HEPPNER HERALD Red Cross Notes S. A. PATTiSON. Publisher. Qid white muslin for hospital use nd ft ur sacks for dish tow els are still much needed Brintr irieru to the hea'quarters . a M Cj rcn .-oumi. V.rt -red at the. lie aimer, Oregon, Rioks and u- niHiizmes are Post Office as second-class matter, wantel f.r th- soldiers. Per. sou. avinjr such are requested i4n Independent, Local Newspaper. Terms of Subscription. One Year - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDAY. NOV. 9. 1917. to leave tbem with the city libra riun at th- council chamber. Fifteen thousand nurses have already enrolled with the Amer ican Red Cms-, many of whou have volunteered for war ser t . Cl(l1fi I .. 1 Kllll A tt . VlCf?. ADOUF siUi'U UttVB aurauj : RIAL TREASON been sent io Europe. 1 The following committee to so. Sunday's p.e.-ra dispatches irom f Ch eapo, if true, reveal a condi- CMm&s boxe, WHH appointed: tion of affairs not calculated to R M D c,ark- inspire patriotic impulses ,n the Manm,Hy. About, 412 5(i minds of the rank and me o ,ne m1 f()f )S(? American peop e, or a willing-' n to stint themselves on food Everyb. dy should prepare to in an -ndeavar to conserve staple brln something for the big sale food.8tuffiandthu:ihelpto"win b" held soon Anything of ,,.. value tha' you can Hare, will be ine war. i ... . ui i .... i j, accepted nom an nu.nui""... Several har-dre 1 carloads of ( fudfcJ(i r fa. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. EteMrtmMit of th lr.wrior. U. S. Land OHic. at La Grande. 0ron. Sent. 12th. lSlT. Notiu i hereby Kivm that William LeKoy Pear on. of Lna. Orexon. h.. or. June 9th. 19K1 nada Homentead hr.try No. Ui2i;u, .or i .-4. E 1-2 NW NW 1-4 SE 1-4. Nt 1-4 bW 1.4 r.d LU 2 and 3. section 31. townsmu i ouuui -ane 29 East. Willamette Meridian, has Wei tice of intention to make three-year Proof to es ablinh claim to the land above described, befon C. C. Patterson. United States Commissioner, a lis office at Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day o November. 1917. n.imint names a witnesses: James H ijririns Jeore Cummir.ga, Ji-hi Keeisan. and Phil HiK rln., all of Lena. Oregon. :UU1 C. S. DUNN. Reeister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Deoortment of the Interior. U. S. Land Office a La Grande. Oregon. Sept. 12th. 1917. Notice ia hereby given that George R. Pear .on of Lena, Oregon, who. on April 18th, 1913. made Horaeatead Entry No. 011927, for SE 1-4 and SW 1-4. section 30, township 1 South, Rangi it Eaat. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice ol intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Pat terson, United States Commissioner, at his office at Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day of Novem ber, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: James Higgins, George Cumrnings. John Keegan, and Phil Hig- gina, all of Lna, Oregon. 22d27 C, 8, DUNN, Register. r.r.int,,u rvninna rahhncrp find . . ..... :. . :.. u.... cy work other vefjeiaoie;', it is a haw Date of sale will be i ..,.,1 I....... Deen iouno in me ranioa.4 jam , there frozen and rotten. The' The Red Cross .s sendl g -5 rr, hor no destination tickets tons of Tod to Heme, Swnzer. and were marked, "Jloldspuds,",. fr Amencn pnsone .n the intent U-inK, SO detectives 'G-uny H. .upphes will b assigned to the case art, to' forward '." (kstroy the ttuff and thus o-'ei-J Cross f i hut , v Vo P'm' a higher market. The detectives cuflips vritire