HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher All lull' in i'il nt . Lu'-'il Xi'irx- ji'i)i'r. Eiltfll'll III Hll' 1 lipmnT, OY'O, I'ort Oljii-r a:: y.iroml -rlny.A inttlli f. Tci'MX lit Sllhr.rri )il inI . Out- Yinr - - $l..u Si. e Months - - ?:') Th mi Months - - 50 FRIDAY. Aid EST 17, I:) 1 7. THE EIGHT HOUR DA Y It. begins to look as though the eight hour day is coining to stay. Within the past l'ew days threat ened strikes in the shipbuilding yards and aviation fields have been averted by goverumfntal action in which the eight hour day and the closed shop principle has been granted the workmen and contractors on government work ,l)ave been notified that these rules must be complied with or contracts will be cancel led. At about the same time Secretary of War Raker recom mended to the timber operators of Oregon and Washington that the eight hour day be adopted in ' servation the lumber industry. Some of the lumbermen are disposed to ignore the secretary's counsel if the nation is to feed the armies . that are to win the war and at1 the same time keep the wolf of ; hunge1 away from the doors of the workers at home upon whom . devolves the duty of producing the wherewithal to keep the armies in the field. The armies must be fed and clothed to keep them in first-class fighting trim and the people at home must be feci and clothed to keep them up to the proper degree of efficiency, j Food and shoes and clothing, however, that r.i being "con served" by being locked up in warehouses and held for still higher prices is doing neither the armies nor the people any good. That condition, however, will soon be remedied, if Herbert C. Hoover a able to carry out his program of putting a stop to .speculation in food and other necessities. However, in one particular, Mr. Hoover seems to have be come inoculated with some of the hysteria that has been culti vated by. certain theorists re garding the slaughter of lambs and calves. The proposed action forbidding the slaughter of these young animals is not proper con- If sheepmen are for bidden to send their lambs to market this Fall they will be obliged to sacrifice an equal num- INFORMATION ON BANKING Having to do with both finance and busi ness will be published in this space each week. We will present: 1st. Information about the many and various facilities afforded by banks. 2nd. De tails regarding the methods, services and func tions of The Farmers and Stockgrowers Nation al Bank. No matter who you are, we believe, you will be interested. THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK HEPPNER. ORKCJON Every repair man says the same thing, "MY WORK IS BEST" and it is natural that everybody should Suppose that you take nobody's word and test for your self the thoroughness and carefulness of our work, the courtesy and promptness of our service. REPAIRS, SUPPLIES AND VULCANIZING i i i HARDMAN GARAGE HARDMAN, OREGON and continue the light and the her of their older sheep including consequent tieup of lumber pro- numbers of breeding ewes for dilution on the ground that "to the simple, reason that their win grant the eight hour day at this ter range and winter supply of time would mean financial ruin,' ; hay is limited and to go into the but, inasmuch as a considerable ; winter with more stock than they number of camps are already : properly feed and care for running full blast and only work-; means financial disaster for the ing their men eight hours it j sheepmen as well as a decreased would look as though Mr. Raker i production of lambs next spring, will, ultimately have the better; With mutton and wool at present of the argument. ! prices it is to the interest of The argument made by the I -'very man engaged in the sheep operators in this case is the same ' business to manage his affairs in as has been made in every similar j uch a way as to produce the fight in the history of labor but, j maximum of wool and mutton for some reason, in every case in I for the world's markets, and the which the eight, hour day has 'fact that these men have been been granted it has remained ( able in the past to stay in the and the industries have continued! business without going broke is KEEP COOL IN OUR SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SPORT SHIRTS, BATHING SUITS, KHAKI CLOTHES, TENNIS SHOES COOL HATS AND CAPS Sam Hughes Co. The U. S. Army Shoe : Made in exact accordance with i Government specifications s Unnecessary weight has been i eliminated. This shoe will : wear longer than if 50 per cent heavier E. N. Gonty Shoe Store to operate and prosper. Many big employers wdio have tried it, including I lenrv Ford, testify that a well organized, well paid, satisfied crew of work men will produce more working eight hours a day than I hey will working ten hours. Demand for the universal eight hour day is the main stock in trade of the professional agitator and when that is accomplished and the workinginen are paid a wane pretty good proof of their busi ness ability. If the eastern conservationists will look after the wool and food speculators in their own part of the country and allow practical sheepmen in the west to manage ;the producing end of the busi- nes:; they may depend on a maxi mum production of wool for sol diers' clothing as well as mutton for home consumption. Retter ! give the people a ration of tender THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. and ave money. By our method you can build at big or as little a house as you want and get the max' imum o( beauty and practicability. All you need it Common Sena nd a Hammer. We lend you all the miterial, ready-cut, bundled and numbered. Write todiT for our Plan Book. It'a free. THE HORN PASTIME, SOFT DRINKS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. A Quiet Resort where men may meet their friends and discuss the News of the clay. VICTOR GROSHENS, Propiictor. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. a IS It It It It It It KL.fi DY CULT fiUUSE CO, - 30 j Kir Street rsnttiic. Orweii f1 Quality, Service ! ! & Sanitation ! commensurate with the present and juicy roast laml) than have cost of living, that vrenlleman i thousands of sheep die of starva will he out of a joh as an agita- I tion or of old ago, tor and will, perhaps go to work. ingly. CIVE THE SIIEEI'MEX A (II ASCI-: Patriotic consiTvatiou of food st nil's at a tinii' like tin- present is pod; it is aoso'i'.toU necessary Red Cross Sewing All ladies who desire to do sewing for the Red Cross during the Summer months are request ed to call at Mrs. L (!. Horren's store for the same. Mrs. Phill Colin, Chairman. Address all inquiries to C. F. SCHOONMAKER, Morrow County Agent, Heppner, Ore. People's Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Prop. All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 : Our Fresh Meats are the best in the City. Our Extension Cooling Plant assures Fresh Sweet Meat at all times. If you are eating our Hams and Bacon you know how good they are. If you are not we arc both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee entire satisfaction. City Meat & U i Sine Co. Johnson Bros., Prop?. 1 ffl L If U li r II Ml M m M SJ M 1L PPSPPlflW MHTW KIM yfiMiUUiUU TOJlji j u Ml Will be held at Heppner, Oregon, September 13-1 1-15, 1917 As this is the One Big Gala Event for Morrow County the Board intends to make this Fair the best ever held. The Secretary is busy now shaping up good attractions and promises that they will be something entirely new this year. All attractions given the people by the Fair Board will, while new and novel, b of a patriotic character. Big Auto Parade Thursday, September 13, at 10 a. m. Every owner of a car in Morrow County is urged to have their car in this parade, and help make it the biggest event of the kind ever pulled off in the county. SI 500 in premiums. Make your plans to take home some of this money. Watch this paic for lit of Alit.ulu-ni !uli will I c pul h In 1 ,o;. i,. 1 ..