1 Professional Column ai:a;i':K::n:i;:n:::n::n:.a:::3:: DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DEMIST Permanently loiated in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON, ATTORNFY.AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNEB, OREGON Notice of Sheriff's Sale Notice is hereby iriven that under ar.d by virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oretron. dated thc&lrd day of October. 1917. in a certain suit in the Circuit Court fur said County and Stnte. wherein T. J Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. V. S. Land OH.ct at La Grande. Oreiron. October l.ttli. I'.HV. I Notice is hereby given that William K. M.T'er rin. of Heppper. Orea-on. w ho. on Ocloln'i- 31st. 1910. made Homestead F.nln'. No. lKl. for S'i i NEW and Nla SEW. Section IS. T..wn-liip : South Mahoney. Trustee. A.M. Markham. T. J. Matlock. ! ta9t. Willamette Mo,,d!Bn. has Hie.. DR. N. E. VV1NNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND . . . - . OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and 10NE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Ileppner, Ore. SAM VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY-AT-LAW H"PFVER, OREGON Emma Welch. J. H. McHaley. J. B. Natter. Chris Lattaures. John Hushes. Henry Bla'.kman, James Fitz. P. O. Borg. the First National Bank of Heppner. Oregon, a corporation. William Hughes, W. F. Wall. Mabel Hughes. M.S. Corrigall. Ed Rood. John Marmon. Jeff Evans. Sybil McSworda. Nicholas Jonas, Ralph Thompson and M. Belle Thompson. Administrator and Administratrix of the Estate of J. A. Thompson, deceased, E. R. Swinburne, E. W. Rhea. E. F. Day. H. D. Wood. Thomas Quaid. and K. F. Hughes. Beneficiaries. Plaintiffs, recoveied judgment against C. A. ifhea. defendant, for the sum of $79,729.66 and the further sum of $5000.00 attorney's feeB and costs and disbursements taxed at $21.60 and upon which judgment there has been paid the sum of $40,600.00 on the 2Sth day of July, 1911. Notice ib hereby given that ! will on the 30th day of November, 1917. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described real property to-wit: The Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Twen ty-live in Township 2, S. R. 24, E. W. M. in Mor row County. Oregon. Taken and levied upon aB the property of the said defendant C. A. Rhea, or bo much thereof as may be necesBary to satisfy said judgment in favor of T. J. Mahoney, Trustee. A. M. Markham T. J. Matlock. Emma Welch. J. H. McHaley. J. B Natter. Chris Lattaures John Hughes. Henry Hlackman. JameB Fitz. P. O. Borg. The First Na tional Bank of Heppner. Oregon, a corporation William Hughes. W. F. Wall, Mabel Hughes. M S. Corrigall, Ed Rood, John Marmon, Jeff Evans Sybil McSwords, Nicholas Jonas. Ralph Thomp son and M. Belle Thompson, Administrator and Administratrix of the Estate of J. A. Thompson deceased. E. R. Swinburne E. W. Rhea. E. F Day. H. D. Wood. Thomas Quaid. and K. F. Hughes. Beneficiaries, plaintiffs and against said C. A. Rhea, for the snm of $79,729.56, less the Bum of $40,600.00 paid July 28. 1911. with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the 9th dm of June. 1911. together with all costs and dis- bursementB that have or may accrue. GEO. McDUFFEE Sheriff. Dated at Heppner. Oregon. thiB 23rd day of October. 1917. 26c2! notice of intention to make live-year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above described, before C. Patterson. United States Cimmis?oner. at hia office, at Heppner. Oregon, on the ;h da ol December, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: .l"hn W. Hiatt. Enoch Cave. Matthew Hughes, and Eugetic Mat- teson. all of Heppner, Oregon. 