maxax:2r:s::,3fc:f.3::j; Professional Column g DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Regular monthly visits fo HEPPNER and IONE Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. The Oregon Agricultural College Vhr. trsinpd specialists with modern lab eratoriet and adequate equipment five in struction leading tu collegiate degrees in the following schools: AGRICULTURE, with 15 departments; COMMERCE, with departments; ENGINEERING, with departments. In eluding Civil. Electrical. Highway. Industrial Arts. Irrigation, and Meehanteal Engineering; FORESTRY, including Logging Engiaaer Ing: HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart ments, including training in the Fractlca Hoim ; MINING, with three departments, includ ing Chemical Engineering ; PHARMACY. THE SCHOOL Or MUSIC, offers tnstrne ion in the principal departments of toc1 and instrumental music. THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT, enrolled 1085 cadets in 1916-17, and won recommen dation for O. A. C. from the Western Depart ment of the D. S. War Department as one of the fifteen "distinguished institutions" of higher learning. All cadets will he furnishes complete uniforms by the TJ. 8. Government and the junior and senior cadets, enrolled in the R. O. T. C, will be given commutation for subsistence, as well as all transportation and tubsistence at the fix weeks' Summer camp. REGISTRATION BEGINS OCTOBER 8, 1917. Information on request. Addresa, Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Oollaga, Corvalltt, Oregon. The Federated Church Sunday School 9:45. Next Sunday will be "Educa tion Day at the Federated church. In the morning the pastor will speak on "The Open ing of the Public School", and in the evening, at 7:30 on "The Sue cess and Failure of the German Schools." Teachers, pupils and parents specially invited. Christian Endeavor at (5:30 m. H. A Noves, Pastor. SAM F'u VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPFNrER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON T. C. DENNISEE For Fine Up To Data Homes ARCHITECT and CONTRACTOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberta Building, Heppner, Oregon Cramps! h Says Mrs. Frank Hag lcr, of Carbondale, III.: "I was suffering terrible cramps and pains each month. I had used . . . but it didn't Rive any permanent relief. The pains came back on me just the same as before . . . After taking Cardui. 1 was entirely relieved from the pains, and have never been bothered with them since." TAKE Good Mules Wanted I want to buy good Mules 3 to 10 years old. Guy Boyer, Hepp ner, Oregon. 20tf FOR SALE 1 team a;e 7 & 9 weight 2300 1 set of breeching harness and 3 inch wide tired wagon in good condition. A .nap. Address C. J. McKay, Lexington Ore 1 Hd l'J pd. The Woman's Tonic Cardui should help you as it did Mrs. Hauler, as it has helped thousands of other women who suf fered from the pains and discomforts from which women suffer. Many medical authorities pre scribe the Ingredients of which Cardui is com posed for the female troubles lor which it is recommended. Why not try it for your trouble? a J AH Druppist FARMERS- Now is the time when you need Fire Insurance on your grain, autos and other valuable property. Let me figure with you. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS I have a number of choice 640 and 320 relinquishments. See me before filing and I can help you to secure a desirable claim. Roy V. Whiteis Fire insurance and Real Estate Church Notices Catholic Church Services. First Mass, 8:00 a.m. Second Mass at 10:30 a. in. Catholic Doctrine 11:.'