I Prnfpccinnnl Pftliimn 4V1VOU1WUUI VUaUlallt TJ The Oregon 8 A 1. 1 j agricultural Ollege known stockman of tbis section now residing lu rendition, was DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING Whurs trained nrittinti with raodT Uh rtorii and dequtt equipment gWs in tructinn leading to collegiate degrees in (ha following schools : AGRICULTURE, with 15 department!; COMMERCE, with 4 departments; FNOTNFF.RTVa witk M Fi. i. OREGON a u J t"7r;,kai B7 ' inaummi purchased 4000 tons of alfalfa in VAbuun Arts. Irrigation, and Meehameal FninTi- FOKE5TRY, mcludiof Loa-giai EniiBMr- HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Regular monthly visit, lo HEPPNER and 10NE Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW pffice in Palace rfotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM J VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence plione Main 665 FRANCIS A" McMENAMIN LAWYER t Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon MANY GOOD POSITIONS Can be had by any ambitious matter, anu writ young man or woman in the field hardly sick at all. oi railway orcommercial telegra phy young men and women to pre pare for the telegraph service to ... . - - many wuincn nave written graieiui lei- nll vacancies caused by unusual ters like the above, telling of the good rlraftinrr of vnnnrr man fni- (Vio that ParHiil ha Hntia Ihim Mrv,.. .u,. ij vi ,,VV..& lllWti AVI I. I , L ...M. ..M. ..IW UWMV ,llt.lll. ItllJBllUUlU Signal Corps. Prepare to help it not help you, too? If you suffer from your country. Write today for any J'he ailments socommon to women, f,,n ro,.f;,,i... tu r. -i and ,eel tne need a safe, reliable, lull narnciilars. 1 ha I o uov ....... ' ' r strengmening ionic we urge you to be- Telegraph Institute, Portland Oregon. 21d22 in: HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major i.rjirt ents, ineludinf training in ta Practic. House ; MININO, with threa departments, includ ing Chemical Engineering ; PHARMACY. THE SCHOOL OP MTJSIC, offers Inatrtj. ion in the principal departments of ratal and instrumental musie. THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT, snr.lle. 10BS cadets in 1916 17. and won Teeemmen dation 'for O. A. C. from the Western Depart ment of the TJ. S. War Department as ana of the fifteen "distinguished institutions" erf higher learning. All cadets will ha furnished complete uniforms hy the TJ. S. GoTernment and the Junior and senior cadets, enrolled in the R. O. T. C, will he given commutation for subsistence, as well as all transportation and subsistence at the sii week.' Bummer eamp REGISTRATION BEGINS OCTOBER , 1917. Information on request. Address, Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Collaga, CorT&llla, Oregon. IRRITABLE NERVOUS Was Condition of Indiana Lady Before Beginning to Take Card-u-i, the Woman's Tonic. Kokomo, Ind.-Mrs. H. Hankemeier, of this town, says: "I look so well, and am so well, that it does not seem as if I ever needed Cardui. But I was not al ways this way ... I think I have taken a dozen bottles . . . before my little girl came. I was feeling dreadfully bad, had head ache, backache, sick at my stomach, no energy ... I was very irritable, too, and nervous. I began taking Cardui about 6 months before my baby came. As a result all those bad feelings left me, and I just felt grand, just as if nothine at all was the matter, and when the end came I was Since that I have" never taken Cardui We want a number of at all... It has done me good, and I know it will help others, if they will only try it." Many women have written grateful let- gin today and give Cardui a fair trial Your dealer sells Card-u-i. EB-10 FARMERS- 4) Now is the time when you need Fire Insurance on your grain, autos and other valuable property. Let me figure with you. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS I have a number of choice 640 and 320 relinquishments. See me before filing and I can help you to secure a desirable claim. Roy V. Whiteis - Fire insurance and Real Estate McBee Buys Much Hay E. McBee. former well hero Tuesday and Wednesday on business. Mr. McBee is proba bly the heaviest dealer in hay in Eastern Oregon, having recently the Butter creek eouutry. Most of this Las been sold to Morrow county stockmen who will drive their flocks and herds to Butter creek to winter. Mr. McBee has also engaged to superintend the feeding of all this stock unci being one of the most success ful feeders in the country theur. rangenient will no doubt prove satisfactory to all concerned. Financial Statement Following is a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the banquet given at the Palace Hotel Tuesday evening: Receipts Tickets sold, 127 at 1 Disbursements Music . 8.10 Palace II of el Company for 150 plates 127.00 $127.00 $127.00 1 '.7.00 Complimentary tickets were given to the Soldier Boys and their immediate relatives. C. L. SWEEK. Chairman. . Married in Portland Mr. W. O. McCarty, of Pint- laud, and Miss Lula Campbell: of this city, were married in Portland yesterday. Both these young people arc well and favor- ably known here and will have the best wishes of a host f friend's. Mr. McCarty is a son of W. G. McCarty of this city and is now in the employ of the O. W. R. & N. Co., as a conduct. or. Mr. and Mrs. McCartv will reside in Portland. Cummings Fruit and Vegetable Maikct Grower and dealer of Vegeta bles, Fruits. Tropical Fruits. Berries, and Melons headquar ters for Bananas, Sweet Potatoes. Grapes. Green Tomatoes und Pickling Onions in any quantity. All stock fresh and good value guaranteed. Phono connections right soon. Deliveries made from Nursery. Harry C u in ihings, Mgr., Heppner, Oregon. 22d 2: Notice for Publication r. ,,,rin...,, .,f th.- i,t,.!ir. 11. s. Inn. I olli. e. i at LaGrBn.ii-. Oieiton. A. .cist .','th. ll,. j Notice is hereby Knen t,t Join, Keeean. I J "f Lena. Own. oho. r'l.niv 2"-'. litis, made Homestead fcntiy No. 1M1.V..'. I..r L,.l 4. Section ' 11 Town,!,,,, l S.. K. i."J .. !.(s 1. 2. 4. S ami ! J slt Nlil-I. ,M M l 4, SW1 4 Sc-! Hon is. Township 2 Miuth. H,.,.. ;a i;Jst, V, i!im- : ette M. i'.!-v ha tiled notit-e of intention to I ? malie tin,, ;, toestahbsn claim to the ' land above described, he!.. C r rn. ...... I " . a. . , -1 ..i.L" III Hfl'p ':"r. Oiecon. on the JJnd dsv of October. litl :. I iaimaiit names as witnesses, .lames Hiircins K'iai.i n,..,ty. I'l.il ItiKK.ns. ami Kraiu is Me Tal.e. a'l of Lena. OreRon. 1,A1-4 C. S. f'l NN. RpRisler. Everybody Wins But the "Tin Trust" Notice for Publication !! artnent of Ibe loterl,..- n Q t . i LaGiai.iie, (iregon, Auiiust 27th. 1V1 1. I Notice is herein- iriven I lnt ( no v I.- !- i li". of llei-i-ner. Oregon, who. on June 7th. ' ll'lH. made lionwslead Knlry No. for i Lot 4. SI 2 KWl-4. KKI.4 S 1-4. Section 1 lown alun 4 South. Hanee Be Kast. Willamette Meridian. ' has tiled nonce of intention to make oommuta. tiou Proof, to fBtuMish claim to the html above desci.be.i. before C. C. 1'attersen. I mte.l ytates Commissioner, at bis otV.ce at lienoier. OieBon, on the ESid day of October. 1917. ' i Claimant names as witnesses: Addison M. Moote. of Lena, Oiecon: Charles H. Johnson, j Frank H. I'lhott. and Dnviil O. Justlia. all of! Heoor.er. Orejion. 1:M21 C. S. IH'NN. ReRieler V ! : ! Notice for Publication 1 i Isolated Tract Department of the Interior. U. P. Land Office at La tliamie. Oreuon. Aiieust 11, b.ll 7. Notice is hereby given that, aa directid by the Commissioner of the tlenenil 1 and otlico provisions of Sec. 21V.. K.S.. oursuant to the .n. plicalion of 1 red Buchanon. of L'cbo. Oretrnn Serial No. (Iir,9!5-ul5!17 we will olfer at public sule I to the highest bidder, but at not less than '.' mi T acre, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on the lilb d,.v of (Viol,-,. ! 