Professional Column DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW J OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visits fo HEPPNER and IONE Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, V. S. Land OtTtee at La Grande. Oreicon. October 15th. lv17. Notice is hereby given that William E. Mi Wr- rin. of Heppper. Oretron. who, on October Hist, 1910. made Homestead Entry. No. !.:,, for Svi NEW and N1-.' SEW. Section IK Township 5-South. Ranire 27 East. Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make five-year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson. United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 1-th day of December. 1917. Claimant namea as witnesses: John W. Hiatt. Enoch Cave. Matthew Hughes, and Eugene Mat teson, all of Heppner. Oregon. 2tkUl C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ollice at La Grande. Oregon. October loth. 1917. Notice ib hereby given that James W. Craig, or Heppner, Oregon, who. on May 21st, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. 010372, for&EU NEW. Sec tion 19, and on December KHh. 1912, made addi tional Homestead Entry No. 011393. for the SW'W NEW, Section 19. Township 2 South. Range 27 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C,. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at hin oHice, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 12th day of December. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Amos Missildine, John H. Edwards. Ernest Edwards, and David Brown, all of Heppner. Oregon. 21-31 C. S. DUNN, Register. Morrow County School Notes History, Hookkeepintf. I I a MiruriiTr r Morrow count v li:is tholmiior , r t kHiiiincMuiii ui l uoiic in struction. 30d32 WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM R VAN V ACTOR VTTORNEY-AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ollice al La Grande. Oregon. October 15th. 1917. "-j Notice is hereby given that Clarence Reid. ol Heppner, Oregon, who, on January 26th, 1914. made Homestead Entry. No. 012788. for SW'i SWW. Section 4, SEW SEW. Section 5. NEW. NEW SEW, Section 8. NWW NWW. Section 9. Town ship 6 South. Range 27 Eust, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before C. C. Patterson. United State1 Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 13th day of December, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses; Warner C. Ken nedy, Alonzo D. Reid. Charles Oaten, and Arthur R. Reid, all of Heppner. Oregon. 2tid31 CS. DUNN. Register. OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, H. A. Noyes, has been duly appointed executor of tht Last Will and Testament of Millie B. Whit ten Berwick, deceased, by the County Court of Mor row County, Oregon, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified, at the office of my attorneys. Wood son & Sweek, at Heppner, Oregon, within si. months from the date of the first publication hereof. Dated and first published this 2nd day of No vember 1917. H. A. NOYES. Executor of the Last Will andlestament of Milli B. Whitten Berwick, deceased. 2tid31 Good Mules Wanted I want to buy good Mules 3 to 10 years old. Guy Boyer, Hepp ner, Oregon. 