' Help support Hcppncr Business Men who help support Heppner. Centr.il Oregon gets on and iff (he train at Ilepincr Gateway. With which is consolidated The lone Bulletin. A first class nespnptr eHtrrd at tlir post'illne wl Hrppnor. Otetron na arruml-c'aB matter VOLUME 4. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31. 1917. NUMBER 17 r Herald HEPPNER Secretary Smead, of the Mor row County Fair association, fur Dishes the following outline of the coming Fair as worked out at the present time: "The Fifth Annual meeting of the Morrow County Fair will be the best ever held if the peo ple of Hepprer and Morrow county will co-operate" with the Fair Board.. This can be done in many ways, the great need be ing for the people to get togeth er exhibits of fruits and vege tables. Extra large specimens are not necessary to wiu prem iums; trueness to type and co lor, and freedom from blemish are much more important. On the first day of the Fair it is the desire of the Fair Board to have all autos in the county in the auto parade if possible. .It is of interest to most people to see and Know about how many autos belong in Morrow county. Get your machine in line and help make a big showing. On the second day it is the de sire of the Board to have the Farmers' Union take charge of the proceedings and make this day a real Farmers' Union day Mrs. Edith Tosier Weath erred, secretary of the Womens' Grange Organizations of the Willamette valley, will be pres ent and will addr ss the Union and the union is invited to se cure other speakers and to ar range their own program for the day. The Fair association will furnish the band for this oc casion and do everything possi ble to assist in making this a Big Day, and if the Union mem bers will help it can be made the biggest affair ever pulled off by the Union in eastern Oregon. The Board has taken great pains in securing tirst-class at tractions in the way of free am usements and feels sure that these features will please all visitors. Jazzabo and Impo are two attractions which are guar anteed to make the blues take a back seat. 1 vou have never had a good laugh or if you think you have troubles that make laughing a hard matter, Jazzabo will make you forget that there ever was such a thing as trouble in the world. Don't think for a minute that the fireworks we are advertising re iust a few cheap pieces. We Utah Wet vs. Utah Dry "At the 1916 convention of the National W'oolgrowers at Salt Lake." says the Weakly Bulldog er man in the East Oregonian, "eastern Oregon was represent ed by 50 or more sheepmen and a couple of hundred suitcases. The 1917 session is now on and Eastern Oregon is represented by three delegates and three small hand grips." The Bulldogger man is partly in error about the suitcases but his statement probably accounts for the fact that when Joe Wtl kins aud Em melt Cochran 1 left for the Salt Lake convention last week they are said to have taken suit cases and gone via Montana. All of which goes to show that these gentlemen have high reasoning faculties and also that they have heard tViat the water iu the Great Salt Lake is not good for drinking purposes, Bin FORGET TO BOOST Of Interest To Cattlemen Secretary Smead, of the Mor row County Fair Board, has been advised by State Veterina rian W.H. Lytle, that under a re cent ruling of the State Live Stock Sanitary Board, no tuber culin test wiil be required of cattle to be exhibited at the Morrow County Fa;r. Mr. Smead asks that this ruling be given widest publicity among stockmen and prospective exhib iturs. Fireworks Expert Coming Secretary Smead received a letter last evening from the Hitt Fireworks Co advising that the Fireworks for the Fair had been shipped and that Mr. W. E. Priestly will arrive in Hepp ner Sept, 11 to take charge of that feature. Mr. Priestly is an expert in his line and had entire charge of all the fireworks at the San Francisco Exposition. This feature will be the finest ever nut on in this section of Oregon. Every business man and woman in lleppner, every work ingman and woman, every housewife, everv boy ami girl, should constitute himself or herself into a committee of one to boost for the Morrow County Fair, to be held September 13, 14, and 15. Everybody in Heppner should boost for the Fair because the Fair will help Morrow County