HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An Independent, Local Newspaper. Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - -50 FRIDAY. NOV. 30, 1917. DANGEROUS COMBINATIONS It is often said in these days of many automobiles, speed maniacs and careless drivers, that whis key and gasoline make a danger ous combination and the asser tion is no doubt correct. Many people are killed, crippled or al most scared to death with con siderable frequency by this mix ture and much property is de stroyed or jeapordized. There is another combination, however, which, judging from recent happenings, is of realiy more concern to Heppner people and that is small children and matches. Last Monday two small tots in quest of amusement and excitement started a nice lit tle fire in an open shed at the rear of the Herald office and on ly for timely discovery of the incipient blaze by the foreman of the office whose attention was attracted by the smoke which penetrated the building, the en tire block and perhaps a good portitn of the town might have been in ashes. Only a few weeks ago a similar (ire was started, it is said by the same children, in a shed in Stewart's feed corral back of the Gazette-Times oflice. Timely discovery in that case al so saved the town from a disas trous conflagration, These chil dren are too young to realize the disastrous conseiiuen c e s that might result from their acts but perhaps a judicious amount of paddling administered while the youngsters recline across the pa rental knee, may make them re alize that further acuities along the fire-starting line will result further unpleasant experiences for themselves. A safe rule for parents of children old enough to play with matches and young enough not to realize the danger to themselves and the community is to make an invariable practice of keeping matches in some safe place where the children can by no possibility ream them. It will be safer lor the children, safer for the prop erty interests of the town wliili adding .infinitely to the peace of mum of the neighborhood. Or'' Robert N Prominent eastern Otfgon man Alio IciM, ween announced him lelf as a candidate for the Re publican nomination for United States senator. go to Walla Walla to visit Riley JHJ Snyder. The Red Cross Chapter of Lrx ington gave a cafeteria supper Wednesday evening. The Ladies' Guild have com menced their regular Thursday afternoon meetings, and are pre pared to tie comforts and do all kinds of sewing lor those who desire. A big dance was given Thanks giving night at the hall. Buy your holidav cards at the postoffice. A new supply just arrived. Come early and get the, choicy ones, Daddy Wright is out of town; this week, and is missed by his old friends. M rs. Geo. Mead is vi daughter Mrs. Henry Hermiston, Oregon. s i t i n tr her Scott, of Cl.CIL. 11 L.MS 11. franklin, Jack llynd am Lowe were Morgan visitors I'M laming the road T. 11 Monday, election. Mrs. T. H. Lowe visited Grand run Mellon, u ho had had one of her sick spells again, and is now much improved J. II. Miller staved overnight at the Franklin ranch Monday leaving for his place in his Ford early next morning Joe White left Willows for Heppner with a bunch id' cattle Tuesday. Mrs. lioyd Logan and Mrs. T J. Fork ner, were callers on Mrs J. M. Melton Tuesday. ft i i i airs. Hern r.verott ami son were visiting with Mrs. Albei Nash Tuesday llarvev S. Kwing, Uoy Pun can. John Melntiiv and John Nash were at the election at Mot tan Tuesday, also A. Hendrik cen. Jack 1 1 ml. J W, Oshorn and ail the lYcilttcs. Mrs Jas Montague of F.ighl mili', presented lu r husband w ith n big Uv Wtdtirsdav morning. Karl I'arnswotlh of Ktu-a Sid ing. u infYMined Wednesia that there wuai;e daughter in 1 pner lor him will not require any hired help just now. Mrs It. S. Wilson left for Port land for a few days, Wednesday. Jean Fairhurst has been in Heppner on business, during the week- Albert Wilbur of Cecil, left for Rhode Island. W. A. Thomas saw him off from the Junction Wednesday. Jack Hynd took A. Henriksen and his two Rons over to Rock Creek, Thursday. G. L- McMillan of Lexington, was in Cecil doing business with Peter Hauernfiend Thursday. Ellis U, Minor