It 1 Professional Column g 8 DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently HEPPNER, located in Oddfellow's Building OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, 6regon DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Regular monthly visita lo HEPPNER and 10NE ' Watch paper (or dates DR. J. G. TURNER ' Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM K VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY-AT-LAW HEPPlvER, . OREGON Church Notices Catholic Church Services. First Mass. 8:00 a.m. Second Mass at 10:30 a. m. The Ladies of the Altar Socie ty meet after Secoud Mass in Sacristy of church. Reverend Father O'Rourke. The Federated Church Sunday School 9:45. Morning service at 11:00 Evening service at 8.00. We expect a full corps of teachers next Sunday and at least a twenty-live per cent in crease in attendance. The In ternational lesson subject is "The Fiery Furnace." Sermon theme, morning. "What Does God Mean to Us." Evening, "Meaning of The Book." H. A Noyes, Pastor. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON T. C. DENNISEE For Fine Up To Data Homes ARCHITECT and CONTRACTOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 6b5 FRANCIS A McMENAMIN LAWYER Robert! Building, Heppner, Oregon P. A. Anderson returned Sun day evening from a visit, to his old home in North Dakota. He reports good crops in the section he visited. His father who is an extesive farmer, had a heavy crop and sold recently for a bushel. Episcopal. A Sunday School will be or garmed by the Episcopal church on Sunday morniug, September 16, at 10 o'clock. Dr. Van Wa ters will be present and services will be conducted by him at 11 a. in. aud at 7;30 p. tn. Every body welcome. Church of Christ. Preaching Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject: "Keys to God's Blessings.". Evening service begins at 7:30. Subject of sermon "Living in Ex pectation." Irrigcn Makes Fine Showing The Irrigon exhibit at the Fair is worth looking at. Lucious peaches, glorious grapes, prince ly pears, mam moth melons and mauy other products of the sur kissed sands, are on exhibition and everybody is proud of Irri gon and proud of the pride that the Irrigon people show in their own exhibit. Prof, and Mrs. Suddarth and and Chauncey Grim are in charge of the Irrigon booth and they are no slow boosters, Notice for Publication l'' p:iriin,.Mi nf th,- lin,-i'or. I'. S. otlitc, at 1 Ji'Ir.uuU', Or, ,:, in. Annnst -.'.ill. 1:17. N, .(.,, ,,,,,.,v uk.'ii tlmt John Kw-chii. of 1 Uinum. l n rVlmmrr IX 1911. ironic Mom, n...l l.-,,,..,. v ,:. ... . .. i ... . tl T.;,i i k. a K.. tots I. J. :t. 4. : hi ,1 . Sl:i.. N 1-4. 8...1 Mi l SWI-4 Si- I tion t, l.iwiislilii J Smith. Kani' -J.-i Kdsi. VViIUni- J ? ettc ,Mm,l io. has tilm! ni.tii-e of intt"iti,.n to : niak.' thrvo-ynir PriH.f. I,,talilun i l:mn t Hit-j lan.l iil.m,. nY,,,., il,. .f,.,, (-. (.-. , t,.,,;. I'llltni St.-nr... t'ollilili:..l,m,T. at tils otiu'Ollt Iffpp iut. Oivkoii. on tho -JL'ii.l ,tn. ol t 'i tulu r. 1H17. Claimant mitniM as v n nossos: ,lain,':t II inning. Kilwaril Unhrrtv. Hut lliiiitins. a'nl Irum-is Mc Cahi'. all of Lena. Oieun. ''l-1 t'. S. In nn. lleiiistei. o'umpter Belief Fund The relief fund of Suuipter now amounts to a little over fcltO. A number of our have not been seen, but the subserip tion paper is at the First Nation al Bank. Those who have not subscribed may call at the Bank and add their name to tho list. Those who