HEPPMER HERALD Help support Heppner Business Men who help support Heppner. Centra! Oregon gets on and eff the train, at Hep, tier Gateway. With which is consolidated The lone Bulletin. A lirst class neapuper entered at the uvatollii-e at Heppner, Oregon aa seeond-claaa matter VOLUME 4. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1917. NUMBER 19 A summary of the September crop report for the states of Or rgon, Washington and Idaho and for the United States, as com piled by the Bureau of Crop Es timates, shows that while the production of wheat, oats, barley and potatoes in the three Pacific Northwest states is considerably below that of last season, the production in the entire country shows a marked increase over last year. Following Is the figures for Oregon: Wheat Estimate for 1917, 12, 570,000; last year 19,550,000. Oats Estimate for 1917. 10,- 600,000; last year 17,280,000. BarleyEstimate for 1917, 4, 900,000; last year 5,390,000. Potatoes Estimate for 1917, 5,540.000; last year 8,550,000. For the United States, how ever; the reporis better the fol lowing being (he estimates given; Wheat Estimate for 1917, 667,347,000; last year 649,886, 000. Oats Estimate for 1917, 1, 530.000,000; last year 1,251,992, 000. Barley Estimate for 1917. 204,000,000; last 180,927,00. Potatoes Estimate for 1919: 462,000; last year 285,437,000. Hay and apples show a consid erable decrease this year as com pared with last season's crop. Hoover Says, J'Buy at Home" No less an authority that Her bert C. Hoover, United States Food Administrator, is a strong advocate of the "buy at home" idea. Here is what Mr. Hoover had to say on the subject a few days ago: "Use local supplies patronize home industry and your local producer. Distance means money. Buy perishatfle food from your neighbors and thus save transportation." Along with foodstuffs and oth-l cr commodities Mr. Hoover should have included printed stationery and other products of the local print shop. It is a fact that newspaper men and printers are generally loyal to their own town in the matter of buying their supplies. Can the same be said of many other bus- Iness men when it comes to buy ing their printed matter? Adjutant-General White on Tuesday notified the local ex emption board to be ready to send 40 per cent of the men in the Mopow county draft quota to the mobilization camp at Am erican Lake on September 19. "This installment is to be made up exclusively of white men, and men who are to go should be noti fied at once to hold themselves in readiness," said General White in his telegram to the local board. "They should be told to take very little baggage as civilian clothes will have to be discarded atcamp. It is advisable that they take only necessary toilet articles and changes of under wear." The men making up the 40 per cent of the quota from each cou n ty will be required to assemble at the headquarters of their loc al board September 19, from there proceeding to the mobilization camp within four days. A third installment of 40 per cent of the quota will be called out October 3 unless the War Department changes the date, and the remaining 15 per cent will be called out as soon there after as practicable. Following are the names of the morrow county men called. The men will leave Heppner for Am erican Lake next Wednesday. John Mekus, Portland, Ore. Prank T. Perry, Lena, Ore. Alexander Brander, Echo, Ore. Frank E. Cronan, lone, Ore. P'liltlp Drady, Heppner, Ore. Floyd Lincoln Barlow, lone, Ore. John llossncr, Ioiy Ore. Robert Roy Holmes, lone, Ore. Royal Wakefield, Heppner, Ore. Cleo Drake, Gooseberry, Ore. Joe Mason, lone, Ore. Junius Daley, Heppner; Oro. McDowell Missildlnc, Heppner, Ore, Harvey O. Itauman, LexliiRton, Ore, Riley Jake Juday, Heppner, Oro. Henry K. Van Dyke, Lexington, Ore FIFTH ANNUAL Morrow County Fair Program for Friday Sept. 14, 1917 MORNING 9:00 9:45 10:00 10:20 10:45 11:00 11:20 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:20 2:40 Band at Grounds Portland Ad Club Quartette Jazzaho Band Cartoons Portland Ad Club Quartette Band Concert AFTERNOON Band at Grounds Jazzabo Revolving Ladder Portland Ad Club Quartette Cartoons Farmers' Union Program -li. A. Blanch ard, Expert Agriculturist, and Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred will make addresses EVENING 7:00 Fireworks 7:35 Portland Ad Club Quartette at Grounds 8:00 Revolving Ladder 8:15 Cartoons 8:30 Dancing at Pavilion. Portland Ad Club Quartette will sing at the dance. TOMORROW GOV. WIT1IYCOMBE AT 2:30 INSTALL FLOUR 11 As a permanent business inst i tution in Morrow county and Heppner, the Farmers' Union seems to cut some figure. Not content with owning their own warehouse the union last Spring decided to build an elevator. They called a meeting of mem hers, subscribed the necessary capital, let the contract and the elevator is now an established institution. Hut the farmers were not satisfied with growing and hauling and elevating and marketing their own wheat so ioinn time Hgo Iney decided to J i install h (louring mill. There whsii t any fuss made about it; I hey Him ply raised the money and bought a mill and now wind