191 7. ne:it. at this office the following tract of land, j Lot 2 and NW 1-4 SE 1-4. Sec. 1. Tp. 4 S li. 27 I . ', I ,w. r,i. The sale will not be kept open, but will be do- ' dared closed w hen those present at Hie hour nam- j ed hHe ceased b.ddmg. The person making the highest bid will be ir.iiiircd to immediately pay to J the lieceiei the amount tlieteof 1 9 Any persons claiming adversely the above-dp. i scribed land are advised to lile their claims, or ob- ' ? lections, on or before the time designated for sale C. S. Ounn. Register. l8-?- Nnl.AN E-'hlll-. Heceier. A COFFEE TIP One way to help reduce the High Cost of Living Do you know it costs 7c per pound to put Cof fee in cans? That means you pay 40c for a 30c to 33c Cof fee, or a 20 per cent, wa: te, as the cans are useless to you when empty. To get as near 100 per cent, food value for your money as possible, try our Bulk Coflecs. We will grind them, if you wish, with our new ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDER A complete stock of both Bulk and Package Coffee. a Phelps Grocery Co. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract I'ttMie Land Sale Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Otlicn lit LaOraudc. Oregon. August :l. 1 '.117. Notice is hereby given thai, as directed by the Commissioner of the lieneral Land otBce. under provisions of Sec. 21.W. It. K.. pursuant to the ar ulicalion of Livie E. McHee. of Cecil. Oi egon. Serial No. Ol W-i. we will otter nt public Rule, tn i the highest bidder, hut at not less than $J.utl per I acre, at In o'clock A, M.. on the 12th day hi October 1917. next, at this otlice. (be following tract of land: SW 14 SW 1-1. Sec. 21. Tp. ;l S.. II. 27 E.. W. M. The sale w ill not he kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at Ihe hour nam ed have ceased bidding. The person making the highes' 1ml w ill be re.niired to itnmrdiatly pay to the Receiver Ihe amount thereof. Any poisons claiming adversely the above de scribed land are a'l Ised to lile their claims, ur oh jections. on or before II,.. timi-de-ngnaled for sale. t". S. IlUNN. Register. Ia-'l NllLAN Sl.ll- K. Receiver. 323 CI CALL AT Seniors Enjoy "Weinie Roast" The senior class of lleppner High, accompanied by their teachers, journeyed up Willow creek last Saturday eveiiitij; and enjoyed a "weinie roast.' y a roarins; camp tiro. A splendid time is reported. Notice lor Publication liolatid Tract PePH'tment of tl. Intern. U.S. Land Olli. e at Lu (.ran.le. ( he.. August 2. 191 . NOTMT-; is h'Tcbv g.vi-n that. ,, directed by till-CoilillllB. lone, of (ie,,l 1,, olb. e. II, l dirll.o pron. nons or..,.,. 21.,;,. U.S..' ,,, , the application of Line M- II. ... ,,f (',., ,. (,rg,, Si-nal No. ni:,9'...' lili:o.iwe w. ill off,., , ,,,,1,1,,. ,n,, lolhe login st lod.li r. b,,l at not less than J2 ll or a. le at 10 o'clock a. m on the l.'tb dn ol O. toli.u 1917 next, at tin, ,,i, ... ,,,, trl , , Uod ol - ,-W 1 1 r.'ll-I NWI 4. Sec 2f, r :t :i. It .; i: 'He-sale will nut b. t., t ,,, b.it u'll . ,,, j . U,.,l , i. .,. V , ,., H, ,,, h " el lo.l.l.og I.,.- ., ,, ,,, lb- loehf-.t I, ..I w,ll I... , .1 , . . co.j SAM HUGHES and see their fine line of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. ?, 3 tUU.M.toMS9 o eii A, HOUSE AND J.OTFOU SAI. O I t..- b . V In... I ', , ,,,i. s, on a,i el I FARM IMPLEMENTS lllitPiF trnfl .lii M Plows ! AAIW MM W WW a UUA A A Vaf I I U tft m m Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line gilliam k mm will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made." Cheap. C. S. Jaync Oregon. . jMf JJN Dr. Turner, tlx; vel N.