Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 05, 1917, Image 4

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SECURITY for money deposited here at the
Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank is
threefold: Government Laws and Regulations,
Modern Time-locked Fire and Burglar Proof
Vaults and Conservative Management. You
will find all three features of importance.
May we suggest that you call and
get acquainted with our Directors
and Officers?
111' I'l'NI K. OKI (.ON
OCTOBER 10, 1917
2:00 P. M. SHARP.
TERMS: Cash or bankable notes.
ED. MILLER, Auctioneer.
Spencer Crawford returned
friMii 'i weolt's visit ill I rt land
S u tul iy evening.
( ! ii v Hover, the well known
mule fancier, will sell IT) of his
ietH III public llili'lloll lle.M Weil
ni'siliiy, us per lulls posted mill
advertisement in this issue
(ill)' Kiiys these splendid speci
mens of four footed enemies me
of most alT'et innate il jspusit ions,
sweet tempered Mini intelligent,
lllid lie M ill guarantee t lull tliev
will in tle hi. ii laliiahc pets
I hall tut her poodle dogs or Teddy
.) W, Cretho, tirst -ice. presi
dent of ttie Farmers .V Stock
L'l'imi'i's Hank, was here from
Portland on husini ss for a few
davs last week. W. S. Spencer
drove him to Arlington to fill 1 1
I he t rain Sunday morning.
V M I iavless, who has In en
in charge of the county farm for
some t iuie p ist , has eiven up that
position nnd leeilltlv hoiiLht I he
.lake Wllttetlhel er residence
property for a consideration (,f
s:!,"ii nu'd 1 1 is ii ndei stoo I M r.
Wat teiihei a,' and fauiiU' will re
move to I 'end let on.
III 1.1'". itii liatik transacts a general banking Iuimoos
and enjoy I lit- patronage of lain ilepoMtois, it ap
peals to people who wish to make smallei ilop.xits on per
sonal or laimly account. Tin Hank accepts deposits in any
amount ami serves the sina'l ileposiior vviTt tin same court
ev it exteiuls l latter depositor. New account a.c
coiiliallv invited, in small as well a lare amounts, ami eviiv
elepositor is assurcil the uieatest security lor money and
every attention and service.
Personal and Home Checking Accounts
1 per cent Paid on Your Saving Account
The First National Bank
i nrAi ami- DrDcrikiii
Mrs. A. L. Ayers returned
from a visit at Portland Wednes
V.'. K. Moore, of Bozeman,
Montana, registered at the Pal-
i ;h Tuesday.
Mrs. Oscar Borg went to Port
land Sunday to spend a few days
visiting friends and relatives.
Have you seen it?
The Myrtle word
In Baylor's window. 22d24
Ceorye Moore, a stockman of
tie.1 Spray country, was a busi
ness visitor in Hipper Tuesday
Hay Rogers, popular clerk in
Minor (t (.'o.'s store, has gone to
Portland to enlist, in some branch
of t he national army.
Mrs. Lena Knell Shurte, Mor
row county's efficient school su-P'-M'int.endent,
went to Portland
Sunday morning on a business
tri p.
Dr. McMurdn and Will Berrin
are back from a hunting trip
during which Doc killed a fine.
I i r , fat buck and then lost him.
Hard luck.
Seven cars of sheep went out
from the local yards Wednesday
morning. They were bought
here by W. T. Matloon for the
Seattle market.
A Sunday School has been or
ganized at the Episcopal church
and interesting sessions are held
in the church euch Sunday morn
ing at, 10:00 o'clock.
Mrs. J. H. Wyland, of Hard
man. visited at the home of her
brother, C. L, Keitnley, a day or
two last week, returning to
llardman Saturday.
Judge (J. W. Phelps cameover
Tuesday to attend to some rou
line court matters which de
manded attention before the reg
ular November term.
Mis. Phil Jones, who has been
seriously ill all summer, has so
far recovered as to be able to
no over to Hcirdinan Saturday
where she visited friends and rel
at ives several days.
The ladies' guild of the Episco
pal church will meet at the home
of Mrs. Hanson Hughes, Thurs
day ,( ictober 1 lih. Each lady is
rei icsted to bring material from
which to make an apron during
I he afternoon.
.ester Ingrain left Thursday
morning for Salt Lake City to
try that climate as a remedy for
asthma If he is not bene titled
there he expects to go on to Ari
zona where he may locate. Mrs
liiiiuin will remain in lleppner
lie' il he is set t led.
