Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 23, 1917, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
An Independent, Local Newspaper.
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon,
Pout Office as second-class matter.
Terms of Subscription.
One Year - - $1.50
Six Months - - 76
Three Months - - 50
FRIDAY, NOV. 23, 1917.
The result of Tuesday's road
tax election in the six road dis
triots thru which the proposed
State Highway will pass, is most
gratifying to all progressive citi
zens of the county. A three to
one vote in favor of good roads
and progress means a lot to Mor
row county. It means, to begin
with, that this county will now
receive at least a portion of her
share of the Statellighway fund;
it means that Morrow county has
taken her place in thocoluron of
progressive Oregon counties and
that, barring the possibility of
an entire cessation of road build
ing activities on account of the
war, the road will be speedily
built; that the the central part of
the county will attract and profit
by a share of the tourist travel
and last but not least, that the
the wheat-growing nectiona of
the county will be given a water
Jevel, paved Highway directly
to theColumbia river.
For several months the Herald
has urged the last-mentioned
proposition as the strongest ar
gument that can be advaneed in
favor of good roads in Morrow
county. The argument has not
appealed to Borne good road ad
vocates because they considered
it visionary. They do not believe
that any method of transporta
tion can be devised that can suc
cessfully compete with the rail
roads. "The world do move,"
however, and the following ex
cerpt from a recent Orcgonian
editorial relative to modern trans
portation methods oilers pretty
strong support to the Herald's
"The long distance truck ex
press line is not altogether a nov
elty, because of railroad conges
tion the (ioodyear l ire and Rub
ber Company lias established a
pi ivate express bet we- n Akron,
Omo, ami Itoslon. Kach ot tour
trucks makes a round trip (151U
miles) in less than one week and
is usually on time. Tires are de
Ineicti lo F.astein branches, ami
collon laurie and machinery lor
Hie Akron plant ute brought on
the return trips. War orders
have been successfully delivered
in Washington.
1 his line, its owners claim,
is a financial cucccss, although
1M miles of the road is unimprov
ed and some bridges are in txr
condition. "
If the Goodyear company can
make a financial success of a
truck line ovir a distance of 7.V
miles, much of that distance be
ing over a hilly country ahd 2S
miles unimproved, what can hin
der the people of Morrow county
hauling their wheat and other
product over an all-down hill
paved road, to water transporta
tion and. if on please, hauling
back the wood and coal nml oth
er supplies n.-cded by our people?
and Mrs. J. H. Franklin the early
part of the week.
A. HenriKsen did some good
work while in Pendleton on Mon
day. Messrs. Pearson and Wilcox,
of Heppner. came to Cecil
Monday contracting to bale hay
Mrs. T. II. Lowe made a very
successful collection in aid of
the soldiers' Christmas presents,
handing over to Morrow Gounty
Chapter of the Red Cross the
sum of $21.15
Tom Morgan, of Heppner,
came to visit with his son, S. M.
Morgan, of Rhea Siding, Tues
Alfred Osborn, of Cecil, bad a
slight accident Tuesday night
while riding to the postoflie. His
horse stepped into a badger hole
and threw it rider heavily to the
ground fortunately no injuries
were sustained.
Geo D. Anderson and C. W.
Oney brought in another fine
band of sheep for Jack Hynd
C. H. Winters hauled his last
loud of wheat lo the Cecil ware
house on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd autoed
to Heppner, accompanied oyGeo
W. Wilsou, Tuesday, returning
home Wednesday.
Jack Hynd had a busy day
Thursday collecting for the Y.v.
C. A.
Messrs. C, W. ard Whitly Ew
ing left for Oakland Thursday
to visit with their parents for
Mr. Peter Iiauerfieud left on
the local for Heppner Thursday
to attend to business matters
concerning the late Frank Ha.
bell's estate, returning Satur
Mr and Mrs. Shurte, of Hepp
ner, were guests of Mrs. Ben
nett Thursday.
It may have to be amputated 3,
later. !
Mrs. Lena Owens came out on
the stage Tuesday and spen a few
hours in town, calling on friends
and relatives. j
Mrs. Gill Coats was taken to
the Heppner Sanitarium last
week, and is said to be in a criti
cal condition.
Henry Knighten met with
quite a painful accident a few
days ago while working at the
Blake ranch. He was putting
hay in the barn with a derrick
fork when he caught his hand in
the derrick and tore off his finger
nails. He will probably be laid
up for some time with a sore
J. A- Adams returned from
Corvallis Monday evening, where
he and Mrs. Adams had gone to
visit with their children. Mrs.
Adams will remain in Corvallis
for the winter- Their son Belva,
who came home from the train
ing camp for a visit, was married
in LaGrande. Ore., to Miss Mary
Robinson, an accomplished young
lady of that county. They came
to Corvallis to meet the family
and visit a few days. From there
the happy couple left on Friday,
Nov. 17, for California and will
make their home on Mare Island
Their many friends join in wish
ing them success and happiness
through life.
Quite a number of Heppner
people motored to Hardman Sun
day to help in the organization of
the Morrow County Chapter of
the Red Cross. About sixteen
members of the new branch were
secured at this meeting. Mrs.
