HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An lruli pendent, Local News-paver- Entered at the Heppner, Cregon, Post Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - 7.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - -50 FRIDAY. NOV. 16. 1917. PAVED ROAD WILL RE DUCE FREIGHT RATE The. following editorial ap peared in the Herald March 23, 1917, as an argument in favor ol the pood road bond issue which was voted by the people of Ore gon last June. Although the people of Morrow county did not favor the bond issue at that elec tion they have since decided that they want good roads and the plan of votit g a special tax in each of the road districts through which the proposed Highway is to pass, is to be voted upon next Tuesday, November 20th. Since the action of the State Highway engineers in locating the pro posed road on the water grade down Willow Creek to the Co lumbia river, the argumen: for a pave! highway from the great wheat fields of the interior of Morro v county to the Columbia river and the cheap water trans portation which that stream will afford has an tdded interest to all producers and consumers in the county. A paved road to the river and water transportation to the sea means relief from the present heavy freight tolls to which we are subjected by a one road system of rail transporta tion: ' One point in favor of the good road bond proposition which fihoulil not be overlooked is the Immense value to the State that a system of real roads will prove to be in the matter of helping t( reduce freight rates. In thi.1 regard Morrow county is so situated as to furnish an exnmble of what a first-class paved road would mean to a wheat growing section With a paved road leading from the heart of the wheat-growing sec tion of Morrow county direct to the Columbia liver it would be possible for th growers, through tin- agency of motor- 'rocks, to d, livf-r th ir tonnage o the river locks at low cos or I aulago a d secure thelene tof untor trans port at ion t the sea. Fr.'ll t rates from ti e inland Empire to th- M-iil.oiiid are too hirf , aim so ioi g as the interior of th Counties Iioidi iii-g on the Col umbia are tapped by branch lines of the 0,W. K R & N. 'd without some other means ot readin g the liver uithfnight, no relief can reasonably be ex pected, lb wt ve , nh a go J p ived road over which powerful trucks coul I carry immense 'oad , tne freight problem would PiOuatly Mentally Unbalanced Thonm E. Sheridan. 26. a d--rter from Camp Lewis. Amei i no Luke, whs hi rested early y sterday morning at Sixth am ouch streets, taken to polic Hilqimrters and later turnei ver to military authorities a ancouver Barracks. Sheridan, dressed in civiliai lothes, was strolling airnlesslv rinut the streets, when Patrol iiin Barker stopped him and d anded his regn-tration card ' place of the green registra on card, Sheridan produced a ed card of the kind held only by Irafied men. When asked why he had lefi 'amp Lewis. Sheridan could only ny. - Oil. I wasn't feeling rery ell " Oregoniun. Thomas E Sheridan left No vembei 2n I with the final con. ingent of Morrow coun'. 's tmt I raft. He is well known and has many friends in and around Heppner who were surprised and shocked by the t.ews cor. tabled in the foiegointr clipping from the Oretronian. The only explanation that can be advanced by his friends in Morrow county is that the man became tempora rily insane ufter arriving at Camp Lewis. Ha is an Irishman by birth, intelligent, Uiriftv and a good citizen in all respects. He had acquired and improved a good homestead in tie Lena country and was getting started m the stock and farming busi ness when the draft came and later tiled claim for exemption on agricultural grounds. V hen bis claim was refused, I owever. he made no further complaint but sold off his steck ami hay. rented his ranch and went willingly to tne couch tratbin ctmp. His frie ds, however, believe Notice for Publication j Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. September 2K 1917. I Notice is hereby (riven that John M. Fine, of Her- minton. Ore., who. on March 23. l'JH. made Home stead Entry. No. 012714, for Nl-2. Section 4, : Township 2. North. Ranire 26. East. Willamette ' Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the ( land above described, before C. C. Patterson, t United States Commissioner, at Heppner. Oreicon, r on the 24th day of November, 1917. j Claimant names as witnesses: Hobert N. Wade, ' John Jefferys William B. Finley. Ralph Finley. all ' A Lexington, Oregon. j Sd28 H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. 