and what ever he'lps Morrow County v'illl help Heppner. Every man, woman- and fluid im Morrow County, outside of Heppner, should bojst for th ? Fair l,viuse the Fair will help Heppner and everything that helps Heppner will help Morrow county. If the proper spirit of co-operation is Riven free rein if the community of interest idea is played up in the spot light from now untill the Pith of oeptember the coming Fair can be made the biggest and best and most profitable to the city, county and outside visitors, in the history of the association. What has made Pendleton the brggest town of its size in the world? The Round-Up. What has given the Rnund-Up nation-wide fame? Pendleton. It is the Pendleton spirit the get-together-boost-together idea that pervades not only Pendleton but every nook and corner of Umatilla county that has made the Round-Up possible and the same spirit transplanted in Heppner and Morrow county Van make the Morrow County Fair as big a thing to Heppner and Mor row county, comparatively speaking, as the Round-Up is to Pendleton and Umatilla county. Pendleton has a population of 7,50(1. Last year, during the Round-Up the; town entertained HO, (KM I visitors for three days four guests for every man, woman and child in the ci tyand they were well entertained. Every home in the ci ty was thrown open. Every extra bed and col was in use. Heppner with a population of 1500 can entertain 5000 or 6000 visitors at the Fair if they can induce that many to come, and boosting the Fair is what will bring them. Pen dleton people are just people just as Heppner people are just people. We can do, relatively, as much as they can do. It isgtll a question of thinking we can do these things and then getting together and doing them. Heppner and Morrow County have license to have the very best County Fair in Oregon and it's up to t Tie people of town and county whether or not we shall have it this year. A lit tle effort , a bit of enthusiasm, a hearty boost individually and all together will turn the trick. Boost the Fair. Booed the Fair. ' Cowgirl Queen Visits Heppner. Miss Bertha Blanchctt, Cow-1 jirl Queen of the Round-Up, and winner of uiany honors in the rough rider arena, was a Hepp ner visitor today being on a tour jf tue state in the interest of the interest of the liouu-1 Up. Miss Klanehett was specially delegat ed by (tie management to per sonally bear an invitation to the Round Up to the Rev, Billy Sun day, of Hood River, and was nisi returning from that mission. Ivov. Billy reluctantly declined the invitation because of a pre vious engagement to round up the Devil in California. Every body will want to attend the luuiud-Up just to see Miss Blan i heit ride 'etu straight up, if for no other reason. Stranger Believed Insane A stranger named Huekaby 'nine in on the train Thursday evening from some point iu Ida ho who showed evidence of in sanity to such an extent that the sheriff's office was notified and Deputy Cason went to the depot hikI took him in custody. He told the officers that be has two daughters, Mrs Kilcup and a Mrs. Brown in this county and that he came here to visit them. Ho will probably be given an ex amination today. V. B. Barratt, well known res ident of Heppner and president of the Oregon Woolgrowers as sociation, has been appointed a member of "Food Supply and Conservation Committee" of the Orngoa Defense League. Mr. Barratt received notice a few days ago of the initial meeting of the committee which was held at Imperial bote1. Portland. Thurs- Elmer Hutts arrived from Mokane Missouri, Saturday, to take the position of telegraph op erator at tho local depot. .1. W. Beckett aud Mrs. Beck ett came out from Portland Sat urday to visa their two, sons Waller aud Onus. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holmes and son wero in town from Lex ington Saturday. Mr. Holmes is I he new manager of the Turn Eiiin Lumber Co. at Lexington. Victor Wiggles worth and E L Freoland were in town from But ter Crock Saturday (!. M. Blukely and daughter Katherinc, were Monument vis itors here Saturday. Frank Ball, former Black Anyoue who doubts the truth of the above caption should take a look at the sample of corn iu the show window of the Herald office and revise their opinion. The sample shown in the Herald window was grown by Andy Cook, of Heppner. on hill land and without irrigation and will compare favorably with the real Missouri product. Mr, Cook says he had not been up to see the crop for several weeks and oine of bis neighbors told him there was nothing there but a little cow fodder. He went up Wednesday morning with the intention of cutting the stalks or feed and found a line crop of well eared corn. Many of the stalks carry four perfect ears. The ears measure about nine inches in length and curry 14 rows of grains. Tho seed was secured from the O. W. R. A N. , Co. On bis irrigated ground on the creek Mr. Cook has a wonder ful crop of vegetables, etc. One squash now measures 52 inches circumference and is still growing. X tie squash crop is the third crop produced on the same plot of ground this season. ''irsl he took off a crop of early onions, next a crop of radishes and now has a crop of squash a- bout ready to harvest. Mr. Cook's exhibit at tho Fair will bo worth the price of admission to the entire show. In our new location the Herald has an attractive show window in which we will bo glad to give space in which to exhibit spoci. mens of any agricultural prod ucts grown in the county. Bring in your fancy stu.7 and help ad vertise your county and- your fur in. , Mr. and M rs. Kuapponborg. j W. I. I ; u rai t ami family re wbo recently pu rcfiased the lr-turned Monday from Seaside win home in this city, have re-1 where I hey spout a mouth en. moved their lares and pollutes j joying a pleasant vucal ion. They from lone and are getting set enido I he trip by auto ami came tied in their new home. Mr. and lin k with the conviction that al! Mrs. Knaopenborg havj many , Hie bad road , in ( hcgoii an; not , ' .... . . , , 1 ,, ., ., ., I horso fanner, now of Siwkane 1 : I Ir. ..., . ..'I,., ll-lll I1 II, M I .1- I', t I." I MllllfU 1, Ik I l.i, ' irieiiuamiii'ioivi ........ -. ............. . j . ,,; t , . ',l . i ii. was hero for a few days during gutu tu uac mtiu .... - . ... - .-. . ,., , . uianent residents here. : I'mniit viy. i, about, ilm worst j Mr. and Mrs. John Kilkenny ; ""' "" "' "'I' , loft for Portland and the oast, t i.hi-, ih.w ti in "I ' 1 1 1 1 1 i ;i eouniy a , lii--i' si i'iiihI. 1 In- r I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 III how c er, w it hunt a on aileasur tnpTuesday ni'iin- close s, n ing. ; was made. kllOVMI ' " ' urn nrrunciul for k sn ondid ex. i Catt e Association 01 Maker . hibition and know nothing to compare with them has ever been shown In this part of the state. A factory expert will be here to handle this feature which assures every piece being a success. We also have two ,!,. IV . P..t,lmun of Itu , sheep man, loft luesday iihiii ker. president of the Horse and ' . ... John Sheridan, well Mai tn I 1 ii mi. a li.it i ve sun mid ing for Suinptor, to look aticiilnt r i csi.ient, n lli-ppm r was ' ... his sheen mi the summer I miiio In-1 e d u I iiil- I In- v. eel from his county, is also a memoer 01 mis. committee, the two being the on ly Eastern Oregon representa. lives mi tho committee. Mr I tar run ...!. !.. I.rit..rl Wl.I. i S m E Van Vaetur ami fun- ln that section. " i ''4. .1.,.. Il.tvi' went to Pendleton (iiinn's luui nU 'on business one day last wei-k. ily, who spent several weeks at thi-ir summer camp on upper I Willow, came in Sunday evening to again take upthu while man's burden of living in a real bo isl and il reusing for dinner. ! Bell Anderson was iu from nesday night to attend the com mittee mooting. big searchlights to help make I Fred S. Bynon. an attorney of things interesting. I Salem, is hero this week looking The Ad Club quartette, of ' 0ver lf resources of tho ton Portland, aud Parsons' Band as. AW county. sure irood music and plenty of I Mi. (.nrtrtirfn Nnves left it. A merry go round and Ferris , ni(rnin ... Wcmlll, j EiKblmilo Saturday heel will be here, also two good .' shows-in fact we are going to j - - make thU a three day season of , as principal of the public school, irom tin. niann. fun and frolic and if you don t : Miss Noyes had charge of tin- " secure a season ticket and be hlimH hch.,i,l lust year. She has W. F. Kirk, of ll.ttiiiltnii. piss- there every day and evening jou . . tAUl(,r uv. d through li.-i-i-n.