have not paid the amounts they have subscribed are requested to call at the Bank and make payment as soon us possible, as it is desired that the money be sent without delay. Guyle Shurte in Hospital Guyle Shurte, who went to Portland last week to take his tinal examination for enlistment into the medical corps of the army, was temporarily rejected by the medical examiners be cause of a slight rihysical defect which called for a minor opera tion to remedy. Guyle is game, however, and rather determined so he returned to Hepp ner Saturday and at once enter edjthe Heppner hospital and had tho opcratiou performed at his own expense. He expects to be all right in another week or two and expects to take another try at the examination. He feels confident that he will bo accept ed and will soon be it a position to go to the front and do his share in the hospital work. Ship Two Cars Horses James Rye and Carl Smith, representing the Caldwell Hurst' and Mule Co.. ol Caldwell. Ida ho, were here this week buying horses and mules and on Wednes day morning they shipped two cars of animals from the local station. The horses are. being bought for the government for use for artillery and cavalry pur poses. Thirty-four head of the lot were bought from Guy Boy or the well known llinton creek stockman. Notice for Publication Dei.aitinent of the Inlnioi-. I'.S. t.aiul ofnoe at LaGramle. Oregon, AukuM Ttli. l;i 1 7. Notice is hei-ehy iiiven that (leorce V. Frank. Itn, of Hoi'piier, OroKon. who. on .line 7th. IBIIi. immV tlmiiopti tol Kntry No. mm. fur Lot I. Kl-L' NWl 4. N 1-: 1 4 SWI-4. Scutum I. Town slni' t South. lini,K(. nn Kant. Willamette Meridian, haa hleii notiee of intention to thake commuta tion 1'ioof. to establish claim to the land above (li'iiciiheil. before (.". I', raltersen. I'nileil Stated Commissioner, al his ntliee at Hepimer. Otenon. on the i' lul das- of October. 1111 i. Claimant names as witnesses: Addtsnn M. Moore, of l.ena. Oreton: Charles H, Johnson, Frank II, Klliolt, and David O. .lnstiia. all of Henimei. tlirjion. m-- C S. 1H -NN. UoKiRtw. I Canning Peaches ! I Are now at their best : i War Libraries Heppner is asked to contribute 60. or 65. toward tho War Li brary fund. It is very essential that the boys in the training camp be kept in the best of spirits, lliey are apt to have an attack of "army b'ues" and it has been found that plenty of reading matter is one of tlu best preventatives. The Young Men's Christian Association, the Knights of Columbus ami the Young Mens Hebrew Association are all calling for books. This is a noble cause. Shall we help? Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Ueiiailmeiit of the Interior. i. S. Land Ollice at l.a Craiide. Oreiton. , Ainrnst I'.MT. Notice is herein civon that, as directed by the Commissioner of the Oeneral Lain! ollice. under provisions of Sec. 2153. R.S.. pursuant tn live ap plicm ion of 1' red Itiichanon. of Frho. Orenon Serial No. lunwGJilWSiJ we will offer al public sale to the loudest bidder, hut at not less than $J.OO pet acre, at pio'clock a. in., on (ho IL't h da v of t ictober ltd i". no.!, at this ollice the fnllmvnni trad nf land. Lot nmlNW 1-4 K 1-4. Sec. l. T,,, 4 s.. 11. F ' W. M. '1 he sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hniirnani ed hae . cic.ed luddinii. The tierson Inakinir the 1iik1ic..