SCOPE OF SERVICE CTRONG ATTRACTION for patronage of the Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank by individnal, firm and household -lies in our ability to co-operate in the problems arising in the city and on the farm. In addi tion to this, every possible department and service of banking is afforded. May we add your name to our rapidly growing Hit of depositors? We shall appreciate your account whether it is large or small. MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK Ill.PPNER. A Chicken Mystery Prominent Agriculturist A letter from T. J. Mahoney cashier of the Live Stock Stale Bank, of Portland, to W. W. Sraead, secretary of the Fair as sociation, announces that 11. A Blanchard, agriculturist for that bank, will be present at the Mor row County Fair. It has been arranged for Mr. Blanchard to make an address today which is the day set apart for the Farm ers' Union day. Government Fixes Price of Wool Announcement has been made that the government has fixed the maximum price it will pay for wool on a basis that will give the growers in Oregon about rM cents a pound. It is understood that, while the government does not attempt to fix the price except for govern inent contracts, the fact that these will cover at least one-half the crop, there is little chance that glowers will get more. Rev. Father O'Kourkn was a visitor at Condon last week. The Oregon Agricultural College V hart ti fttnt'il rjum ihIisIii with timid rn lub Ortnrift ami Htl-in nt fiiipHiPnt ttv in- lnietmn I'mling to oillfgiaiti ttrtt'it in tht following mpnnU : AGHICULTUIin, with IS ri-pnrtmrnU; COMMERCE, with 4 d rtin nit ; ENGINEERING, with ft d-r tmonti, In lulling Civil. Kli'i-trii'ftl. Highway, InrlustrisJ Art, Irrigation, and Mn'hauiral FnKniring ; roKLHTKY, inrluiimg Lining Engineer- HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major Arpirt rut a, iiicliiUnig ti aiiiing in tin Praetica Hmma ; MINING, with thrf dpai tmrnti, ioa lad ing Chfinical FtiginaiMViif , Pll AKMACY. Til E 8CHOOL Or MUMO, offers Initraa lln in tha pnn iat id iat tiucuti of focal nit inatrumrntal mnir THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT, vnrotlr IOn.'i catlcia la 1 V I 17, ami won rrommn datum fur O A. from th Wettarn Ifptrl mmi nf tha V H War n)iartmrnt aa on of Ih fiftrn ' 'dtttinguithfil iiuntutii ni" of higher having All will 1 furniahri nipl'tt niuf..?nii l.y Hid I' S. (iovri n inrnt ml the Junior and mor rail ft a, nmlltd ift Ihf It D. 1' i, will bf gtvrti rmwauutatiun for uhMMtn.-P, wi ll at all lianp..rt alii n and ul.n-.ti nrc a the ait w h a ' hummer ramp. RiCilRTR AT1CN BTUUNft OCTOBER , 1017. ltifjintatiOD on i aqua it. AtditM. i tir, OtrjoB Agrii-ultuiaJ CoUvga, Coivllia, Oivguu. LEXINGTON ITEMS Ur. Turner, eye specialist, was here Wednesday and had many callers at the hotel. Henry YanDyke, who expects to be called to the army any time is enjoying a visit from his moth- .er. School started Monday with all teachers present and a larger attendance of pupils than ever before. Mr. and Mrs. Bauman are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. II. L. Writer, of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Geo. Allyn and daughter Elsie motored over to Umatilla Sun day to get a Winter's supply of "ye luscious peach" for winter use. Frank Moore has a Ford now and can make the trip from the ranch to town some quicker than when he drove "Molly and old Fan." Mrs. Chas. Klum, waitress at Lane's restaurant, received a tel egram calling her to Boise, Ida ho, immediately and left for that city Monday. Jim Saxe, who for several years has oeen with Leach Bros, has resigned his position and left Wednesday for Portland on a business deal. Roy Yardley is another young man who has taken unto himself a wife. The young couple were married t Pendleton three weeks ago. Congratulations. The heavy shower of Monday night, beyond drowning a few. chickens and washing out some ol the chuck holes, did no serious damage and was highly appreci ated by all. Friends here received the sad news of Mrs. Otto Reades death at Roundup, Montana. She was a former resident of Lexington and her husband was pastor of the Congregational church here. While gathering exhibits for he Fair in the Cecil neighbor hood early this week Jack Hynd, f Cecil, and Mac Smith, of