1 ry Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 3. Land office, it LGrande, Oregon, Sept. 28th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Frank T. Peery, .hose post-office address is Lena, Oregon, did, on the 17th day of Auuuat, 1916. file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 016447, to ; purchase the SVi; SLV4, Section '62, Township 3 ' .-Uuth, fiance 21) East, Wiltiimette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the net of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known jt the "Timber and Stone Lhw," at such value as nittht be fixed by appraist n.ent, and that pursu ant to such application, the hind and timber there--ii have been appraised, at j&bO.dO the timber esti mated at 200,00 board feet at 75c per M, and the .and $100.00; that said applicant wilt offer final . roof in support of his application and sworn tatement on the 31st day of December, 1917, be. .ore W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, -t his office, at Hermiston, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time be lore patent issues, by filing a corroborated affida vit in this office, alleging facts which would de ieat the entry. 25d34 C. S. Dunn. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, October 2Gth. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Raymond Steers, of Hard mat), Oregon, who on November 18th, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 07710 and on July 21st, 1916, made additional Homestead Entry No. 016300, forSW1 SW, Section 21, NW: Section 25.E', NEH, SE1. Section 26, Township 5. South. Range 24-Rast, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to moke Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson. United States Cominis Mooer, at He pner, Oregon, on the luth day of De-ember, 1917. Claimant nomee as witnesses: Ernest H. W y -land, Charles H. McDnniel, John J. McDonald. George McDonald, all of Hardmnn. Oregon. 2Gd.11 H. FRANK WOOl COCK. Register. THE BRUNSWICK Plays All Records A Phonograph that can play but one make of records cannot possibly furnish you with as much enjoyment as one which will play any make of record. The Brunswick plays all records. All makes. And plays, them as the com posers and originators intended them to be played.' It adds much to your enjoyment without additional cost. 01 ALL PHONOGRAPHS IN ONE 0: Notice to Creditors Notic ia hereby (riven that the undersiifneH, John C. Suurnpafl, has been duly appointed ad oinutrmtor of the Estate of Nick Ablnmis. de- .wwH l.w tti Cumtv rVi.irt nf M..,,u, Cn.iMu that he WOri it'd ubout httVln tO Orln, alid haa duly qualinl for m h truat. uive up liis little Mart io life md tn.it his 11 i nd lecutxeurv niilat) edafter reaching the camp. War Work of the Y. M. C.A. "Suppose you were wet and weary," asked Charles White, lair, a Y. M. C. A. war work secretary, who was at the Klan ders front less than a month apo and is now in this country, "sup puse you had your face plastered with mud, your clothes almost orn fnm your body; suppose 'iui had been 'over the top' and had drafted yourself back to the trench; suppot-e you wer wounded ai d sought a dressing station, wouldn't you welcome a cup of tea or cofTee? Wouldn't you welcome a lift and a friendly Aoniy Wouldn't you nive year ol your life just to he able to imvo Mien in that condition? Well, tl at' the way thee olduii coin back from the tir. 11: iin. on ihe lland- r front , ,-ov.ri-il with mud, hardly rec .1 iiiz'k'ile an human hiMiij;. and 1 e liri nan to nacti them arit .lie thi'in a cup of stea'i.ii'n hot or (Tie, is a Y. M. C A. tcr 'a y I am in this country 0 loll l l.i- people of America what ihe-e fearless men are do ii'i', w liul t In )f t eat ot'KKU-Zitioii it ilointf and why it needs iNHl.ium in continue its i un.ai.l 1 it nun siirK ' Ii l the one orifaniz ition that 11 iihowed mi the front. It is .tolkllie; III the War Zone in coll ot-iioii with t tie lied l'ror, do- . nikr a work that may lie for your All penioDi having claims at-ainst said estate life hereby notified to present the name to me, duly verified, at the- office of Sam E. Van Vaetor. in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the dale of the tint publication hereof. Dated and published first this 2nd day of No vember, 1917. JOHN C. SOL'RAPAS, Administrator of Ihe Estate of Nick Ablamis. UeeMed. 