( hid will be reuuired to immediately pay to the heieuer the unt thereof An persons rlanniiin adversely the above-de-aenhed land are advised to tile their clamm. or ob .iectluns, on oi before the lime designated for sale. C. S. Ill'NN. IteKister. 1-22 Nnl.AN Skij v. Keceier. Better put in your order TODAY Notice for Publication Isolated Tract. Public Land Sale Ueiiailmeiit of Ihe Interior, II. S. Land Ollice at Lu t Iraiidc. Oicumi. A mi mi I :!, l'.MV, Noli.e is hen hv mven thai, as directed l,v the Con s: loner of the Oeneral Land ollice, llinler "rovisi i of Sec. 1' to.',, U.S., pui.,iianl to the ap plication of l.lvie F. Molloo, of Cecil. Oregon. Serial No. nl .'.ris. we will oiler at public sale, to lite IniihcU bidder, but al not less than JJ.ot) tier acre, at In ..clock A. M i the 1'jth day of October I'll,-, pest, at this ,,m,e, the followitiK tra, t of land. SW 1 I t.V I 4. Sec. . I p. 1 S.. . 2i K.. W. M. 'II ale will not be kept open, but will be do elHied clo.ed when those present at the hournatn ed hav, ci.a-..e.l lii.ldu.H. The per win inakiiitt ibe li'uh, ;t bid will be iispi.ted to iiuuiediattv pay to I he l civci theanioiiul thens.l. Any pcrs, Iiiuuinu a.her-ielv the ahnw de- . el ihed land are adv ised lo tile their . lanns. or ol, c, I ion i, on or Indole t he tiutedeuif iihUhI (or sale f. S. III'NN, IteKliler. i- --'d Milan skii i . it.v.-i..r. Phelps Grocery Co. J N. B. Ladies do not forget our Rest Room is at I J your disposal during Fair week. J FARMERS- Now is the time when you need Fire Insurance 3 on your grain, autos and other valuable property. Let me figure with you. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS I have a number of choice 640 and 320 relinquishments. See me before filing and 1 can help you to secure a desirable claim. Roy V. Whiteis l ire insurance and Real Estate George Aikin received a tele gram Sunday from his son Cy rus, at Salt Ijike City announc ing the arrival of a baby duiigh ter weighing0 pounds. Mother and babe are at the Holy Cic. hospital at Salt Lake and are if. ported as doing nicely. Mi. Aiken is niHMUL'iT for the Suifur at O-tlell. s Sewing M icliine Co., I j Utah Notice for Publication bolaied llH.-l I'epartlneid of (he Intel lo. I'.S. La u,l I (Hire at L.i titaiide. On .. A ou u I I'd ,'. NOI'll'K Is I,, I . -1 v mni llml. as duecl.-d In tie i'oiiiiiih loner ol th, I eo, , tl Land otitic, mi h i the p(,. i o.,s ,d .iec. . t ,:. It,:,, puroiant to , th, apple-all f I. I. K. M- ie. of Cecil, III,,., I, Si Hill No Id ,...1 NIH..I we w,l ,,, , l public .,l- t,, ' tn- IiikIi,- ,t but at not le ( ban i: '"0 pet HI I" lo. in, M. at I hi i oil,, 1 I M.I I NWl I l.'lh da ol lope, f. il' f. o,tf 1 1 hi t ol r'll be , Ihe Is ,11 II. at I After you see the Fair, call at n SAM HUGHES CO. and see their fine line of GROCERIES, PDnicinMC a mpv n rnri um Q 122323235 dSSmSSSSSS 25SSmS2S23 O C2Sr it ) T7I A T)ir Til I)T Tel P3 i1 A Li M 1 M 1 U Yj A I Vj 1 1 0 jr to It Ota ana John Deer Plows HOUSK AND I.OTFOI: sai.i: Cheap. C. S. Jayne. 1 i .,m r, Oregon. lif WOOD AND COAL-St o mh about cash prices fur your win. ter fuel. It will pay you. Ivl Hreslin. JOli SAF.K 1 team a-.. 7 A !t weight C.Iimi l ,.t ,,f br.-.' harness and .'I ini li uiili im-'l wiigot) in good i-iiihlii n,ii A imp. Aililress L,ingtoii ti e. MIT.K .i 1ST old in uli'. has Strayed from Wilki-r-iti one Hitd ono half m i !, d t., Pie He . 