V POLICIES AND OPERATION THE fundamental basis of service at the Farm ers & Siockgrowers National Bank consists of both the ability and willingness to helpfully co-operate in the problems of the local Farm ers and Stock-raisers. Wherever we can aid legitimate enterprise and development we shall be found more than glad to do so. Checking and Savings accounts both small and large are in vited. MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK lll.l'I'NKK, OKKGON .-.n. mi I'wwwnn whjhi mm.r-1 HIWWWMM 1 MWroilMMBiMWlMi Knights of Columbus Will Gather : A n important meeting of Pen 1 dleton Council, K. of C, be! held in that city Sunday, Decern ; ber 9. when a large class of in-jt itiat.es will be received into thei! order. It is understood that 1 1 Heppner will send a large dele- j gation over to this gathering. ; This popular Catholic order is 1 1 growing rapidly and every mem ber added means another Amer ican behind the war relief work now being carried on od the bat tlefields of Europe. : When the Chill Wind Blows : You will be reminded that you need a wartn WINTER SUIT a snur 0 V V, R C 0 A T , or a COMFY MACKINAW. Call and inspect our stock, leave your order and become one of our satisfied customers. LOUIS PEARSON MERCHANT TAILOR HEPPNER OREGON MB WANTED MB I will be at the PALACE HOTEL, Heppner, Or., to buy all kinds of MULES, from 4 to 12 years old, from 15 hands high up. Broken or un broken. Will buy some smaller mules for the south. If you have any for sale, call or write me care the above hotel and I will come out to see them. W . H . KIME School News Notes By Sibyl Cason The Ciceronian Literary Socie ty has undertaken the arrange ments for a community Thanks giving Eve Gathering to be held at the school building Wednes day evening, November 28. A short program, representing cer tain phases of our country's ear ly history appropriate to Thanks giving time, musical numbers and a Thanksgiving address by Mr. F. A. McMenamin. After the program visitors are invited to remain and inspect the school building. If you have never been thru the building you are espe cially invited to come and see what a splendid place Heppner provides tor its school pupils. Program begins at 8:00 o'clock. No admission will be charged. The play, "Between the Acts," to be given by students, will be j J staged sometime in December. J If nrnmicpe tn Vip & liitr umouc I The quota for the Y M. C A. j I campaign asked for from the ; boys of Heppner High and Hard- j I man schools has been realized, j 5 Of the total of $74 00 HardmanjJ gave $11:45. l Church Notices Catholic Church Services. First Mass, 8:00 a.m. Second Mass at Juniper 11:00 a. in. Evening Devotions T;!)0 p. m. Reverend Father O'Kourke. BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! It is time to think about those good warm blan kets for winter. We have a complete line of cot ton, wool and woolnap blankets. Make your se lections now, as they are going fast. We have on display some Wool-comfort Batts. These are quilted all ready for the top covering. Why not try one, they are great. OUR COAT DEP ARTMENT still contains a few good numbers and it will pay you to look them over. New line of SHIRT WAISTS in this week. INOR & CO. 600D GOODS Dry Goods Dept. Heppner, Oregon The Federated Church John Dyer, a well known busi ness man of Pendleton, was one of the Pendleton delegation in Next Sunday will he Home Hemmer Sundav attending the , It v - Mission Day at the Federated j .. (j i .banquet. Church. In the morning the , T tl 4 . ., , , J. D. Burns, prominent bust pistnrwill speak on "I lie Work , . 1 ,, ' ness man of Condon, was a Hepp- Ul millt'MM l llllll.tll , I'mill'f! missionary to the Indians of Or. gon, and we snail have with lis a hand of Christian Indians, who will take part in tie- services both 1 1 n r ii 1 1 1 tr and evening. Christian Endeavor 15. ltd '. M. Topic: Thanksgiving", leader, Kuhryn PaMi-oii Preaching by an Indian minis ter at T.lli' p in. II. A Noves. Pastor auto c:aski;t delivery FOR QUICK SERVICE ML CASE FURNITURE CO. rn 1! i I 111 WORLD WAR Church ul I'hnst. Sunday morning will preach a' lone Sund ty evening: "The Millen nium: Whit it 1- ami When e Can Look For It " furiier II. MaIoiuld. Minister. tier visitor last Friday evening and enjoyed an evening's brows mg in the Elks' forest. Arthur Hunt, who resides northwest of town, suffered from a stroke of paralysis last week but at this writing his condition i considerably improved. A large and enthusiastic school meeting was held in Heppner yesterday when the budget of ll.:iSS asked for by the board w as unanimously approved THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. Mrs, V. R. Irwin and daugh ter, little Miss Be'ty, have re turned from Portland, where they visited for some time after spending the summer at the coast Mr. and Mrs. Irwin ex pect to soon occupy apartments in the new bank building. Mrs. Hill, the efficient trimmer ul Stray Bucks Picked Up I have picked up with in v hand above Pilot I Jock, the (c I of Lincoln bucks Owner ph ase come forward, pnne pinp.tty and take them away .1. hn M- . Nuuiee, F.cho, Oregon L''Al.'lpd II IS I .,g.l lis t anil I i uc ii ' i I ry ing 1 1 tins t. 1 ere is. mir I i.m ne,'"ssiiv of Industry, Thrift Mirte i'Vitv effort tl urmg these I'lslund your resource sail in account tt itll the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Vie t I p-r ci lit on tune mid savings deposit. LOCAL AND PERSONAL John Kiernaii, of near l.eing ton, wan a visitor In ll.