr. of Cecil, register ed al he Palare Sunday. R. J. Carsner, cattleman of the Spray country, is in Heppner i this week. Jeff Neel went Pendleton Sun day morninj? to have his eves treated by an oculist of that city. EXTRA FINE CABBAGE for; krout in any quantity at Cum-' mings' Vegetable Market. 2M?2 ' Mrs. Lena McFerrin arrived at ! Heppner Saturday evening from j Walla Walla, for a few days bus-; iness visit. LOST On the Hir.ton creek road last Saturday evening, a j black Fur Hood. Finder please: leave at Herald oBiceand receive suitable reward. 3utf W. 0. Hill, cashier of Lexing ton State Bank, was in town Wednesday evening on a hurried business trip, Mr. Hill reports business conditions good in his town. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ftnley, well known residents of the Lex ington district, were business visitors here Monday. While in town Mr. Finley became a sub scriber to the Herald. Guy Boyer returned from Pen dleton Saturday, where he under went an operation for appendi citis on the previous Sunday. Mr. Boyer was in the hospital only five days and returned home feel ing fine. FOR SALE: Sixty tons of wheat headings and a dozen or more stacks of straw. Plenty of good pasture for feeding with running water which never freezes Jos. Eskelson's Clark canyon ranch. L'Hrf AUTO CASKET DELIVERY FOR QUICK SERVICE M.L.CASE FURNITURE CO. To the Public : fIl:t Sihvi'ns 4 1 f ItinU may b ntt rihilti'il to -i knmt livli. i,f tli. n.viU of its p,ul iruUr locality, a il.'siiv to iiMiiler pet sunn! mid individual scrvico in irniiiiiii ilo w.'if ir( of its i iistoiiM-rs, and ro. Miilli'i'H itltli to inrrt all il.'in.liul v Till FIRST NATIONAL BANK We Invite Your Accounts Stray Bucks Picked Up I have picked up with my band, above Pilot Rock, live (") head of Lincoln bucks. Owner please come forward, prove property and take them away.- John M:--Natnee, Echo, Oregon. H'.ldUlpd A Theodore Thomas Retort A t'liunii-U'ilstlo stni-.y Is tul of one of the first rehcnrsiils of (hr college choir (of the Cincinnati Cullcc of Ma nic), at which Theodore Thomas liuil reprimanded some of the sopranos sharply for Inattention, -n,. Urals ns as if we were mcinlicrs of his orrlics tm!" exclaimed an iii.liaimm mnuep to her next nt-lKlilmr. Th as overheard tlin remark and let It pass for the mo ment, hut lit the close of I he rehearsal, hh the performers were leaving the Hlaue, lie passed the holy in quest ion and, tnrnhiK to her, said very quietly, lint with that liitlnu sun asm which those who knew him did not rare to excite, ".Madam, yon will have to sinu a (ireat deal better than ton do now before 1 shall treat yon as I treat the members of my orchestra!"- .Memoirs of Theodore Thomas. Origin of the T Rail. Hubert UvintrMon Slt-wim sailed from New York to l.lverpnol bcf.uotlie iitltonl of the oieau steamer In Hiosp days the piissaue took two m.aitli-. and Stevens passed many an h nir. J:e k knile In one hand and a pice 01 tvoml In the other, broodim: mer a '-ol.,in that had often Hurried liiin hw to run n iiiilroad without stone sli m.rers fur tracks, lie wanted to yet an iioti mil Unit would "hold'' and w.m t;,!,,. the phoe of the tl in sliqn t:i-ici:,.l to tin1 i hair of the i-mnp.nl ,lut before lie reached Kn-laicl lo w'.i't u ie walnl to him the solution of lo piol.. lem. and that solutt u look the f.'i m of II T rail with a litoad bio-e that nniM applied dire, t to a -I d n I sup. i port i nat i n.u Is ti:i in ue on a,, he lail h a;. of tlie w 01 Id Illiteracy M Sp4in. : III 111 111 Vl.l i.r. ;ii.,l -hiall f..u- s pi I i he Ulterior of Spain u.i . i.o k"i l" 1 .1 lead ol l lie. Thel e .. I I I Spam ,:n.i"im iinnl :1a !'... t i le-ols of nut kind and many fiou. .II"!