r. ECONOMIC AND MILITARY PREPAREDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON In addition to complet coursaa In general and ocientlfic ducution, efiar full opportunities In MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC SCIENCE ARTS AND COMMERCE Plan far affoctiva future aarviea. Your country need, it. Sand for fraa illuatratad boahlata,"Traln the Brain for Peace or War" and "Tha Woman and tha University." Addroaa Raclatrar, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oregon BEHIND ITS OPERATION FIRST, this is a NATIONAL bank, founded upon and required to rigidly conform wifh the Laws and Regulations of the United States Government. It also enjoys for both institution and patrons the protection and conveniences of the Federal Reserve System. We invite the Checking Accounts of Businels Men and Firms, and the Savings Accounts of House holds and Individuals. THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK Ilrl'I'NI.K. OUKOON Ml.raiCTarolTOjaBT aMninnii Our Cakes and Crackers : ARE FRESH! We handle and recommend: SWASTIKA BRAND I When you want the best crackers ASK FOR Snowflakes LOCAL AND PERSONAL 8am ft, Van Vactor went to Pendleton Tuesday oil a business trip. Viiwtfir Crawford wont to the mountain Wednesday to gather his share of Morrow county's huckleberry crop. County Clerk Waters reports that sneak thieves raided his house last Saturday while he was til the court house carrying off a phonograph, a lot of canned fruit and several other articles. Guyle Shurte. popular dry goods salesman in Minor & Co , has gone to The Dalles to take the examination for service in the medical corps of the army. Mrs Bartholatnew left Tues day morning for a vacation at the coast. Mr. arid Mrs. Raglan return ed from a pleasant motor trip to Portland Tuesday evening. They report having had a splendid time. Benton W. Frieze made final proof on his homestead last Monday before U. S. Commis sioner C. C. Patterson. Mr. Frieze and family will soon re move to Drain, Douglas county, where they have purchased a small farm. Mrs. N. E. Winnard and family are sojourning at Newport, hav ing made the trip to that popular ocean resort by auto. Mrs. J. A. Waters, who has been visiting for some time at Portland has gone to Newport for a few weeks. Mrs. Luper, the well known milliner, who spent Buyers week in Portland returned Wed nesday of last week after having purchased a fine line of Fall and Winter millinery goods. County Commissioner and Mrs, George Curran returned from Rockaway beach last Fri day and report having had a most enjoyable outing. Mrs. W, K. Livingstone, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown, for some time, has gone to Chicago to join her husband who is con nected with the U. S. Army. Percy Claud Cox, a Morrow county boy who went to Portland to enlist in some branch of the military service a few weeks ago. writes to have the Herald sent, to him at the Cook and Bilker's school, American Lake, Washington. Judgo and Mrs C. C. Patter, son and their little daughtr Mary left Tuesday day's visit in Portland. j Mrs. Adkiti9 went to Portland 1 Sunday for a couple of week's i 1 visit with relatives and friends.. Another Shipment of Waists NEW WIRTHMOR AND WELWORTH BLOUSES You need not spend a lot of money To have a lot of pretty new waists Not if you buy them here; in fact it might be a surprisingly small sum. To be specific $1.00 will buy a neat, worthy, appealing, dependably made, perfectly fitting waist. Two dollars it's true will buy a finer Blouse, but the, thought we want to convey is that in these moderate priced waists you get Real Style dis tinction and all that goes to make a Blouse desirable. The Finest Dollar Waist in America Sold at Just One Good Store in Eery City NEW WIRTHMOR $1.00 WAISTS Styles as Illustrated Minor & Company "Dry Goods Department" Notice of Sale of Estrayed Animal Notice i hereby Riven that I, John Curran pursuant to an order of A. L. Cornett. Justice of the Peaca of District No. 1. Morrow County, Ore Kon. made August 15. 191?, will on Saturday, Sop tenlwr B, 1917, at the hour of Ji:30 p. m. of said day at my place situated nine miles north of Lex iiiR'.on.ofTer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the followinfc-dcsrribcd animal, to:wit: One grey filley about three yearn old, weight about 900 pounds and branded on the shoulder with an indistinct brand. The said animal with taken up by me while running at large on the 10th day of January, 1917. Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the cost and ex niwea of taking up. keening and wile of tii"h morning for a few Bninml ntray. a by law provided. Dated this Kith day of August. l'.'lT. 1116 JOHN I'l'RRAN. Two Reasons Why our tire repair business is increasing rapidly FIRST. Those who have tested o(ur work know that it is work that stays and come again: I SECOND. They are learning that it is real economy to have their tires repaired and kept in good order. ; GIVE US A TRIAL REPAIRS, SUPPLIES AND VULCANIZING ! HARDMAN GARAGE ; HARDMAN, OREGON Phelps Grocery Co. At Your Service in lli McNamee Building liming tin construction of our new. modern home The First National Bank I Uppimr, Dickon I'lii-i kintt Account I per cent pud on time deposit The Carnival company which ln'ld fort li ull last week at the- Fiii r grounds lias departed for new pastures. The attendance was not lare here and it is not ' probable they took much money out of the community, The en tci tuinnient offered wus of the usual carnival class. S W. l Dulton. former resident I here and heavy property owner in Mm row county, was in llepp- -ner for several days recently"! looKinjf after business interests. X Mr. Dutton owns several wheat I ranches hero and comes up every summer to look after his I harvest, He came to Hcppner I in Wrand is therefore entitled ! to be culled a pioneer, : l'Vi SALF.-Kour K"i Pool I tab'xs, equipped with cues ami halls, formerly in The I'iub at Palace hotel, small cash register, c'tfar rne, several chairs, H.lph Marlon. Ueppner. Ore. 'A ! If you intend to purchase an automobile at any price see the Eight Cylinder Oldsmobile A-' 1 ft Good Mules lor Trade 1 have 1'2 head of pod four year old mules to trade for hop, (iuy Rover. Ueppner. 1 5 Oregon. Htf 'J war Steam Vulcanizing : Tube and casing pven prtii t i a'tention lcitve repair order a! Vaughn .v Sons Hard a are, All work pir.ranieed. Ak"r .V, ( Mariow. proprietor lodl? , two and four passenger roadster, five and seven passenger touring cars A High Grade Light Weight Car at a Moderate Price $1600. at Hcppner The Oldsmobile Company of Oregon Haroid Colin, Agent, Hcppner, Oregon Morrow county agent for the seven passenger and roadster COLE EIGHT, Prices, f. o. b. factory, $1795.