-r the fir-t of 11 A Noyes and family for sev. the week on return from i bust. erjl weeks. I he l! i,iod foil l 1 1 i n en rs ngu l.e h is lieen .1 A ny 1 1 inn le i e ii II Hill liel i I y i ,ii s Mn liiL'HI Mr si I hen lives III ami lol i-fiier and son w ere in d ranch Mod are going to miss some of the good things. So don't forget the dates - September 13. It. A .1 K llol.lorli W.l , III tol Tliiiisd.iy for Mn- Inst lime hi I ao weeks or more M. Knoll. ii rl( Il ls llllislied l ulling Ills V. heat flop ;l I Is le.nlv for ihe llltesher. lie U 1 1 1 1 A si tiling oil II-, I 111 lit I'UllMi i, I li.'f;t whlrli he sn) s. is .1 - pli'U I el e I op ;1ust of his III leliliol -, h ue 1 1 1 I -lied hill Vest lie. ,11,1 I lei -e 1,1 I e I 1 1 1 I - i i 1 I . , ,1 I le, I I mil leu to el.'I.N eii lei .he t lie week. Hugh E. Bran, popular assist him, cashier of the First National Bank, is enjoying his vacation on a motor trip to Yellowstone Park. Ray .1 udd is on the sick list this week aud is staying at the Palace Hotel. I'n ill Webb was in town from his Khea creek ranch Wedncs day. Win Matlock, of Portland, for mor resident of Heppner, was liu-itiess visitor here during the W eell . I I W in. Brown, stockman of the Line Rock country, was iu , lloppnor during the week, j I. E Mi: I tee was a business visitor burn fnuii Pendleton dur wiU t he week ! miik lioberts i ainn out from Jimmie Wilson, popular and obliging clerk in Minor & Go's, grocery department, is spiid- lug a pleasant vacation at Leh mu Springs. Billy O'Rourke describes the location of the springs as "not far from the Nelson ranch, on Butter Creek." Many lleppimr people who have been spending the heated to nil iu the mountains have re. turuod to town to en joy the lux ury of livinc hi a bouse ttgaiu. Miss Nina ('union of Marsh, held, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A E, Hums, of Ibis citv for several days returned to her lioino Thursday. Millinery Opening Mrs. F. Luper begs to call the attention of the ladies of Hepp ner and Morrow county to the beautiful exhibits of Fall millin ery to be on display Saturday, Sept. 1st. Also an elegant line of tint la lost creations in coats and suits, for immediate delivery, will be show n nil t hat date. It I'm Ham! Monday ol pel in I e. DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN LICENSED GRADUATE ftltrtvw'i Df SlJP. H'pttfW, Ci'l nosi. trip to Portland. Fred (infhii was in fiotn ( I'xiseberry Sutid ty. J.L. W llkitis. plopl lelor I'f the Piiiaee Hotel, and Em tin-it Code ran. well known stoekm m. are at halt Lake City this wcikat tending the S'ockgrowets eon. Volition, III session III thai city erl Ji-.fs leit -.11,1 The L'elll U'lllCII d ro M to SlioU IM- h i. been soM lo .1 by auto, and took tho irmti (11,111 I.ei g he I, , , I .u-l,t there to Salt i-ake. They will I 'oilnu a o, I. ' m, proliably visit iiiitsin Moi,ti,.i ' M-muiio nt nil i i i f II I i, l h nil. lll.ll .. i I M hi 'i nii'1,1 V l -1 1 , , r l.e e I he Johll it'! ,IM ; e i in Jon A i fe till -1 lit s" Il I "t of the ,'il , Arthur !' i In a v. i- in f'.llrl-ls M.I I ' l,i,r'l;iy tilth) 1,1 , he. li i l,' it A ers rule hit t i,e m ill f' from Mr J the 1 M . 1 1, it proper I I. ii 1 1 -i -1 1 Married Mr Peter Nelson, of (Ilex, slid Miss Eessie Hacker, of Morrow County Acre mar- Mr and Mrs Tims O linen I (m( 1( l(s ( ly ( , SH,,lUy m from Butter Crerk Sun. I,,V),1)K Hl ,,, , Mr N,.u j son ami Ins pio.peilm- dude 'Ihe way new cimih'IiI, mdo. j rem hp I the cil y rat her Into and Aii!ls are being laid- in Heppner it was necessary In arouse Conn, this summer is good for sore ty ( 'lei k Jo Waters from Ins lo. s Many blocks of these ! slumbers to secure the license smooth, safe, solid sidnwalks ' as well as to (list u rli .1 udgo Jon h i . heeii put dow ii nd it limy j William s tl rst, n ip to have the tn- s ml of them that the) am ceromony performed. Sheriff thii.L's of beauty arid Will Ixt j(ieo McUiff-o til ted ss best joy f,,re er for modern con I man. ofllcul awakem-r and wit. e is supposed Iri linver Wear iiuss, which. With his other little. ,1 i.ini Ii on out A few more stretches on , tal duties, maiio mi much worn so it ll I f llio e I h I ! M t ii and May streets would j for him that, for aw bile, be did in ike the summer' work look not know whet her he would get bvforc returning. li'lOUl N,,!, I II, 1 line a lim-hed job In do ll all that night or not. I