Prophet was elected chairman,
Mrs. Bleakman treasurer, and
Miss Nellie Wright secretary
The girls of the Hardman High
School are planning to give a
supper and donate the proceeds
to the lied Cross The date on
Plays All Records
A Phonograph that can play but one make oi records cannot
possibly furnish you with as much enjoyment as one which will play
any make of record.
The Brunswick plays all records. All makes. And plays them as the com
posers and originators intended them to be played. It adds much to your enjoyment
without additional cost.
Miss Inez F.asten was the 'which the supper will be given
guest of Mrs. J. H. Franklin on
Mr. and Mrs. McFitdden, of
the Burnett place, were business
callers in Cecil on Friday.
Mrs. Thos. Forkner returned
home from the Willows Friday.
J. 11. Franklin and son took au
auto I rip to Arlington Friday
Mrs. J, H. Franklin visited
with Mrs. Juck Hyud Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor are
visiting at their residence (the
hist tittup) Cecil.
Messrs. 1'. H. Lowe. Miller
and t alter Pope, accompanied
by Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Logun and
Misses Kision, Logan and Geor
gia Siiiuuiui's uuloed to EilaSuu.
Mr and Mrs J.ick Hynd and
Mr and Mr. J. It. Franklin were
visiting wiih Mr. and Mrs. A,
IliMidrikseii on Sunday.
Mr. and C. K. Franklin autoed
in their new Ford ear lo Heppner
Pal Farley, of the Willows ban
invested in a car lately.
The "feed Maggie" ha now
if nit) tii ctii( wiiii (114 sn.wp.
C. A Minor has
ranch belonging to J. Miller, of
Pendleton. U j.nns Mr. Minor'
"lust cttnp" at Cecil and is now
occupied by J 11 Franklin.
has not yet been decided Among
the Heppner visitors were Mr.
and Mrs. Cohen, Harold Cohen,
Mr. and Mrs. Pattison, Mr and
Mrs. Shutt, Mrs Boyd, Mrs.
Binns, Mr. Van Vactor, Mr- Ma
honey, Miss Muriel Cason and
Miss Baker- Miss Baker, accom
panied by Miss Cason on the or
gan, sang a very touching and
beautiful song appropriate to the
The High School donated very
generously to the Y. M C- A.
fund. Eleven dollars and fifty
cents was raised.
I ff iiwiii M
$75 TO $180
In addition to playing all records. The Brunswick has many other additional
and exclusive features that stamp it as the masterpiece in phonograph making.
We want you to know these features, but you cannot fully appreciate them un
til you see The Brunwick and bear it play. That is why wc invite you to come and
hear it. We want you to compare it with ordinary phonographs. You will not, be
urged to buy. Come prepared for a musical treat. You will not be disappointed.
If you can't come write for particulars. Machines shipped on approval.
C. Guy Wakefield, Prop.
427 Washington St. Portland, Oregon
Red Cross Notes
Bring in your old pieces of
linen -they are still needed
Have your late iiuigiizmes
ready this Saturday. N v 21.
and the school students will call
for t beiu,
(Jet ready for the big donation
bazaar. Saturday. Dec 8
There is work for all at the
Red ('loss head'.-uurteis lit the
M K. Church South
Donations for the Ived Cross
Buzaur will be received at the
M K. Church South on Friday
bought th8' riernoom.
Word ha been received from
headquarter I hut sweni-rs and
sock are in great demand Any
one wishing to knit such articles
Notice for Publication
Department of the interior. V. 9. Land Office t
The Dlle. On-iron. September 28. 1917.
Notice IB hereby given that John M. Fine, of Her
miston. Ore., who. on March 23.1814. made Home
stead Entry. No. 012714. for Nl-2. Section 4.
Townahip 2. North. Hang 2. Kaet. Willamette
Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make
Final three-year I'roof. to eslabliph claim to the
land above dcacrihod. before C C. I'atteraon.
United State CommiMioner. at Heppner. Oreiion.
on the 24th day of November. IM7.
Claimant namea ai witneaaea: Hubert N. Wade.
John JrfTerya William U. Finley. Kalph Flnlcy. all
of Lexington. Oregon.
2131 H. FKANK WOODCOCK. Regi.ter.
The KfV. Dr V n Water of
I'orllltlltt III C. Til III.' gUCNt
of Mr ami Mrs .1 .ek 1 1 ti l . But
ti-rtiy Fin's. M.Mid iy and gavn a
very interesting address in the
(Veil hall til the veiling, which
was uiien,... l .t!inot everyone
in l he com in unit y . old at' d young,
ail wishing l.i hi to come buck
aciiii which h promised he
wmiM on the P'lh 'f lleci'tnher
Mr Mover. of luting Ion. was
a business culler in Cecil Mon
tl i V
A Ma I'hee of I'ortland. dij
Homo hiisines in I'mmI Monday.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land office.
at Uli ramie. Oregon. Sept. 2th. 1V17.
