0 V 1 "1 : : FARMERS- Now is llie time when you need -Fire Insurance on your grain. The dry, hot weather increases your fire risk and with grain at the present price you cannot afford to meet with a loss. Even if the crop is shoit it is worth money. Let me figure with you Roy V. Whiteis Fire insurance and Real Estate MEN AND WOMEN-Do you!?3 want more money, r to 10 per ; w ProfoSSsOnnl Collirnn t if i: .. .. .... ...,. .. .T f. M J day, all or spare time; easy con genial work right at home. Write today before .your terri tory is gone. .1. M. IJuiighlan, 7l!5 Chamber of Commerce, Port land, Ore. DK. R.J. VAltJIIAN ii;ni ist Permanently In. al-.t in UJJl'clluw's Building IIKITNEK, FARM IMPLEMENTS 1LLJLJ1 Oliver art Join Deei is Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line I WM n ninnnn Xt uivkhi w UlUUlilj Catholic Church Services. First Mass. 8:00 a.m. Second Mass 10:30 a.m. Reverend Father O'Rourke. The Federated Church Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Topic of the morning sermon: "The Eleventh Commandment" The services next Sunday will be the last regular church serv ices until after the pastors va cation. Sunday School will be continued at the regular bour, and we expect to have some specially attractive features dur ing the summer. Subject of evening sermon, "Friends of Jesus Christ". Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. Topic, "The Golden Rule". II. A. Noycs, Pastor. S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON OREGON j M II U DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SIRCEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO ... PHYSICIAN & SURGEON . Telephone Office Fatterscn Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Churcb of Christ Subject of Morniug sermon: "Five Crowns." Subject of Evening sermon, ' A big lesson from a small insect." Regular monthly visits lo UEPPNUR and lONE Wakh paper fur "dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specidli&t PORTLAND - . OREGON Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank of Heppner Do a general banking business Foreign Exchange bought and sold SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT Letters of credit and Traveler checks issued Four per cent paid on savings and time deposits will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made." BE PREPARED A fL. .ri tv MANY GOOD POSITIONS can be had by any ambitious young man or women in the field of railway or commercial teleg raphy. We waut a number of young men and women to pre pare for the telegraph serv ice to till vacancies caused by unusual drafting of young men for the Signal Corps. Prepare to help your couutry. Write to day for full particulars. The Railway Telegraph Institute 8 12 Portland Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN LYS-AT LAW Office in Palace Hotel, llcppner, Ore. SAM i VAN VACTOR VTTORN EY-AT-LA W The kind of talk that gets business for us is the continuous conversation of our good work that speaks for its self. We have one of the most complete stocks of ac cessories in this part of the country arid vc arc continually enlarging it TRUCKING, I.1VEKY. REPAIRING, ' VULCANIZING AND HEPPNER, LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HErrNER, OHKGON OREGON T. C. DENNISEE For Fine. Up To Hal'.' Monies ARCHITECT and CONTRACTOR HEPPNER, OREGON kik. A See C. E. JONES H. C. ASHBAUGH, Heppner, Oregon To raise better crops by cul- I tivating more and raising loss JJ weeds. It will pay you to in- vest in a JONES' WEEDER. : This machine has been greatly improved this year and will be a