WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE EVERYTHING in the banking line will be found available here at The Farmers & Stock-growe-s National Bank. We have Checking, Savings and Time Deposit Accounts; issue Bank Money Orders, Travelers Cheques, Foreign Ex change; transmit Money by Wire and Cable; make Collections on Notes, Drafts and other Negotiable Instruments; maintain a Loan De partment and operate Safe Deposit Boxes. So, no matter what your financial need may be-we are at your service. Small Savngs Accounts are as cordially in-vited-as are Checking Accounts. THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK HF.PI'NER. LOCAL AND PERSONAL FARMERS- Now is the time when you need -Fire Insurance on your grain, autos and other valuable property. Let me figure with you. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS I have a number of choice 640 and 320 relinquishments. See me before filing and I can help you toVecure a desirable claim. Roy V. Whiteis Fire insurance and Real Estate G. M. Gray, of Ln ninth;, who recently bought Hie McIJch ranch, on uppur Willow Crunk, was here on busiimss Monday J. W. Sadler, Portland con tractor who will build the new bridge across the .John Day at Monument, was a business visit or here Sunday. It is understood work will coin nience on the new bridge soon. Work has been temporarily suspended at the eoal mine but It is understood the work has not Oeen abandoned. Indications for a valuable body of coal being de voloped are said to be good. II. K Sergeant, former Ilepp. nerite in the employ of Phill Colin, was here from his home in Alberta during the week visit ing friends. FARM IMPLEMENTS Ofc and. Join tar Plows Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line gilliam k mm will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not mide." GuyleShurtewent to TheDalh s Sunday to take the examination for the army medical corps re turning Tuesday. He success fully passed the examination and expects to leave in a day or two to report for training. Miss Cecil Shurte. chief oper ator at the local telephone sta tion, is on sick leave this week. Webb Marlowe and family went to Portland last Sunday expecting to be gone for a month or more. Mr. Marlowe is local manager for the Pacific Te lephone Co. Miss Marie Cason, telephone operator at Lexmgton, visited her parents and other relatives here for a few days this .week. ! WOOD AND COAL-See me about cash prises for your win. ter fuel. It will pay you. Ed Breslin. 17tf Sam Hughes Co. has an at tractive new ad ; in this issue that will interest you. Read it. Miss Alice Penrose, of Port land, arrived in the city Satur day evening to take charge of the trimming department of Mrs. F. Luper's millinery par lors. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nagl ex pect to leave for Portland about the hrst of September whe"e Mr. Nagl will be called to.ser vice in the Army. Fred Elder, popular tonsorial artist of this city, returned the first of the week from the coast where he and Mrs. Elder have been spending a pleasant vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Elder were accompanied home by her mother Mrs. Adkins, and son Con who have been spending a couple of weeks in Portland. Gurdano & Son are moving in to their new location in the new Garrigus building this week. Look up their new ad in this pa per and read all about it. Assessor Jake Wells and Sher iff George McDuffee went to Pendleton Wednesday on official business. Mr, Wells went to con fer with the assessor of Umatilla couuty relative to the assess menl of some property along the boundary line between the two counties over which there has been soma dispute as to proper jurisdiction. Thomson Bros, announcement on another page of this imp res sion will interest you. Look it up and read it. Mrs. James Carty and family of Juniper, are visiting friends in lleppner this ween. Mrs II. IJ. Coffey, night op. erator at the telephone office, is on the sick list this week. Gladys Keeney.long distance operator at the local telephone