is given out that the machinery will be here within 30 days and will be installed and in operation perhaps by December I. The mill is known as the American Marvel Flour Mill, will have "a daily cupucity of 50 barrels and is guaranteed to make a grade of Hour the equal of the best flour on earth. The mill will be installed in the warehouse building and the wheat supply will come from the adjacent elevator by gravity. They will do both custom and merchant work and it is expect ed it will bo operated continu ously. Attractive Show Windows ' The show windows in the Mi nor Si Co. store are most attrac tively dressed for the Fair. Miss Nora Hughes has redit for the attractive display in the Dry Goods window; Ray Rogers is proud of his handiwork in the Gents' Furnishing department and Will Hall is responsible for a mighty pretty window in the grocery department. The Phelps Grocery Co. and the Sam Hughe Co. also have very attractive windows as have the Case Furniture Co. Thom son Hros.. Gurdime A Son. Hum phrey Llrug Store and o'hers. Charlie Groshens Returns From Navy Charlie Groshens surprised bis home follfs and many other friends by dropping in on them Sunday evening having como di rectly from New York City. Charlie was among the first of the Heopner boys who enlisted iast spring when the call came for volunteers he and his brother narry going into the navy.j They were lirst stationed at San i Francisco at the naval training station and after two months there were assigned to sea duty! and have since been mostly on the move. Charlie wus given u medical discharge on account of broken urches his feet having broken down from the barefoot work on deck. He hopes to have the trouble remedied within a At the recent Fair held al Spo kane, the boys' and girls' club contests were made a special 1 feature and with such a measure of success that they will be re tained as a permanent feature of the Fair and greatly enlarged upon next year, according to President Griftith. The contests included pig raising clubs with liberal prizes, stock judging con. tests for both boys and girls be The Fair is on. 1 leppner has put on her glad rugs and at this time everything points to a successful meeting. The town has been gaily dec orated wilh Hays mid bunting umUlay and night it Holiday appearance. Mr. Weather Man could not have been more considerate than he has heen up In t lie present moment A lim show er pul uu end tween 10 and III, sewing contests and oratorical contests for l.olliilie p-ifi.ct weatlio; of Hie sexes. j few das is certainly all cix ciuus were cnicreu in me icuuni no asiied or imped lor. canning contest each dub being J 'I he exhibits are creditable, represented by three persons. 1 1 he attractions are good the at. The clubs entered were The tend. uu e promise-, lobe rather Dalles, K't-nuew ick. North Yaki-1 beyond expectation the last two uia, (ireenacres, Vulloyfoid and j day s. vera. Heppner is proud to be host to Miss Vera Cowens, nf llcpp-'the p-ople of Morrow and ad. ner was the individual i ize w in-i joining counties during these tier in the girls' conlest. She j three days ami oiler-, a hearty won the lirst prize for the best welcome toevcry body. V may individual exhibit r,f sewing, not be as demonstrative in l be Fair Notes L. V. Gentry, has on exhibition, in the wool department, a fleece dipped from a lamb 2 1 2 months old that weighs It pounds. C. A. Minor's Moral booth is one of the best features of the Fair. Mr. Minor is an authority on dahlias and his exhibit is line. His Moral Mag is a work of art. Jack llynd. of Cecil, is show ing several pens of sheep that) look like winners. His big "LTi- ! present s n i iinuiid ram is a snlondid soeci I iu,eu. lie also lias a hue cross bred ewo that should take a pie in in in There tire few horses, cattle, hogs or mules entered but the Heppner was visited by a tine rain storm Monday evening which effectually broke the pro tracted drouth, put the dust nui sance out of business, and clear ed the Atmosphere of smoke and ushered in the delightful period of wonderful autumn weather for which this section of country is famous. The storm started with a Hur ry of wind which blew down a Hag on lower Main street short circuiting the light wires, burn ing out a fuse mid plunging the city intodarkness. This was the lirst interruption in light service in many months and so eccus omed were the people to a de pendable service that many were without other means ef lighting their honiesuiid there was a great scurrying around for coal oil lamps and candles. About tho time these primitive means of gotting the best of the darkuess were iu service, however, the city lights were turned ou again aud the flurry was over. Over on lllackhorse the storm very nearly assumed the propor tions of a cloudburst. A heavy downpour lillcd the creek bed to ovorllowing and sent a rush of water through the town of Lex ington which Hooded the streets aud lower-portions of the town. No particular damage was done, however, and only good can be charged up to the storm. Hunting Party Returns Oscar Horg, C. 10. Woodson, Dr. MeMurdo, .1. O. 1 lager and II. II. Hoffman returned