Notice it hereby given that Frank T. Peery.
whiMie poet-onVe atliireaa ia Lena. Oregon, did.
on the 17th day of Auguat. Il. file in thia oltice
Sworn Statement and Application. No. ultU47. to
purchase the SO SKl. Section .12. Towmhip 3
Si.ulh. Kange 2 Kaat, W iliamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under the pniviaiona of the
act of June 3, 17. and acta amendatory , known I
an the "Timber and Stone Law." at auch value aa J
might be ftaed by appraisement, and that purvu-
ant to f urh application, the land and timber there i
on have been appraiaed. at ft .Mum the timber eoti- 1
mated at 2i.iii board feet at 7V per M. and the :
land llim.il. that Mid applicant wilt offer final i
pnwf in auppnrt of hia application and aw.im i
tatemenl on the flat day of IVccmher. 11.. be. j
fore W. J. Wamer. I'mted Plate Commiasioncr, I
at hi onV. at Hermiaton. Oregon. B
Any peraon I at liberty to pmteal thi purrhaa ,
lw.ft.rv entry, or initiate a rontrat at any time be-
fore patent leauee. by nling a corroborated affi.le- 9
vit in thia . alleging facta which would de- '
A. S. Akers
Successors to Vaughn & Sons
Our stock of Shelf Hardware, Tools, Builders'
Hardware, etc , is full and complete and we respect,
fully solicit your inspection and pttrotmge. We be
lieve we can give you satisfaction both as to quality
and prices.
We are installing a new Piumb'ng Department
and have seeured the services of a mii-ter plumber
as iiiamiarer. All work in this linn will receive care
ful attention and will be executed ia the most approv
ed manner.
A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited.
Will be SUJiphed With llliltchal B j feat the entry
C. H. IN . Keglfte
Hardman. Oregon, who on N.e.emb lth. lulu,
made Homeatead fcnlrv No. ""l and on July irat.
til, mad additional Homeetee.1 1 ntrr No. oo
Koy Ashbaugh has made a
tractor out of his old Ford which
he is using to plow with on hii
farm in Kood Canyon. It is prov
ing tpiite a success.
Mrs. W. V. Herkdolt has re
covered sutlieient for her mother
Mrs. J. L Simpson,
Urn nursing her. to return to
her home in Heppner.
I art Mi-Hame had the mistor Admintrat. tw t.ut m v. At:am.
tune to get one of his feet prettv
bal'y niaslu'd Monday whi!e
uorlmir in Kreil A ahtiniiL'h'a
naw null. 7 12 mile wutheast o! I t to buy good M,i!ea 3 to' Njtid tO W!l83tgrQWef$
Hardman. In nome way he Kot.lt' yearn old. liny Poycr. Hcpp-j I have been appointed Hepp
tin foot caught in a belt which ner. Oregt!. iMf ner representative of the Pacific
Notice to Creditori
Notice ia hereby given that the uh.!erned
John 4. Hourapaa, ha been duly at imti a.1'
miniate!. of the rtlateof Nick At.iami. de
cead. by the County tVirt of Morfvw iVunty,
Oregon, and ha duly qualired for tin h truat.
All l-eeauo hxing rlaimt . ...! .,,d e-iale f.w Ll W V rWtain J. N W . Section . Si: '.
are hereby notified to Breaenl the aatte to me. NK'l. NW Town.hip k South,
duly venned at the mc of Sam K. V an Vactor Kange !. Willamette Merci an, ha r.e.1
Vkho hk ' " M"""w Of' within i moMht fnan the notice of inlentam to make f inal three.year Proof
dale of the tlrat pubis alios herei.f Ui aatablon claim W the land above described
Oated and aubhtmi (Irat thia 2nd .lav of No. before C. C. I'altemnn. I n.ted "talea Comm..
eetnber. 117.
Notice lor Publication $
Department of the Interior. V Land OlTir at W
The Ihvllea Oregon. October lth. 17. .
Notice w hereby given that Ramond Sieera. of M
AdminMtral. el the I Ut of S .
Good Mules Wanted
tt4r t lirfnrf. rvtfvn. v in am ti
l .f ,r ltT.
threw it against a set screw. At i
first it was thought hi Ux-s were WtHD AND I'O.VL
bmkin He wan taken toadtK' -ivoui rh nn.su f. r .. ,e
lt.rniid snd lUughter. of tor at Heppner and it wan found ter fuel It will pny ,u
)ebir, wvre visiting wub Mr. (that ciie toe was badly rnahcd jHrviliu,
tJrain Company, of Portland
successors to M. H. Il.niser, and Mr. a ml Mrs
I am prepared to buy all kinds of werp iVtidon vn
grain. See me Ufore selling. .Fruity rviutig.
i;gy v. whiteis. " -'
tr it' tt if tr--?rrt tr rr tr tr--tr tt-t- tr- :r- tr ir- tr'Tr-tr'Triit
lnve I'l ttttiirr. j A flunghtor tofn to Mr.
or m H-ppiier and Mr. furl Farnnwnrth. i f
driving ivir t (Veil, st th II. i imiT hospital
Tuesday tt,orDii,(.