Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 15, 1917, Image 4

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    hi: prepared
a it n t
Ileppner, Oregon
To raise better crops by cul-
tivating more and raising less J
weeds. It will pay vou to in-
vest in a JONES' WEEDER. J
This machine has been greatly J
improved this year and will be
a great factor in bigger crops. !
l'uilt in sections like a harrow, J
each section cuts 5 feet. You
can use as many sections as !
needed, six horses pull 3 sec-
tions cutting 15 feet. Abso- '
lutely the best machine ever
built for cultivating summer
fallow, does the work speedily
and thoroughly. Get a JONES
WEEDER before the veed3
get big and ruin your summer
i:J A 1317 SEASON 1
A A1' Make your plans El
4 1 1 8 noai1917 folder gj
i ' ' -I just off the press.
fc-1 . Wm. McMurray
0 ' '''''"i. 1 for a copy i
Jake Young, who has been
seriously ill for some time, is
reported improving.
J. A. Freeman, of Echo, who
is well known among the
sheepmen of this section, is here
grading wool at the vaious camps.
Mr. Freeman recently completed
the work of grading Mr. Wiggles
woth's clip on Butter creek and
has just received a letter from
Mr. VVigglesworth commending
his work very highly. Mr. Free
man has graded for Hynd Bros.,
Barratt, Kinney and McEntire
all Ileppner people this seasonand
his work is highly recomended by
all of them.
Our Cakes and Crackers :
We handle and recommend:
When you want the best crackers
lowf lakes
Phelps Grocery Co.
Business as usual-
Mrs. Geo. V. Hendry left
Tuesday morning for Portland
to attend the Rose Festival.
George Groshens took a crew
of men to Rock creek Tuesday
to build a house on the Groshens
For Sale Majesic steel range
in good condition. Enquire at
this office. 5d7.
U.S. Ewing, prominent farmer
of the Cecil country, was in the
city last Saturday. Mr. Ewing
is an old newspaper man, and
while here took time to make a
pleasant business and fraternal
call at the Herald office.
Kellogg sells truck attach
ments of all kinds. fit f
Manager Wilkins is well pleas
ed with the recent improve
ments made in the Palace. He
reports having handled the big
crowds of last Saturday without
crowding and in a manner very
satisfactory to his guests.
For Sale A few choice dairy
cows for sale. Enquire of Frank
Winnard. 6d8
Rumor has it that Ileppner
may witness something of a
building boom before the sum
mer is over, in addition to the
new buildings already announc
ed. Dr. J. E. Hall, of Portland,
department commander of the
G. A. R , was in Heppner Tues
day in the interest of State En
campment to be held at Forest
Grove June 26 27-28.
experienced man and wife want
to lease going wheat farm
with stock and equipment for a
term of 5 years or longer. En
quire at the Herald Office. 6tf
Mrs. Phill Coho. her son
Henry, and little daughter,
Eleanor, Dr. and Mrs. R. J.
Vaughn, Mrs. Ben Patterson,
and Harry Duncan made up a
two car motor party bound for
the Rose Festival at Portland
Tuesday morning. They expect
to spend the week in the Rose
Harold Cohn, hustling local
distributor for the Oldsmobile,
reports the following sales with
in the past week: John Sheri
dan an 8-cylinder car; Geo.
Perry, of Rock creek, an H cylin
der; Dr. McMurdo, of Ileppner,
a 6 cylinder. Mr. Cohn looks
upon the season as only begin,
ning and expects many other
sales in the near future.
Roy V. Whiteis reports the
sale of 40 acres of wheat land
seven miles north of Heppner,
lying between Bluekhorso and
and Willow creek, belonging to
Charles Valentine to Spencer
Akers, the consideration was l'0
per acre. Two hundcrcd acres
of the tract is in crop and should,
if the yield is normal and at
present prices pay for the entire
Creston Maddock, popular
clerk at tho Palace, has been
called to Atlingcon to take
charge of the Hotel Grand at
that place, to relieve his father
who has been in ill health fur
some time The elder Mr. M.id.
dock witt a former well known
French women have made more sacrifices for the
war than the women of any other nation, but have
continued to dress as smartly as ever, and set the
mode for their foreign sisters.