2MM) Notice to Wheatgrowers I have been appointed Hepp ner representative of the Pacific Grain Company, of Portland, successors to M. H. Hmiser, and am prepared to buy all kinds of Krain. See me before selling. ROY V. VVHITEIS. I Wii '& WMi II: f ;p&l PRICES $75 TO $180 TERMS EASY 10 In addition to playing all records. The Brunswick has many other additional and exclusive features that stamp it as the mastet piece in phonograph making. We want you to know these features, but you cannot fully appreciate them un. til you see The Brunwick and hear it play That is why we i:,vi e you to come and hear it. We want you to compare it with ordinary phnnoin'nphs. You will not be urged to buy. Come prepared for a musical treat. You will not be diippointed. If jou cau't come write for particulars. Machines shipped n approval. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO. C. Guy Wakefield, Prop. 427 Washington St. Portland, Oregon kl- ii . P. TASIl A. S. Akers TASH & AKERS Successors to aughn it Sons GENERAL HARDWARE MERCHANTS Our stock of Shelf Hndware, TmU. Builders' Hardware, etc. i full and com plete and we respect fully solicit you r in-ie'ci ion :t.i.l pttrouagi We he. lieve we can jrive you rali-f ctioll both as to quality and prices. TLUMBING DEPARTMENT We are iiistiiMini; i n w I'ulmb'nL' Dep irtmenf add have seemed the s-'l Vice of a llia'ter plUMiher as mni'tU'er All Wnr III I hi line-w til receive care, fill aiieniio'i and i I tie i-x cured III the most approv ed manner. A fcli.tre of yiu r pi'r- riig is rep 't-t f u.ly so. hcited. TASH Sl AKERS OUF.C.PN 1 t ! mm g?a IMS. 55 a 1 3 J 3 S a?.a IA ', w 1 si IT B n a Trr. jrT'lf'fWetf mm nolved amithebitt appropriations i h ' "'l, ,(y rh"e an- thou of S hu ai d I'cileral money , "" Amncan soldier in v ich have been expended on '''' 'I hey 'il be 'puing over pmtaw'e toads ami canals and '"I'' 1 ,4J '"''(: back K. ks to make the I'ohinibia nav- W'.tnut. d. They will he jretiniK irfalile wmild bcnin to bear fruit , '"''P n"' "'' ,r'"" l.nf the nne for which they :"" "f Aim ricau Y. M, C. A Vk t-re inter. dt'il. secretaries if the people of thuig As a matter of fart, these vast """ their duty hii.i lielp.g fxpeiidilurrs tn river improve ""' "",v "' Zitiou that nn tits hnve not been a paying in- ll', 'h,, 'u, lrl,1 theoi vestment m far. The amount of befn.iit. It m an oppeal that tr.-iht car ried on the river is nckf ''" "'-l be overl..kil " luiblf a compari-d with the ton- rune carried by the rmlioaiN. " The only vi ay to make available thee extu'osive improvements fur the U in tit of producer ami C winter alike is to provide a way for the larnu r to reach the r v r with Ins wheat ai.d other pmducr l'iilcpiident of the t'l-.inch r.til-tM N. nini this a j-ivsj . ed roil w ill do." Foil K FN I' Two if iid rooni uiiii.e f,,r KiiepinK or I'Kir Imilfce ki'epilijf ti'nulid fl.Mir lo III F.itJ'iire at Herld m. e :i! JUST RECEIVED A NK..V I. INF (F DOLLS boSks Mil Ml ,F.. AN i) KF.FU I NTS -HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY mm if I, r. i'i - V V7 "V'V .IJA?AM; ,f tlfflH-f" &C' ' ' v, ' I ;,f rr V 'vf 4 -H iff-' t a msmmmm) Win Mi'Murrav. C neral l'aeiii."ir .c.-nt. I'ortl md Sale dates: Nov l.t to h H.-turn I mi. Nov "M, azszzxza crosneai cBirsz3S3 i Good Mules Wantid I want to buy kumJ Mules H to ' nvrrrr-tr- tr-T - rr- rr ?t n tt rt -tt- ; n tr-tvftt,'tt'ii trr-'nvtJ'Tr it W(HM A N 1 1 t(M. tttMlt ftaah un f ,r i 10 t his old. Gu) lUiyt r. Il. pp- (te.f (.,1 Jt w i.l p, tier, Oregon. 'Jt'tf ' Hfeslm. irUNISHFD I.OOM-Lnrvre f'l'"lheil nv-rtt. ihv liH'-lT I". t , . 1 1 II i o.,. m. r.tuiuire at ihtbui t.( ..!!;.-e. Ntr A' Phiikk! viri ti (" ril Mondtv to p.-nd a few div vitirif friend intra' vcni'v Mia J W S ,. i if ..i,i n i n. cm" in Ss'u'div mil ltnn n a t! rd d iv n t.. n W , V(!(m.'. v.! klo-rn ' n ,.f Inrif.-r,. Whs Cl'led In pl-M-r M,.t(i,y to erv bi -.ti'rV MH iirvniHIl l!u ii, i.r i f 1 1, ri-w it. eri i) J ' r v mi) l'ir fv ir .-d r-tf MitiPtr f T Mine r a. is in l.er ' ii-ai f tS.,i hotij t J tule car.