L-' He H PPME ERALD Help support Hcppncr Business Men who help support Hcppncr. Central Oregon gets on and off the train at Heppner Gateway. With which is consolidated The lone Bulletin. A first class nespaper entered at the postofliee at Heppner, OreKou 83 Becond-class matter VOLUME 4. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917. NUMBER 8 CROSS $15,753.90 Owing to circumstances over which the peopleof Morrow coun ty had no control preliminary work in the Red Cross campaign wasdelayed to such an exteut that the county was almost a week behind other Oregon counties in making its final drive. Failure of Portland headquarters to send out either information or sup plies necessary in the organiza tion of a work of this kind, until after the other counties were organized and at work, handicap ped the workers to some extent but they all came to the finish smiling aud happy because they "brought in the bacon" to the tune of more than $15,000.00 better than $3.00 per capita for every man, woman and child in the county. The plan of districting the county worked well and every team made a record they may well be proud of. Following is the report by dis tricts of workers engaged and amounts collected: Hardman Dr. Gaunt, Hanson Hughes, Geo. Bleakman, Louis Bisbee, Geo. McDuffee, Peter Prophet, Arthur Crawford. $13 46.25. North lone E. J. Bristow, Geo. J. Curran, S. E. Moore, J. A. Troedson, B. F. Morgan. Mrs. Lowe, C. B. Sperry, Wayne Sper ry. $608.50. South Tone W. II. Cronk, W. T. McNubb, Prof. Cossman, E.R. Lundell, J. A. Waters. Dale Ray, Chas. O. Neill Vawter Crawford, II. M. Cummins, Joe Mason. 11.682.00. Northeast Heppner W. B. Barratt, John Kilkenny, D. O Justus, Grant McCarty, E. G. Noble, Dan Rice, John Kenny, L. V. Gentry, Mrs Mike KeDny. $1,930.43. Southeast lleppuer J. G. Thompson, J. J. Wells, Wm. Beymer, J. O. Hager. A. L. Ay ers, W. II. Ilerren. Mesdauies Spencer, Kelly. A.L.Ayers, Van Vactor, Pruyno. $1,62 80. Southeast Heppner C. A. Minor, Wm. Ball. A. M. Phelps An Appreciation To the team captains, their assistants, in the Red Cross drive and to the generous people of Morrow County: The Red Cross executive Com mittee takes this means and op portunity to express to you the unbounded thanks of the com mittee for your hearty co opera Hon and splendid liberaltry, which has made our united efforts a great success. With returns yet incomplete, we have $15,000. in contributions. This is fifty per cent more than our apportionment aud proclaims in nouncertain manner the patriot ism and united stand or the people of our county. You have done your duty and rendered a great service to the cause of humanity. Again we thank yTJu. Executive Committee. George Perry came in from Rock creek the first of the week to get acquainted with his new 8-Oldsmobile recently bought from Harold Cohn. George says he wanted to get the darned critter halter brokr before circus day so as to give his wife a safe ride to town. Before tackling the machine for his first ride George tied blinders over the headlights and when asked what the idea was he replied that he always did that when breaking in bad cayuses and supposed it would work the same way with an Olds. Dr. Gunster, who is a grad uate of the San F'rancisco Vet erinary College, now practicing his profession in Heppner, has been appointed stallion inspcc tor for Morrow "county. Dr Gunster comes here highly rec ominend as a competent veterin arian. He will not only inspect stallious for license but will also be general information man and representative of the'Stalliun Reg istration Board. The council chamber was well tilled last Friday evening at an enthusiastic meeting of taxpayers and business men who got to gether to discuss the very per tinent question of much needed street improvements with a view to solving the dust nuisance. W. B. Barratt was chosen chairman of the meeting and J. O. Hager was named to act as secretary. Mr. Barratt stated that the object of the meeting was to get an expression of opinion from the taxpayers as to what their wishes are in the matter of handling the dust question and called upon those present to express themselves. Sam Hughes was the first speaker making it clear that he is not pleased with