HEPPNER HERALD SUPPLEMENT VOLUME 4 HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1917. NO. 29 No Shortage in Sheriff's Office Crandall & Roberts, expert ac countants, who have recently au dited the books in the sheriff's office, have filed their report with the County Cow!-. The report shows that all apparent diserpen ciesinthe affairs of the office have been due to clerical errors and that no shortage exists. The r. port follows: To Die Honorable County Court of the County of Morrow, lleppnor, Oregon, (lontlemen : We have niat'.e an audit of the Tax Rolls of 190!), 1910, 1911, 19U, 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1916, an per taining to the collections on same, from January 1, 1917, and on ac count of the various rumors now rife through your county, we have con cluded to make this special report as or November 1, 1917, instead of Jan uary 1.J918. As our recommendations pertain ing to handling cash collections had not heen entirely followed and owing to the many errors creeping in the keeping of the Collection Register in consequence, it has taken consider able etra time to obtain final results. On the statement of the 1910 tax roll you will sen a credit of $1.57 due Mr. Mclinffee. This discrepancy oc curred when in settling for the amount shown on our report as being "ii hand at our last report the amount previously accounted frr on August 2.1. 1916, was included, making an over payment of $215. 9o. The col leetlori during this last period for which we report herewith, amounted to only $214.33 leaving an over pay ment to County Treasurer of $1.57. On the statement of 1916 Tax Hull, yon will note n credit to Mr. Mi Duffee of $1,190.39. This discrepancy oc curn it when through Herb al errors several cash payments wire entered twice In Collection Register. These items were the cause of the apparent -hortagc of cash when settlement was to have been made for nil colli etlons "! delinquent ItolN. We have found, niter adjusting these dl-i repancles with many others, that the amount of Cash In the va rious hacks with moneys in the s;,f,. :ite suft'i . ,it to balance ti1P amount due the County, There l..is been a dally cash bal an.e sheet prepared and the ui (,f II I. !n ti.e future, with tin' Improve. ' i i t sm,-'.'c..t. d f..r tiding the i .T h '. !.i.'!"U ss. w!) prc.j,t the 111- bjrrassing situation produced by the methods used in the past. The lack of daily balance sheets, however, is a prevailing trait of most Sheriff's collecting departments all over the State. We have made pencil entries of payments on the 1916 Tax Roll as memorandums only and these should all be corrected by entry In Ink. The payments on the 1915 Taxes have not been entered on that Tax Roll. This should' be done as the roll is the only record really recognized as legal, the receipts being auxiliary only. There are a good many entries to be made on the original tax rolls for various years to complete the records as to disposition on dclitniuent taxes. There has been many Certificates of Delinquency issued to Morrow County as well as to individuals and all have not been entered on the rolls, We have not adjusted the errors that have been made in segregating the funds in collections of special taxes. We will attend to this at the close of our audit at the first of the year. We have prepared statements cov ering all the points in the accounting of the foregoing mentioned rolls and furnish the same herewith. In which we have set forth the various items that you may be interested In. Yours very respectfully, CRANDALL Roll CRTS, I'.y Max Crandall. Hated. Iloppncr, Oregon, November 21, 1917. Aged Pioneer Passes I'obert Mattcsnn, pioneer resi dent, of Ih'pptier and Morrow county, passed away at his home in this fit v Saturday mnrnin;r, Nov. 21, at 8:'M) o'clock As we o to press arranrements for the funeral have not been made. Red Cross Makes Big Shipment The committee on supply work oi the Morrow County Red Cross Chap ter for the months of July, August and September, beg to submit the fol- low ing report: lied spread donated by Mrs. Sher man Wakefield Wool socks, donated by Mrs. W. It. Harrutt rs , Hospital bed shirts inz. l.eggins " ,i,,z' i Table napkins 4 1-12 do.. .Wash cloths 2- doz. I Rags, 1 bundle. Dish cloths i 2-3 doz. Hand towels, donated by Mrs. Kel i ly k doz. Hand towels ,,1Z Muslin bandages, 4-Inch 11 doz. Muslin bandages, 3-Inch ii doz. Sponges, 4-Inch :!2 doz. Sponges, 3-inch . ,,,z. Sponges, 2-Inch tin ii,iz. Sponges, 1-inch ; ,,,z Drains, 2-incli 2'i; doz. Drains, 1-incb ,i,,z. Drains, 'o-lnch l ,,,.. jCauze compressors, !l-ln. square I 24 15 or 201 ilz. Cauze laparotomy pads, 12-ln sqtiare 210 or 17'i doz. Housewives, 174. (Work by lone la dies.) Money expended and bills allowed: Minor & Co. $ if.)) 1.5 3 101.7s 3. no . 5 n 12.H 2.UO do Thomson Ilros. Rainlagc roller llousew Ife for pattern !'. S. Render & Co., lone Leach Ilros. Lexington Hi rt Mason, lone . W. F. Harnett A Co., Lexing ton A. W. Raglan Kxpress, shipment to Seattle July 31 . . Knight I unpaid I Nov. IS.. Martin l!ed. for boxes Minor K Co., muslin Thomson Ilros., muslin . . .. 16.50 run ".sr. 1.3 2 3.1 2 10.5' i .15 .15 . . Total $213.17 Mrs hila Avers, a pioneer Donations used in preparation f resid' tit of lli jipner H reported shipment: very ill at her home on Chase str-et. H.-r drnnfliler. Mrs. Van I)vnc, is here from Spokane as-si-t:ntr in the care of her mother. IK ifsK ( )' n. AN!) I.o'l Foil .sAI.K i . , , it '''it l-'f Iturgoyne K Son, bolt of ruaz Mrs. C, C. ( hb k. gnue. Arthur Smith, repairing locks M. i: i hur h, South, I'rof. J it Ik, t h i t nni Ii for Red Cro liny at Morrow futility I'alr. II. 0. Sl.-sb e, i,. e;,tw. f,,r R, , cri, work. Mrs. I-:. f ampin II. Urn n. Mrs, W. O !',:r. b - . lim n. Mr- S, Wak. ! . Id. lit., ii