Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 09, 1917, Image 4

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THE fundamental basis of service at the Farm
ers & Stockgrowers National Bank consists of
both the ability and willingness to helpfully
co-operate in the problems of the local Farm
ers and Stock-raisers. Wherever we can aid
legitimate enterprise and development-we
shall be found more than glad to do so.
Checking and Savings accounts -bo!h
small and large are in
j When the Chill Wind Blows :
You will be reminded that you need a
a snug 0 V E It COAT, or a COM FY
Call and inspect, our stock, leave your
order and become one of our satisfied
Ml I M
lUULid "
I will be at the PALACE HOTEL,
Heppner, Or., to buy all kinds of
MULES, from 4 to 12 years old, from
15 hands high up. Broken or un
broken. Will buy some smaller
mules for the south. If you have
any for sale, call or write me care
the above hotel and I will come out
to see them.
W . H . K I M E
E. C. Watkins was in from hi
ranch Monday marketing- pota
Jones, of Portland, for
merly Miss Rhea of Heppner, has
accepted a position in the Hay
lor store.
Mr and Mrs. J. C. Owen have
moved into their new home re
cently completed , on Chase St.
near Willow.
Raymond Thcrnton, who was
in a rather serious condition for
a few days during the week
with a bad case of olood poison is
able to be on the street again
C. F. Waurs of Mt. Vernon,
was in our berg u few days ago.
He is thinking of selling his prop
rty there and investing in a
stock ranch. Spray Courier.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S . Pruyne
have removed from the Mullock
residence recently purchased by
J M. Hayes and arc occupying
i he cottage recently vacated by
H. C. Githens and family.
Married Mr. Harry Lindsay,
f lone, and Miss Pearl Hensley.
of W a sco, were married at the
county clerk's office. Wednesday,
November. 7. 1 917. Rev. Turner
Mar-Donald performing the cere
Dr. MfMurdo reports the ad
vent of a young soldier at the
home of Mr and Mrs D. Cox.
jr., at Lexington. Wednesday,
October 3lst. Also, to keep the
balance even, a hue daughter
was born to Mr. and Mr. V ill
t'unningham of Hatter Creek,
Monday morning, Nov. 5th.
Memheis of lb ppner Lodte,
H58. H P. O E will en'ertain
jineir wives, sweetheaits and
1 1 lends at an evening entertain
meni in their lodge room Friday
evening, Novetn her Kith. Music,
caids and dancing will feature
i oh evening's entertainment.
Every Elk is requested to be.
pi est nt:
llarlold Cohn, wideawake agent
for Oldsmohiles, made a record
day last Satuiday by selling
New Fall Models in
Wirthmor Waists
The Standard Dollar
Waists of America
This Blouse is developed of a very pretty Taney striped Voile a new Fall
material The front center is of plain white Voile solidly tucked, lending
a most pleasing effect. The large collar, coming to deep points in front
and tum back cuffs are also of plain white Voile. Sleeves are inset with hem
stitching. A model that will be much admin d.
A simple, appealing model that almost anyone, be they large or small,
1-2 could wear becomingly. ' The front is solidly tucked almost to shoulder
seams with tucks of alternating widths. The collar is so fashioned that
it is equally attractive whei worn upstanding or laying down. Collar and turn
back cuffs are outlined with dainty Venice Pico edging. Two very large ocean
pear! buttons for fastening. Made of a splendid quality of Voile.
A neat, semi tailored model, simply and effectively trimmed. The collar
1-3 is convertible can be worn high or low. The front is attractively trim-
med wi'h pretty embroidery and four fall. length tucks with short should
er tucks for fulness. Sleeves are finished with turn-back cut in point effect.
Three large ocean pearl buttons for fastening are ornamental as well as useful.
A practical, sensible, serviceable Waist.
Somewhat more elaborate than the other three models in this group, and
1-b a Blouse that has the appearance and character of a far more costly
model. The embroidery covering entire front is particularly pretty and
distinctive; while the collar is embroidered all over in matching design. Hem
stitching is liberally applied on collar, down front fold, and to inset sleeves,
lending added refinement. A Blouse that will find favor everywhere.