shipped a fine lot of turkeys to Portland Thurs day. Francis Broady and wife of Morgan, were doing business in and around Cecil Thursday. T. W. Lowe returned from S ind Hollow Friday. Hugh Reed of Heppner, was a C'cll visitor Saturday, and took in the basket social. T. J. Forkner, who has been working for J. W. Osborn for the past few weeks, is now tak ing a little lay-off owing to a se vere cold. C. H. Winters had a trip to lone Saturday, to see some of his ol I friends- The Musket Social organized by Mrs T. II. Lowe in aid of the Rod Cross, was a bumping suc cess, upwards of 'J00 people be ing present; Arlington, Goose berry, Montague, lone and Mor r.m being n presented. A lively a alt, piave.i by II. S. Fwing and Paul Anderson started off the veiling's entertainment. Basket elling commenced at 10 o'clock. 1'li.Tc w en- ;(T baskets in all sold, -elling from ft f() up to $12.51) ach. Sonic of t hem verv beau ilul designs, one in particular, i bachelor's basket for ladies mly to bid on was sold for $12. I laming was continued until 2:00 i m. Music was voluntarily fur nished h 11. S. Kvving and Paul ndorson assisted by Miss Irene Douglas. Kvcr body having a good time always do at Cecil. Great praise is due to A- llenrik s n for the able and ollicient ni inner in vv Inch he disposed of the i'.ist.ets as auctioneer. H.. S. F.vving was the auctioneer's clerk and had rather a strenuous time fur awhile The total proceeds a nounted to the nice little mm of $J:i I to. Mr ami Mrs Art Minor spent the week end at The Last Camp, and attended the basket social HARDMAN HAPPENINGS Mrs. J. II. Allen and daughter Miss Ethel, left Monday for Wal la Walla where they expect to make an extended visit with rel atives. Mrs. Lucy Glasscock and sons visited her parents, M r. and Mrs Fred Ashbaugh during the week. Geo. Chapin took a loud of tur keys to Heppner Sunday for the Thanksgiving market. Mrs. J. W. Stevens and son Carlton visited in Heppner Monday. Miss Grace Uosene, one of our grade teachers, went to the Val ley last Thursday to visit her brother who was at home on a furlough. She returned Monthly Miss Hertha Hayes had charge of her room during her absence. Will Brookhouser and family have moved out from Heppner and will make their home m Hardman. Mrs. Lena SnellShurte, county school superintendent, made our school a pleasant visit last week Alonza Merrill came over from Monument Monday and moved his sister, Mrs M. K. OuVore and her family back with him. We understand Messrs Merrill and DeVore have rented the old Merrill place at Monument. The long looked for rain has come at last and it hums mighty good to the farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Farrens and family and Mrs, Klla Farren came up from Gooseberry Sat nr. day and visited friends here for a few days. THE BRUNSWICK Plays All Records ' A Phonograph that can play but one make of records cannot possibly furnish you with as much enjoyment as one which will play any make of record. The Brunswick plays ell records. All makes. And plays them as the com posers and originators intended them to be played. It adds much to your enjoyment without additional cost. o: ALL PHONOGRAPHS IN ONE r " - if PRICES $75 TO $180 TERMS EASY In addition to playing all records, The Brunswick has many other additional and exclusive features that stamp it as the masterpiece in phonograph making. We want you to know these features, but you cannot fully appreciate them un til you see The Brunwick and hear it play. That is why we invite you to come and hear it. We want you to compare it with ordinary phonographs. You will not be urged to buy. Come prepared for a musical treat. You will not be disappointed. If you can't come write for particulars. Machines shipped on approval. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO. C. Guy Wakefield, Prop. 427 Washington St. Portland, Oregon rr mm i urignt rire in The Morning! No cold rooms, oven if the wind is howling out of the Northwest, when jou have A Great Western Duplex Heater For ( oh I or l ihhI Thin tovi lioMi !n lire, nn.l it burn roii I or wm Mtfivtl, InvmiftA of ilH Puil. a (li.il All of th toil's nrr Lutn',. nn I thrrp tMi't u conn r of the n-nm thut in not Wnttti. I'm- mih .i k to nv thi mum Ioum Ik ali r. Case Furniture Co. Notice for Publication iVpartmrnt of the Interior, U. 3. Land office, ui Ltitirandi'. Oremrn, Sept. 