2()ti HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN St RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON of beitifj llm tirst in llio state to place ill her mIi.ioIs the 1 ;t 1 1 Health Uliarls for boy- mul ejrls, issued by thf Society for t lit Prevention of Tuberculosis. Vi uow ask the co-operation of the teachers und pupils in the sale of Red Cross seals. District No. 51, known as the Burton Valley school, closed a successful term this month. The following named pupils received certificates of award for being neither absent tier tardy during the year: Thomas McCarty, Madge Osdiornp. Helen Osborne and Alice MeDuniels. Industrial Clubs for the year 1917 l'Jl are now organizing. We anticipate a larger member ship than we had last year. The children seem pleased with the term, "Soldiers of the Commis sary." Miss White, teacher in District No. 54. reports the purchase of a Hag. This district has had the most up to date school buildings in the country dist ricts, but Dis t, riot No 2 is soon to have this honor. They have a concrete basement and will have the wa ter piped into the school room, where a drinking fuuntain will be iustalled. The pupils and teacher of Dis trict No. HI have signed the fol lowing pledge: We pledge our selves to use no candy until May 1918, if U. S. needs the sugar tbat lung. District No. 1, a district crea ted last year, has a neat school building. They are planning to standardise this year and al ready have eight gold stars on their card. Miss Margaret Ham mer is the teacher. She lias lH pupils, nine ot whom are going to form an Industrial Club and thereby become "Soldiers of the Commissary." Dan Cupid is playing havoc with our schools ulready. Asa result a change has been made in the Pine City schools. Miss lieulub Darker has been elected to fill Miss Ada L. Thayer's place. 1 1 in inter has become Mrs. Wigleswoi lh. We have just learned of an other change to be made from the same cause. However we will lorgive the ollendei s provid ing they promise never to repeat the offense, and we p. Mend hearty commit ulat ions. LKNA SN !:!.. SlIUiTK. County School Supt. Herald's Roll of Honor Now that Thanksgiving time is here and the gladsome Christmas season is coming on apace, we beg to remind our subscribers and those who should be sub scribers that there never has been nor will there ever be a bet ter time to have their names en tered on the Herald's Roll of Honor by paying up their arrear ages, if behind, and placing their account ayear in advance. We assure you that such action will cause the publisher to feel that his efforts are appreciated and will encourage him to try to make a still better local news paper, they will enjoy reading a paper that is paid for and every body will be happy. Remember that any error in your account will be cheerfully corrected.' Following is the latest Honor Roll of new subscribers and re newals: Jell' Jones, E. C Watktns, J. A. Waters, Mrs F. Luper, Geo. Cur ran, C. N. Jones, Heppner; F. M. Akers. Eightmile; T. H. Lowe, Geo. W. Wilson, Cecil; Charles Royse. Spray: 0. C. Fleming, Gooseberry; E. Ryan, Condon. John McNamee, Echo; John Kier- nan, Ralph rinley, Geo. Meade, Lexington; W. H. Stan cliff, Lambsburg, Va , by T. L. Stan di If. Everybody Wins But the "Tin Trust" A COFFEE TIP One way to help reduce the High Cost of Living Do you know it costs 7e per pound lo put Cof fee in cans? That means yOu pay 40c for a 30c to 33c Cof fee, or a 20 per cent, waste, as the cans are useless to you when empty. To get as near 100 per cent, food value for your money as possible, try our Bulk Coffees. We will grind them, if you wish, with our new ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDER A complete stock of both Bulk and Package Coffee. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE. Depart ment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. October 10. 