They have done this by making their own clothes
and by making it stylish to wear simple gowns in war
time. Now that war has come to America, patriotism
and fashion alike demand that American women follow
the example of France. You may best serve your
country by doing things yourself that previously others
did for you. Make your own clothes !
and be gowned in the latest modes and at the same time be
"doing your bit."
The Illustrated Instructions in each Butterick Pattern, and
only in Butterick Patterns, enable you to make your dress with
perfect ease and with absolute accuracy. Select your pattern now
and then let us show you our spring fabrics. We can please you in
most any material.
Do your bit like your foreign sisters
Minor & Company
"Dry Goods Department"
Blunders of a Sculptor.
Stroll bade of tho treasury deport
ment building in Washington into I'o
tomnc park and look upon tho statue
of General William T. Slicrman. At
each corner of the base stands a sol
dier figure in full uniform and equip
ment. Since the day of the unveiling
military men have smiled at the lurk
of knowledge of military costumes ills
played by the sculptor. Each (Inure
wears n blanket roll over the right Jn
stead of over the left shoulder, making
Impossible the use of his jllle. The
canteen rests on the left hip under the
blanket roll, w hereas custom phu-es It
on the right, and tho cartridge pouch
Is placed on the right hip. while the
military manner of dress prcxcrlU's
that It be worn In front or on the side
Washington Post.
If you wuntatruck see Kel
logg, county agent. tilf
Mrs. D. A. McDowell is rapid
ly recovering from a serious
operation, for gall stones, per
formed by Dr. McMurdo at tlie
Ileppner hospital Tuesday.
LOST A bill book between
Heppner unU Buster Keitnloy's
home. Finder pleuso leave at
Gazette office und receive reward.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, of
Hard man. are staying in llepp
uer for u few days before con
tinuing their trip to The Dalles
and Cortland for a visit with
friends. Mr. UoberU has in
cently closed out his interests
in Hard man and is looting for a
Willi due Appreciation o( (lie generou
i spouse ol our district to the country's Ap
peal on behalf ol ihe Liberty Loan and the
Red Cioss, wc arc ready to take cate ol the
nr. tls ol our fiictuls ami customer, wheth
er it be the sale -keeping ol hind or the
loaning of binds.
The First National Bank
Ileppner, Oregon
resident of H''ppi.er and hi
friends here w ill hope to hear of , . . ,
' , . . . I . . ml uvioii iiai-n ill. I i-
i ins speeuy recovery.
f Turner, the well
known eye specialist, of
Portland will be m Heppner
again Thursday, dune i, at the
Notice of Thanks
On behalf of the public schools
Calaco Hotel. In lone Wednes
day, Julie L'7. Headaches re
lieved, cross eyes straightened,
satisfaction guaranteed. iVn
suit him. Don't forget the date.
Mru. W. 0 Hill mid two sous.
I wish to thank Mr. and Mrs.
Chill Cohn for the beautiful large
U. S. tlag which they recently
presented to the schools.
H. 11. HOFFMAN. Supt.
can be had by any amlutMu-.
Herman and I reetnati have gone t'nl"K "lun or ""i" i the field
j to Cortland to upend the summer. wf railway or commercial teleg
I with Mrs Hill's mother. Mrs. raphy. We want a number of
F.. .1. Mcl'errtu. and her siter, young men and women to pre
; Mrs. F.tta Littel!. 'pare fortho telegraph serv-
ice to till vacancies caused by
! Wall Paper Bargains uuusual drafting of young men
A large and well assorted tor th Signal Corps Prepare;
stock, purchased before the ad ,l help your count ry. Write to. j
vance in pt ices too' clTect. Near- l '' f"r tM particulars
ly our entire Mock at la! war's T,u' Hailway Telegraph Institute
prices. Case Furniture Co. I i j Col tlaud Vi -x u '
i uivm u
1 pifj s ; V h m
Coming to Heppner
Bigger and Better than Ever
22 CARS 22
Menagerie Biggest and Best in West
GMl Stal Parade n
Wonderful Circus, Active Acrobats
Daring Aerial Artists
Don't forget the Date
Cole Bros. National Favorites