He La-.ked Com.', itratioir. fi"iiliiiiL' of u niMii i. Ii'i was a fullurc lxTiiusc nf liis l.i.-k "f ciiifiitnilioii auJ his inability t i l:!i"W UU own mind five uiiiinli'S :it 11 I hue, a i-iptum i'f in diisiry siiM h i miii'lH liini of a liunt iug do,' lie i;if ov.'imi: "At rnurise Hit !',- would (start out on UU "V ii l:i.'.k l-r Jft-j-. lie would Ji.ii'li a 1 n ; -U iiikI i.mi liim for miles. Wlicu 1 Ik Iiiii-U "ii I lie point of ex liailxlinn Hie lioiind'." inislt'iU would rali-h tin- I tint in I !m- ;.!: where a fox had crossi d the Ira if. and he would In slaniiy ilcc-ide that, after all. fox win what he hud eo:ue for. and he would turn iii.iile to pn; ..iie I he fox. l'erha)M mi hour lat"i when the ehase v.m Ri'ow'inj; wanner every niinule, his keen llO- C Would I !'' I I hi' IM'eieliee of It inhbil, eii'l he v. :. ! i i.o i'l'l- r Hi" eot-t-'Wtiill, v.tl'i lit:; im-vitstWi! lesillt that. ,y 1 i.'c'iK-k ii l! I1 i i ". neon that Imum! would he tidily or folly mile:-) nuay from home in a ir.'. a nip willj a 'l!pniit!iU IriTii:' ttfitmilnj- I.'venin Test. A (generation. In the loin; livpil pfllrlarehal age a treiierutioii seems lo have been com puted at li i) years (Genesis xv, li. Suhseiiuently the reckoning was the same that has heen more" recently adojited that Is, from thirty to forty years (Job xiii, VI). Mrs. J. H. Frad, of .Black- horse, who was dangerously last week with pneumonia, reported by Dr. Purkey to improving. ill is be Chas. McDaniel and Golda M Rosson, both of Uardman were united in marriage by City Rec order J. P. Williams at his office Thursday, July 12, 1917. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Cor riio n;:.! 1 1 l'it by hit the hi diUiiiiit; mil Hi" l: mil mortal (ieorre. We been fold iIkiI he v; and Hint at Valley 1'i is Legs. al (.rubbers are about our itn Inne heretofore! ore false teeth g.t he unlilush- in;;iy deeeived his i .h'l i d and (lesiiond cut trooi:i Willi Hie n iri:i 1 of ample NUpiiliejof aiiiiiiiiei! !o:i, v. lii'h eon.sist ed of powder barrels iilied with sand, and now a correspondent of the New York 'iin declares llnil in Hit! full lenjrlli purl rails of V'atdiini.'.lon by Stuart, of which (here is one in the New York public library, the lefts were not his own. "I have seen Ihe letter from Stuart thaukin;; the true owner for his kindness in proviilhi '; a sym metrical I'oiuidalion for the bust of the jrreat president and presenting one of the smaller portraits in Ihanks for his kindness." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract Public Land Sale Drparlment of the interior, U. S. Land Office at 't he Dalles. Oregon July 10. 1917 Notice in hereby given that, ba directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the ap plication of Marie Monahan, Si rial No. 015738. we will offer at public sale, to tiie highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 per acre, at 9:45 o'clock A. M., on the 21st day of AuKust 1917, next, at thijflice, the following tract of land: NK 1-4 NW 1-4. N 1-2 NE 1-4, Section 12, Town ship 3, South Range 26. East. W. M., (Containing Ul) acres.) The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour nam ed have censed bidding, the person making the highest bid will be required to immediatly pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. A ny persons claiming adversely the above de scribed land are advised lo file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. ID-lSd L. A. BOOTH, Receiver. Our Cakes and Crackers : FRESH! A R jWe handle and recommend: WASTIKA BRAND ! When you want the best crackers : ask I'on : I Snowflakes ! I Phelps Grocery Co. I During building operations tins liaitk will be located, temporarily, in the McNamoe building, across the trcot. 'liter e will b no interruption in busi ami old Ii'uikU an J now customer wi'ioum to our service. nrss, alike are I pei vent paid on lime Deposit aud Sasins Account. The First National Bank I leppner, Oregon Total Resources: Over 1 Million Dollar Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson ware in from their ranch Mon day. H. A. and M. R. Cupper, of Monument, were in Heppner on business Monday. W. 0. Hill, cashier of the Lex ington State Bank, was up from that thriving town Monday morning. Dave Uynd, well known sheep man, was in from his Sand hol low ranch Monday. Mr. Uynd is an old timer in Morrow county and recalls many ''dry" scasous in the past when conditions look ea auoious at ttns season as they have been doing lately. Mrs. J. A. Vale, of .liismark, N. D., is here visiting friends and relatives and expects to spend the summer here. She will visit with ber sister, Mrs. Percy Hughes, of Butter creek, her brother Jack Ayers, and family and her aunt, Mrs. S. W. Spencer, of this city. FOR SALE Twenty head of good grade Jersey dairy cows, known as the Henry Blabn herd See F. M. Parker, 4 miles North of Heppner. 