-" known rvn snei hilio ,! J Portland, will bo in llcppnt i agaiu Tuesday, Get. Kith, at Hi Palace hotel. In loin Monday, j , Oct. lfiih. Dr. Turner i a sw, " j ialist of exnerit rice and Matelu t; : 1 and you will inake no inist.ilc in;!' jnonsulliny him Hhoiit your eyi ,j .and glasses. II-.winches i . Ii,, . ed, cross eyes straiehtene'l S it. . isfaction guaninteetl l)r Tutu. " er makes regular monthly pit . ' to Heppner and lone, thus a ,su. inj; you the best of Mnne. Consult him. Don't forget the uil';- lLt:2-l FOU SALE-P,2n acres . f tit.. . raw Und in Marion couniy, (in. gon. 10 miles from Nih ei ton. 22 miles from Salem, f'.i ft ii,iltiv toil. lies well, jirat.tii allv all plow land. UutiMfig iu',.r j, 1 ht:ck on both fpiarti r. ( I,,-.. to niacadtm road, lesn than om half tiiilo from r;iilr,:nl '(,.,., school. neighbors nnprov l fn u,, djaceot. Ilou,e mitiid t f., hiI prmlucti of farm at big t.tr camps farther in interior I.at, easily and theaply prepun -l fm plow. A ilet)(let iroil 11,11 , cui upantj .111 in (,ri,,,ii,.t tr,-ts J or to develop entire -,,r i,,r ; vieijurs entjuire nt tl,w oQicu- til. I.I I ., I,.., I.. , ,,, I'l 1. a;; 1 the al-.w 1I0 . r i l,i, ., 01 1" .i-o tit. .1 f. I Keg nil. r i II I . b'l.i '.e, ECONOMIC and MILITARY Preparedness THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON lis sMIUu I e.miU In g.npr.l n4 acLnlKIr rfuratlan, M., lull opnilunltl. lis MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC HCIINCE ARTS AND COMMCRCC l.,l ttri. futura a.rvlr. V.ur cvunSry It. n4 lr Ira lllualrat.tf kll.,"Iraln th. strain far P. at a ar War" mmH "Itia Woman anal t. Unlvaralty.' Aitdraa. rtaajalrar, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Euorne. Oiegon ..I nth. f-'"l H I, I nil I'l HI i I II. I l altioi t,t of the toll , r :, at I ',im -le. I l, v,, . , ., 1 1 1, p., ; f..,.i - 1. b, 1.I0 . , ,, i,a ,11.,.,,, .,.(, , ., , ' I "''. "-'. v 1., ,,, mi, pi, , ' I "'n I-'.. "I. l." I.-, ' I .. M. I I I I 2 N W 1 I 1, 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 w 1 .,,1 I . I- .' a, . I t. .. ,...,, . 1, v ,..,, 1 ,,), g ' I -, ,t. ,ll,.,,. in Me. ! ,,. ban Pl.il I t.'i.i,,,,, P. ,,.t .. ,1,,,, .., I',.. 1 ,, , 'i.l ! I. . ... to ll.e I,.. , hl , ,. ,, ,, 1 ,..,,. 1 ' ' '-".I ' , .. I. 1 9 a' II. 1 ,,.. 1 i,( i. 1 ,, ,, ': . t I .1. I '..,. ,t .H.. e. ft. v. I.. ... I.o.e, ltfv.,,. '-' 1 '""'o ' i ' .' b . I, . ,10, , I I,, I ., - '".I !.. ,.,.,.. 1 1,1 :.'.' it. ...I., Un 1 11 I 1 hp 11 in 11 , 1 i,-; People's Cash Market 1IKNRY SCIIWAKZ, Prop. All Kinds of Fresh and Sail Meals j Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 1 .,i ip. i., i I a , I I I ..a Hi.,. ! I i.t, o , . f , ,. i. a le I! n, ,.! '.S II ... I, ."' s.i W ,ll.,,lt, M. ,. i., ,, I,, ri.ale II. ,, . , I lie l, , .1., , ,., - i : i.,., , a, 1 1 . i , - i ( I,., ,,, .,, 1 'U- - .i It I-,.., ,.l l-'b 1 II I f I II -"I'll l:N,.,-e I.. I ... I,., .1 p. 'wi,:, ! i ,. I I 1,1 l lo. I II . e J. H. COX i .!..( ,. I,., "I ".(,e I I I 1 II , I II I c II- - I . It.- " I '. to l Al ' I I .' V . , . , I . I I. -, II, 1 I . CONTRACTOR ami HUII.DKR i I'lmiH unit l!nliitinlrn l'iirni;hiil for All Kimh i,f Hmliliii'j . J i'irhl ChiKH H ot , (nl it. Muhr it Si'ri inllii al ami llnii' 'i iuhU .'i (; nt Inr House Moving : " " Ml'1,1; LOST I . y mre mile W A Mii'trty, it funnel n i. ,r iirokerito work, m;me roai h d, I ileiil i.f 1 1 ! r . oidei tlm M" t tml : ha veil, lb li ml "hi v I ' ( T I " i I let it Id (oi one i in In lie m nt li ,,, on h it stllle. 'luard. L. V. ' a' I e'"". It ti 'lollar.-t r -'eritry, Heppner. i:tr i.ti.i Hi li b i " t... W k i) AN l COAL See mi Hbniit eiiib hrir-es (ur your win t r f 'il l It vtill iiv you ' lirc.ihn. l"tf his i,i i e .s nt ,'iiniM 1 1 , I If i Attention B. P. 0. 1 L'lls' Imltr" lliiels tie xerolid .nel fiiiirth 'I hiusil.iy fvi-miig nf lull liiiililb l.'e'l.i inler in t I h'lf -.d iy l: filing loilge liijht.