American p. also assert that when the cars "rs are confim d as needed, were moved to the dumping1 ing to th" scarcity of whole grounds they were marked "rub- some mil in Russia the Ameri bish" and the decayed vegeta-1 can Red Cross has purchased hies were covered with a thin l.OOo.ooO pounds of condensed layer of dirt and sticl s. milk for the babies in that coun- Food Administratoi Hoover has "y Shipment will be madeim. been notified of the affai and mediately. Another million Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Lh4 Office at r,n.... n., BoT,.omher 28. 1917. Nutice is hereby given that John M. r ine, of Her miston.Ore.. who, on March 23,1914. made Home paad Entry, No. 012714, for Nl-2, Section 4. Tttb)P ?; filprth. Range 26. East. Willamette Meridian, hi AM notice of intention to make Pinal three-year trf, Mtnbiiall claim to the )nd above described, pefor C. P. PBtteraon. JbM States Commiaaioner. at Heponef, Oregon, on Ihf tiib f f.oymber, 1817.. Clio)4 1'tmm a Witnpsaes: Hubert N, Wade, John J.ffry WilliMH ft, tlpty, Ml't Finley, all of Lexington, Orettwn. a3d2 H. FRANK WOODCOfK. Hegister. A Public Sale will be held at the Hanshew place, in Blackhorse, 4 1-2 miles north of Heppner, on SATURDAY, NOV. 17, 1917 at which time the following will be disposed of to the high est bidder: HORSES the Department of Justice has also been advised ot th.' discov ery. It remains to be s.'en what the outcome of this case will be if p.iiindh will be made next ujonth. The Red Cross extends t haul-8 to all who participated in in hW i r g i he reception and program for i lie soldier boys such a successj the published reports are proven i Especially to the refreshment true. Will there be a real inves tigation of this conspiracy to ex tort further tribute from the common people of the country for the benefit of these traitor ous conspirators against their country and humanity as well, or will there be, as has so often hap pened in the past, a superficial in quiry, a long drawn out fight in the courts and then, after the public has forgotten the affair, a ijuushimr of proceedings and vic tor) for the traitors? The men responsible for such outrages may pose as pure pa triots: they may buy Liberty iiieetiiii,' Komls in big blocks, subscribe liberally to the Red Cross and shout their feahy to the govern- committee and to Mr Wilhins who assisted the committee in making the stand net over t68 for I he cause. The regular monthly meeting of the Chapter wbn held Tues. dny evening at the council cham ber. The revised Hy-laws wore adopted and a committee was appointed to in vestigate the mat ter of attempting to organize an auxiliiity among the school cnil. dren S. K Van Vactor. A M. I'helps and Mrs. Richardson !ere appointed on this commit tee to report at the next regular Notice of Guardian Sale of Real Property I JoU tlf,, IflW Virtf f 8 license ' -el ! kiVti M ft tfcetwinty Cpim and . " -on fir Mttrruw H"imt, on of the State o. utMlwlV nttd the IWh day of IK-iubei, . lflB guardian of the person and estate ol jo.: Woolery, a minor, will on and after the loth day i 9 ot November, 1H17, proceed to sell Ht private sale, a at Heppner, Oregon, for cash in hand, for the ; beat prke obtainable thereior, and subject to con- tlrmetion by said Court, all the light, title and in- I terest of laid minor, in and to the following des- ! enbed real property, to-wit; The Ei-2of SK1-4. El-2of NKI-4 of Sec. 4. Tp. i J. S. K. 24; the NW1-4 