'JHth. 1917. Nut we is hereby given that Frank T. Peery, whose pimt-ollit-e adilreHB in I'na. OreRon. did, on the 17th day of Auunt. tile in this utlice Sworn Stutement and Applti'Ktiun, No. 01(1347, to purrhHat' the S'a SKU, Seetion 32. Townnhip 3 Smith. Kantfe 29 KhhI. Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provinions of the lift of June 3, 1H7H. and aeta amendatory, known as the "T'tnber and Stone Law," at such value KB tn'tfht be fixed by appraisement, and that pursu ant to Kiit'h application, the land and timber there on have been nppraiufd. at KfrfMJO the timber Mti nuittsl at 2ii.(o lxuni feet at "5c per M. and the iand ItiNMNi; that said applicant will offer final i roof in support of hn application and aworn Matement on the 31nt day of IVeember. 1917, hm. fnie V. J. Warner, l'nitei Statea Commmnioner, at hi otljce. at Hettnmton. On-Kuti. Any pt-rn is at liberty to prottstthis purchase In-fore entry, or initiate a contest at any titnelte t'ore patent issues, by him a corroUratel amiia it in this ottice. alleina- facts which Would de feat (he entr. .';l;f ( S. Dt NN, lietrister. Notice for Publication ( lVpartment of the Interior. V. 8. Land Office at ; The Hlles. Orrtfuji. OctuIxT Jtilh. I'.'IT. j Notice is hereby given that Kavmond Stwrs. of ll;iiil!iinn. t'r'on. who on November iMh. I'.'li), j nmile Hoiin-Mteiul Kntry So, 077 lti and on July 211. l.M'v ma le Htbinioiml Hometttea! Kntry No. oluH. ' for SWl SW'i. Section 4i, NW' Section 2ft. SV M'.'i. N1; SK.'i, Sivtion 2ti. Towmhip S. South. Hatiire 2t-Kast, Willantette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final thrrr-yrar I'riwf. I to 4ttabli"n claim to the land aN.vr deKcrd). U fore I, t. Tattrrson. 1'nitrd Stats lomnim. otu-r. at Heppner, Oregon, on the b'th day of I emlier. V'lT. t'lnimaiit iiamtHi as wMne-t Frnest H. Wy t kiwi, t hnrU-a H. Mcl'amel. .bhn J. McDonald. l,toriii Mi lotiail. all of lnntman Oregon. .il : II. r KANK WimlH tu K. Hemster. H. F. TAS1I A. S. Akers TASH&AKERS Successors to Vaughn & Sons GENERAL HARDWARE MERCHANTS Our stock of Shelf Hardware, Tools, Builders' Hardware, etc , is full and complete and we respect fully solicit, your inspection and patronage. We be lieve we can give you satisfaction both as to quality and prices. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT We are installing a new Piumb!ng Department and have secured the services of a master plumber as inaniiirer. All work in this line will receive care ful attHntiiui and will be executed in the most approv ed manner. A share of your patronage is respectfully so-licited. TASH & AKERS HF.PrFEK OREGON Ll.XINC.TON ITEMS Ki'v While, of Pniiii. U here visiiing Inn lUughter. Mrs. Janie Siniey, and oilier relatives. .!. (Ulmrne has purchased land from t'lmn (ireyaml for the pre fiit Mr. (irey wili make his hume in l.iin W U. MunUers has gmie to IVrlUiul to opeiid the Winter. I V irCZTi; rJ I icm f I m,-1(,,,rF.- Notice to Creditors NrtlH-.' i h-tl'y Burn that Ihr unslrw firl, John I'. S. urNt-Hj.. hu trn iluly ai'itlmnl in 'ntmt.T nf lh f.!lr .'I Nt. k AbUmi. ilr- . .-.I. it th r.'imt I'.M.rt if M -rrnw l.tunt. t !.:. m "il h tl'i milit)il fr u.-h irut. AU rrrtrt, havtf ( rta;m aa ttl pM rvlattf Mtr h'r't ) r.t i l r.1 lu trv-fit th Rnt to m vr'fi.l. at th i-flir f Sam I'.. Van Vi'(tr o lli't'l'Mpr trr.n ailhm ) mtithi fntn thv Ut.-.'l th hrt fu4 .at'.tli rir..f ntvr A l .hl lrt thi ind dat Si us c ..( th. Si'l KAI'-l .1 Si AMam W(HM AU i bo tit enOi in Mrs Sitrah Snyder has gone to ter ti.i-i h Karl Miit he I IViidlttoii und ft oiu thero will i lrihii. i 'i I , f..i i:u Notice to Wheatgrowers I have been ai'i'omtol Hepp ner representative of t he Pacific drain Company, of Portland. ici i ssors to M. H. HiMiser. and .rn prepared to buy nil km is of cr.nn. See me before selling. uoy v. win ri: is. JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF DOLLS ALSO BOOKS POTH NEW AND KF..P1JINTS HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY Up-to-DateJob Printing at this Shop IS