2r131 C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office La Grande. Oregon. October 16th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that James W. Craig, ol Heppner. Oregon, who. on May 21st, 1912. maile Homestead Entry. No. 010372, fw SE'i NK'. Sec tion 19, and on December loth, 1912. made addi tional Homestead Entry No. MlS'.m. for the SW. NEH. Section 19. Township 2 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of it1- ntion to make three-year Proof, to estshli Vi claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson. United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day ot December. 1917. .Claimant names as witnesses: Amos Miswilunie, John H. Edwards, Ernest Edwards, and David Brown, all of Heppner. Oregon. !6d31 C. S. DUNN. Register. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Wain 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTA.TE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon W. K. Corson, efficient mana ger of the B'jrgoyne store at. Lex ington, was a business visitor here Monday. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office The Dalles. Oregon. October 10, 1917. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by thr Commissioner of the General Land office, undei provisions of Sec. 2455. R.S.. pursuant to the ap plication of Harley Wright, Serial No. 016258. w will offer at public sale lo the highest bidder, but at not Icbb than $3.00 per acre, at 10:30 o'clock m.. on the 19th day of December, next, at thif odrce the following tract of land: Nt'j NHl. Sec tion 15. Township 6. South Range 26 East, W. M Containing 80 acres. i,The sale will not be kept'open. but wilCbe de clared closed when those present at the hour nam ed have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for Bale. 25d29 L. A. BOOTH. Receiver. CIX1L llT.MS Ellis Mn,.,r ;h a liiisiiii'S! illcr ill vYi il lil:iy. I 'at l'i 1 Icy li .s r.'i u nicil In liir holm1 id I In- Willow s. M 1. I Yl I J tilt : t (!! f lilt 1 " w tT. vis-iini s it 1 1. 1 1 il Fi idity . .) 'ill 11 Miller v;t in f nun Mor '.'iiu in In-, t.cw Kurd tiir. Mis .1. II. Ki iinklin visit i'il at lillllldlll.t "Visit's Mill. (I, IV. at the Everybody Wins But the "Tin Trust" s Kasli.n w as a ra I lo i Nash liiniie Sat u 1 day . . and M is. A rt M I nor visit ih 1 r "1 list (..'at 11 p" Monthly A'li. i't. l')i'kn..M' visited at d Logun home Weiines- Notice for Publication Department of the interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. October l.'th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Clarence Reid. of j Heppner, Oregon, who. on jHiiuary 2tith. 1.111. made Homestead Entry. No. OlHi'XS, for SW'i SWl, Section 4, SV.Li SEV Section 5. NK1 1. NE' 1 3EVJ, Section 8. NWU NW'i. Section 9. Town ship 6 South. Range 27 East. Willamette Meridian. lias filed notice of intention to make three-yeai ii Kobblt Proof to establish claim to the land above des- 1 cribed, before C. C. Patterson, United States 1 Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 13th day of December. 1917. I Claimant names as witnesses: Warner C. Ken nedy, Alonzo D. Reid. Charles Osten. and Arthur R. Reid. all of Heppner. Oregon. 26d.il C. ii. DUNN. Rrgisler. I Ml: llillll M r d ill Mr he 'ay. Mrs. Herbert Kverott and son visihd with Mis. T. 11. Lowe Monday. A. llelidriliseu and .laeU My ml returned home lroiii Hi pjiner I tin i tdny. Mr. .1. St rooter, fntherof Men i.v N. rooter, died al lviine Sun .ley n online;. Y id raliniUeer andC.eo. Miller and .their families were weeli in! callers at Cecil. Vrs. Carrie Kwing has been visiting herold friends on Willow et eck the past week". 'I'. 