of Sec. 20, Tp. 1. N. H. 24: the Nl-2 of SEI-4, Sl-2 of NE1-4 of Sec. 16. the NW1-4 of Sec. 2R. Tp. 2, N. U. 21: the SK1-4 ol SEI-4 of Sec. 14. the Wl-2of NE1-4. NEW of NKI-4 of Sec. 23. tho W 1-2 of SW1-4 of Sec. 2H.Tp. 1, N. K. 2t; Lota 1.2, 3. and 4. theSUl-4 of NW1-4. SW1-4 of NKI-4 of Sec. 2. Tp. 1, S. R. 24; the 8W1-4 of NE1-4. NWl-4of SEl-4, El-2 of NEl-4 of Sec. 34. Tp. 4. S. K. 2S; the NW1-4 of Sec. IS. Tp. 2, S. K. 24. all Eaat of Willamette Meridian. Morrow County, Oregon, also lots 7 snd 8. in Block 3. and Iota 6. 7. and 8, Parks Block, in the City of lone, Morrow County, Oregon. The said real property will he sold either intact and as a whole, or in tracts parcel or subdivisions to suit purchasers. Dated this ilth day of October, 1917. HELEN V. KNAITENHKIUJ. Guardian of the person and estate of Josephine Woolery. a minor. 2:td27 The Food Campaign metit from I he housetops, but if Twenty -eixht school districts they are ui!ty of these published ot Mortow County tin v M-nt in charges I Lev ,-I.O'iM have meted' their reports of the pledge cards out to tin m the extreme penalty ! fgnetl in the the food cnierva- of the law. lion ati paign Notice to Creditors Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned, Mattte 8. Scrlvner, haa been duly appointed ad miniatratria of the eetate of W. V. Scrivner, de ceased, by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and haa duly qualified for such trust. All peraona having claims agKnist Mini estate are hereby notified to present the aame to me du ly verified, at the urhe of my attorney. Sam K. 1 Roan Horse, 5 years old 1 Gray Horse, 5 years old I Gray Horse, 9 years old 1 Black Gelding, 8 years old 1 Bay Mare, 6 years old 1 Sorrel Horse, 7 years old 1 Sorrel Horse, 5 years old 1 Gray Gelding, 8 years old 3 Wagons 1 Buggy 2 Gang PIqwi 2 Drills 1 Jones' Weeder 1 Cultivator 1 Fannin? M'U 1 McCormiek Header 1 Holt Combine -fler Boxes 3 1 Hay Rake 1 D.sc Harrow 1 Bay Gelding, 6 years old 1 Black Gelding, 6 years old 1 Sorrel Gelding, 5 years old 1 Roan Gelding, 9 years old 1 Black Gelding, 12 years old 1 Gray Mare, 9 years old 7 Yearlings and 2 two-year-olds 1 Sucking Colt IMPLEMENTS 1 Six-Horse Harrow 3 Wheat Racks 6 Sets Double Harness 1 Cream Separator 1 Scalding Vat Cook Stove, Heating Stove and other Household Utensils Miscellaneous Stable Tools and other Tools and Equipment 100 Sacki Barley 1 Stack Rye Hay, 25 tons 5 Hogs, weight about 125 lbs. each Sale Begins Promptly at 10:30 A. M. FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE:--A11 sums of $10 and under, cash; Bankable notes, bear-in- 8 per cent., will be accepted on sums above $10; 2 per wnt. discount for cash. EDGAR A. STEVENS, Owner W. PREW1TT COX, Clerk F' & McMENAMIN. Auctioneer Good Mules Wanted I want to buy good Mules 3 to 10 years old,- Guy Boyer, Hepp ner, Oregon. 20tf MULE LOST-Bay mare mule broken to work, mane roached, van vector, at Hennner. orenon. w.thmm six tail shaved. Brand "lazv D (w)" month, from the date of the first ubli,aon I )t,,t Dated and Brat published tins i-'thdai o.toher, ! warn. L. V. tentry, Heppner, mi. i Oregon. 19tf MATTIE B SCRIVSER. ! Admlalatratril of the estate of W. deteastd. P. Sorivner. 