POLICIES AND OPERATION T. IF. fund; mental basis of service at the Farm ers & Stockgrowers National Bank consists of both the ability and willingness to helpfully co-operate in the problems of the local Farm ers and Stock-raisers. Wherever we can aid legitimate enterprise and development we shall be found more than glad to do so. Checking and Savings accounts both small and large are in vited. MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIOI'AL FANK ORHCiOV Mi i m.,mwmmmm j When the Chill Wind Blows I You will be reminded that you need a warm WINTER SUIT a snup OVERCOAT, or a COMFY MACKINAW. ('all and inspect our stock, leave your order and become one of our satisfied customers. j LOUIS PEARSON: : MERCHANT TAILOR OREGON I MEPPNER MULE SWA NTH D MULES I will be at the PALACE HOTEL, Heppner, Or., to buy all kinds of MULES, from 4 to 12 years old, from 15 hands high up. Broken or un broken. Will buy some smaller mules for the south. If you have any for sale, call or write me care the above hotel and I will come out to sec them. Circuit Court in Session A special session of circuit court was held last Saturday evening at which time the repmt f the Grand Jury was heard md that bodv dismissed. But two true bill were returned urn tieing thai of Frank Elliott, ot Lena, who was charged with as sault with u dangerous weiipor with intent to kill, the other be ing against John McCollouuh. a ho was charged with failing l use his best eff rts to put, out t forest tire. Court convened Mondav mom in g in regular session whei Frank Edioit entered a plea nl not auiliy. The cae of MiOolloutrh wh- iheii called anil Sam E Van Vac tor, attorney for the Jefetirinnt, tiled a demurer to the complain the same beiiis; susta'tud ty t.h court. A new grand jury was drawi Monday morning to serve dur. ing ttie present term of court, roiisistin i the follow ii'g yeo tlemen: J. M. Luper, Kay Ash tiaugh C It. Pointer. W. H Turner, Pearl Sb.inhart, W. A. VViilpole, John Huahes. W. A. Wulpole was appointed foremat by the court This body wil hold until the ;vl;iy term in read mess to inquire into such cri'n tnal matters as may arise befon the opening of the next, term ol court After the first indictment it. the McCollough cise lad been disposed of the cuse was taki'n before the new grand jury and. after an extended iequiry by that body, a Dot true bill was re turned to the court Monday evening Frank Elliott changed his plea of not guilty to guilty and he was given an inde terminate sentence of from six months to ten years in the peni tentiary. A petition for parolt is being considered by the court The following, in brie f, is the disposition of the civil and equity cases on the calendar: Many ot t.he cases appearing on the d' cket were settled oui of court and dismissed. The case of E'Ih Lt. Newlonvs. W. H Crawford whs ended aftei ter the hearing of one witness by an instructed vet diet in favo of the defendant Com l Elliott whs granted i irivorce tiom frank tl Kmot . with a stipulation as to pii p riy rights. In tie- matter of S J Devin. V (leo. White a loiliproinis' d'i'islonwis made. New Fall Models in Wirthmor Waists The Standard Dollar Waists of America This Rlnuse is developed of a very pretty fancy striped Voile a new Fall 1-1 material The front center is of pluin white Voile solidly tucked, lending a most pleasing ffect. The large collnr. coming to deep points in front and turn back cuffs are also of pl.io white Voile, Sleeves are inset with hem stitching. A model that will be much admind. A simple, appealing model that almost anyone, he they large or small, 1-2 could wear becomingly. The front, i solidly tucked almost, to shoulder seams with tucks of alternating widths. The collar is so fashioned that it is equally attractive when worn upstanding or Inying down. Collar and turn back cuffs are outlined with dainty Venice Pico edging. Two very large ocean pear! buttons for fastening. Made of a splendid quality of Voile. A neat, semi tailored model, simply and effectively trimmed. The collar 1-3 is convertible can be worn high or low The front, is attractively trim- med wi'h pretty embroidery and four full length tucks with short, should er tucks for fulness Sleeves are finished with turn-back cut in point effect. Three large ocean pearl buttons for fastening are ornamental as well as useful. A practical, sensible, serviceable Waist. Somewhat more elaborate than the other three models in this group, and I-b a Blouse that has the appearance and character of a far more costly model. The embroidery covering entire front is particularly pretty and distinctive; while the collar is embroidered all over in matching design Hem stitching is liberally applied on collar, down front, fold, and to inset