exchange, is enjoying her vaca tion at her home in Monument this week. W. W. Smead, secretary of the Morrow County Fair association, returned from Portland Tues day evening after spending sev. cral ditvn there securing tirst class attractions fur the Fair. Let us be your headquarters FAIR TIME FAIR PRICES WESTER IROYAL REFLECT THE MODE OF THE HOUR When planning your fall ward robe assure suc cess by starting with stylish corsets. Study the exhibit of smart new Roy al W o r c e ster styles. Make it a point to visit our corset section and see the charming new Royal Wor cester style. Price $1 to $3 RECREATION SET ; The very latest novelty for summer wear. Stunningly de- signed and handsomely I tailored, equal- ly. altracti vej for outdoor" wear or indoor use. They will launder beauti- fully and noth- J ing so smart in appearance or clever in design I has been offer- ed before.. Don't forget to have a look at our new fall goods, wools and silks in all the fancy and plain colors. New line of fall coats, "CLASSIC COATS", their merit is known to most everyone. Moderately priced. Minor & Company "Dry Goods Department" Notice of Sale of Estrayed Animal Notice ia hereby given that 1, John Curran puniuant to an order of A. L. Cornett, Justice of the Pear of District No. I, Morrow County. Ore iron, made Auiruat 15. 1917. will on Saturday, Sep tember 8, 1917. at the hour of 2:30 p. m. of laid day at my place situated nine miles north of Lex. inirton, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following-described animal, to:wit: One grey filley about three years old, weight about 9(10 pounds and branded on the shoulder with an indistinct brand. The said animal was taken up by me while inning at large on the luth day of January, 1917. Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the cost and ex penses of taking up. keeping and sale of such animal, an Mtray, as by law provided. Dated this 10th day of August. 1917. MM JOHN Ct'RRAN. Two Reasons Why our tire repair business is increasing rapidly FIRST. Those who have tested our work know that it is work that stays and come again: SECOND. They are learning that it is real economy to have their tires repaired and kept in good order. GIVE US A TRIAL . REPAIRS, SUPPLIES AND VULCANIZING' HARDMAN GARAGE HARDMAN, OREGON At Your Service in the McNc amee Building during the construction of our new, modern home The First National Bank I irppnsjr, Oregon Checking Accounts 4 per cent paid on time deposits The Oregon Agricultural College Whsu waifl.a aevfiihsu with ra,4ra la. ratf'rlrs sft4 adequate e.jninaienl if. in slrit'tioa lesd'Bf m rolltgial. aa;r.rs la Us f.tltint srhi'nls. AORICULTVte. Willi I 4r.sMn'ats CCMMtxri, wllll 4 4atlmta. tNUlHtSUMO. Hk 1 4paitit, la luaiaf Ci t ll. El.rlriral H ht Industrial arts ltrlsli.a. sd Mrrksairsl frili.rlnf ; rolEITIT, trlu4m I ll " Fnfiiw la, KOMI BOOMOMKt, Willi 4 asir 4..at mi, latltiaiaf Itbibiii ia the Ft a tie. Itua : MINIRII, wiili ikrs. eartasala. laslaaV taif tktwital ngia.ag , rVUlMACT Till SCHOOL or MUSIC .fi.ra taslra. Mea ia Ik. ana'laal 4tala.aw .f ..,.1 tad Ipstmatsatat aaasie THI MILlTAtT Vtt AITMBNT. lost ia4ls la ItlS f, s4 a r -.... a in. far O a C ts lk. tinm rrt' at Ik. r War rrs"Sl a. ess t Ike dfifa 1 4'llfiiik.4 lasi'iati.as" k.t tarai( AM ra4u will k. rants, wai.1.1. aairVrsM kt Ika V I 0atl Sa4 Ik. Jaaief a4 .t.r r.4la. .nrnlt.4 la Ik. H O T C . will k ! r.aaaiaiii.a eakailltet.. M well M .11 eesarttea s4 absisi.ae. at lk. ait ali' si Mvtl raisttuTio iioiii octoiii t. ItlT lafetetsuot) .a isessev A44ras. BaalMrar. Oraaasi A atrtai latsa. .1 a , If you intend to purchase an automobile at any price see the Eight Cylinder Oldsmobile j. , i.,s r ' . v .- ' l 1 aV 4f, iaw " jb.-u -a a m.m two and four passenger roadster, five and seven passenger touring cars A High Grade Light Weight Car at a Moderate Price $1600. at Heppner The Oldsmobile Company of Oregon Haroid Cohn, Agent, Heppner, Oregon Morrow county agent for the seven passenger and roadster COLE EIGHT, Prices, f. o. b. factory, $1995.