Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 10, 1917, Image 4

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Tuesday-Wednesday August 14-15
You love her
You believe her
You condemn her
You hate her
You doubt her
You pity her
She's wonderful
Hell Morgan's Girl
in a photoplay supeifeature of Frisco's famous Barbary
All Seats
25 cents
I Our Cakes and Crackers :
We handle and recommend:
When you want the best crackers
Phelps Grocery Co. j
At Your Service
in the
McNamee Building
during the construction of our
new, modern home
The First National Bank
Heppner, Oregon
G. M. Blakely, of Monument,
was a business visitor here Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Higgins
were in from thfir ranch Satur
Roy V. Logan, real estate
operator of LaGrande, was in
Ileppner on business during the
Ben McMullen and family, re
turned from Chinook, Montana,
Saturday where Mr. McMullen
has been with the H. L. Pearson
shearing crew through the shear
ing season.
0. L. Wall and wife and Guy
Ellis, of LaGrande, were here
during the week.
M. 0. Bennett, connected with
the State Engineer's office, reg
istered at the Palace from Pen
dleton Sunday.
D. J. Butcher, of the Pacific
Telephone company was here
looking after company business
duung the week.
FOR SALE Ten head of good
young work mares or will trade.
Enquire ot.Guy Boyer, Heppner,
Oregon. n 8tf
Miss Mabel Noyes, daughter
of Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Noyes,
who has been attending the State
Normal School, at Monmouth,
Oregon, arrived in Heppner Wed
nesday evening and is spending
her vacation here. Miss Noyes
will remain here having accepted
a position as teacher of the sixth
grade in the Heppner public
Dr. Allison left this morning
for Portland response to a tall
for service in the array. He ex
pected to be sent to a military
post, perhaps to California, for
a short time and then be order
ed to France. During his ab
sence Mrs. Allison will reside
in Heppner -
Dr. McMurdo returned Sun
day to perform a few operations
after spending neauly a month
recuperating in the mountains
at the Hamilton ranch.
Prof. Soymour, of the exten
sion department Oregon Agri
cultural College, was in Hepp
ner Thursday,
Louis Poarson and party re
turned Saturday evening from
a trip through southern and cen
tral Oregon during which they
visited Bond. Fort Klamath,
Crater Lane, Modford, Rose
burg, Tillamook, Seaside and
other point9 of interest. They
traveled more than 1500 miles,
slept in the open every night,
cooked at u campfire when they
wanted to und altogether had
a first cluss trip.
Kd Breslin returned from a
business trip to Portland Sun
day where he went to look up
conditions in the fue market.
Mr. Breslin is making every
! effort to securo fuel for the
Hoppner trade that will give
satisfaction both as to ijuality
and price.
Mrs. F. Luper went to Port
land Sunday to spend a week or
i ton days looking over Fall and
Winter styles in millinery and
selecting her stock for the com.
ing season. She was accompan
ied by her little daughter, Fran
cis on the trip.
! FOR KENT-Good building on
I May street adjoining Herald of
i tlce. suitable for business or
i residence. Mrs. Kli.j Ayers It
Mrs. L. (J. Horrea went to
Portland Sunday to spend buy.
er's week looking over new Full
millinery styles and in selecting
stock for her Fall und Winter
W. O. Minor took his f linily to
Lehman Springs last Th-irsday
whero be installed them in a
cottago for a month's outing at
that popular resort. Mr. Minor
j returned Sunday but expects to
go back about tlso lTitii to re
inaio until September lt. The
huckleberry crop. Mr Minor
says, is a failure. 1K visited
six dilTerent patches m the
' neighborhootl of Lehiii.m and
'found only iuo La!f-;ed lrry.
Another Shipment of Waists
You need not spend a lot of money
To have a lot of pretty new waists
Not if you buy them here; in fact it might be a
surprisingly small sum. To be specific $1.00 will buy
a neat, worthy, appealing, dependably made, perfectly
fitting waist. Two dollars it's true will buy a finer
Blouse, but the thought we want to convey is that in
these moderate priced waists you get Real Style dis
tinction and all that goes to make a Blouse desirable.
Waist in
Sold at
Just One
Good Store
. I
Every City
Styles as Illustrated
Minor & Company
"Dry, Goods Department"
County Commissioner and
Mrs. George Curran are spend
ing a pleasant vacation at Rock
away Beach, Tillamook county.
They report everything lovely
on the coast.
Fred'W. Lindsay, of Lexing
ton, was in Ileppner Wednesday
filing on a homestead claim be
fore U. S. Commissioner Patter
son. Barney Ward was in town
from Rhea creek Tuesday.
D. 0. Justus, well known Hint
on creek farmer, was in Heppner
Tuesday on business.
A. D. Bates was in from Hard
man Tuesday.
Dr. Butler has rented the Jack
Hynd residence near the school
building and will bring his fam
ily here from Portland this Fall.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Raymond,
of Morgan, were in Heppner
Tuesday on business.
Herbert L. Everett, of Cecil,
was registered at the Palace
County Commissioner E. L.
Tddberg, of lone, was in the
city Tuesday on business.
Heppner Church Services
Catholic Church Services.
First Mass, 8:00 a.m.
Second Mass 10:30 a.m.
Reverend Father O'Rourke.
The Federated Church
No preaching service. Illustrat
ed Sunday School lesson at 9:45
a. m. This will be a particular
ly interesting lesson.
Church of Christ
Subject of Morning sermon:
' Our Call and Walk."
Subject of Evening sermon.
"The Spider as a Teacher of
If you intend to purchase an automobile at any price see the
Eight Cylinder Oldsmobile
I ft
i 0
two and four passenger roadster, five and seven
passenger touring cars
A High Grade Light Weight Car at a Moderate Price
$1600. at Heppner
The Oldsmobile Company
of Oregon
Haroid Colin, Agent, Heppner, Oregon
Morrow county agent for the seven passenger and roadster
COLE EIGHT, Prices, f. o. b. fac tory, $1795.