txa: 8 s Professional Column g DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and IONE Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore SAM ; :. VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPPVER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office plione Main 643 Residence phone Main 663 Notice ot Sheriff's Sale Notice for Publication fotlce is hereby (riven that under and hy virtue Department of the Interior. I'. S. Land Oiliee of an execution and order of sale duly issued by at La Grande. Oregon. October 15th. tli the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Notice is hereby given that William K. M.-Ker-Murrow. State of Oreuon. dated the 23rd day of rin. of Heppper. Orrsrcm. who. on October 31st. October. 1917. in a certain suit in the Circuit 1910. made Homestead Entry. No. tH-:l. for SSl2 Court for said County and State, wherein T. J. j NEl, and Nj SK-. Section IS. T,-vpsh,, -;i..iitli. Mahoney. Trustee. A. M. Markham. T. J. Matlock, j Ransre 27 East. Willamette Mt ndian. haa tikd Emma Welch. J. H. McHaley, J. B. Natter, Chris notice of intention to make ftve-vcar front, to es- CECIL ITEMS A Ilonrilw-n vwe, a filler at Al'llll-Moll Weil no-liiiy .ll'SS 1),-)S. Willi mid futility were Ceeil eiilli r- Si: ml.iy Ihll Sl , -1 here Inl liis a Everybody Wins But the "Tin Trust" Lattauren. John Hughes. Henry Blackinan, James j tabliali claim to the land above described, belme h'MMH Hi IvMlei" nil fcviturtlnv Fitz. P. O. Bortr. the First National Bank of Heppner. Oregon, a corporation. William Hushes, W. F. Wall. Mabel H inches. M.S. CorriKslK Ed Rond. John Marmon. Jeff Evans, Sybil McSwords. Nirhulaa Jonas. Ralph Thompson and M. Belle Thompson, Administrator and Administratrix of the Estate of J. A. Thompson, deceased, E. R. Swinburne. E. W. Rhea. E. F. Day. H. D. Wood. Thomas Quaid. and K. F. Hushes, Beneficiaries. Plaintiffs, recovered judsment airainst C. A. Rhea, defendant, for the sum of 179.729.66 and the further sum of $5000.00 attorney's fees and coBts and disbursements taxed at $21.50 and upon which judgment there has been paid the sum of $40,500.00 on the U8th day of July. 1911. Notice is hereby given that I will on the 30th day of November, 1917, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for caBh in hand, the following described real property to-wit: The Northeast quarterof the Northeaat quarter of Section Twenty-five in Township 2, S. R. 24, E. W. M. in Mor row County, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the property of the said defendant C. A. Rhea, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment in favor of T. J. Mahoney. Trustee, A. M. Markham. T. J. Matlock. Emma Welch. J. H. McHaley. J. B. Natter. Chris Lattaures John Hughes, Henry Blackmail, James Fitz, P. O. Borg, The First Na tional Bank of Heppner. Oregon, a corporation. William Hughes. W. K. Wall. Mabel Hughes, M. S. Corrigall, Ed Rood. John Marmon. Jeff Evans. Sybil McSwords, Nicholas Jonas, Ralph Thomp son and M. Belle Thompson, Administrator and Administratrix of the Estate of J.A.Thompson, deceased, E. R. Swinburne. E. W. Rhea, E. F. Day, H. D. Wood, ThomaB Quaid, and K. F. Hughes, Beneficiaries, plaintiffs and against said C. A. Rhea, for the snm of $79,729.56, less the sum of $40,600,00 paid July 28. 1911. with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the 9th day of June, 1911, together with all costs and dis bursements that have or may accrue. GEO. McDUFFEE Sheriff. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 23rd day of October, 1917. 26c29 C C. Patterson. United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day of J December. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: John V. Ilintt, Enoch Cave. Matthew Hughes, and Eugene Mat teson. all of Heppner, Oregon. 26d31 C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U, S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon, October 15th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that James W. Crsig. of Heppner, Oregon, who. on May 21st, 1912. made Homestead Entry. No. 0103.2. forSE'- KEN. Sec tion 19, and on December 10th, 1912. made addi tional Homestead Entry No. 011393. for the SW'i NE1. Section 19. Township 2 South, Rtnge 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at hs office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 12th day of December. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: AmoB Miss'ldine, hn H. EdwardB, Ernest Edwards, and David Brown, all of Heppner, Oregon. :6d31 C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofliceat La Grande, Oregon, October 15th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Clarence Reid. of Heppner, Oregon, who, on January 2tth. 1911. made Homestead Entry, No. 012TSH. for SW'i SWV4, Section 4, SE1 SEvi. Section 5. NKU. NE' i SEVi, Section 8, NWU NW"-4. Suction 9, Town- hip 6 South. Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof to establish claim to the land aboe des- ribed. before C. C. Patterson. United States Commissioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, un the 13th day of December, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Warner C. Ken nedy. Alonzo D. Reid. Charles Osten. and Arthur Reid, all of Heppner. Oregon. Aid31 C. S. DUNN. Register. FRANCIS A" McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building. Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. October 10. 1917. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, undei provisions of Sec. 2455, R.S., pursuant to the ap plication of Harley Wright. Serial No. 016258. wt will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 per acre, at 10:30 o'clock a. m,. on the 19th day of December, next, at thib otfice the following tract of land: NVk N3i, Sec tion 15. Township 6. South Range 26 East. W. M Containing 80 acres. w;The sale will not be kept'open. but wlllbe de dared closed when those present at the hour nam ed have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid wilt be required to immediately pay tc the Receiver the amount thereof Any persons claiming adversely the above-de-Bcribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. 26d29 L. A. BOOTH. Receiver. 5' HARDMAN GARAGE J3LEAKMAN &. RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON rl Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, October 15th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Ray G. Slo-um. of Heppner, Oregon, who on May 7th, 19H. made Homestead Entry No. 013273, forse'i ne'i. ne'j iei. Section 12. Township 4 South. Range 27 East. Lot 3 and 4, Be1- swU and a1 se' t, Section 7, Lot Section 18, Township 4 South, Range 2H Fast. Willamette Meridian, haB filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United Staies Commissioner, at his olllc, Ht Hepp ner, Oregon, on the 14 day of December, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Robert D. Wat- kins, Floyd G. Thomas. George W. S perry, and Lee Slocum. all of Heppner. Oregon. iod31 C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U , S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon, October 15th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Warner C. Kennedy. of Heppner, Oregon, who. on April 1st. 1914. made Homestead Entry, No. 013029. for aw'-i ne'4. ala swW, ne4 aw 4. Section 29. nw'i iie'i, n1.