0$ urn ECONOMIC and MILITARY PREPA REDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON In .lll.a I. ..mpl.l. ,. n ..,.! mn clanllllt lucalUn. allaK lull f,unllla In Mil ITARV DRIIL. DOMESTIC KIINCI ARTS AND COMMLRCC PUn lt flarllv lnlur arvlca. Vur cunlry II. Smn lot ! Illualrolail hamU,"Traln ha Brain far ait ar Warand ' lha Waman i4 ha Unlvarally." Arinraaa Raglalrar, UIIIVERSIIT Or OREGON. Eugene, Oicgon C .1 Mi K;tV. 1--II.' ni A buy I '. i 1 1 lll t tl Wi In ! I VI i f I "III Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line CILLUI & BISBEE will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made." J Caldwell gnitli. Thursihiy, Ami.' J ust I'lmli-r notify i.i-i.i-i' J Meail, Lexington. llnoM, ut,.! J rcriHve 1 1 be nil rew.irtl. I -- r S I 'll: SAI.i:-in r. s I t.ii. . raw land in M.iih.ii utint y. I it , . gon. lo iiiilcs from Sih i t' n. : ' tnilci friitn Sitli'in . I t i ii ii soil, Ik's well. I'lurl n.tH til! plow land. Il'iiiiniig w iii r f..i ' h trick on tioth iti.titi-i !.,, to in icii'l tin It's- ll. iti i,i,i half miie from r.i 1 1 i'l I , l si huol. ni'igMiors itn rvi-l f.n m . H'Jjfi'fit. Il-iiii't tl, :i i ki'i fur uli I'rtwlucts of f t r f t hi lug ! i'i'ii.;' own) f.irllii r in n,i. i i..r ..ui l I'H'-ily nod ihi':ii!y ri'p in d fm plow. A apli-ndi'd propusii tun I-, cut up mid m il in i i l r.n t or lo ili'S I'lnp I'ht 1 1 1'. 'i,r p i r in uUr iijtiirij at tl.w II. i rd oS.we. Ml STOMACH TORN UP Indiana LaJy D. jcri'n Comlilion, Which She Sayi V.'as Due To Constipation and Ttlli u( Relief Glilainid From tlaet-DianBlit. fMtithhni, In ! Mi,. Amen Joltnvrin, ol 1 1' r , nli .. ' I v.i !l U'ltic iiiIii i I 'iiili'fcd u ? In .I,; I imp rotiM4 ft' tl, whuti v fin', I y I t'-f il'r.vii. I lndk dm 1'iis' ti i - 1 1 h i ii'.tt any iiimilx r o' I n t , tines l iii y wiiiiM i i t! M if in a o e t"ii''ili'.ii I'' - it I v as .rtt,ip .I mg, rftt'l my i.liiMinli s'i 1 1 ' I . . . I H'.w mi. n Mill, rri) . . . If.'i I'm 'i -ili',n, I is so ill r Ii ii i 1 1-1 , p Hip ti n lor , u . i rvntr. ami If r , -h . lip lir !, I I t'nili l . r i iinl int(li.iiin, my M'.'i I'll .ts Ri I "! . . . "'y Imsliatitl p-.i I ni! ant) 1'itimi S'.ii'i lhni all'ii.l I I'riltiitil S I'.Mik I'l.'ijil Htlll titr II, tit Hip a :liti' In l-y, I iisi .1 il ii iS ,. I ct until ,r. ; in I'l Irrl ,i lloi, ' i i mi d 1 1 1 v a ,p i a t'in,i 1 1 y , i iiirtil 1 1 tln infi- i'i'iii w am lute l'ie I ' .- fc I nani,'i People's Cash Market IIMNUY SCHWAK, I'rop. All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 ni ml vr irvinry. Ity nur mrihod in ran hniM i hi or li'ik hiHitr you mtnt and (! I th' tmi itnum r itraiily ami H4i In alnlily All inn nrrd la (nainina S.nta i llantm.r. f Wr 'i .11 ll,. n.fflr,al., fJji "il, h-iftr-l w nnnilwi'H r'ri. 1, Ant I'Ua Ho..a li'i h I l. 1 a nrAnu mm r tiiMirtr r cvm ris'voi. p in , M IumI r.r& Own h A.l-lri nil s in C. I . SCIIOONMAKI.K. Morrow County Ah' iiI. 1 1 ppt" r, On-. il l) it Il I'Htt l mat h is iimI r,l riiftff, ynti mil -ullrf It'im sin Ii iliv,t;' smp I'Kt", a lu i'l. K in- Illinium ss, t'tiln-rs-i"n rtc , mni niiii s v, Mirtlnnj; is done, HTn.iH llotilHP Ituy r M I linlloni'k p, ,,, k-l 'M n li h.H Ix-rn I' H'i'l a ta-'iiMtlp li-inriiy I' f llirw l"ti' r l fi'to lv ri:rMlilP. nl ;i is in ptoi'i dmiI iulut.'l way. Itrlp I' J I i rri'ui.ile lir Iiki aiitl o llr.mse t'-' l. i s i I i n j -iifil,(,. ,li lii.k lJuu,,l,l. Lll-15 J. H. COX j CONTRACTOR ami RUII.DKR i I'hinx ami r.nlimntm I'uiuiihul fur AH Kiwi of lluil'luuji. J Fir al (,'l'i'n Vrk ' '.'. I Make a Si' -ioH'i nf and llm r l'nw)itit J liiiii niu til r House Moving