) FARMERS New Realty Firm Not Married 9 Now is the time when you need Fire Insurance on your grain. The dry, hot weather increases your fire risk and with grain at the present price you cannot afford to meet with a loss. Even if the crop is short it is worth money. Let me figure with you J N. E. (Pat) Crow aud A. 1) , The story published last week ft J (Dave) McAtee have formed a 1 to the effect that Char lie W'atteu ft J i partnership to handle real es-1 berger was married at Hunting ft J j tate, life aud fire insurance under ton, w as not true The state-;J J j the naore of the Moriow Laud i ment that "Immediately follow-!j Company, aud will soon open a ing t lie eeieniouy the happy well equipped office on Main couple left for Salt Lake on a 'ft street. . honeymoon trip traveling in Mr. jft M r Pr.nv ic analtultln I ifi I'P 1 Y A I 1 II 1 IP I' o p r ' IIPVV iMtional man aud t hot on? hi v versed in 1 Six" was not, tine. The only CJ f f '' the insurance business and Mr: 'gram of truth iu the whole story ft Mi' intoo Koinij an ,itr1 t i ill P f i t hfl I flip HiMrtld r-fl 11 !lnV disl'OV- ft Roy V. Whiteis Fire insurance and Real Estate a I e ! here with an extensive acquaint jer was that Charlie is employed ance all over the county as well as a wide knowledge of lands aud land values, their venture will no doubt prove a success. T! A TM TMT)T TiMi T7 V I1 AllM lJilrJjMlMUO 'rTCI mw ft Deer Plows Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills : Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT iine Officers Training Camp S. W. Spencer, W. P. Mahoney and W. O. Hill have been ap pointed by the Officers Military Training Camp association to represent that organization in this county. Anyone interested in the matter of military train ing with an officer's commission iu view will do well to secure full information and literature from any one of these gentle-meu. by the O. W. R & 14. Co. at;.? Huntington. It may be true jft that Charlie would like to i M be married, and have a newjjj NEW BANK Farmers & Slockgrowers National Bank of Heppncr We ate prepared to take care of our custoineis to the fullest extent and will endeavor in every way to promote their interests WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Four per cent paid on time deposits National Six, and go to Salt Lake on a honeymoon trip but the Herald is" not going to make that letntampnt. until it. w Mnttiori7Pil by Charlie himself. But, here's hoping it will all be true some day. i St n ii .i ft a u "v. tt s . LLUI Heppnerites Hike to Tall Timber Heppner was quite a "Desert ed Village" last Sunday and it would be easier to name the few of us who remained in town and I went to church than to THE GOVERNMENT needs Farmers as well as Fightes. Two million three hundred thousand Acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homesteads and sale. Conaining some of the best land left in the United States. Large Copyrighted Map, showing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfalll, eleva tions, temperature etc., by coun ties. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant --snd jave nionev. By cut method rou can tnnld as big or as litlle a house as you want and el the max imum o( beauty and pt.rctirability. AH yon need Is Common Sene snd a Hammer. We send vnu aII the mutcrinf. rcs'h-cMt, bundled end numhftrd. Write trHatr f--t on. F!n Honfe Tt" Hee. Ms RtftOY BUILT HOUSE CO. 305 S? 5fe! FrtrtamJ. Cfaii C-oS TT---' -tB!!.-t)K:-iiJj Address all inquiries to C. F. SCHOONMAKER, Morrow County Agent, Heppner, Ore. i went to cnurcn man to name T,ands War no- Co Hoy (1 those who went to the mountains j Portland Oregon 8dl9 will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made." land fishing. One or two parties braved the bad roads above the Slocum sawmill and reached Ditch creek where some good catches of fish were made. All those fortunate ones who have BE PREPARED ..n i ! FJN i jyLyk S77F To raise better crops by cul- II. F. Hyud, former promin ent Heppner citizen, came, out from Portland Monday to attend a stockholders meeting of the Heppuer Milling Co. and look after other intersts here. If you want a truck see Kel ogg, county agent. tUf FOR SALE