Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 16, 1917, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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NO. 28
Hibernia Banquet Sunday
All plans are now complete for
the biggest social event of the sea
son in Heppner the occas.on be
ing the Hibernian banquet at the
Palace hotet at 6:30 o'clock next
Sunday evening;. The banquet
will follow initiatory ceremoni"s
in the lodge room during the af
ternoon when a large class of
candidates will be received into
the order.
The entertainment committee
has been fortunate in securing
Hon. John K. Murphy, of Port
land, to deliver the principal ad
dress of the evening. Mr. Mur
phy is well known as one of the
foremost orators in the west. A
splendid program of vocal and
instrumental music will also be
S. W. Spencer, who suffered
lust week from a succession of
rather serious hem morrhages
from his rose, his many friends
will he pleased to learn, is about
.ill ritrht aain.
Arthur Edwards, who went to
Camp Lewis with the last contin
gent of the Morrow county draft
returned Monday after having
been rejected by the medical ex
aminers on accoont of eye trou
ble. Arthur says the conditions
at the camp are good and he re
grets having to leave. The drills
are strenuous and the work is
hard but Arthur says the boys
are standing it fine.
Y. M C A. workers have been
ae",ive all week doinc missionary
work for the cause in outlying
Football Game Saturday
Morn High eleven will tueiile
the Heppner High team on the
Heppner Held Saturday, Nov.
17th and the home boys promise
that, there will be only "peace
with victory" and that they
propose to be the victors.
The home boys are said to be
gelling in pretty good condition
and those who know say that in
the Moro buncn they will tind
worthy foemen. Every fun or
near fiin should turn out Satur
day and help root, tin; home team
to victory, dame will be called
at LMiO sharp,
rendered during the evening by ditric;inf theconnty. Tuesday
local artists.
Miss Annie Cork, of
inent, registered at the Palace I
Tom StanclilY is back from
The Dalles, where he arcompan j
ied a shipment, of shei-p sent out
by L Y. (ientry a few days sign.
A l uge delegation from llepp
tier went lo lone Thursday morn
ing to attend the Sunday School
convention In session in tht
After enjoying a short vaca
tion Dr. (lutister, our resident
veterinarian, has returned to
town and is again ut the servke
of his pa' rons.
The many friends of Rev
Father P. J. O'Rourke will be
glad to know that. h is reported
very much improved yesterday
and will probably soon be able to
be on the streets again. Father
O'Kourks was attacked several
days ago with pneumonia and his
condition for a day or two whs
considered quite seiioust
evening a party composed of C.
I E. Woodson, S. E N'otson mid
Lludee Phelps went down to Lex
Monu-i 1
liigtoti anil held a rousing nieot-
F. II. Robinson, attorney, of
lone, was a court attendant this
C. D Robinson, well known
citiz"ii of Lone Rock, was a busi
ness visitor here Monday.
(ieorge and LeKny Pearson,
well known young men of the
ing there in the interest of ihe I f,ena count ry, were in town Mon
War Woik fund A teg crowd day making final proof on their
turned out to hear Ihe speakers
and much interest was manifest.
ill. The same evening a patty
of high school hoys, accompanied
by R"V. X'lV's, drove to Lena
and held a tine meet ins; in the
school ho isc. The pan.V inclinl
ed (Jarnett Hanatt, Everett Pat
lisnn, Kenneth Hinns and Her
bert llynd R"V. Noyes and
(iarnelt I tar rut t. wen? tlie speak
ers. Wedresday evening a liig
delegation went down to lone
and held a rousing meeting in
that lively town anil Thursday
evening Sam E. Van Yactor and
S. E N'otson held a tine meeting
at Eiiihtmile, Wednesday even,
ing Rev. McDonald. Sheriff
(Ieorge McDulTec. ami Norton
Winnard. high school hoy, went
to lludmnn where they held a
splendid meeting and aroused
aiiieh etit tuisiiisni.
homestead claims.
Lamont Slocum, who enlisted
in the navy last spring returned
a few days ago after having been
honorably discharged from the
navy on account of physical disa
bility which resulted from an in
jury to his hip received while in
the service.
V, M. Akoi s, who farms in the
Eiylii mile count ry, was in town
the tir-t of the week doing jury
duly Mr Akets reports that
but lil I lo seedi ng l a been done
III his section In cause of the coll.
tinned dry weather Most of
the whi at has been hauled In the
w a rehoii-es tin' a Intl.'" amount
of it i- jet unsold Mr Akeis
is fortunate in hiving sold his
crop some lime ago t it fjr
pi ice and is therefore tin' worry
aboiil paying six percent, inter
est mi ad vance money.