II. A. Xagl, who has been in
Poilland for a few weeks camo
out Tuesday to join his cotitin-
irent of comrades who left for
American Lake Wednesday
morning. Mrs Nagl is located
in Portland, v here she will pi oh
anl.V reside during his absence.
Win Ayers has received ,i let
ter from his son Charlie, who
",ais elded to the colors hlsl
'.iiil. siiiiny that h" has been
soul to North Carolina w here I c
i - in' a in c imp Chariie expects
t i iif sent to Prance before long
It ihe nar do. sn't go (o MliaMi
Ii, lore t hey net slat ted.
j; W P. D'lHoti, former resident
j I ie, can e out lioin Portland
lies, lav to spend a few ilavs
looiiii'i; ifler business matters
i.uw'e shurte, who recently
iii.dii Aent mi operation :n it,..
1 1 p:. r hospital in order to t t
i.iuisi il for scfv u e ill Itiearmv
i'. il corps, was on t he st reel
tor ti .'tiist tune Monday greet.
ot i s f.iiiiiu an, I and laying
so ii to i,e ready for service
J I . U . Cl ai le, w ho has recent
J I , t i . ii over ti e plant i f ti e
I I o .. 1 ',,1,'i'i-ndeiit, was in II, ) p.
J t , . r . dnesviay Hint Minium,,,,
J tl;t I." will j;et out. Ins tirt is
J .ic.f tie lone pupcr next vices.
J.Mr Ci ities is a newspaper mmi
J . f i . i i.-tiee mid ll.e 11. i i.J
J i . s I nn great MiCt hi , s
J i . ,v v. 'itute Tilt' Independent
J l is l id ii in) lips and do ns,
J I. at e n dl Ii. pe t he present ce n
i i Aid pal il ou it ,'cit.
New Fall Models in
Wirthmor Waists
The Standard Dollar
Waists of America
This Blouse is developed of a very pretty fancy striped VoUe anew Fall
1-1 material The front center is of plain white Voile solidly tucked, lending
a most pleasing effect. The large collar, coming to deep points in front
and turn back cuffs are also of plain white Voile. Sleeves are inset with hem
stitching. A model that will be much admired.
A simple, appealing model that almost anyone, be they large or small,
1-2 could wear becomingly. The front is solidly tucked almost to shoulder
seams with tucks of alternating widths. The collar is so fashioned that
it is equally attractive when worn upstanding or laying down. Collar and turn
back cuffs are outlined with dainty Venice Pico edging. Two very large ocean
pearl buttons for fastening. Made of a splendid quality of Voile.
A neat, semi tailored model, simply and effectively trimmed. The collar
1-3 is convertible can be worn high or low. The front is attractively trim
med wit h pretty embroidery and four full length tucks with short should
er tucks for fulness. Sleeves are finished with turn-back cut in point effect.
Three large ocean pearl buttons for fastening are ornamental as well as useful.
A practical, sensible, serviceable Waist.
Somewhat more elaborate than the other three models in this group, and
1-4 a Blouse that has the appearance and character of a far more costly
model. The embroidery covering entire front is particularly pretty and
distinctive; while the collar is embroidered all over in matching design. Hem
stitching is liberally applied on collar, down front fold, and to inset sleeves,
lending added refinement. A Blouse that will tiud favor everywhere.
We highly recommend them because of their
unusual merit and genuine worth.
If you intend to purchase an automobile at any price see the
Eight Cylinder Oldsmobile
two and four passenger roadster, five and seven
passenger touring cars
A High Grade Light Weight Car at a Moderate Price
$1600. at Heppner
The Oldsmobile Company
of Oregon
Haroid Colin, Agent, Heppner, Oregon
Morrow county agent for the seven passenger and roadster
COLE EIGHT, Prices, f. o. b. factory, $1995.
Catches Many Coyotes I
i llar-ild K Ahalt, of Cecil, who'
W one of the tlien called for ex
iiminntiotl lat week, did t'.et re.
reived his notice until Sunday
and ihiio to town Monday t
take tlu e. imir.iitioti. Mr Alm.t
ha le,n trapping coyotes for
the gevert tn Mil ail nuntm r in
the northern pan of M.rro
and (Iilhatu counties iitnl with
very good mktcsv Ho tripped
'ii of the aniiinl il'irn l' tl-'
month of Ang'iot If th-v v n
left lUru'.d take his !rnp over
to K.urot mid givt Inn a ! .
put them out ha might get coy
ote kjicr by the Uiud U t
Courteous and Efficient Service by
Courteous and Competent Workmen
Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers
Guaranteed Tire Service