this :ity met with a rather unusual xperience. Driving up to the Ellis Minor ranch, the gentlemen noticed a greatcommotionamong he poultry. A frantic woman was chasing a big turkey gobbler ground the yard with a broom. dozen or more dead chickens were lying on the ground and the rest of the flock were acting is though they had been mixing it with bootleg booze. "This gobbler is killing my chickens," shouted the woman, "come and help me catch him." Mac Smith is nothing if not chiv alrous and also is some sprinter Hefbok the trail and the gobbler was soon safelj in a coop. "Looks like a shame to let all this good chicken go to waste said Jack, so the two began tr salvage the still fluttering chick en crop. A9 fast, however, as they could dress a chicken an other one would tumble over and finally the big gobbler, threw a tit, and turned up his toes. Then everybody began to lose their appetite for chicken and b council was held while chickens and turkeys continued to give up the ghost in blocks of five. All together about 60 chickens' and a dozen turkeys passed in their checks, but the' cause of the trouble is still a mystery. Mr. Hynd says the chickens and tur keys were acting much as be has seen men do before the state went dry and Mac Smith thinks it might be well for the sheriff to investigate the case and see if some smart rooster is not oper ating a moonshine still or at least a blind pig on the premises. Let us be Your headquarters FAIR TIME FAIR PRICES Soiu)sis TT Recreation Set A REFLECT THE MODE OF THE HOUR ; When planning your fall ward robe assure suc cess by starting with stylish corsets. Study the exhibit of sma,rt new Roy al W o r c e ster styles. Make it a point to visit our corset section and see the charming new Royal Wor cester style. Price $1 to $3 ESTER Royal RFPRFATinN SET vi The very latest novelty for summer wear. I Stunningly de- signed and handsomely I tailored, equal- ly attra c t i v e J for outdoor wear or indoor J use. They will launder beauti- J fully and noth- ing so smart in appearance or ; clever in desi: has been offe ed before. er Don't forget to have a look at our new fall goods, wools and silks in all the fancy and plain colors. (loo. Fell, of Pendleton, who I , , m . I lias neon m ro lor a week or so ! looking after loc;il property in jtorests, li ft fur his home Tues jday Horning. A Smart Mule George Mead, of near Lexing ton, who recently lost a valuable and, apparently very intelligent, mule over near the Caldwell grade, and advertised for the an imal in the Ileppner Herald, re ports that the next day after the ad appeared the mule went home Later Mr. Mead learned that the mule was 6een on the streets of Ueppner the day the Herald was printed. The supposition is that Mr. Mule read the paper, learned that he was wanted at home, and hit the road for the Mead ranch. Mr. Mend should be convinced of two things: that he owns a smart mule and that Herald advertising pays. New line of fall coats, "CLASSIC COATS", their merit is known to most everyone. Moderately priced. Minor & Company "Dry Goods Department" LOCAL AND PERSONAL I n t!i"- linvs of unusual business conditions it is a mutter of prudence to prepare for the days to come, in .sour business ami private affairs. invito vim to associate yourself in a financial way with this institution, which for nearly III) years has weathered all storms and today stands as solid as a rock, with practically unlimited resources and equipped to give the best banking service possible. Whether you want your ready funds cared for or require capital for your legitimate requirements, we are ready to servo vou. The First National Bank Itrppnur, Oiegon Capital $100,000.00 Total Resources over one million dollar : George Perry is here taking in the Fuir. II. S. Ewitig is herefrom Cecil attending the Fair. Victor Wigglesworth is in frou Butter creek today. Chas. Beckett and Hirrison Eliiott were in from Eightmile Saturday. J. C. Aiken has returned from Portland where he spent a two week's vacation. Percy Garrigus is hero from Portland looking after his prop erty interest in ileppner. H. H. Peek, proprietor of the SHgenburst Farm, has a duo dis play of dry Innii products in hie booth at the Fair. For Sale Choice Residence f.ot. t'tixT.! feet. See nie before October first Goo. Hendry, ileppner