present con ditions. Be favored bonding the town for modem street im provements and wanted the street paved from curb to curb. W. L. Richardson favored bonding under the Bancroft plan by which the cost of the pavement would be assessed against the abutting property. L. Wilkin s declared that he HERALD FREE IB iiiimr The publisher of the Herald, realizing the sacrifices that the boys of Morrow county who have enlisted ur who will enlist in the United States army or uavy. aud anxious to do what it can to help make their camp aud ship life as pleasant as possible will be glad to send the Hepp ner Herald free to all volunteers during the term of their enlist ment or the duration of the war if the army or navy address of all such are furnished this office. The Herald bolieves that our boys will be interested in the live local news of Heppner aud Morrow county and the paper will be gladly furnished as above stated. Friends, relatives or acquaintances of these boys who have their address, will there fore do a favor to the Herald as well as to the boys by giving us their addresses at once. Will Build Home Here Mr. aud Mrs. S. Roberts, who recently came in from Hard man where they have disposed of their interests, have purchased the W. O. Hill residence prop erty on Willow street aud will remove the present residence to another part of the lot and build a new bungalow for their own occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are old time residents of the county and believe Hepp ner is as good a town to live in as they could find. JACK INFLICTS FATAL Short Horn Bulls SALE Ten registered FOli Short Horn bulls. Heppner, Oregon. W. O. Minor, lone will make the eagle Andy Rood jr., Fred Lucas, W. j scream in the good olJ fashioned T. Campbell, Chas Johnson, $1 1W5.50. way July 4th. W. R. Walpolo und W. A. Wal pole, well known citizens of Ir rigon, were business visitors in Northwest H ep p n e r P hill Cohn, Pruett Cox, Sam Hughes, frank Gilliuui. Mrs. I hill Cohn, i Heppner Wednesday Mrs. M. D. Clark, Miss man Cox, 1,4"0.00. Irrigon W R. Walpole, W. E. Wal pole. 330.00. Boardmau S. II. Boardman. Not reported. Eightmile E R. Huston, How- is "tired ot dust and blands ready to pay his share of the cost of paving from the court house to the depot either as a direct property tax or as an assessment against abutting property. Mr. Wilkins advocat ed the paving of May street fi'oui court house to Main street with 20 foot pavement in middle of street with sides filled in with crushed rock well rolled and oiled, hard surface from curb to curb on Main to Hospital and 20-foot paving with crushed rock and oil from that point to depot. P'atber O'Rourke spoke strong ly in favor of improvements. He said he had traveled exten sively all over the country and had never seen as backward a towu as Heppner in the way of improvements- considering the wealth of the town. "You can't keep clean in Heppner," de clared Mr. O'Rourke, "A man in my profession is supposed to wear black clothes. Khaki would be more appropriate in lleppnei." Chairman Barratt A "s;x" team and two wagons loaded with sheep aud cow pelts came in from the interior Mon day, indicating that there was a considerable loss nf stock in that section during the winter. NOTICE During my absence iu the east my practice will be looked after by Dr. H. T. Allison Dr. N. E. Win nard. iltf. meeting regarding construction matters. Mr. Johnson strongly favored concrete construction as the cheapest and best suited to climatic conditions. Mayor Notson advised against hasty action and urged full and trequent discussion of the mat ter. He said there ale many things to be threshed out both in regard to liuanciug the pro- CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Church Services. First Mass,' 8:00 a. in . Second Mass 11:00 a.m. Evening Devotions 7:30 p.m. Reverend Father O'Rourke. The Federated Church Sunday School 9:45 a. m. At 10:30 the Suuday School and congregation w ill unite in a patriotic program to be given by the children of the Sunday School and others. Among other good things we shall have a short address tj the children on the "Meaning of Patriotism," by Mrs. Shurte. A solo by Mrs. Sims. . Short addiess, "The Duty of The Citizen", by Mr. Woodson. Unveiling of the "Heppner Honor Roll." There is uo public service here on the Fourth, bo come out next Sunday morning and join us in prayer for our country and for righteous world wide peace. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. Evening servico to bo announced. 11. A. Noyes, Pastor. Church of Christ , Subject of Sunday morning serin on. "Hound in a Bundle of life with Cod. Evening sermon, ''Christian pat riotism for the hour." The posed impiovement and the method and type of const ruction i evening servico will he patriotic and also pointed out that such improvements will be bound ,, : htv ico on July li prove a burden to soue in answer to the call for that Choice Enly Vermont seed proper- ty owners. He spoke of many towns thai have beautifully ( l"lUl,n-'s fur hllltJ ttl Phelps (i roc paved streets, sanitary sewers, ' vri' Oompany. ltf etc. and thai the result, in many S. R. Uldaker, prominent Her cases has been a loss of popula- j uiistoii citizen and business man lion of perhaps one-third the j was u visitor in Heppner Wed James Brown, 70 years old, a well known resident of Pendle ton, is at the point of death at the home of his brother-in-law, Andrew Reany, near Lexington, where he was visiting, from in juries received Saturday when he was attacked and mangled by an infuriated jack. Mr. Ueany had led the animal from his stall to the watering trough and Mr. Brown was drawing water from the well when the animal, pre sumably angered by the approach of another of his species in an adjoining pasture, siezed Mr. Brown by the thigh with his teeth, flung him in the air, and shook him as a dog might shake a rat. The grip of the vise-like jaws did not relax until the en tire muscle of the thigh was torn away when the crazed animal took another hold this time fas tening his teeth on the thigh hone crushing it to splinters. Mr. Reany tried to pull the brute a way but without avail and then tried to open his pockef knife intending to cut the jack's throat but in the excitement of the moment could not do so. A haying crew, working near by came- with clubs and alter beating the jack almost to death succeeded in freeing the ictini. As this is written it is reported that Mr. Brow n cannot possibly recover and his death is hourly expected. Stockmen acquainted with the jack family say that as a rule they are quiet and docile but when once they lake the war path they go the limit. One stockman tells of a fierce fight he once witnessed between a jack ami a big, lighting bull dog, the latter being the ag gressor. The big bull secured his favorite hold on th" lack's nose when the jack began throwing him iu to the air and Hailing Ins iioiiy on tin ground until the dog lost his gi ip. The jack then got hold of the dog over the spine broke his back and then proceeded to trample him to death at his leisure. FOR SALE Ten head of good young woik mares or will trade. Enquire of Guy Boyer, Heppner, Oregon. tf J. Ci. Mulluii. of the Oldstnobile service department is hero "this cost proving confiscatory iiflho cases of some property owners. John E. Johnson thought paving would not abate Ihudul nuis- characterized Heppner us being anco because the dust blows 50 years behind the times audi into town from Minor's ranch. ard Anderson, Dan Barlow. Ture ! week assisting Harold Cohu with Peterson, R Farreus, Nels JoLn-' deliveries. sod. Frank Audersoii, Oscarj WANTED -By 16-year old boy Keithiey, C. E. Jones. John I wor, j )u,ying and harvest. compared the conditions here with that of other towns in east-1 not well ern uregon in a way nol very,analU and favorablu to Heppner. C. E. jhis ranch. i.esday. Harold Culm report the follow ing auto sales for this week: L V. Gentry and J. N, Batty, each an Olds H; VV. W. Howard a Cole . and an Olds-6 delivered to Mr. Minor replied the point was , jr McMurdo. taken as he raises gram, ho', dust, mi Mr. Johnson, of Vaughn. 1,-30 I'd. West Lexington W, E. Leach, , Jim Pointer. W. P. McMillan.1 W.F.Harnett. I. I'M. I'll, j East Lexington. W. ('. Scott, S, E. Notson. 