Ten head of good young woik mares or will trade. Enquire of Guy lioyc-r, Heppner, Oregon. Stf FARM WANTED-Reliable experienced man and wife want to lease going wheat larm with stock and equipment tor a term of 5 years or longer. Eu- l,.lnuire at the Herald (U'llco. I'M f spots were there and many others i ' ! made temporary camps and en-1 MEN AND WOMEN'--Do you I J joyed picnic dinners by some want inoie inuut-y, $5 to Mo pc-r gurgling; ice-cold spring. Fol-Jday. all or spare time, easy con- j The idea of service at the I1ARDMAN GARAGE is giving a man what he wants when he wants it Accessories, tepaiiing and vulcaninttf tivatiug more and raising less 2 lowing is a carefully prepared! weeds. It will pav vou to in- vest in a JONES'" WEEDER. S This machine has been greatly improved this year and will be a great factor in bigger crops. Built in sections like a harrow, J each section cuts 5 feet. You list of those Heppner people who spent the day out of town: Everybody but the preachers, the printers, the pastime people and a few other pious persons who have no cars or other means of making the trip. needed, six horses pull 3 sec J tions cutting 15 feet. Abso- lately the best machine ever J built for cultivating summer J fallow, does the work speedily and thoroughly. Get a JONES J VVEEDER before the weeds ii. . tji iluvji i, rrpt hirr arm ruin vour summer . . r i . uikoimiuiNjum ou.i.uK-i . j twenty.f,lr Hmi three-quaitor Heppner. Orenon tallow. I .. ,. ' . a miles to eve-ry gallon ot gasoline -that is the newest gas record See C. E. JONES H. C. ASHBAUGII, or Olds Makes Remarkable Run A 930-mile run from Lansing. Michigan to New York City iu thirty hours driving time, with genial work right at home. Write today before youi tcni tory is gone. .1. M. Coughlan, 725 Chamber of Commerce, Foil land, Ore. HARDMAN GARAGE HARDMAN, OREGON 0 1 ... , . - "1 : i t r;:' J A7 t.-.. "e LET US QUOTE YOU THE PRICE OF THIS HOME COMPLETE. The above picture irprcscnl-. but one of )"" dilTeretil designs we arc showing in our book ol 'Beautiful Homes- " Every design and plan the wcik of ex perts and not one item in tnodtjii con btruction has been uvcrluoked. Investigate Our Free Plan Service No matter what kind of building you have in mind Home, Ham. .Silo, fiiau ery. Bin or Shed all the 1 1 h'.iug (!- tail-. n:r n' woiktd out ("I you on; SEKVli'i; DLFARIMI.:. !' i . of untold ulue to you. You ( .iu ( h"o,(. your plan-, your iuiUii.il. ciupiie Valut. and g 1 I ' J f. -. set up by an Oldsmobile. It was one of the incidents that grow out of the many drive-a ways made by dealers from the factory recently when railroad equipment was not obtainable. That the mark established then was not a chance performance is proved by the fact that a six cylinder driven by the shiiu; driver practically duplicated the splendid result a short time be fore. News of this run came lo Harold Cohti, local dealer in Oldstuobiles, from the Hubokun dealer who has this to say ol 1 1 ? run: 'T left the factory at Lnu-iiii: on Thursday and was at ih' I For ty-second Mreet ferry Sun day evening. I had coveied li t Mm miles in thirty hour;,' dir.- .ing time, an average cf thtrty- one miles an hour " FUR SALE-32') acres of tine, raw land in Marion county. Ore gon. 10 miles from Silverton. 22 j J miles from Salem. Best quality jj soil, lies well, piactically all j plow laud. Running water for j stock on both quarters. Close j to macadam road, less than one- j half iniie from railroad. iooiL school, neighbors improved f irms ; adjacent. Hume market for all products of farm at big logging camps fait her ininteiior. Laud easily and cheaply prepared for plow. A tplcnded pioponition to cui up and sell in smaller tiaeta or to develop entile. For par ticulars enquire at tlm Herald otlicu J. II. COX CONTRACTOR and IJUILDICK 1'lans ami latinta1es Furnished for All Kinds of liuildinia. 5 First Class Work (.);. J Make a tiircioltii of and Hare, Coniili te J Fini imii'iit for House Moving Cilf Kellogg sells truck ments of all kind.