sleeves, lending added refinement. A Blouse that will find favor everywhere. We highly recommend them because of their unusual merit and genuine worth. SOLD HERE ONLY MINOR & COMPANY w T II . KIME AUTO CASKET DELIVERY FOR QUiCK SERVICE M.L.CASE FURNITURE CO. Church Kctices Ch ii i'i h ol (.'I ri -t . VULCANIZING We have the largest and most complete VUL CANIZING PLANT in Eastern Oregon and we are prepared to do any kind of work in the Vul canizing line. All mail orders will have our best and prompt attention. We guarantee our prices to be as low as good work will permit. CATES & MARDEN THE DALLES, OREGON Budget of the City of Heppner The following is the budget of the tax levy lor the City of Heppner, for the year 11)18: Kire and Water 1, 800.00 Marshal ..... 900,00 Kecordcr 420.00 Treasurer 100.00 City Attorney 100 00 Incidentals 1. 0110.00 Bridge and Streets. (,000.00 Library 100.00 Toul t 9,420.00 By order of the City Council. J. I. WILLIAMS. 22 City Recorder. Notice of Final Account sermoi in tie Sill j '!' of lloiflMllg ,iida : (i I o r i n g ( 'i lls Kvetimg Miiij, c : Tie 1 ) v i I - It oekHlle on I lie I , , 1 1 1 lo HeaV ii " The evei.ing m m. im wth tie i specially mill-lug ami oelpful i ii oung p i p e i ui'ini 11 Nl He Li i aiii. N; nister Notice is hereby j-iven that Amo Mitsildin. administrator i f the Estate of J. O. William, d. ceased, has filed his final account with the County Ourt of the Slat of Oregon for Morrow County. MmmaMmtmm-m "'' lh,t cMlrt ha 'et. a the tim and plac ! of ettlement of said account. December 22nd, ISM 7. at the hour of two o'clock P. M.. In th ; Court room of said Court in Heppner. Orefron, i Objection must be filed on or before said date. i istttsttssttt First National Bank Assets: ONE AND 1-2 MILLION DOLLARS Tile l"'eilentteil ( 'hli I l it Suedav Si liool l;4,Y .Mm g -e. Ii . I I ;l i(l Thelll - Si-v eii I'tml u iie nl Mluvtii mi ! mi'cra y. t'ln l.sintti KndeHVo? ( I!il ' N Topic ' W In U I'h i iv .unity i, Missionary Kt ligion?'' Kveiiing et v n e, T.ll I II A NuVex, Pastor THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. 2M:tt AMOS MISSILIUNK. Administrator. Red Cross Nates A meeting of the e.x-nil ive 20 nmittee of .Morrow t'olii 'y C apti r, An em ail K-il Cio., wo heli! in the louiiiil clHinhtr Muni iv evening, me pr e beim lo devise way a d nent s for ralsinir 'he ha ai i'f ' (lue on the l'hriiMaH pm-Wrt lulid fir senitinj: 1'ln 1st tiirt hi X m. the milliter unit nailm of lh t'ntteil istHtt hot h at limne hi il in nieiii li'ni NI"ito o" ' ty h or'ninally :tsKnl to p"" Vide '2'1 ol tie e tmX- h let ipiota nf the l.f'.o i11 riii'inm VOll SAl.K -S !y tuns of tlid the II ppner Indies. ui.Ue'. ht hemln j Hint a di 'll ot look to provide 'I, at l liillher il n i nt i'( ?1 T0 hi Ii Kic nil? . I. !l. Wjland, old tune re-i. dent of the Hnril iioiii enuiitty where he hits been sueeessfiilly enik;iil in the stork husities for many year, was in Heppner the tirst of the week, serving as a j ror if t , ir n t on. 1 1. WANTED-I'ot-ition by ext .. rienced nmn anil wife on ratu h. 26J2S lox 21S. lone. Ore. more H'nika of Ktu'. l'it'iit ,.f jTixhI piuie lor feeding; it runtfln: iti'r htih nev.r re 7 Jn. KskelMin' I'll, tk i an vi u i to h s MULE LOST Hay mare mn'e broken to worK. mane roai l e,(, tailnhaved. Hran l "la 1 (ri'; on left tit!e, Ten .luliai re- Jiward. L V. 'ur,tr. lli i pnir, laiOregon. l"j:f Hsk Hirdman srhoul (!itriet and other outlyinif di'riet in the county to assist in raisinir the amount, r !y an oversight in thisrolutnn last week acknowledgement of the receipt of ti from the Strawberry chnnl district for the Christmas box fund. s omitted The Kid Cm Sale win he held Saturday, December . at Fir ptVilion. Ki ervne I asked to donate .ill they an pire f r thi al'. fancy work. tnAeis. ciMined fiioiU, cider or anything! of viilae you luve High i'hoo sludetlt will c.ili to colli it aiti cle donated Hurler nien.ber! We are hort on the fhrit mas packet fund Hrinkt or send in your lonirihution I,e mr'nn or n r. d a hr.inc1! however, a mhooJ i-u-1 m from headipiart. t a st w' f"' '.i' addltloli.il tiOX"of line il I .e. I hi addition tt r ii r ineiii t iher tHitd,-i,otiie on th- li t t M"'iliy evening with ovet H r prgmiiZfimi i it ail'i"il- iharter tne(,t.et ,l lo iimiie rin Mpimrli'tHii-' ' ifj Ii'e riiaTznr. oUl linen atnl ! ' to the I'ini" 4uol 41 y . ' In j !l .iir icm are il! in d"ti,ti ) i he l.enii tou auxiliary mil in' Urn $ thiui iu. BABY IS KING Ami tlir rrrfr, in Oil Jlmtrr 'r ,r lum ag.iinst cull during !!. m.iriiiim bntli am! frolic. Nil ll llKTP nf ti.. .,i,.f.,.l . I. TIlP I'rrfritlnn (five tng rnith t llir tnurh nf a tiitih. I Ik-tit trniuftwirt" nl le lin(!otnr itirtrnie. ''-ttie In tnj rxaraine It.