2.M;: HOL'SK AND LOT FOR RALE Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land otfire, at Laljrende, Urt-von. Sept. :th. ltI7. Notice ia hereby a-ivrn that Krai.k T. Very white poet'onVe kUdiena ia Let, a. tlnvn. did Jii) nc, '"0. lSif. If the need of fond rorsi rva- I'1' lunu-.l in it. ,49 Tli-1 .., ,h, k., st.t.. ,.,,, i,..h,p s H'ri't Illume l t'2. We j. It) Suih. Klijr a tul. W iiiau.ettr Merid.an. and act el June 9, lH?a. and aria tmrr, ilau,i tintt is as ureal as we are bcii told it is suth ;ifts as Ihost' re- 1-111 ('eeiiiKjjM when the ioii.tl Ircm Chicavo constitute rniis htm in Ten din. tin- oit ti'im nf tr HMn, he-' 1 1 ri-p.in U er cnt H pp. chum' w.il, if not fenvtt d L'X'iiwx'n tiHVf huth r out kii.I p'oiiii.t l aiil t.lftiiati'ly l"1 ( r etnt. lrilkfun FL'RN'ISHEO ROO-Ltr? e nve tuinisMed room, pood loeation, eio-te in. Miquire at Herald o!!iee. Zli( m tb "Timbvr mr.4 Htuiir lnw. t uh ,.r na mtuht t til ! utre itnrnt. ml thni in.r-L-m U) U'-h Blf U ftlu t'. Uir UmI utui t iui i :i. on hftv t-fn at , rniil, t f: k the umi t u raiM ai 2tv.tv Unul i.'t nt ..V i.i 1 M ,t rt i imuA lUo.ui', that mini dh '.hki I t.r.-r t . pisit-nifiii in inr tiM) mi I'urini'! , i i ; tvrm W J. Hftrtirr. I'n.tttl Smti l . mm i , t, nil S lis Mt tilM llt4l. l"f t h 1 Dli lirrinitii trv..ii c.Mi.htioii at home that basal- h-' 'h- hi of Stti laM Fri ! t,. ,,. .n.it. . .....'.. .i .... ,'''. Z riaOy nine to UuMa and ihut "".'. it ('Hlifnrein h i-aiem iun . i. m.i .a.'.r, i..iii ..h.,,,. . , . ! . ti- i i i i tu in this ifl,ce. aliening fat'la wh-h . .le- maiiy Aineiiians are Iiomik and ' I' "eil u , .uni!,l ok" up fwll lB.,ttr. evpectinn w ili t ome to tiernuiny. i "'"I eeine 1 1 i reiintinliik.' piedm ! A H real uieiuiee to the batety ! s,,1r.V P'H us nt tin" top. I'lie llllic fur climillff I till CKtll 'l i'L'M l en xietiiteil to )) i Liter, Hu'iie revolt ahion, the m. isms at tl I'liiitf aliout a I h. C. S. In s li, of the present form (if K"M I'll nient iii these I'nited States tin men who wnl dillberately de Htroy neetled foo.l MutTs to fatten their oa ii poi kt ts, at m tune like this, are itu omparal'ly worse than are all the I. W. Ws.. un Brehists, strikers, s ilTi iinits, and peaee propa.ni.lists on earth. Many ot tlie.se ,ae lu ell pi use. oule.l, perMfuteil and jailnl. Some have lu en liai ee.l and Mint. I. at w ill be .lone nub the ile lllH'r.ite ilesroeis of tim.l when the world is Mametf nn.l the "t:f p I of th,- el. an plate" an. I Mil) of tins month If y,.u litr m .itless a1 i w In In die l'H at'!., it? at.e li,l s Notice lor Publication tpatlnenl of the Intrcer t' S I:,lt lnelteiiee Oretf.4. O.toW. .'Mh Kotlte it herebv g itrn the. Ka.tr. .1 t S'. llaidman. Ore..t.. who n S. trtt,trr Hot si'll. .1 l (llfiltfe full!, ft III i aJe Hneeleed Ki.lt No ,,. J Ivla. lba.le ed.lilk.oal llvmectre.! rnti. . lor S 1, HW, Se.li.in Jl N , : Nt'-t. N hi Se.H,n A. titfi t ., I'.ueh Willi o.ir leiteher mid Inn e Inr ! tl Ml Voiir t'HfiJ If toti iK 11 not do ttmt pfrnoiiHily , e;nl I'it up liy telephone, or writ1 ..r li I. pli..in tlie exerulivf con.. 'i i't'i' If ou Iihvw ren.lv sik-iie.l 1 tie pli'iltfe yournelf. fl ml out wlrelher Jour HelKlilor i.ave, 4-t us put Morrow t'oun. ' it Mn 'up s V, Mrs('N. Clmiiman i Kance il4-l eat. W il'.a.neee Mr 1 .1 e. h, r A) notice ef tntemum to mear I ri, o .w ri I'... f le eatabl an c'a,ni ttf the aml iN ir e, 1 .1 before C, C f'atteratm I ...ted Me e . ..1, . a. veer, al lleip.er l.reg.,., .... thr J.-h i. t t'ecember. .!'. t'leimant namee ae .r.ee r m H My. teod. I'hariee H Mrl'a. ,rl. J . i J M U,t , l.eofge M. IsMieel all '( Ha.o! . .lll II KAN.lt K.'.'l k 1;.. .... Notice In Creditou Is 1 1 I t. nielli umi r n . 