- nw4, bp 4 nw4, Section 32, Towntmip 4 South. Range 27 East. Willamette Meridian. ha tiled nn- ice of intention to make three-year Proof, to es tahlish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterton. United States t'onimmmoner. hi his office, at Heppner. Oregon, on Ihe Kith day of December. 1917. Claimant names as witnesun: Clarence Kin! Alonto D. Reid. Walter Hclinuk. and Waltri Rood, all or Heppner. Oregon. :Gd3l C. S. DUNN. Register. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that Ihe untb' reigned, H. Mr. m inl Mrs (it-orM Mill N"n( Im-uI iv at Um Willmvs. j Mis II..,-I Winters returned! to lier seliuoi in lone Monday. Walter Pnpti and John Miller were A i imgton visitors Satur day. I. A. TrtM ul son of Miiiyau whs a ImMiiess caller at Cecil Fri day. Or C A IM(He and Hill Thotn son came down from llepnner Monday. ,)url lytic! was a busy man Tuesday and Wednesday dipping' his slid p. Mr. and Mrs Jim Ally ti were cullers at the Uoj d Loyan hi tin u eu nesitay. Ilerh Kverelt and son were Arlington business callers on Wednesday. Mrs. .1. II. and C. F. Franklin visile d with Mr. and Mrs. Mel ton Thursday. Mrs A. Ahalt and Mrs, T. J. ForKiicr spoilt. Saturday and Sunday in Cecil. Mr. Bryson, of lono, was a business, caller at, the Jack llynd r inch on Monthly, Mrs. Robbie Wilson, of Rhea Siding-, was an Arlington visitor Friday and Saturday. H. F. Vounf, who has been herding for , lack llynd thissun, iner, left, for Heppner. Jim Korian, of the Jack llynd ranch, ro'urned home from a two AeeUs' vL-.it in I'orilaiid. W. 11 Crook accouipaiiied l F. Holmes of lone were Cecil business callers Monday. Mrs IJi iinett and Mrs. T. II liwc visited with the sick at, the Melton lie .in . on Saturday. Miss ISi-micc Franklin was tin gin si. of Miss K-thor Logan Wednesilay and 'I hnrsiliiy. Mrs, .lick llynd aid Miss Louise Shaw were visitors at I In Fl liiwllli home Weill!! sdiy. Mrs C. F Franklin relumed Inline Thursday, afle; spentlin I few week-in t he l.i na ",ount ry . Clyde Franklin was an Ailing l.utl business caller Ihiirsoay where he invested in a in w'Fnd c ir. C .1. McKay and Fred Hi id rtl. the city painters, wen il ppin-r callers Saturday an A COFFEE TIP One way to help reduce the High Cost of Living Do you know it costs 7c per pound to put Cof fee in cans? That means you pay 40c for a 30c to 33c Cof fee, or a 20 per cent, waste, as the cans are useless to you when empty. To get as near 100 per cent, food value for your money as possible, try our Bulk Coflees. We will grind them, if you wish, with our new ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDER A complete stock of both Bulk and Package Coffee. A. Noyen, haft hern diilv umill1t-d i'mi-ciiIhi lit tlic I.hkI Will !,! Ti-Himiiriit uf Millie II. WI,,im, Flr-rwirk. lU'''i'lt!. hy the Count) Cuurt uf M"i row County, Oietfuii. Hint hua dtil muhIiIicI n : f ur(t. AH Pr.on having rlaimn aKH'tml biiiiI rtiit urs herehy notified to iirfHrnt the Hume tn me j StllnhlV, duly verified, at ihe oflire of mv attnrne h. W-mmI i t , r m fjweel,. l Henmier. (li.m, withm t ' llt lll iust'll iltin VMl.-.lllti I . month, fnim th date ot the Hit ,iihl.ralii 1 1 . . ,. allloill to I 1 1 I II -III' I I - i i irtiursday, ii'luruing home Fri Phelps Grocery Co. 3.Viafl Ml SaS5 affgl!.'5i'.S3 o i uis r iii?.r.Rivirn NFVV LINF OF WINTER GOODS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS MACKINAWS HOSIERY, ETC. Cull anil make you selections early. 