Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 02, 1917, Image 4

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II S. Neel was in the city from ;
r, i.- c. .,!.... I
THE fundamental basis of service at the Farm
ers & Stockgrowers National Bank consists of
both the ability and willingness to helpfully
co-operate in the problems of the local Farm
ers and Stock-raisers. Wherever we can aid
legitimate enterprise and development we
shall be found more than glad to do so.
Checking and Savings accounts
both small and large are in
UKPPNKR. oui'.r;o
When the Chill Wind Blows
You will be reminded that you need a
a snug 0 V K Ii C 0 A T , or a COM FY
Call and inspect our stock, leave your
order and become one of our satisfied
I will be at the PALACE HOTEL,
Heppner, Or., to buy all kinds of
MULES, from 4 to 12 years old, from
15 hands high up. Broken or un
broken. Will buy some smaller
mules for the south. If you have,
any for sale, call or write me care
the above hotel and I will come out
to see them.
W . H . K I M E
First National Bank
W. H. Kime, of Caldwell, Ida
hi, came in Saturday and will
spend some time here buying
mules. Mr. Kiuie represents
the Caldwell Horse & Mule Co.,
ef Caldwell.
Jale Wattenberger and family.
who have reside! in Heppner for
a number of years, left Wednes
day morning for Pendleton
where they expect to make their
future home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ayers and
Mrs. S. W. Spencer are arrang
ing to leave within a few days
fur southern California where
they expect to spend a good por
tion of the winter.
Mrs. Lester Ingrain expects
to leave tomorrow morning for
Salt Lake Citv, where she goes
to join her husband, who has
located there and is in the employ
of a big sugar company.
Kober Matteson, pioneer of
Heppner and Morrow county, is
seriously ill at his home in this
i city, his ailment being probably
due to the inroads of advanced
age. Mr. Matteson is 81 years
jold and his health has been fail
Mug fur several months.
; Married At the home of Ben
i Buschke, Sunday afternoon, Oct.
.'I'i, N. H. Fehinerling and Anna
Buschke, Turner B. MacDonald
officiating. A number of friends
and relatives were present, and
afier the ceremony, the company
.adjourned to the dining room
w here t.bey partook of a splendid
old-fashioned wedding dinner,
such as one seldom sees in the
west. I he young people will
reside near Mr. Buschke's on
Khea Creek.
'(tiene Noble and John Vaughn
are down at Harney lake shoot
ing ducks this ween and by way
of proving that they are not
wasting their ammunition they
sent three big boxes of ducks
home by express Wednesday
to be distributed to their friends
in Heppner. Stewart and Stone
in tide the distribution Wednes
day evening much to the delight
of all recipients. The Herald fam
ily can testify that the fowl were
fat and tine.
Kugene Matteson, who lives (
1 miles south of Heppner in the j
mountains, while hunting deer a; I
few days ago with Bill McFen in '. J
on the head of Alder creek, u ti- J
o.pectodly ran onto two big bear
; in a thicket. McFerriu chased;
1 the big fellows out into the open
and tiene plugged one with a
dend shot. The (t her bruin got
away in the thick brush. The
men had no way of weighing the
tx'ur hut say it was a whopper
and the inral as tine as any veil
imiii Bear are said to bo plent
1 1 li I in the mountains this season
WANTKD - Position by expe
rienced man and wife on ranch.
Box 218, lone, Ore.
G jo d Gutter at Less Than Ten Cents
Instructions for making good
t;isted, healthful butter at a cost
of less than ten cents per pound
sent upon receipt of postal order
for Tii' cents. No machinery nee
essary. You have everything
needed ill your own kitchen.