-. tt'iih i an l e mi. .n.lv bt 'i rid e nth. thele Pc"; no ., -In, .,,, T r:i ' ! tt ii) totlilliltliM ,itot i n:;i ,u; Uti-i.il i iti e lit hool i t oiuu! ii v . i . t olilu.ilory Seteiity six per c ut of t' e III .Iron In Spain are l liieiaie. Another View of It. "How did Itinkn u.'t all I 11:11:1 .1 no " "Tiled til I ome betwnn a III ..a a I hl nlfe" "li tet fered In 11 fnuit row' ' "Oil. tn lei. d t" iv. !' .. ithell eiicli was , ..i-li ,: t a I ,,;ii i, 111 1IIII0 "- I'iori.bi r,,io - I :u u. BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! It is time to think about those good warm blan kets for winter. We have a complete line of cot ton, wool and woolnap blankets. Make your se lections now, as they are going fast. We have on display some Wool-comfort Batts. These are quilted all ready for the top covering. Why not try one, they are great. OUR COAT DEP ARTMENT still contains a few good numbers and it will pay you to look them over. New line of SHIRT WAISTS in this week. MINOR & CO. 600D GOODS Dry Goods Dept. Heppner, Oregon Q 'O eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei Consult Dr. Turner : EYE SPECIALIST j e : of Portland, Ore. Ac Palace Hotel, Heppner Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 12, 13, 1917 In lone 2 Friday, Dec. 14, 1917 NoTK K KOK ITHI.irATION'. IV'!itttri!it f On- lult-nor. ('. S. l.aml ( Ulic1 hi l,n (inniiie, Urt'fcfon. Nm. l'.t. UM7, Noiici m Imti'Iiv mwit tluit John Urosnnn. of l.i'titi. ( trivmi. who. on Miiy, 1 llH, tiiH.li- Il.'inil-aii Kmrv No. nui t, ftir SW '4 N i W .-SW , S.v. .11. NW. NW'i Siv. JU NK1 1 Stv, n. 1 1. li:imr' l'nst. W. M., hnn I'lul !.tirf of inl-titi..ii to innki' 1 hnv-v.'iir I'nmf lor. iHl'li ih r!,t m l. (he- l.-ini ;.lif .iofi. ril-t.l, b.-fon-i'. I ";tf le't-Hi - . I mtfti Stiitrw oiinn-.-i.tnT. at hi "itii-o nl ltii',itr. On itoti. oiithi'Tth tiny of .),muir . I'M"'. iHiiti.utl 1 itt 1 iti nn wit r ,fMc-; Hi-nry t'lnrk nf I ,-ini. t tn-ct 11. J. l. Vn-iH'h. .f ( ii r 1 ,km. Or.. N.Mh l'.-t' i.-hn of 1,,-im. iirmnn. .I.m. i-h M. Hii-. t Hi'i'i'inT ( irru.in. i'Ml. i . S. IU NN, Ui-KiHtrr. (100 THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. ! NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Lend Office at La Grande. Oreifon, November 19. 1917. Notice in hereby uiven that William Henry Clerk, mile leiratee under the last Will and Testa ment of Kllen Tippett. decenseil, of Lena, Oregon, who. on June 'Jo. 1914. made Hometitead Entry No. HI ir,wi for S'-i NK't. SK't Sec. 32. NWi, SW 1 1 Sec. It. T. 2 S. Lot 2. Sec. 5. Tp. 3 S. Rane 29 Kant, Willamette Meridian haa filed notice of intention to make three-year Froof, to eetabliah claim to the land atnive dencritMtl, before C. C. Pat terson. I'miiil State Commiioner, at hiaomce al Heppner. OreKon, on the 7th day of January mis. Claimant names aa witnesses: J. I). French, of tlunlHiie. tlretion. John Hnifnan, of Lena. Oregon Noah Peto john and Joseph M. Hayea, of Hepp. n r. Oreiron. 1 iiM C. S. I)I!NN. Keicitter. W ANT K.I ) All kinds old Iron ritrs and rubber I will pay 10 pi-r ton for i run if delivered with in two weeks. CEO. W. VF.R. DOT. 30tf I'pi d Oovn. "I thrrw it o.,:oii to -!,..,... lint lilt I " "I'iil !it Rfpris'ln'o ', i ri ' , "' "N. ltr iljln . t i' r,iii-t loriloMii - Iliilllinoro A him i. mi Fieujer Pr. r'lntt'r )"rltii , r I.L '.' n.,., ,--e tltl I t I'll- I 1,11,, as U i,. ,ii us l! K i l.lll i ului. , ' : II ! " ' I , I I J -, ' '. ' T j in ii Mill11 hi I H I : I I ON I R01SKY I.i itdrr with I.i -fiint" ff tl i- It .nh'vi'i l.vthin in Huiii HK;ill : IMUM1I K Kl RKNSKY i.o r,tu.t; c utrol i f tl.e real Cvvcruuivi.t vt UuU REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the LEXINGTON STATE BANK No. 228 at Lexington in the State of Oregon, at the cloie of butineie November 20, 1917 RESOURCES Loans and discounts . .. $88,303.99 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .10 Bonds and Warrants ... 2,682.00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00 Due from approved re serve banks 34,162.83 Checks and other cash items 96.35 Cash on hand 6,719.44 133.464.71 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in . .. 15,000.00 Surplus fund 1,500.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 279.40 Individual deposits subject to check ... 103,661.79 Demand certificates of deposit . 167.87 Cashier checks out standing 490.00 Time and Savings de- poiits 7.365.65 133.464.71 STATE OF OREGON, County of Morrow I. W. O. Hill, Caihler of tht bov named hiir.k, do solemnly iwetr thnt the above atatement ia true to th tet of my knowledge and be'.irf. W. O. HILL Cas'.iier Sulicribcd and iworn to befort me thia 2Sih day of November. 1917. C. E. Woodaon, Notary I'ubhc My commission eipirea Oct 1, 1920. CORRECT Attest: W. C Scott frank Gilliam L'irecton