9tf R, F. Wigglesworlh, who was in from Butter creek Monday, reports that the first' cutting of alfalfa is all in the stack and proved to bean unusually heavy crop. Mr. Wiggieworth says that the farmers in his commun ity have adopted the plan of late years of sowing barley on their alfalfa ground in the spring and springtoothing the ground thoroughly. The barley tills in the ground, keeps down the foxtail and insures a very heavy crop. J. B. Huddleston, former O W. R. it N. agent here, now sheep ranching on Rock creek, was in town Monday. He re ports all well in his sect'on but confesses to a liking to the music of a "bulgino" whistle and the click of a telegraph key. WANTED By experienced woman cook for harvest or place for man and wife to work. Ad dress or call Heppner Herald Roy V. Whiteis went to Fort land Thursday to spend a few days and accompany Mrs. Whiteis home. She has been visiting in the metropolis for several days. i Dr. M. A. Leach, former Hep. puerile, now practicing dentistry at Corvallis, was here during j tho week being called here by J ; the serious illness of his brother ! Win. Leach, of Lexington, who J j is in the hospital here. Robert Stephenson, an expert i practical coal miner, of Tacoma, came in Tuesday evening and I ! went up to the coal mine to make S an investigation of the property S I for II. V. ( lutes, lie is accom panied by his two sons, also expert miners who will assist him in the work. oftice. '.kill FOR RENT -Barn for 2 or 3 horses 4 with plenty huy room. Enquire at this oftice. tf l'h us 0ten, who raises stock in the Parkers Mill section, south of Heppner. was lu re on busi ness Saturday, E. W. Rau. proprietor of the II, minimi garage, where ho has the only complete vulcani.ing plant in Morpiw county, was in town Saturday. Mr. Ru re purls business pod at hU es. t itilishiiient unit in an attractive iid in Ihe Herald lie invites all auti'iMs to send him their blown out tires to be made kkoJ. Mr. ntul Mrs. Ja'.ie U'utten li'Tp'i it 1 1 J fuiiii'y expect to le ivo iiexi rsiitm iv in their ear for a pleasure trip through west' ern Orejjon and northern IV.for ni.i they expect to visit M.irsli field iukI other coast points und may take in Orater Lake and oth er poiut of interest on t Lo re. turn trip. Miss I.ucilo Eider I as (alien a position as Mem 'nil er in the Another Shipment of Yaists NEW WIRTHMOR AND WELWORTH BLOUSES You need not spend a lot of money To have a lot of pretty new waists Not if you buy them here; in fact it might be a surprisingly small sum. To be specific $1.00 will buy a neat, worthy, appealing, dependably made, perfectly fitting waist. Two dollars it's true will buy a finer Blouse, but the thought we want to convey is that in these moderate priced waists you get Real Style dis tinction and all that goes to make a Blouse desirable. The Finest Dollar Waist in America . fi t U i 1 , .'' .:f -.If A inat- W'lItTHMOR -'..&. Sold at Just One Good Store in Every City NEW WIRTHMOR $1.00 WAISTS Styles as Illustrated Minor & Company "Dry Goods Department" LEXINGTON ITEMS Again the Angel of Death has visited our midst aud taken two of our friends. Grandma Moy ers, wife of "Uncle Johnie Moy ers", died suddenly Monday morning July 2, from asthma and was buried Tuesday before the fourth. Mrs. Meyers was born April 18, 1884 in Green Co. Tenn. and has lived in. Oregon for many years. . She was well known and to her credit we will say she raised a large family of respectable men and women. Funeral servises were held from tho Methodist church, Rev. Sad ler officiating. The other death was that of Ernest Moyer's baby, a twin who died a few days after its grandmother. Mrs. W. P. McMillan is at home again after a pleasant visit with her mother ut Sellwood Oregon W. E. Leach was taken quite ill with, appendicitis and taken the Heppner santioriutn. Jas. Stockard and family are back in Lexington after a live weeks visit with relatives in Mo. Jim says its awful hot and dry and needing ruin in Mo. as well as in Oregon. M. ET Bundy, Jim Stockard and EJ Burchill are each purch. asers of a new Combine this season. We see D. I. Russe! of Los Angles in our city again looking after iiis interests here. Rain is badly needed around Lexington. Postmaster Richardson of Heppner was in Lexington Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Maud Pointer is driving a new Reo car. Miss Margaret Jackson is home from school at Mt. Angel Ore. Miss Jackson graduated this year. Mr. V. O. Hill spent the fourth tin Portlaud with his family. If you intend to purchase an automobile at any price see the Eight Cylinder Oldsmobilc two and four passenger roadster, five and seven passenger touring cars A High Grade Light Weight Car at a Moderate Price S1G00. at Heppner The Oldsmobile Company of Oregon Haroid Cohn, Agent, Heppner, Oregon Morrow county agent for the seven passenger and roadster COLE EIGHT, Prices, f. o. b. factory, $1795. Uw oIV.co of Sam E Van VucU '1 i