Question answered through the
mans o n 1 y . Byron Johnson,
Heppner, Oregon. L'i'hIl'7
Dr. Turner, t h e well-
known eye specialist of
Portland, will b at the Palace
Hotel. Heppner. IK-aitl Tuesday,
Nov 111; in lone Monday. Nov.
l. Bou t fail to cntu',t him
aliout your eyes ami g!,isi.s
Headache! relieved; cross eyes
st ntn;litened. satisfaction g ur
antocd I'oii'l f.nl to ! ! Br,
Turner lio you the new Krvp.
tok tmisih'.e h foc.il t'.'iss. for
.1 st.tnt mul near isimi. u,tj-,,.ui
I lie unsightly Inn's or s.'nu,, to
i .iW h il it. slra ti tt.e ews. i t
conn1 up it I t 'lie light solid
p.ece o( gliss that look i:i(
I single pi. I Vet .ir.stt.T. (he
p 1 1 p..s.i v o Bo s i t . and
s.e them , 1 n t f o g, t 1 1,, i
I it-. II- i i'tn r Nov J."'i., I, mo
Vv Bill..
New Fall Models in
Wirthmor Waists
The Standard Dollar
Waists of America
This Blouse is developed of a very pretty fancy striped Voile a new Fall (
1-1 material The f rout center is of plain white Voile solidly tucked, lending
a most pleasing effect. The large collar, coming to deep points in front
and turn back cuffs are also of plain white Voile. Sleeves are inset with hem
stitching. A model that will be much admired.
A simple, appealing model that almost anyone, be they large or small,
1-2 could wear becomingly. The front is solidly tucked almost to shoulder
seams with tucks of alternating widths. The collar is so fashioned that
it is equally attractive when worn upstanding or laying down. Collar and turn
back cuffs are outlined with dainty Venice Pico edging. Two very large ocean
pearl buttons for fastening. Made of a splendid quality of Voile.
A neat, semi tailored model, simply and effectively trimmed. The collar
1-3 is convertible can be worn high or low. The front is attractively trim
med wit h pretty embroidery and four full length tucks with short should
er tucks for fulness. Sleeves are finished with turn-back cut in point effect.
Three large ocean pearl buttons for fastening are ornamental as well as useful.
A practical, sensible, serviceable Waist.
Somewhat more elaborate than the other three models in this group, and
74 a Blouse that has the appearance and character of a far more costly
model. The embroidery covering entire front is particularly pretty and
distinctive; while the collar is embroidered all over in matching design. Hem
stitching is liberally applied on collar, down front fold, and to inset sleeves,
lending added relinement. A Blouse that will find favor everywhere.
We highly recommend them because of their
unusual merit and genuine worth.
If you intend to purchase an automobile at any price see the
Eight Cylinder Oldsmobile
m r 7 ;123-Tiii
two and four passenger roadster, five and seven
passenger touring cars
A High Grade Light Weight Car at a Moderate Price
$1600. at Heppner
The Oldsmobile Company
of Oregon
Harold Conn, Agent, Heppner, Oregon
Morrow county agent for the seven passenger and roadster
COLE EIGHT, Prices, f. o. b. factory, $1995.
Mr 0. W. Swargart went to
Portland this morning where sl.e
.pects to spend the winter for
the benefit of her health and to
fijoy a change of climate.
11. 1. McAllister. of Lexington.
:s iii town Thursday and while
here became the tirxl new N't
viMiiber subscriber t the ller.
id Other new n.ibscn hers and
mii t! rec-Mvet recently '
W. II. I'roik, Ion.; Hirley
Wright. Hirdiimti, Mr K.ii
Avers. 1'iHi k Mo on) i n, T. A
Prisneil. Ilt.il Win AviTs, liopp
n t. W II It-own. AnlU Wn.a.
Vrs .1 W Jol.nsoti. ,s,.,ii..,
We have the largest anil most complete VUL.
CANIZING PLANT in Eastern Oregon and we
are prepared to do any kind of work in the Vul
canizing line. All mail orders will have our
bent and prompt attention. We guarantee our
prices to be as low as good work will permit.
Till: DALl.l S. OREGON