llakery. hUlM ML'LK LOST Hay mare mule broken to work, mane roached. tailshaved. Hranri "lazv I) ( )" on left title. Ten dollars re ward. L V. Gentry, Hoppner. Oregon. p.Uf Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Brien were in from Butter creek Sat urday. Fred Bock and Mitchell Sum mers were here from Condon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rhea were in from their Rhea creek ranch Saturday. Fred Rader and Mrs. E. M. Carter, of Long Creek, were bus. iness visitors in Ileppner last Saturday. Mrs. HeDry Jones and dauuh ter. Miss Stella Jones, former residents, visited friends here last week. W. K. Cjrson, with the Joseph Burgoyne mercantile tstablish mentof Lexington, was a visitor here Sunday. Tom Brennaa returned Sun day from an enjoyable pleasure trip to Portland. Seattle and Vancouver. B. C. R. F. Hynd. of the Ileppner Milling Co.. was here on busi. ness from Portland for several days during the week. Herbert Kirk came in Tuesday evening with a carload of Jersey dairy stock purchaed in Uio Willamette valley. Mr Kirk ex poets tootigatre in tl.eduiiy busi ness on his Kliea creek ranch. Arthur Moore arrived in Hepp ner from Portland Monday and in the guest of W. P. Muhoney Mr. Moore visited ileppner list spring for n few witk ud wa favorably impressed with the touctry. ; HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN A RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON Horses and Mules Wanted I w ant Kd homed I 12 to ten yearn old, 15 hands high and up ward. Aliw want mule 3 to 10 years old. Will also buy a few good 3-year-old horses. Guy Boyer, Ileppner, Ongou. lUtf N. T. Caven, hotel man of Con don, is here attending the Fair. W. R. Irwin left Wednesday morning for Portland and the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Greiner, pioneer residents of the Condon country, and among the biggest wheat farmers of that section, are here attending the Fair this week. Mr. J. II. Helms and Miss Catherine Long were married in ileppner Monday, September 10, 1917. City Recorder J. P. Wil. hani performing the ceremony. The couple are both residents of Morrow county. Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Newlon were in the city Monday from their ranch in Sand Ilnllow. They returned Saturday even ing from an extended business trip at Portland and point in tbe Willamette vallev. triit'M Price Mis Peggy O'Rourke return ed last week from a six week' Dr. Turner, well knowny ( lrip , Cahfornla .having vUited wno i,.in noppuer Anee,. 1Qll Barbara once cicn monin to look fter the need of hi numerous patient, was here again yettv r day on a prnfos-onnal visit. The doctor has a wide practice ai! over thi section of Oregon and no doutit In success i largely due to the ft that I e make ue of the local newspaper in every town visited to announce the dale of Li u . San Francisco, and Petaluma While in Pet alum a the was ex tensively etuertaioed. Geo. W. Verdot wt pleasantly surprised the other day when Ins son and wife dropped in from W!U Walla to make him a visit. They are so well p'eed with ileppner that they may decide to speed the winter here. Andrew Stewart and Creston Maddock drove over to Pendle ton Sunday returning Monday. E IT" Drown left Thursday morning for a pleasure trii British Columbia. He ex; j to visit Vancouver and Rupert before returning. Mrs. Edwards has donated an elegant luncheon set of embroid ery to the Red Cross society which is now on exhibition at Thompson Dros. store. Buy a ticket, help the cause and per haps win this beautiful set. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Swlnburn, of Seattle, are here this week visiting friend and relatives, Mr. Swinburn being a grandson of Mrs Eliza Ayers. of this city. Mr and Mrs. Swinburn own an orchard home in Hood Rivc vallev where they spend tbeif summers. They came directly from Hood River to Ileppner. Mr and Mrs. Desnis McKamee and children returned Saturday evpntrg from a eouple. of months vacation at Portland and Long Beach. Washington. Mr. Mc Namee reports having bad ft splendid outing and Mrs, McNa men returns much benefitted in health. The children enjoyed every minute of time on the beach and altogether the vaca tion was most enjoyable. Re turnirg they stayed a week in Portland before coming on to ileppner.