We highly recommend them because of their
unusual merit and genuine worth.
Lonnie Cop. nhaver has a new
three new "Olds" within 3D min
utes. The lucky buyers were
I., i. lAirlnu of Hi.mwwi- Kur
ley, of Heppner Junction, and I'KismnDiie.
Loti Copei;haven. of neat Lex-' Mrs. Clara Christensm has
ington. If Harold can maintain gone back to Harrington. III., to
that gait of an O'ds every ten visit h?r relatives.
minutes and keep it uti for n few I A son was born this week to
days he will force the Olds peu- Mrs. Oilman at the home of her
pie to enlarge their plant, sister. M' s. Harry M 'inker.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Avers left Grandpa Burchell. of Port
vesterdav for Portland making land, made a brief visit teie t..
the trip by auto. After a short l"' after his wheat interests,
stay in the Rose city they expect j Mr. and Mrs. Em I Warner and
to proceed to California where and M'. and Mrs. (ten. Bro.dley
they will spend the winter tour- hive gone by autos up into Idaho
ing the land of sunshine and
(lowers. Road and weather con
ditions after they reach Portland
will determine whether th y will
drive south or ship their car and
go through by boat of train.
Mrs S. W. Silencer may join
them in the south later.
FOR SALE - H'Ji acres of tine,
raw land in Marion county. Che.
gun, 10 miles from Silvertin.
for a visit,
Geo. Nolan, a traveling insnr
hmcp man, was here, on business
h few diys. While here he was
ihe guest of Mr." Scott.
The Hawgetty. have moved j
diiwn below Arlington, where I
l l ey expect to work on one of
it e Kerr (I iTord ranches.
Mr and Mrs. C. W. M Wil
llains. relative of the Item's.
We have the largest and most complete VUL
CANIZING PLANT in Eastern Oregon and we
are prepared to do any kind of work in the Vul
canizing line. All mail orders will have our
best and prompt attention. We guarantee our
prices to be as low as good work will permit.
Good Butter et Less Than Ten Cents I Mrs Frnk p'"(rm-, Hn(1 children
I came out with her for a visit.
Instructions for making good Mrs ChM Urrtfii who came
tasted, heal'hful butter at a e st ! ., fn Cortland a short time
r..i n r Ihmr home in .Tie : ( less man ten cen's iiei iioiiini ago i nner nusiiicsft inier.
... ... . ... .1 . - . , n. tj , ,.nnrf n k... V n II...
m'.es rum MaU'in. I5'M quality hoiine. Otegotl. aMer an extend j sent upon receipt o postal order j um-u .u iin uuue iiuu-
sol I. lies well, Iinictlill'iv all
rMwtu.i i r mi
p.iiw land UUiituiig wa'cr lor
st ck on tioth quarters Clu-e
in macadam road. Ies than one
half time (ruin railroad liood
School, neighbor s im p ri iv eil f i t ins
adjacent 1 1- -Hi market for all
products of l it in at ti g logging
camps further in interior. I.iml
easily and cheaply prepared foi
plow. A spletuleil piiipooitioii to
cm up and sell in sn ail' t tiact
or to develop entire For p.r
ticular. enquire at the 11. raid
nftice. tiif
WANTKU Position by . .o
rienced man and wife on ranh.
JfuliS H '-'IS, lone. Ore.
First National Bank
Dr Turner, t h e u.11
known eve pecia tt of
Portland, will lie at the I'i ., e
Hulel Heppner. air t Mi Tilo.l.iV.
N v Ft. in l"tie Monday. .Yv
12 Don't fad to eon-lot . in
ttiout your eve lllnl g!i.
Html chc relieved, ct' i
i raightcne.l; it isf.t.-i ioii jjiir
tliti'i'd Poii'l fall to l.l ,
I'urDcr ho you the ne.v K v -ok
inlttile lefoctl g'.tv do
lititnt lnl linir , ii, :'t o-i
lie Uliigt.l ly line or m
H'l'll ll'rt. .t'H'll H e i n .
ollic aptrt t '" ok i i
piei't of g' 1 1 a 1 1 1 - k
Hi: e p il r y, I ;(.,.,
hi . of un I ;. . .
e tt III l n.'l f l. 1
I i'e, H- pi i l N"V 1.! .