!0 a. ui. Eveuing Devotions ":o0 p. in. Reverend Father O'RourUe. Notice for Publication J J IViar!i,n'iu of the lnti'rmr. I'. S. I.aml office. : at l.(ir,iM.l,.. Oiwn. A'must L'Tlh. 131,'. i Nntito ti Iirn!v t'r.,'11 tliat .lulm KfN'irwi. ; of Ler.a. (ir.'MFi, vUrn. M I rliniarv I'.MH. mailt' j Homr-H-inl l:try N,(. ullf,;,:. f.,r Let 4. Seitii.n 31 Townahip 1 U. at K.. l..ils I. S. 3. 4, S h'hI i J i. Sill, r.'Wl 4 SKI 4. SW1-4 Pre- I lion f. lounslih, J buwlli. Hiiniic Kn. t. illam ette MfiKlmii, hua tilul notu'e of intention to make thru-year l'roof. tu estahhsn rlaiui to the land above dt li iliftl before C. C. Patterson. Unittd Stales Coninn.joner. at hui ofliceat llepp- "li'Uon. on Hie L'Jinl day of Otulier. 1917. Claimant names aa vitnettB03: Janiea lltucina. K'lwaid Dolieity, 1'lnl Uintfiiis. and Francis Mc Cabc. all of l.cna, Oretnat. I1'"''-'1 C. S. Di'nn, KoKiater. Everybody Wins But the "Tin Trust" Church of Christ. Preaching Sunday at 11 a. tn. Subject: "Love's Measure." Evening service begins at 7:30. Subject of sermon : "Your place in the Universe." First regular C. E. session for the fall will be held at 6:30. Many people would like to un derstand prophecy us given in the book of Revelation, belter, ut seldom read this wonderful book because it does nut uieau anything to them. Since the book was given to the servants of God to show them what was to come to puss in the future, it must be of great value, and capable of being com prehended enough to impart the needed information. Believing that the book is sadly neglected, and that its great lessons can be understood: a series of midweek lectures will be given at the Christian church, on this subjec t beginning Wednesday evening, Sept. 26, at 7;30 aud continuing for several week, each Wednes day evening. All who are interested in the subject of prophecy are cordially invited to attend. rurner B. MacDonald, Minister. Notice for Publication Department of (lie interior. I'. S. Land iftiee at I LaUramle. Oreirtm. Aniiuat 27th. HUT. Nutiee is heieby stven that Georite V. Frank lin, of Heppner, Oteyon, who. on Jnpe 7tli. l'Jlb. made Homestead K.ntry No. (UriStSll. for Lot 4. hill' NWl-4. NT 1-4 SW1-4. Section 1. Town- """tiuii nance t.ast. Willamette A eriman ha:, filed notiee of intention to make comniiita- tion Tieof. (o establish claim to the land aboe! m desenhed. before C. C. Patterson. I'nited Stales ! Commissioner, at hia office at Heppner. Oregon, on the L'llrd day of October. 1917. Claimant names aa witnesses: Addison M. Moore, of Lena. Oregon: Charles R, Johnson. rank II. Klhott. and David O. JuMua. all of llcptmer. OtCKon. IMi'l C. S. DUNN. Recister. Notice for Publication Isolated Triu'l Deparlincnt of the Interior. V, S. Land (iflife at l.a tlraiule, Oi enon. AuE'ist2. 1917. Notice is hereby Riven that, as directed by the Commissioner of the Geneva! Land otlice, under provisions of Sec. iil.ri5. R.S.. t'ursnant to the ap plication of I'red Ruchanoii, of Kelto. OreRon erial No. Ill!,91l5-(lir,!i!17 we will offer at public Bale tothe highest bidder, but at not less than tier u re, at 111 o'clock a. ni.. on the lth day of October I'Hi. ne:;t. at thisolllie I he following traetof land- Lot 2 and NW 1-4 SK 1-4. Sec. 1. Tn. 4 S.. R. 27 E." e sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour nam ed have ceased bidding. The person niakliiK the liiwlic:,! bid will be reunited to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof Any persons claimuiK adversely the above-de scribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for aule. C. S. liPNN. Register. : Not an SKIl t. Receiver. Sam McCol lough Buys Ranch Sam McColloiiKh has recently purchased the Wm. C. Liiwhtm ranch on upper Willow creek, th consideration beintr $13. 