11. Lowe niul Waller IVne i iiuii eil to Arhnuloii Sal unlit y ti i 1 1 y Walter's, new Font. I .lames Wilson, ol Heppner. vis ilson A COFFEE TIP One way to help reduce the High Cost of Living Do you know it costs 7c per pound to put Cof fee in cans? That means you pay 40c for a 30c to 33c Cof fee, or a 20 per cent, waste, as the cans are useless to you when empty. To get as near 100 per cent, food valuator your money as possible, try our Bulk Coffees. W e will grind them, if you wish, with our new ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDER A complete slock of both Dulk and Package Coffee. Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Newlon were in from their Ai t esian Well ranch Monday. HARDMAN GARAGE ELEAKMAN si RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizcrs Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON Notice for Publication j Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at i La Grande, Oregon. October 16th. l'.UV. j Notice IB hereby given that Ray G. Klccum. of ; Heppner, Otegon. who on May 7th. Ifll4. made Homestead Entry No. 01H27:l. fnrseU nc'i.no'i j le1-!. Section 12. Township 4 South. Range L'7 I0nt.t. Lot 3 and 4, ReU sw'i and b'... se't. Section 7. lot j I. Section 18. Township 4 South, Range ils Eiiwt. I vVillamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patlt.rii.ni. United Staies Commissioner, al his ofllc. at Hepp- ler. Oregon, on the 14 day of December, 1!'I7. Claimant names as witnesses: Robert D. Wat- kins, Floyd G. Thomas. George W. Sperry. and Lee Slocum, all of Heppner. Oregon. ,!6d31 C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Office al La Grande. Oregon. October 16th. 11117. Notice is hereby given that Warner C. Kennedy, of Heppner. Oregon, who. on April 1st. l'.IU made Homestead Kntry. No. 01;lll2!l. for hw'i so1., sa bwW, nel aw'i, Section 29. nw' iie'4. u'v nwli, se. nw'.4. Section !I2, Township 4 South. Range 27 East. Willamette Meiidian. has tiled po lice of intention to make three-year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above deirnlied. befoic C. C. Patterson. United State Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the lith day t December. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Chrome llci.l. Alonzo D. Reid. Walter Hclmirk, and Waller Rood, all or Heppner. Oregon. JHdill C. S. IM'NN. II.gi.tcr. It Ivhea .Sld- ine Wednesday and Tim rsday . N rs. 1'. Nash left Friday for llili I ishlire; and w ill visit with her liieiids there for several i' ei lis. V.iss (ieoryin Summers re 1 n n ed home on Sunday, after spending the week end in Ar lington. Ait Minor wife, Mrs liennett. A 1 1 e ud ri U sen and .lack Mynd aiiiied over In Arlington to at tend the mail nieeting Tuesday, T. II. Lowe ami Miss A V. 1n.e ii fi for The I 'alios on Sun iiay. Miss Lowe w ill talie a pnsi i i ion under i tie telephone service i A llendl'lliseii, .1. Mynd, .1 1 Mrlutvie. K. I'uiieiin and sev. i-nil others from feed attended ! tlie in.td imi liiie at lone Wed j "'esday. Mis. I'ovd Lofirn and family 1 r.'i u rued h line on Sunday. Hoyd I, ii'aii tell I'oiflaud on Saliirilay lor (':difoi'ira, wheie ho will blay lor l he helielit of his Leah Ii. I i nil I'm it and .McKay have re in i ned to ( Yell in linish I he ! paint ilia of ll Last Camp." Art Minor ill have a line resi deuce m hen lini-ln il. lit loi any hitrhw ay t l a veller lo see. A ha-let social ill h" held ill H e ('. ell hall, Nov. L'l' h, III aul of the Ki d ('loss. U hole ol in o i eeds lo he ha riled over to I he lone unit Phelps Grocery Co. 3C 1 TT 1ST UFCFJVRD ,ocj NKW LINK OF I Notice to Creditors N.rtice is hereby given lhal Ihe uml..rsigii.-.l. A. Noyes. has been duly ai.poml. d eye. I'll' I I I Hit ('ollie lllnl ti II V 4f II Kvei ' i lie VM-lroine. ii iii:::ui.iii:,i::!i:::ii'i:l .illlLlllliillMUIIi. H L Hili-liiiiiHU'-l ,, , , : ' "' F- UHHMtl'll'H.tllllMitllll i 5 II. : f ll.e Last Will and Testament of Millie II. Whitlcd t Berwick, deceased, by Ihe C.uht ( ourl ..I M i -row Cciuiity, Oregon, and ha. duly -lualli. d n: such. All persona having rlauns aga.1,,.1 m."l ntnte re hereby notlhif to present (be saute In n, . duly verified, at the ofhre of ml allonie. IV, --l son A Sweek. at llcpi-p.