Nov i:'iu.
d visi' here.
M. I TucWer and son aie
hinting gravel and sand tin
.ek an. I are g.'ttitg thing
ii ady for the city to install two
new cro wa'k.
Mr. and Mr. 1 "iiz are Vt-.it.
ing the Hmkeis Mr. and M s.
H 'Oker exp-'Ct to leave hef..re
long for California to spend the
winter mining 'he orange
Mis Marie Hiker, teacher in
the Lexington pihhe school,
hunted M"i'dny afternoon mid
was removed to her home in an
an'o. She i better at thi tune.
I ran t Hmthly came from Cal.
ico Rock. Ark., to nn hi
mother. Mr. Suan Ilrothly,
(irant i trying to periude In
mother to accompany him hack
to Arkansas to spend the win
A mnn!l fire oceurred in Ho,
atil Itne' t led no p unt hicti
night luive liecoine ertou hut
'r the prompt Hcttnii of top vol.
iinieer tire hngile. h'ih re.
-ponded imini'dia'elv. hy no'
ortnu"..' mid hve tegular tir
on puny.
for )' cent. N i machinery nec
essary. You have everything
ceded in your own kochen.
( lestioti HiisW'-rcl through the
mail only Hymn .Johnson.
11 ppner. Oi egon.
about cash pri;en for your win.
ter fuel It will pay you Kd
Hreslin. l"if
Karl Cramer rnme up from his
ranch on the Sand IhsI wtek on
business While here he had
raiher had luck with his car.
He left it on the hill near Hollm
Lea' tier's place and walked down
in the house, a the hill, though
a tiort on, i rather uteep and
. rough. That night secne young
ter from town thought they
.vould p'av an ea'ly Hallnwe'ell
j"ke, it tit it g only the 30th nf
October, and the supposition i
iney started it down the tiill and
lost cntrol of it The renult
mh that next morning w hn he
uent to limn (or hi car he found
it nt the hntioni of the bill about
a quarter of a mile from the
house, ihrip epoke broken out
of one wheel, a bent tire, nnl
pretty hud i y di figured Het.a k
it to the Itunnmn garnge una
on hd it repaired, though it
c it htm quite a num. He left
for him home Friday.
t i
Mice to Wheatgrcwers
I have U cn n; 'jmintt-.l HcpJ
tier rt prccr!ative ef the
I Irain Comrany. 'f
.iicci sor to M. H. H"!
ai'l prcpar. il to h IV
IV.e I" i
i;ov v
'. .1" I
kf ! :'
It'.. 'f k,'.
We undcrtattd that Mack P.id
d e his gone to Arzolnt for hi
Mr and Mr. Ceo. Chapin vi
ited Suni'ay at thehonieof Mr
and Mm J A A.tatn. ;
Mm Jeie Furling wm in
to n a few day ago look't g for ;
a house to move into fur the wai
.Inn Mi'Lt o'il hi H nt on
V.ilny ranch to Mr Mulligan -
Lou- Ko. k Con.ider..t.on. ;Bu(Jk,et o ,he City ol Heppner
T I -" iv.
, Mr Heii Sift and
H i'er. caiiiedown frotii IVnilltf
on to vimt wrih h".- tio'ther,
r. .1 F '.Vrd
1 l.e Hi'dinin Milhrg Co hive
v n t racted rtt"Ut e'1
:', ..ir to the bacr
I I.. y ic.(k ery loh .1 tt.t
II it Imau !'. 'ir
.. Mirv Hill'
il.'lpntr MoitJty.
I f- l'"' 4 'K l-iil nf Ul lT luf
Son, 1 ih. .1, Hria-nt t"f IS tml
t .f aid Wsir
T rf
t.rreU of '-"i"!"
nil. M 'r--IT'i'T
!, ,
V II ol,
" Hr
I 1 'O
I'ti t
I fir. nn
' ')
I U "ti
Usttl. i. t
i I
t 1 . ..r.f,l
II uv
till Kwvrtw,