000. (Hi. A couple of hundred sheep and some other personal uroiicrlv went with tha deal. The place contains 528 acres and is consii ered a good stock ranch. Mr. McCollough recently sold a 160-acre tract in the same lo cality to John MeCollouirh the consideration not being named. FARM IMPLEMENTS A COFFEE TIP One way to help reduce the High Cost of Living Do you know it costs 7c per pound to put Cof fee in cans? That means you pay 40c for a 30c to 33c Cof fee, or a 20 per cent, waste, as the cans are useless to you when empty. To get as near 1 00 per cent, food value for your money as possible, try our Bulk Coflees. We will grind them, if you wish, with our new ELECTRIC COFFEE GRINDER A complete stock of both Bulk and Package Coffee. Notice for Publication Ifolatpri Tract Putilk' Land Sale Oepfilimrnt of the Interior. U. S. Land Ofiire at LaGrandt. Oregon. AiintiiUS, 11117. Notiro ia hrrrliv trivrn (hat. as riirtvtt'd by tlio uOTtiinmtuonrr uf tho (IpiuthI l.aud ofllrr?. under nruvhmiMH of See. 2i'-i, K. S., pursuant to the aji nlk'atieti f Livie K. MclJt'i of Cooil. Orotton. Serial No. lUS'.W. wp will otlm- at public sale, to hp hiKtiP.U biddor. lull at tiul v.w than 5l!.tH) per utc. at lu o'clock A. M., on the I'Jth day of Jctohor l'.MV, next, at tins uHice, the followiTtr tract (it land: SW 1-4 iS W 1-4. LVc. 24. Tp.3H.. . Z1 E.. W. M. '1 lie :utlc will tiol ! k it oih-m. but will bp div 'larrd clfKicd when Hiolip prctciit at thr hour nam !) have cpaiioil biddnin. The iHr;ioii maUmif the !iitilu :it bid wdl be p iiinid to tmnu'dinlly pav li ibc bpcoiviT Ibp Htimiint tbiTPul. Anv (tri.'.oun cIhuihiih HdvtM-rip thi abio dn- i:rd)pd land hip i d i 'rd lottlo tb. ir rlnitna. or oh jccl lotia. on or bctnte (hp tnop - losn? nutpd for fh!p. ('. hllNN, K.iitor. IK 'JIM NOLAN SK IKK. Kpppivrr. Phelps Grocery Co. r CALL AT CSEjj CO. wb ait Jolm 11 OOP r Ptos Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line GILLIAM & BISBEE will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made." For Sale Choico Ri'sidpiico Lot. I'i). fret. See rue heforu Oiuhi r first. Geo. Hondry, h-pjiir- liiikpry. l'.tdL'l MULE LOST -Bay marc niuli. broken to work, mane roarhnl tailshaved. Brand "lazy I) (-)' on left stifle. Ton dollars n waru. L. v . iiciitry, 1 1 pprn r Oregon. llitf MANY GOOD I'OSITIONS Can ho had hy any amliitiini younn man or woman in th'- li of railway orcomnn'rt ial tdi'ura phy. V want a nnmh r o younjr m'n and women to pre pare for the telegraph service to fill vacancies caused hy unusual drafting of younj; men for th Signal Corps. I'repaic to help your country. Write today foi ;iuii pariicuiars. i n Kaiiuav iTelcRraph IriKtitute, I'ortlam!, Oregon. L'ld:"J I-'UU S A I. K .'!'.' i H.r.s f In.,.1 : raw lund In Murioii county. On-, j . pon, V) miles from Nil vert.. u. 'JJ I I j utiles from Sitlfin. I'.-ni X K0it. lies Well. TfiCt U u!i Hi! plow luiul. Iluriron' water fi,i dtOtk ((II both liiirt'-rs. ('Iee to niacad tin rond. less half iiiiio from r,tilr,id .i,l .".t liool.iieitJjnrs iiuproM d fruis 4jHCl'Ut. Iln,ij , fur nil product f f.irm nt hij; li.cuu: caiups furtle r m irtei tor l.und t.-usiiy bl,J i he,iiy pri'pitrid f . t plow. A U'iide(J proposition ., cut up itiid si ll in sru.tlii r tr,iet or to develop ciitire. l or pir tieuUr finiuiru at II. h Ikr iM Notice for I'uhlicatiun 1 ".it ! 