great factor in bigger crops. I Built in sections like a harrow, J each section cuts 5 feet. You can use as many sections as I needed, six horses pull 3 sec- tions cutting 15 feet. Abso- lately the best machine ever J built for cultivating summer fallow, does the work speedily WANTED-By experienced and thoroughly. Get a JONES . woman cook for harvest or place HARDMAN GARAGE HARDMAN, OREGON IS --anil pave trinney. fly pur r.irflind yon i. in build .is bi rr 3' link n honte as von wml and -f ibr ma inniro '! Ir:(nt.) and pi .n ti :.nilily, All vtvi ncd la ntrtmor frse? M1 o Hmm't. Wc .rnrl VM all the rnslz-rinl, '"1, h'inHled jino nur!vtH, II Write tnrldv nf P"r Pln RnnV. II t free. WfhkiffiWiiMJtli- mm I m m neoov U5lt mmz co. 305 6!"'' ST1 Red Cross Sewing All ladies who desire to do sewing for the Red Cross during the Summer months are request ed to call at Mrs. L. G. Ilerren's store for the same. Mrs. Phill Cohn, Chairman. " Wttuut Detore tne weeas ; for man aild wife lo ,l"""M S I dress or call ollicc. work. Ad- Heppner llorultl Jdl I THE COVERNxMENT needs Farmers as well as Fight'jw. Two million three hundred thousan Acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United Statey. ' To be opened for homenteadii and sale- Conaining some of the best land left in the United States. Large Copyrighted Map, showing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfalll, eleva tions, temperature etc., by coun ties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co. Box (10 Address all inquiries to C. F. SCI IOONMAKER, Morrow County Aenl, Heppner, Ore. : 1 am County Agent for ; j TRUCK ATTACHMENTS : 1 Ion lor hid cars J3S0 11-2 Ion lor any make of car SSbU : 2 Ion lor any make ol car $600 : Prices I, o, b, Heppner, Oicgon j E. 11. KELLOGG, IIEPPNKK, OUL. j Pioneer Woman Passes Mrs- Elizabeth Stamper, one FOR RENT Bar u for 2 or :i .horses with plenty hay room. ! EiHiuire at this ollice. tf Portland Oregon, ?AV.) i j,,r cu. icniaining pioneer FARM WANTKl) RiTiahh' I W()m,.n f Umatilla counly who experienced man and wile want I . ,),:,. f (, Ftate in the early "('!:-, died at her home at Athena, agd years. '1 . j v o' i,.' I r - j-" : - r ' ' "" - Till j i .1.1 .if.l .... 1 1 i.i .. In ,i .. ,i hmt LET US QUOTL YOU THE PRICE OF THIS HOME COMPLETE. The above picture icpiCbciiU but one at &) different designs we are bhowing in our book of Beautiful llumcb " Every design and plan the work of ex perts and riot one item in modern con struction has been overlooked. Investigate Our Free Plan Service N'o matter what kiud of building you lave in mind Home, Barn. Sil", Oran. rry. Bin or Shed all the perplexing de. t.ldi h0 been ttellte l out for you nl-R SERVICE DEPARTMENT ii f untold value to you. uu ran iIimm! your plan, jour iiialcii.il. compare values und get i.leas. Phone L"'Fwl I Im a nun knoA" an 1 will tall on you. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IoluJ Tract Public Land Salf Ocpartmcnt of the Interior. U. S. Land Ollnf- t 1h Datle. Oicgon July I", I'M.' Notice is hereliv given that, as dim-ted bv il.r Commissioner o( the Oene-al Land f.fTl.e. ui-1. r Muvisionl of Sec. !f'5. II. S., p.ir'-.uant to the sr uli. ation of Marie Monal.an. Serial No. 01 jfl. we wiU old r at oublH' Gi.', tn llie highest bidder, but at not If a than tJ"o l"r acre, at 9 15 o'clrnk A. M.. on the 1'lrt dnv o August iyi7. next, at this ofTUe. the f(.li',.i' tf tract NE ship IJl-a. I. a I The aale will not h kept o.n. but w ill h .1. ctarH cl'ieed 'hi-n Ih.rte i.reent at Ihr h"'ir.in. l have rrard h.d'ling 1 he .rr-.oo null' s. highest h..l