1917. Notice in hereby (riven that, as directed by the Cmnimyaioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 24r5, R.S.. pursuant to the ap plication of Harley Wrijtht. Serial No. 016258. we will ofTer al public sale to the hiRhest bidder, but at not U'Hs than$ per acre, at 10:30 o'clock a. m.. on the l!Uh day of December, next, at this oriice the following tract of land: NV? N'-IW, Sec tion 15. Township 6. South Range 26 EaBt. W, M. Containing 80 acres. ii.Tho sale will not be kept'open, but willbe de c lured closed when those present at the hour nam ed have ceaeed bidding. The person making the hit-host bid will be required to immediately pay tc the Receiver the amount thereof Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or ob jiH'tUins, on or before the time designated for sale. L. A- noOTH, Receiver. Teachers' Examinations Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U.lS. Land Office al La Grande. Oregon, October 15th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Ray G. Slocuin. of Mepprirr. Oregon, who on May 71 h. .914. made Momestead Lntry No. 0131:73, forsel ncl. ne'-i ne' i. Section 12. Township 4 South. Range 21 Kast Lot li and 4, se' iw' t and s' j Be--4. Section 7. Lot 1. Section IK. Township 4 South. Range 28 Kast. WiMiinieile Meridian, has (iled notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land aUive described, before C. C. Patterson, t'nited Staien Commissioner, at his ofllc. at Hepp ner. Oregon, on the 14 day of December. 1A17. Claimant names as witness: Robert D. Wat Vina. Hoyd G. Thomas. George W. Sperry, and Lee Slocum. all of Heppner. Oregon, .'.Kill C. S. DUNN. Register. Phelps Grocery Co. rsa o cssssgsa csassassi rfo;r,Tia o NKW LINK OK WINTER GOODS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS MACK1NAWS HOSIERY, ETC. Cull anil make yon selection:-, emly. fiSAM. HUGHES COMPANY - irwMHWMiniuni ini 1 i - Notice of Final Account MNA. ! Notice is hereby iUen (hat Arn Misnildine. H'ltniitMtrator of the Ks'ate of J. O, Wtll'ams. He ceased, ban filed his final account with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that huh) Court has set, as the time and plat e BABY IS KING A ri.l t'if IVrf. H..ti Oil II-niT pinl-.l Ini'l flf1" "1'1 '""" "kC tin mnriiiiirf li-itli nii'l ff"'"' No 1 iiu-rr ft ili ..inf.-rt nr lull. Tlic I'.rf. . ti.m H'""' :l.iw ini? smith it tlx" I"1" "f a I.lflit .trout rrt-nl-l Inn. 1 -"tin iiirxiMnnne. Cnie In wt finiinc it r- can am & msim "pa I i.i you know tbat we are n a'iy to do your Job l'rmtii .? Notice for Publication l)pnirtni.-iil of 111.- Interior. C. S. Land olli c at The Oftllps. On-Kun. OctolL-r '--'llh. 1 il T. N.ttii-e ti hr'liy K i v-eti that l.c.mitd J. Hurn of Hunlman, OrctJon. w hu. nil N.a.miiIh'i :h. I'.'I". lli.rn.-l.nd Kntry No. "HI.) .n April Mh. l'.IO. mailt- mlilitimiHl ijiut.i, ml Knlry. No. .11 li.'.M. for S'.N'v. NK'i f',. S' SWl,, SW, SH'i. S.TIion Townohip 4 S.m'li liana Vl-Kant. WillMm.-tlt! Mi-mlnm. ha. I1U1I tioliru of Ititontiutt to niak I mal tilt.-.' '..'itr I'roof. to ..iHtthfh Hmin to Itit- lml al-ivp ijr. rrilwl. tM'for.- C. I". I-hII.thi'ii. I' SlHi' ("'immii.sion''r. al ll.-i'Wi.-r, Orivon. on tin- ',tli (lay of l.'.-.onlMr. li'17. riainianl nama a. witrif. ..- i, TtM.'ii 11. Hi liam.. K'tuanl Crater, WiIImt Knik:ht-n. I t hii k lilaaacx k. all of Harilmim. On-iron. iIW II. lHA.h VtOOIKUlh. Il-a 'trr. Notice to Creditors Notira it hrrrtiy un tliat tin- on-l. r. nt .1. Mary Klln Ivrrv. h li.-n ilulv aiM-'int-.! o triK of the l.ajit Wtll aid T."tao.-nt ol t... tat' ('fry, l"r.-aal. Iiv thr I our. of M-.rri w County. Ort'Kon. ami tia .Inly .) ialih. i for i.u h tru.l. AH I'raona haxitjt i In hh r-ti,i.. arw hri-ty iiotiftt.l to itr'.i'ia .am, to no- ilo v iritlM al ha tf v of niv aMorti. . ;.a.n I Van Vator. in llMi.ttoar. "Dili a't.-o (n.rih. fr nn ihla. of th fir. oll - at n-n hn.f . OatM aod pulilnliMl tin. ltu day of N'otii lr. I'll. MANY I I KS I I KKV. I .utn of lha l.a-t V(il ai.i l.ian i"!. ..f lirir I'rrry . t.MMra.-'l '.-.l ,o Notice for Publication lMrartmot of th. Iiurior, C M I a.l f t.a tirao-la Orr.