1 1 a, I Drl'.'irtmi'nl i,l iIh- li.l. iM.r. I'. S. I I Ollii'i- hi La Uiunclt'. Or,'., A'ik'hI 2. KM,'. N1)TI'K 1:1 Ihu'I'v t:ii'ii Uutt. Hi il,rtvlri hy Uh Coiiinn:, i r i,f li,,, I ii'iii'i iil I.hiiiI iillni'. im- lt-r I lit (iriiwi'i'iii'i i,l ; I-,'. "I U.S.. iMii'Hiiiint li ihi' nni'lii Htiiin i, I.hh' I-;. . I' '. "I ( i" I. k. ii ii-rml Nn. (li:,:'.i:i 'Hum i wi, ill i.i.t nt mil, In- 'mlo. '-o th IhkIh- il 1,1'Wfi, l.ul ut Mwt lij-t l liun I,;. 'H iir I'Ti. ut I" 1 1 'i-1 , ii 1 k ii. m. i'ii iho IJdi iIhv nf Oiliihfr lIJ, lif t, ut Lhu olll.r, IuIIuwihk Hint nl If.., 'I i i '.'.;w i i n i : 1 4 nwi 4 siv i. Thl- .nil' U 'II I, nl In- In i.l .'hr-ii, hut I,., ,, llinil ri,,ii( V-llill III..,.' t.'Hl'lil Ht till' I imimiI hu i" i i'ii'.i 't ln'1,1 1 r i v lh. pi Mun rnuliiiiM i ihi- IiikIh"iI hul In- n',iini'il tu mimiiliMli'ly 1 ,iliv In tin' I!i' riii-i th" mifuiil thtri'iil. AllVI'l'l- IflHll.llH (.'l.ll l.'l, lh.' il.' 1 i.Tihi'l h.inl hi.. K'l.i.i'l li, till- Unit rl;.un:i- i.r j ib i rl luiul. nil ur I .' I -I thi' tnii' if in i.hl. "I Ifr ml. . III 'IS H. .-i il.-r Ik-. l Mil Ai ; hit I l!.i . i .'i Tn ' ; II I. SAM HUGHES and see their fine line of GROCERIES, o PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING, n ECONOMIC A N n MILITARY PREPAREDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON In ailfllllAM l i.m.uu tm.a tn ..ti.tNl mn4 .rl.nllllc .duration, ll.i full .piutunlllaa In MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC CICNCC ARTS AND COMMCRCE fl." r ffrllv luiul. rvlr. Vaur caunlry na.rf. IL lor Iroo lllu.tial.H hookl.U.' Ir.ln ho Br. In lot Wot" and " t ho Woman ana) ha Unlvaralty." Arfdroaa No.lalrar, UNIVERSITT OF OREGON. Eugene. Oiegon NorirK I nl! I'l 111. K A1 ion:. ' I .-r r " nt nl Hi.' Int. tn. r. I!. .-v l.inHHT'i i hi l .a (, tin ill-. On it iii. l.'Ui l!'i .'. j ri. im hvii h-. I li ii that V. ilhntti I 'l!" I'rht- '.n. ..f I.' i a. Oi.K"i,, v. h,,. .,n Jii,, !c . . , n.l'lf II. ti I'll ml I , 1 1 V I... "I.'l " Int N I .' I.I 14. I. i v '. w I I :. v. i i I I I I I I 4 : w I I ! .ml Nli. . at. 'I 1. ,-i.t. .ii .1. h.ii hi, I .....ill. . ;"i Ii. .1. N .;,.n. it. M, i .l.mi l.aa hl.l lu.tir.- t.f i. I. -Ml., n I,, ti, at. ll.tu i.hi I' Im. MIMI . I Ui.'l ..I.'l I It., I h i U.iti tu il ' f I'ait. . ,.. I :na ulhi c a! Il i I t .i.M'.nl'. r. I .. I ta. trial t I .int. . v . ' i.ti. it. I in, h ,1 I. .t. ail nl I ' On., i VI ',' al" ih I l I . .laiiia II w i,i .. I I h.l II . People's Cash Market IILNRY SCIIWARZ, I'n.p. All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 col n I I .1; l'i l.l li A I lor. I'"l aitli.n.t " l.a,' Oi. N-illir I' h. i .Hi. i.f .r i a. ma la II ...... i ml !,W I I .-. I ,l V. ,,,. ...t. . t.. i. .i, i, . la it- !' II, la . I.t,.. I . ..-I al M in, h-r .1. I la r.,a .' . . .. ',-.. . I i.. r, .t I, M n fhiit I. .- h... .,n , I . at I onw at ll I- l"r Car i i I ! ' III -ntt live motiff. Hy our mrihod H-AiijfcJ Iiii,;' On ran hind n luaf fir till In t . X - hou you want ami (rl ihf mat' Imum ot hranly and prorlirahility. All torn nd la Common Hcn.t nd Marnmrr. Wt ornd ti all ih. malarial, f.lroj. rainrjlrd and niimhrrrd "Wti. ItMaf It mir fits rW ll'a Itao. a i , a nmnu diiiit tryrm m I.LHUI UVIL IIUWvl. VU, Vt. 111 . Un Mraat rirflann. tVoaaa Addirs nil iiwiuinra to C. I . S( ll'M)NMAK!.K. Morrow County Ak' "1. 1 1 I'l"" '. ' it i, i . .. J. H. COX I K., A .rt.'.i a I... m ,., II. 1.. . . .-.. . I i.. II. CONTRACTOR ami lUJII.DKU : liana nml l.'iJimuti 1'iirnithnl fur All luml. l',tnltlu.. J 1'irxl Chin Work i hil. J Miltw U Xfifriiill ii nl' ii ml linn ( mi jit U l'.iiiiiii'i'nl lot House Moving II II I I