-pimei during tli week atti tiding the Hibernian festivities and Ms.tirg friends Dm ll.inshew. former r. dent of this county, tio.v iisiiitig near HilUboro. was I civ fur a few tit. mi during the ,. ,,n business. Oeorge W. Yrrdit -y itpeml purl of the w it. tor coast, hoping !v tie t i climate to get re o f fr. i tnauo t rituh'n. The M iss.'s t it ri . m , Shannon, two i hint 1 1 k lad it's of Combo . w i 're n of the del" gain ii f i mi Frid.iy evfiui g I o at F.Ik' aocul. I t st to ul tie tl. il'iit of the Smil h-Loiiergan Co. of Pendleton, was here Sunday tiieinling the Hibernian meeting daring the afternoon and was one of the speakers at the ban q act in the evening. IJoy Whiteis reports hiving closed a deal for the purchase of the L A. Miller ranch near lme Hock. The pi ice contains r0 acres and the deal includes IV head of cattle. The consider ation was fltVl'OO 00. Charlie Koyse. well know n cat tleuiitn of the Jpray country, was here Tuesday locking for feed for a bund of cattle be contem plates purchasing. Mr Knyse lias been in the cuttle business at Spray for many years, 1J. .) Carsner and family were H-ppner visitors during tie weeti from their cattle ranch mar Spray Mr Carner has nought a large amount of hay on Haiter creek and is driving h cattle there to be wintered. Mrs. W. II ,,f Hardmati Thurs lay in the inter a est of the Ucd Cross work there. C. P. A. LoneiBan. vicepresi. jn Mrs. L. G Herren's millinery store, left Monday for Portland, where she will spend the winter She was accomponied by Miss Stella Penland. who will spend several weeks visiting friends'in the city. John MeNamee. sheepman. who is wintering in the Echo country, was in town during the week attending the Hibernian lodge session and banquet Mr. MeNamee recently picked up a number of bucks on the range which he advertises in this im pression of the Herald, The Hibernians showed their loyalty to Heppner and Morrow county by employing a home or. chetra for the banquet Sunday evening If the same rule sp plies toother things In that or. der Heppner printers will wish that all users cf printed station, ery in Heppner were Hibernians ' Wtn Dunn, former well known and jHpular conductor on the H'Ttner branch, row a resident Herren went to )lf pndteton where he is engaged in business, ws busy greeting oil friends and making new ones K. s, mll'g Hi lief s Creole Owen, patriotic stageman SnnJay evening at the Palace hotel banquet given by the A O. on that route, loyally furnished free transportation to the Chap t r for the trip. . I. ft V I' I I'll I t.' t .- m ,tiit I. . I lit n . r, v .ih.avii, it'i j m,re ago anu riijoj tuming over i , ,1(1,,. kroit in any quantity at Cum-1 the good old days with hit many jmirgs' Vegetable Market. 'JlMol I fticuda tcre, ill. Mr Dunn knew Heppner in the palmy days i i years or LEXINGTON ITEMS Mrs. Susan Boothby and son Grant, went back to Calico Rock, Arkansas. M. D. Tucker having: purchased her house here, has moved his family into the place. The crosswalks between the Leach stcre and the postoffice and between the postoffice and restaurant are completed and help a great deal in the looks of the town- A jrood roads election was held Tuesday afternoon, and we un derstand the results were 2-1 in favor of good roads Geo. Allyn of the garage, is visiting in Weston. Thos. Beymer is visiting in Athena Frank Bell of Spokane, is here looking after his farming inter ests. Mr. Bell owns a large ranch on Black Horse A great deal of excitement has occurred the past week occasion ed by the High school students going on a strike. We believe the matter was satisfactorily settled as the youngsters are now back in school. What might have been very serious turned out rather lucky for Mr and Mrs. Doc Lewis as they were driving into Lexineton Tuesday, w hen a part of the har ness on one of the horses they were driving became unfastened and scaring the horse it started to run overturning the buggy and throwing Mr. and Mrs. Lewis out in the dust Mrs. Lewis sprained her ankle and besides being covered with dust and frightened, experienced no other injuries. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Valentine were passengers for Walla Walla for a brief visit this week. Grandma McMillan is on the sick list. Hr. Chick is in attendance. Subscribe today for the Herald.