1.1 -'i i". Pine City-El Neill, R. F. 1 Wiggltsworlh. Johu Brosnan. Dr. Vaugh.ui, C. L Saeek. Hen. - ry Cohn. Jim Wilson. Joe. Wil. il'me City District) by t'tnutillu kins. fc.'i-K'O. 1 county solicitors, t re I it belong. Total !. I'i3 ' ing to Morrow county. - :;:.'".'' Collected in Morrow county, Grand Tot.il k 13.73 '. '.". '''' Mrs. McHride. of Slocums Mill was in the city on business Thursday. Mrs. Kay Ager was called to Central Point last week by the tetious illness of l.er mother, Mrs. W. E. Cumming!-. Woodson pointed out that condi-' Seattle, estimated ( (,,t of run. tions have changed with the.crete pavement at 3'i per coming tit the unto and methods j block. Charles Thompson in of meetings those conditions j listed that souk thing iniisth'-; must change also. ; done and th it quickly . Judging Chairman Bartult i-poke of the from conditions of la-t winter i unsanitary conditions with clouds wil h the constantly inci casing j of dust drifting into stores, j tiaftic of auto., and heavy uuto uiaikets und homes and asked , trucks that Mam stri ct will be ; w hether or not the council in-' impassable befoio next spring tends to oil the streets this sum-1 M D. t'luik spoln In inly for iiiir, improvements mid ured m-t iui W. (. McCarty. a member of . M, I'help, hr.iudde tie the counill replied that sui h had !stieet ; of ll-ppm-t mi l tl.e du-l been tl.e intention but dulii I ; it 'i.ittoii n ' a shmuc mcl a nt know just what the pieseut in- yiaec Oo.tl ;.,g Kiel CI, DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN LICENSED GRADUATE ! tentiotis are. L W. Brings op posed oiling and L. of Any pawmr " D'Mt 1 1 lit", was Ins motlo Mr Bilges agreed with former pcjker that ihppncr i, far be. hind the times. W. W. Siiicad r eotnni' tided i ...... . . ... . nidi male r.ngineer uice m requested to luuosh estimates of toil f tlilleri nl types of piv- iug and other needed prelitiii n pott at a im etn.g to nary information, ; I- inlay evening. July ' f I Di S"if, 11'PfO'i, Off ; wi,o 'I'M. - .' i i k f ion d m ti"ii John Vaughn faVon d i n i o i luent . b it W .lilt' d to klMHV bo A to gel 1 1, if mot, y to do il I, K Bi b' e f i'.iin I p i in im Id linpl'o'.i lit -. I ui.iliy n inoin ii pi v.oli l 1 tl :it the hauiii.iu appoint .i i.i in mittee to investigate tl.e ci.ti I o q uct, t ion of pas i i,g niei to lie held Follow- Fur Sale A few choice dairy rows for sale. Enquire of Frank VVinii.ird. lid" On le E. Shurte, chief Kales man in the dry goods depart ment at Minor & Co., visited Portland for a few days during the week. U, T. Feii'uson and family ur lived here Monday from Lake ; uew, Oregon, and expert to settle lure permanently. Mr Ferguson Iris Ihri'e sons with lnui and the family expert to el her buy or lease a wheat bit in and engage in filming ex tioi-i'ily Tiny htoiight lie id ot uoik hoi-.es Willi 1 1 1 -1 1 1 .Hid W ill be ghel to HI tun rani , to w oi U iii bay n g. bai '. isl leg or any ot le i w oi U Hugh E. Bran went to Port land Saturday evniiug ami drove his new Chalmers roadster bark Sunday. Mr. Bran now has a nifty ear iu which to while away his summer evetiiii'.'s and it's built just, right for two. Fire destroy ed a blacksmith shop and i-onlent.-i on ('. ). Huston's ranrh in the Fiehlinile country Tm-sday. S. E. Notson isited Hai 'liiiaii 1'iiesday evening being railed thi'ie to ad1, e e th.' school hoaid I in the matter of standardizing ; the I l.tl 'Iiii.iii lla'li i boo noil '; derision mi t he m,i! ti r will be leached in a Couple of ,-, I, i apt. arid Mrs, lien , of J Portland, are j ,it my friends in Mepplie J W inn tor, billldll.;' reeeiit h llie roni aii'i w hi iriii i a 1 1. it i e o i the p opt t this Week. John on, ji Seal I le run v. ho ha . ' he root i ,n I fo the tat ii'i-i "s I.I'-', ii'o bought a lot pi .1 In lov t I u ! U'e 1 1 mil tin W. fi. McCarty n quested Mr u.g hie the omunt'i inni lohnsoh, a .Seattle tontiactor. o.i ur Borg. I' I, SAi-rk.J I. mm -nil nv m'inrir tty oni mihi"1 Oii f n h'nH ht 'it liiilc t liimif i V"ii fi! ml fl ih mil' irti'im " hmitv lief itjrin tMity. All you nrtt U (omnia Scat oil Htmmrr. U trn4 '.'! !l lh tPltof'tl. flT. b.i"Ji,a fid n-jfTtlil ntftnu oiiiir iiswirr r a iu.hu r f vii. iiuwjl vu, r building the Farmer' V. iUin iI'Mi' ir to advie tie V.' Smi l ail.i r Lotjike. W Addrm all iiuiuitiri to C. I . SCIlUONMAKI P, Morrow County A'iit. lleppnei, On.