1 1 V nrr llleil 111 tl eTI'ew liniiiii on the ie.sl -l.le. 1 .,te JiftiHe .lk 1 s Weu-T.t It. v 1i Ceo. It Sl..e .a h.rrtt J. he t ea. t. , Bj i . (e r. aireu r el ile I aiaic .-I N , i .eeeed hf Ihe I s.M l.yfl.l V . , e"d e 4..1 'i. '..1 1 - . . . All le.e. e t a- a . . .1 . are ee.et V, 1 f d I,. ltH.M ... .t! eer3 el tr .!. Sm,. I , .1 llei 1 htr I 'fee.rt. m f. t. m., .i V in Wal. ri ji'i.i ikf..i n,i .. i.,r,. i i ,l l.OSI" It'unsii e....nd h.ili e l la.ti tailed .i.'r ... .... r., ,. . . r. " V i "tmi ihi in, a- s ers in name : ,, e.i - t ' 1'iinee." Kind, r return to Her-1 ' '" " """' r.ieo bid .lllte a d li.e.ve n wi.r.t elmreh SwIuUv. Noetjtirr Jolis ,n,, i, , , , , A la .!.' If I 1 1 li. tl 111 lla.t III! k lllid eilll.k'. ; I .. I t -.i 'I K I I el f.e I .i,i I STOMACH TORN UP Wirt Lad Describes Condition, V.'hkb She Say i Wat Due To Constipation and Tells of Relief Obtained Froo Black-Draught. Scottburg. Ind .tr. Annie Johnson, j( th i place, writes: "I well remember I su!i..-rrJ lor a Ion ,1 time wl:h conttipa ficn, which woulJ get me down. I took doctors' medicires and any number ot purgatives They would leave mt in a vorse condition than I was before talcing and my stomach sa upset ... I knew once I sultcred . . . from conMipation, 1 w as so ill we had to have the doctor, just s.i nervous and tcveruh. The doctor .i J I would have to quit medicines, my stomach was so bad . . . S'.y hiKband was reading Snd found iit.rtliing about Ihedtord'S back lirauitM and brought me a pack.-Le to Irv. I ue J it regularly at !irt until I be gin to trt'l better, then I uaed )ut a dote tvc.l-i.'na'.ly. I was currd ft this con n;M::.in and am sure the B:ack-lraughi d.J it lt yfHif tomach Is out of order, you wi i a.ittcr liom uch d Mk'rfrih:e svirp. lull's as heaJache. biiiounrv tnd Ke. lien, etc.. anj uileS something it done, teoeus tio..!ie feu!t. Ibrdiorj't U u k-tmi'cht has been iu-J a va'uaMe remeJv tor thrt lr u ' . It it r'l'e'v eteu'j'e, and .tiia r'nnict a til natu'ai y hr!p. l'-iltfrg-....ite the I'vrr ami 0 tlciu ; tviu r i i it-rut., its. If. V.Jk -prauiU EU-I5 t i i i a I I J I J H. F. TASK A. S. AUers TASH&AKERS Successors to Vaughn & Sons GENERAL HARDWARE MERCHANTS Our stock of Shelf Hardware, To.ils, Builders' Htrdware, etc , is full and enmplpte and we respect fully solicit your inspection and pitronatre We be. lieve wp can give you satisfaction both as to quality and prices. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT We are installing a nw Piumb'nsr Department and have sppured the services of a master plumber a aianairer. All work in this linn will receive care, ful attention and wi l be executed in the most approv ed manner. A share of your patronage is respectfully so. licited. TASH &. AKERS HKITFKtt OR ROOM i I JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF DOLLS AI0 BOOKS ROTH NEA AND KE-PKINTS HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY rr. nrrtr'mrrrtrtrtr-rrrTtv ; tr- rr tt- tf tr.trtr-trvttvtr- S It"' Mr T E Kunmnn arrived an. M. n'lny ev.-nirg frum Mnro to j l'..i matter K rrrd"i 'tl advtkid by the 4.tn "'""' dr, l' "" J-iti b.r l.usi,d ,n the McCul. j -i ut carry two jom in tHiii. ( l..in:l, much un upir Willow A I n parcil p. t i- hv. n u.i .r....k r Kun.man and Ma ! pay .i,e cent addti..iil f..r each t.inr.fr. Niil,. Mirtin. recently j:T ii.'. or fr, ...., u.r.., f re h... tM tl e M, C., ,.,lk.h ,,!,., )fj ,itu;ud in fi!u.r x.tv ' iii .iv ii,fit l,(.u,i lUte.