-r. Or.g..n. w M hut ,'i monlhl from the dale of (he tir.t pul.li, ,u nut hereof. llat.-d and litst piiltluh.-d tbu l'i,d dHv.-f N,,- vemltcr l'.H7. ii. a. Novr. ;. F.Keculor of the l,.t Will ami 'I ".lament ot 1,ll R. Whitten llerwi. k. deiea-...), :1 I ; 1 1 y X . v hit . is 1 1 pot t s t in sale of the MeAlee prop, I ly in II pp r M .in st reel , a hove t lii poller house, lo M .1. liimlfi.ld. Mill lied Al lie home of .1 A Waiei-., Ni-. nihil evening'. Kirh ,i i d K 'I ii I pin aid (,!i I I le Mil- WINTER GOODS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS MACKINAWS 1 Call and miiKe you selections emly. .1 SAM. HUGHES COMPANYfl hurl . -nr. i.ii i h. r of Mill II I II t HI d. Mi. loll.', .ll .nle i: M o 1 1 id I'm pm is a li i r .1,1, Ii laee lhe MOM CORN l,.,m.l,.,...i.,!nilll''IIIir'l"!'W"l"n Veiwwiiij Four dozen di.fercnt ways to serve corn-simply, appctizr-inSly,chc.iply- arc given ina Corn Cook Book published by Union Pacific System AMtRKA GREAT RAILROAD ' mailed free uport arpHcation Notice lo Crrditors Nottr ti hrnv aivin tlmt th- tMol'i- g Mury KUrn Vrrry. Iim Iwn r1-il m-i-. '-i. . . irli of th liwt "'"l Tfthftn hi ft IVrry. (th"i1 v t " t . t .nii..f M"i rmniy, Oriitn, ml hut rtitK -rinl'ti1! )'t trnt. , rnfii at Ih drtur f mv mt(rr.i-v. Shim h. Vrtfr. in Hci'i'ttr. iirt'" 'hui '"' ffom IhHu'r if Ihm Dm .'rt.h. m im h i-.f IhiiH ni itrili1uh-1 thi i.'l Uv ut .' Ur. 117. I MAKY f I I KN hH K.IM-Ulm ut lh ,t Will ftixf IwMirr-it ! I Notice lor Publication Irrtmnt of Ih lnt-ri.r. 1'. S. - "Hi- ! j Nitir it bfffliY vivrn lhal ,fi v .1 Hunt tf1. of Hrdmn. tiritnl h. "ti N'mm ii.Ut ' :h. II4. inulf M"""'wl i 'r S i - i tin Alnl uh, I'LV m!- m4-iu m II-(-, n. K.n'rv. No. forh'.N', Ul . , : '. HW'i. SWieK'i Srt,.,fi ;. 7-.. . ! Km'U 2lf WilUmM. M. .,...., f .. Uni'f of in'ri-IU'li tu niht In.' r 'f.if. tit Mlwt.ii. h r! ni th. U -t '.v r ir1 rfr t I'll'rrwn I '! . I ( mritMirir. ' M-.(t.r. (Mt-rf.. n Oi th d f rWftlr 11 1, ! riimnt nn mm i!r 1 I' W I : I m. I.itwftrd Oilf W,itr K Vfttuk . ('timM'tr H f Hrtmu Orrrf-.ti, People's Cash Market HENRY SCIIVVARZ, Pi op. All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 i John K 'Kun, wi-ll k i 1 fit ,ell. III I" ti M W It l'll.l lill lV ll'. l. lidil K I'lHjrt, . hi( hi lifter huel UI..I I' I.ltl,.. fit, 1.1 I. I)r. Tullir. lie wili I ii".' ii K' ,i'i iiiiil. in in !' . tu t r leu. wi'.k li.nk It' hiH f.k".',i' fL- "Cured!" Mrt. (ins Cin'tith. ril r.v.-itnn, Mo , wt.li".: "I Eiiili'ti'l I'T Ihirc VtS Willi viinous tini;ile Irouhl'-s. My hh" niisriy. I w is not ablu It i!o atiylliei ', . . b' ' in" rtov n jvmn In mv h i' kiinilliiMlr,iin'tli''.iit b. h" . . . v.cik and nrrv- ors. 'r- teioin- nii.n'lcil L.iidni I') me" TAKE a till' Tta Yten's Tcnlc I J. H. COX j 1 CONTRACTOR and BUII.DKR j I'lniixtnitt Fhtimntt Furniahrd fur Ml Kiwi f HuiUlinu. I I Fird China Work Only. I Make a Siifrinllfi of and llm r ''inniiirtr Filiiilnirnt for House Moving ! $4.50 A FAIR "Winn f,,xt'l t.M'l lii'S. -lb-ll m w v. ti-. v a v. '1 r n tl." ',(.' cirilin- .) 1. 1 Iism; iil-f 1,.'H ... I .'"l I v.'-'.-n . . . I In"' n y f nf u t" ' tl i ll rit I'.r it ll 1 thi c )r'irs 'Hi' r I t'". Oilm." 'I Ii"" w.fi. ii, ti'.v ft ii,; ai'i licil'le, . vi In f.iur nf jirrrl r n v ' fi ' n' a I-r-n's, '? ' ,! 11 1 " " ci- .'I If t'" " k"'''1 : this j .SMAIM' , styij: is oni: : of : our lilGCKST ' Si l l IKS .. . 'h I r y it, I i ) "i A. La Specially xr4H!w This S$L Week : wi im ni.oi.in son; and unmi.u in i i. : ; E. N. Gonty Shoe Store l.r'i'i" klulinl ViH Ill H", l"l I... i. I i f hi U,l . 1 1 1 . 1 . ll.rtll) '-l: " l.