1 SAM. HUGHES COMPANY fl c0 I FARM IMPLEMENTS! i niivpT quiI Inlin Uppv Plow? i U11IU1 U11U uuuu uuui liunu : i hereof, 30ted and firnt nutiluhed thia 2nd dav of N., Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line vt-mtcr liW. 11. A. NOYKS. Exut,ir of the Urn Will midlfMinmriit f Mlli Notice to Creditors j Nut ire ti hrrliy givrn Ihiit Oip uin1rn'ir rl Mry Klln iVrry. hn hern Huty mpihuiiIhI m-- u trin of the I. ant Will and li-HiHfin-rit of Tirrv. I)i-(iim-H. Iy th (ountv Conrl f M'-rn-w (;oufjlf HH'tf'1"' "imll,,'l H,M ll trust. All IMTVinii hnvinic rwmn nirHrl nnid r hiTfhy nutiti. prwnt mmr lu mr rlmv vrrifiHi it lh-offtrp uf mv lt.rn.-v. Sum K. Vn ItttUt ftr' P'ltilH 'lon tirrt-.f Itfl n4 puMlaltwt Mfi 4l"i iUt I'f br. 1117. MARY KI.I.KS I'l BUY. Fiutni of th Ltat Will id lfin."i - f GnrrtPtrn. IcM. C1LUU k BISBEE will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made. 'tl iy l-Vel.ine;. Miss Irene I miij.'I.iss imvi- it 'I'uiiiJ 1 1 . 1 1 1 I A e'l'tl 'l nj; I lltll lit In I 1 tio'il. All iliil'lreii del their I i ll t s III line sly In. I 'til I'.lllev it ti I son .Inn of the Wlllo'As -1 . 1 N I over nlfhl Hi ! eil with ii lei in ',. of tine it1 1 le. 1'ln-y Ion. Wednesday for III i'- m-r. II. I li I '.vei'el t hull his unit (i w hlle wot liili' f"!' lleni V et it mi S.ituidiiy iind liy tin- time he rout-hod houii- his wile lnid lli row ri lu r w n-t out of phiee. JlirU Hyll'l Hlld ll'' Will- uoiill o.i tie! s if iind i Iioth to loiii-, wte-t f i le y w ei i-lit t.endi.'d to hy lit J tj c l . People's Cash Market HENRY SC11WARZ, Prop. All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meals Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER rtaiiH unit ruliviotrx Furnixhid for All Kind of HuHtling. I 'irxt CldHH Win k )nl ii. Make n Sifriiillfi of mill lime f'owtilrlf iliiifiim ul fur House Moving Notice lor Publiration ii,.rtmnt ot lh. Ini.nur ll l.,l , Hi.i i Th. rlli. Own. Octiilir Sfiiih. I'm, Nollr. t. hrvliy hivmi Ih.l l.wn,.ul J. It'ie, ,(!.. o( ll.ntm.ft. Orl('n. h'i. jti SuM-ml-r 'th. 1114 md H',mtiwl Knlr N,. ' III I. H on Alrtl l. tut'' nli- t-tili'n,.l II-.ii,i.i. k, f.ftry. N". "!f'M. X' N-. Kt.'i s'. s'. SW'.. SiWlf'K'l. Hrirfi f. I'.mt.h't, ! ,i'l. Kw J' I"' W,'mm Mrri.t i, Ix. ,,. I iwrfu. nf irit.ii'M'ti If ik.k. t ii, in Hum. t4t 1 . 1.. -..l.lt.k .Ikl... I.. Il.u I....I al. ,1. Ufnrt C. ('. I'.ttrrwti I h.ll Hl.. I rtlllll H' , III I' I H '.l II I llllill Alva Jones Goes East 1 Mr. mid Mi-, ei I M d it i I li l i I Aim, lm v i ii' .1. fl f I mil to ll .Imies th. ir e ll te. vi.n unit.' fribwt. r;riiW:rc 1 H.IT'''. 0'-n. of Oi day of lfrmmr. ltn. ( I. m.nl ri.m. u ii,.m T t't1' II ' li.m. t.Avmnt ( r.l-f ,IIt K hi,'' I r . (.lu'irh .11 "f lUHmin llr.T',li J.VUi II IKSK Wmlmii K II. v ' tilll i'i 1,1 ei'. . ,1, THE BRICK Mc.VI EE c AIKEN. I'mpv ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. John Mndd.-n ti Ah-y .1 Pull i-n, Im'Ii of l.niie Jin-l. wi re unit id in iimrrniL'" Ht lie- li'iiin- of 1 1... h rid-- on Wi d in-siliv, ' ii t'tn r '"i1 'I it.e M'.rro louii'N 11,1 hi-ii- 'i '"' I hut h" hel ' ll I I i ii -.ft-r r ed to i. Hit. .,,itit t ,i-t. I.f i n e ' di ti. i ' ion le.t ii. niL' t'l M ' . 'Hid M fs. Join s (.ft t.'l lo t'. A mi' i ii iin I . ilti- H is un, ni Ii to vi-.il 1 1 1 1 -"ii f.-r ii f' . d.i s ili " i ' . 'I I t m -f.-r .le. $4.50 A PAIR .'ll Jiiotiee 'i' If n-r foriht d tl. i t-rt-iiiofiy Mr. mnl Mrs Mel di n Hre m, pillar ymn if n i i'Kl tnrt HiHrrinl life unh He hi-l it'i il te H Hi-ii.) Iru-tid pinion tjlohi.- v. III. A . i 1 1 i la' th.i t,.,ii.--. ii-1 I ind i-it in 1 1 , i- i -I V tlHl I i'l II' I i t l ill in 4U Hi- ii in t i 1,1-n , C i,., l,, 01 l I V ..l,le ll l-i III I f it'h. r -.1 !.. I. it t'!.-. v t..i. 1 1 .ni. it hi i -' i i n 1 1 tin- THIS SMART STYLE IS ONI. or OUR BIGGEST SL.LI.KKS I t Ik 1 Priced Wi l li SI.OI.IN SOl.t. AND mmiii K HI i t. E. N. Gonty Shoe Store