-o. Ori.4-r T'lh l''i;. N"ii ta hrty lli.l Vtart.f-rf' K- i of M'f'iar. iit.ffl, alio, on Ar-'il I.i mal H iMtJ l.Mn So ( ; f--r . 1 , . ' : . ., .', flW't Sl!..n .', nr , . I V-'!"il 1 .at .h , I !aa i.m-'t V, U.o.rii. M-- 1 f of lf.r. t "O to k. (I f oil To. I I .... a o i- . -. I I' 1, I'.O.Mfrf' I iiH li,oi I irt'tL. . J r. a. 1 1 ' ff Of i , - .i ,-o I I . 1 f a. it I. T i f 'a o.a t . .ma a a f , i II, I W. -.r II. n . L . V) aioflU((f.f ('.. i.i c ia:.;. i... . Notice is li-'i-yby jc'.ven that the ('(unity Su ici'i ii t i-ri li-n t ol' Mor- ii,. II I,, .i.i 1 1.,, ' " ""' " , a,M,., of ..1.1 airount. DcrmlaT Bn.l. reunlar examination of applicants' en. t iw hour of p. m.. in ih for State ( 'ert iticat "s ai Heppner. Oregon, as follov.-s: Coninieneiir WV.Inrsil.iy, 1 1, c eniber l:', l'.H V. at o'clock a. in., an. I conl inning in, til Satur day, Iicccml er l'.ilT. at o'clock p. in I Wednesday I ok l oon- V S History, Writing, ( I'. iiinaii. hipl Miwie, Iiia'Aiin: Weilnc.-,day A "t rnoon I'hysi olovry, H.-adiiii'. Manual I'raininvr ( 'nniposit ion, I loin. .-1 i- S' l' iu i', Method-t in II- ad:i ', 'oiir-.- ol .Study for lraAin, Method.-, in Antlimet ic. Tliur.-day forenoon Aiithtne- tie, lli.-tory of IMucition, 'sy Cholovy, Mitiuid-iii (i.-ocr.ipliv, .Mechanical I'lawin, )nnn-tic Art. I'o'ir. of Im- i..m. ,. tic Art. '1 A I t.-n.o.iii ( Jra in mar, lem'rapl, y, S'.-uo.-raph v . i A in. ri an I.i'. rat 'ire. I'n-. n -, N'.tho.l- n, il I'l llll.ll V i Tv pew l it II.;', ' a'Uai'e, Til''- i -i 'eal- I' I I'i.lV I Ol I ll'K.O I I,, if V Practice, ( Irthoi'tapli-. (. ii.k'l, I'hv ( i.-orapby. Court r'Mitf. of aai.1 Omrl m Or-Bon. olijprlion munt la- hlel on nr la-fora .aid Hate. AMOS Ml.iStl.lilNr.. Adtnintatratnr iWlTABLE NERVOUS Was Condition of Indiana Lad; Before Beginning to Take Card-u-i, the Woman's Tonic. Koknmo, Inrl Mn. II. Hankfmfl'r, ol tins town, uyi: "I look to well, ind am ho well, that It doc not term as if 1 ever ncfdrd Canliil. Put I was not al : ways this way ... I think I have taken I , bottles . . . bclore my little girl , came. I was teeling dreadhilly had, had hrart achr, baiknihe, sick at my stomach, no e ncrty ... I was very Irritable, too, nd nervous. ( I brKn taking Cardui about ft monihs tx-lore my baby tame. As a result all People's Cash Market IILNRY SCIIWARZ, Piop. All Kinds of Frcsii and Salt Meals Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 J. H. COX CON TK ACTOR ami IHIII DKU I'liliiH mul i'xliiitntu I'ti rui.lit ' AH liwlx . I'.u ilil i mix. I 'i, .; ( 7...i ll oiV Onlil. Mil. Sii ' inll if ill mul llm i ' 'urn jilt tr I lifii i iin i ill Im' House Moving Lin - , 'hoe bad lerlinj; me, and I ust Irll , J l . . &. lt .. -. iL. i 1 1 l Kno, jum as ii n'lininn hi h i ir t matter, and when the end came I was i hardly suk at all. '' I Since that I have never taken Cardui j I- at ail . . . II has done me good, and I ;. know It will help olhert, II Ihey will only l-ii-ii I. I'hv -ica! l-'liiia;, ' ! OiO , li,. nt. So' If i. i al hi .-, i ' . I ' 1 i r '. Alt- i !, ion A',', i.. a. i'i, ' rv, a'. r.. t,.H,! i.;, A ll i'i-. .Ml i" o !;l " try. I I.; Ca'. it !u try it." Many women have written grateful let t'rs hke the above, idling ol the cod thai Cardui has done them. Why should , il no! help you, xt1 II you sutler Irom my ol the ailments socommon to women. nd lerl Ihe nerd ol a sMe, reliabi', irenirthening lomc we uijje you lobe i gin today and give Cardui a lair leal. THIS SMAItl ST VI. I. IS oni; Ol OUR i'A(,(,:s SI.I.I.I.KS S1..S0 A PAIK r Specially Priced This Week WIT II NI.OI.IN SOU. and lu inii k hut. : A;t' it, 'j ju 'j.. 'e. fail i Your deader sells Ctud-u-l. LU-IO E. N. Gonly Shoe Store