will lie re.Uiril to loui.r'liallv I ,'. I" the Kevciver the amount thcieof. I Anv persona claiming diversely the a,- e .1. ; scrtbe-1 land are advised to tile their r ieim i .n i lections, on or before the time deiv mini b r i.1' I I'l IM I. A HOOTH Ke.enci to leube b'oiiit,' wheal farm! w ith slock and ej ii in n t for u ' term of 5 ) ears or Ioniser. En ipilie at the lleluld ( Mltee. I'.tf She was the F. Swajinai l unit her of Mr;'. B. , of near Eexiimton. If you wantatiuck btu Eel I oj:, county agent. ftf J FOR SAEE Ten li"id .f on'l youuy woik inarms or Mill u.ide liii'piire of Hiy Buyer, II' ppner. 'i e"oii. i f ICelhi' hell.. 1 1 uck -tit ol all kinds Mat tut' Married at thu Palaee Imtel, Sunday cveiiitiy. July IT). Turn er It MacDoiiahi ollii inline. I. N. Il.ymer and Mrs. Bessie Kidd, both ol loin f?Fs Dr. Turner, eve special i.d of Portland w ill be in llcppiiPi ileum 'I hur .tlav. .1 ul y L'li. Ill, Palai e bolt I. in lone Wed. lie:, day, .Inly LTilh. I h ndarhe relieved, cin-eyes : 1 1 .li;: lili lied , bull .f.ii lion unal .1 ii t i t"l . ('elr.nll, llllll. Di'll'l I'll -' I Hie ll.lle I I I j NOTICE I OK PUBLICATION It-rtmtit of tht Intftur I'. H. .v 4 f.(V' . at LaGtarid, Oregon June . I Nottre tn hrby tivrn that Benton W tru. of Hrrnf. (rton. h nn Mi ! I'M - nui i H"mflt.vl tntry No. 0U'"J, for tyt j NWI 4. Wl-2 hWI 4. 5-tion 5 T'.wmhn' 4 ' I :kMJth. RkPtt Kill. Willm-t' M't-i'I " , i ftlM mti of lntnttofi V mtke wnmn'ii ! ! Pruuf to tnubh.n clatm tu h it")- i ' j rrit4, bfot C. C. Pittcrftn. I'mtM f oTtmiiHonr. at hit tt Hrfr. fir j m h yih 4v ol A'tftjit I'M j i rta-tni'.f nmn a itiinf1 ttr A I Mtll'ain r . Munk-rt. ai.1 Karl I.. h ' ' Kra'n. 'frrg'it,. aMif f riV U't t Js -t Cramps! Says Mr;. It. ink M.ii! Irr, ot Cuboiulalc, III : "I was Enltftitiij tTtiblr Cramps ami p-"" tfr-'l monln. I I'-i'l usfl . . . but it didn't Rive any permanent relief. '1 he iain& came back on me mt Hie sme as brlme . . . Atli'f taking Cartim. I was entirety relitve'l troin (he pains, and have never been bothered wills thera lime." TAKE 9 ust l'.MT. next, at this offl.e. the lloi.'- k n tTlassif nasas f "laeai iifT-aas " t of lend . Ik I f 1 ? I'l l-l NW 1 4. N i Ut 1-4 S.cti.,n U T..-- I I i I South P.anie if,. l.at. W. M . (' o.'i.n.m p k. a Ilk. I pi B .1. II. COX CONTRACTOR ami IHJII.DKK ruD ' IvniHiiml l.tilimuiin i urinnln l. )r All himii -n ,(... I I l-'ivL'i fin ... It'.... IU.I,I Male a Siifrinllii nfiiinl I In ir ( 'w it ( F.iiu'qitiiilil fur House Moving t .1 -. 0 HEPPNER I OREGON o c3 cCaCsrzss a cirizisiCTOisc Notice lor PublKdlion fvpiftmmi of id. titrir I' N l i'-H 'rf', . I Nv ir is hfr- inn A -naif ft'. vr!v A')ia P Nt4M,rf l I,-ctMii ! mi January i'h Ml m 1 M r-'' I - 1 fU"M ?i f.t W-"aw a- I r'ti- .( inlt-rtwm to frft fh i f'wf i ) B h tr to i im ' -pUi b.frrf w J arf I ""1 ' ' fliHI'K f (H rflr a' H fTi!'e" I f U r.- ati' a J r M I f - Mrn l.e. J'.t, fcf.lt .t4, A The Woman's Tonic Ordtil nhotild trip yoi imidid Mrs n,s it lias help"! (Ii'i'i "tints r.l oilier u men lio til -Icrrd bom he r"" i"'1 disronitorts bom i"!i women sn'lT. M-my inedital aiiUi'i'ilies pre arribf he n-.;re'1ienls (jl which tardni Is t'lm. rosed f"f ie l"'.ile bubbles t if v hull it Is frr)rtlmF!ic)e'1. V I" V try it tor ym (rouble AH Dtuggi.ti North Boach 'lb HIAL Hl-rl Pli'JM I of Iht Snrlh I'nntr I is I i wra nmhril by P. nil or Maiiiii'r trim I'mlltiml. LOW KOUND-1 HIP I AKi;i 1 UNION PACiriC SYSTEM 0t4 ft '.Vt fr-r h I ''' i t'-- t, f :"tl"H t-t II fr gV A,'. Sitt't, M - f ii,'jt1l' .h,'i-el !" '- tf ' 1 ":: ' re-.-rtlp -' 4 -A ' ' ."'