-,. Here ii a chance to buy a going wheat ranch at a (nice that Nine . car's crop will pay in full. I have three raiiche.i and feel it to ! be my patriotic duly to get these farms into cultivation, in view .. , ttf the urgent need of the Nation for Bread. I can't cultivat" the 1,1 11' " ,i . i i ,. . i . ....... ... oiiK-r i wo unless i sen hms rancn m accouni oi nn u ni capitnl and insuVnient stock and equipment. ti'f Red Cross Sewing j All lailis who th'-drc to do jewing for the R"d Cross during the Summer months are req'i'' t el to call at Mrs. L. O. H"i i"nV 1 stre for the same. 1 Mrs. Fhill (John, Chaii niai:. "Cured!" AVs. Oni CiriMHi, rf I'vetton, Mo., viitci: "I sitilt-rcd fot lime yan v.itri various tc-toale troubles. .My I1'? v r i misery. I vs not al '.: to do anyl'tiTT . . bcir Ini? (lorn rirts In ri"' back and liiohs, and hesd athe . . . wrak aii'J nerv ous. I Jr. recoin mended Cardulto me." TAKE '1 It is ranch lies 1 miles doe llorllinl l, county, Oregon, being the Fa t on" half id S1 .inglon, Mono'.'.' -. Tovvn -hip 2 'gott d tin; lloi'fh cf Range 2" Fast . M., aud in Oi Th'-ie at" good piodui'ing farm i ;dl iirout age w heat el op in t h' I 'idled Si at ; i ; I J ho laud in t hi. i seel inn awl ag' S about liltrin. i mii as high as 2ri bu.-le ls I lit I ") i- aboul (lie Ten ai'M-s of tin- grouiid is mi a im k v si .for nothing but pa-t'ii''. FoiL ,'k-m-s light itbl an- Fh'-ne L"'F.;l I ha.i: a mni kuo.' " diel will t. til on yu'j. ilc. I 0 HEPPNER OREGON tllis Minor Buys fine Rdnch ! t.lhs Minor ot Ci;cil. t lo ,' d t d' al Ut Fnday (ot thepmlM ' ;d the I; M. Shult ranch b' I l"ti The pU' e i titiU u's ' , l"11 at rs of which Is fi r is I -i U alfjll i laud, and is le:aid' il a one tif thi bist place tm Will i ' 1 hi k Mr Minor is l ie.- i I 'M'tlow .fiiiity ll.iri Jon. 'iii n aiid ha , alp el y ib limn.! ra'i d hi . aliibly to u .t'. ' t Til . of 1 1. at bin.' vl ii, 1 u ' t . IJ-! The Woman's Toole "Wtfii I nn ii iixlh h'illlf", fclx" cinl'ti nts, "I bm ti't-lttiu I'k I tI?'.V V.OH',111 . . ,t l"l no v a v.f-H v ot'isn . . . I k"o v m v C"' I11'1 tnanvnt lor it li.;S been liife vests iti'( I to' k Cafdul." 'Ilinie iir). r.l women, n'j.v ttrijiy ano hfaiihv, w ho on-e inf. Lji 1 leted lt(;m womrn'ti.l- D incus, fivb i. "u u i e - Ij ctfit In I'-t-r rvl H V, ,'ih tu it i'.r v ' n i r 1' ttout'ti B-.-l Wheat Belt. I'l.tee. 'I h" hu r- hi I , to the hi I'1. I hi I ' -I'llle! iut :s the ' 1 I . s t ' I I M. e, si'h' I )lie i-iiit-iVjl,. IM'I : oil and : llt . lor i ', the bahrei j-, v. heat hind atd la in a'U I- i I. I ho 'ml is ih ep and i it h and if prnpet y fai ini d w ill i ;n a nop. tltt !t"l es ill lilufj-l.i III Wheat Heeded this tplilig on r-.pl ing plowing-. I'M) Ht-lf-S nmte fi'iuiiner tallowi-d '.M Hi'i'-s if ad tn'if-d this Fall by fiir-.einu th4 lanl in crop thir M-a-on. lennd with Ihn wins 0 I palt, ba'atlie tWI) will';, tH'W pods well Si( ntn 1 1 .i c m pnul shape. Four loom hnme, butd, hnu-.e, -llm-, will, laitt I'nt ten head of h'tt l-t s, barn for t-n h ad of nr.' -, ot t al. i ho t n hou; c. Spl'-ndid crop ol jtatos. corn, b' aiis. and nlln i gatd- 11 am lie, gin ', it'g. I hM- tine i-ainph' of v In at n ci t o f I Im h in i a (.lone lhl. If o'l thllik Ibis t-fiunti s mi't lai an', llong tninf Mod look Ht it and Vnu will cban'k... (. 1 1 1 1 i i . i--pei , i loin my flop tin i veal tihf liHl! nl I lie n ie I l-al I am it ,1-mg f i m land and tl inq-lo emetit-, n: I l a ! thtii one thud id t he p'a''e ill t'l op. Will gr e po-e- lull 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- ' t ;l -1 . .ai'' t fit Ill :. 'II " IH toe I'll p Mi"t g! e I tn " I'i'i I "i . I I e i- i ! i ni lo be f- tonal-d 1 1" i t , a fat in fni i....- I,,! ,.,.). . . tot 1 All Druggiif r bi ii n ti n I ' " I am 'I 1)1 l"l H'l '.- H'inOI I .e .;,i,. ' p ;i i o ', o I M n ' t a ' ". " p' . re. Haw land joining tii" on t' " .'.'nit;i-,i ,t fot all-at ''I'i.'"1 t 1 ....... t i i i li,, ..i ...... ; ..l ;.. ..i ii... .. i.t 9,! ', . 1 1 I I s - '. . ii.'t ,- i (i i ,!' i:ii in ' . ? i ' " ,!'! II.. it -! -,. )J lni'i't'O tilth I .1 t ) lit. ':' t !,l"'h. I'M'' I 11 I... " " I a't ' , to lot I; ot i 'I I' I I ! !!! 1 al . m . ' '''"l" ' ' ' I ' d. ,' .' i 1 1 .eh . i h 1 1 d, I . ' ' " i f p'O i h.i i j on' ran land, ha lam " n! ,j hi i i ,i h. Ad lii -; a'i ii'q'i'iii - to th" ii "i , I i j LI V. U.M.I. I II U. !.e.,Hvton, t )m , "I'.