Sunday evening from a successful hunt ing and h'shing trip in the Green, horn mountains. At least all the gentlemen ngreo that there was plenty of hunting out there even if the results were small. Whiles encamped in the very heart of the Greenhorn wilds Mr. Hoff man went out hunting alone one evening when be discovered a very peculiar phenomena. When about one half mile from the cam p be cl i in bed a sin a 1 1 but steep jtbird prize in the speaking ci n ftest and fourth prize in the gen .....i , : , few months and be able to le-en-, b . ... ., ,. . . lk'cause of Miss I owriis ex. ter the service. Charlie luft i ,, , . , ,, v . v .i. , , 'cellent work in the Heppner New lork Wednesday evening, , , , i i it schools she was selected to rep. aud reached Heppner Sunday ... 1 ,. ' . , . . resent the county on tins nccii. evening muking a quick trip1 . , , . , . ...... j sion and she certainly rendered across the contineU, , . . . . , la good account of her-e,f She The regular business meeting wl the oflieial i.pn-enti of the Morrow County Red Cross l'v,; Morrow county. l,.-r I iiv society U held en the liri-t Tuus. : -'""K expenses being paid by the day of each month ut the couucil county and while in Spokane si,. chamber at N; p. m, I was entertained by Ihe manage :rrrrrrzzzr me nt of the Fair. I no lit II t :0 II In eliinv the V'leu- mill lo lh(' ilust imiishmc.- fell,, wed by 1 f,,w ,,ri, went, lire niiisllv line slice. I , .... :.. , .. . . jtiuu itlli-l ooscoiimug IIL'HIil ait? pMsi ; !.imiis. One pair of dm It mares i SU(ilenly discovered that the, Hiai and one spun of inulesare worthy , ,,., Il,ysl,,,-i((),y ,ll()Vcd !,,f ...wteitil in it. if ,,. it t.i,l fl,, II.,,. '.. .... .. " "I"- " ' ,ts location, ru..icil that sucl. iv aid failed to learn the owners. ,,in,, (.(l ,,,,,r llKl(,. ('. A. Minor has a few pens ol 'covers of I my tide I Its, Mr. sheep entered among them being I lollmaii iUiciicned his pace hi a u each of Carriilale and Horn order to come up with the eva neys which were imported di- sive camping place but it was rectly from Aust ralui und Mr. not until he had traveled several Minor expects to Iry them mil mile-, that he was able to over, here with a view to improving take it Then t he st raiigest fi n ing his ow n Mocks. I tare of tin- whole puz,.htig mailer L. I). ( ientry iihiced on cxhibi. ! whs iliscoveri d. After having lion Thursday afternoon two wandered around through the Rambouletlo nuns which were ; wmil'i for an hour or two tho recently received from the Salt J crazy camp bad drifted back to Lake sheep sale, where they 'to exactly the same locution it were bought by ,1. M. Itlakcly at ocenpu d when Mr. llofTmiiii Ihe snug print nf r M t a head jslarled out. The gentleman w They urit tine i-pceiiucns of their kind and grow wool to tho very tips of their noses. glad hand act a-, some town-, but Heppni r's heart is in tie) right place an. I all vi .'Mors may rest assuicd that they are welcome as the ll i.M Is in May ami that Heppner as host i-, anxious to see her guests royal! v treated. splendidly entertained and made to fee I al home. Welcome to I e,,ticr, Fvcr.V -boily I-, In', ill d In hie Ik guild limit while l.cic and (nine again next year Panldgal Is Heie DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN LICENSED GRADUATE Ray Judd, a well know r young at the man wh" was updated on for .law. lb Hppetidjeitis a week or so ,.g ' 1. 1 ' n u so far recovenii i's to be mil "f ( air for t! the hospital iigain III, at they Mr. amlMrvM I I n k ai d 'ndcr ' children have returned fn in iiul' i'-.. fi,.g. lYi'tw i Dm Si--". Ilffj iKt, Ott extei.dt.-d vis't in I'oi I l.iinl Mi t'lsrk says I'ortlaf.d i all t gtt for a short i.-it but that lb pp , li'-r look mighty gm.d to I. in I ai r gi ound ,. The only -h i a' in g man in Aim-i . Ilroiij. I t to the II, pni r " hi l,i M of II,..' people may w e Huh liv ing e it , il ,,i k ., i lock ai d m. a k ., bugs and Stock Dies at Cecil lloyd ligau and .lames Allen of ( il. Hie each I epoi t , l In hue nl a Vh I uu I il.i cow within the lust few dnys from some iiiys lilious cause. Mrs l'eltyohii, who lives on Fills Minor's Cecil taiich iiKo lost a hug" number of chicken and tuikeys Indict lions point to poison but how it came will, in leach of the stock is a mystery positive that ,e was not lost at any time during the whole n. maikablc proi ceiling but us j-t be has faded to solve I hi; mys te.y Willie oil Ihe I I Ip the pit I I y VMslted the Nlaltel' mine. Ill tint i I eelihol II I ,1 nge. II O'l V pi '11111 IMIiggoM plopelly III Which Ml. Tlager it in'i i eli d ' The coin. ' pany h is done a I u ge amount . f ' ile e,.pu,el,l M and have In. 'stalled it st. imp mill and a Mim'l i saw in -11 there and Mr llager expects II, al tl,e property W;ll soon l,e . l it .e, I among I Ircgou' i hern ' proilu, i I i 1,1 1 li el :.,i. Adv. Mrs A M I'hclps and d.iughl-, I.u M ii'i Mr. and Mis .), In Kilkenny tiom a three weeks' Muy ul New win- lb ppi.i r i-itoi-, Monday, poll. im, of Walla Wi.ll i. cr Miss F.I i. ibi -1 It, have returned 4 former resident ,,( u,,H ( ount y. was here or a day or Iwoduru g the week. I