Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 15, 1917, Image 3

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1 X11A1U 11,11 UUlLVJL JLkJ
Oliver ant J0I111 Dee
r riis
Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc.
Van Brunt and Thomas Drills
Bain and Webber Wasons.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines.
In fact with most everything in. the IMPLEMENT line
n mnrmn
Xt K K
xx uwunn
will supply you.
"We have got it will get it or it is not made."
I am County Agent for
1 ton for Ford cars $350
1 1-2 ton for any make of car $550
2 ton for any make of car $600
Prices t, o, b, Heppner, Oregon
Mrs. Robert Mulloy, (if Free j J
water, Oregon, is' here visiting I
her sou and his wife, Mr. and!
Mrs Eli Mulloy. j;
We are proud to say that Lex- j I
iugton was represented ju the ,2
uuto race Saturday and our racer j J
Mr. Scott won second ptize. 2
Mr. and Mrs. C. Leach arej
here visiting relatives. They j 2
came via auto way.
From all reports Lexington
was well repiesented at Rfd
Cross day in Heppner.
Lee Sadler started Monday on
weeks visit to his homestead at
Lake Oregon where his wife and
babies are.
Jim Helms was a Portland visi
tor Monday. Jim recently pur
chased a combine and he was
obliged to go and make final ar
rangements. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burchcll
accompanied by Miss Edna Car
michael started Sunday morning
by auto for a weeks trip to Port
Silas Beach is visiting rela
tives here.
Miss Nettie Davis went to
Portland Tuesday to atteud the
Rose Carnival. She expects to
be goue about a week.
Suuday afternoon witnessed
the culuiiuatiou of a pretty ro
mance when Helen Bauuian,
If you intend to purchase an automobile at any price see
Eight Cylinder Oldsmobilc
two and four passenger roadster, five and seven
passenger touring cars
A High Grade Light Weight Car at a Moderate Price
The Price ranges from $1425 to $1500 at Heppner
The Oldsmobile Company
of Oregon
Harold Colin, Agent, Heppner, Ore.
iPPH von TUD
E. E. BEAMAN, Prop.
Successor to N. A. Clink
Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store 2
We Handle Blacksmith Coal j
in Sacks or Ton Lots. -
All Wood from our Yards will be Sawed for
65 cents per Cord.
Phill Cohn Prizes Awarded
Phil Cohn, head of the Hepp
ner Warehouse, has received a
letter from the Gerlach-Barklow
Co. of Joilet, announcing the
prize wintiers in the "Missing
Title" calendar contest in which
prizes were oflered for the best
title suggested for the painting
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 reproduced on the calendar used
J. D. Baumau, became the bride j last year by Mr. Colin. Two
of Earnest Cbristenseti. The! prizes, a barrel each of White
ceremony at tho home of Uie I 'i'ver ttml Celilo Hour, were uffcr-
bride's parents was performed tsd Mv- Luli" f("' lhe hist and
by Rev. Saddler of the Christian ! Hecolul bebt suggestion. The
church. The bride was taste. ! awards were made by a special
fully gowned in while while the ! committee selected by the tier
groom wore the conventional ! lllcll-Bil1 lil,nv Co -11,15 li, !,t' l,riiW
black. After the ceremony a j "Friends of the Meadow, being
bouuliful dinner was served. , awarded K- 3. Hopkins, of
Many beautiful and useful .res- : Heppner. the second, '-The Trip
cuts were received by the happy I ,,! Alliance," to Jerry Cohn. or
pair. Both are well known, the' lJuie- 1Jdli To Mr folio's
groom having proved himself a sul PlisB tbe wiuuer of second
man of hard working ability audi Priise happened to be his own
320 Acre Wheat Ranch
the bride for a long time has
been selling tickets at the star
theatre in Lexington. All who
kuow them join in wishing them
a long and happy life.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hall have
moved back to Heppner.
Mrs. Wordan, Mrs. C. R.
Poiuter. Geo. McMillan, Mrs.
W. Li. Munthers were all Port
land visitors to the Rose Car
, 3
The above ph tuie represents but one
o rj"" diil' iciit design.-, we uie shutting
in our book of ' 'Beautiful Home.i."
Every design uiul plan the woik of ex
pert.! and not one item in modem con
structii u Las bu n overlooked.
Investigate Our
Free Plan Service
No matter wh.it kind of building you
Lave in iniiiil ll'Piiie, Bun. Silo, (ir.iu
ery. Bui m Sl."d .ill tho p"i .-.itig df
t .i ; , , . f n u w in iwd owl f . r "!.
H i: si.uvii'i; iiepaki me:t i, of
lilituld value t.i Ji.u. - 1 I t in i 1,oo-e
your plans. )i'ir iiii'eiiil, 1,'inparw
a' in. s ii'i'l t :' idea i
Phone : ! -1 1 I. ;i uuu "k
ktio.! " aii 1 will i ill on y.n.
Should be left with W. O. Hill
at the Heppner Loau i Savings
Bank who will receive and ac
count for the same. 3lf
work mules; also some uood work
my place.
tier, Ore. IGtf.
I 1 it...
See these animals at' I'I"9U "":
itv iuivl'ii ii i we oai imeni ine cn.tn
III I Ilrilili.. IH ir l-
U Pain M
Here is a nic.r.n;:ft n
Here is a chance to buy a going wheat ranch at a price that
one year's crop will pay in full. I have three ranches and feel it to
he my patriotic duty to get these farms into cultivation, in view
of the urgent need of the Nation for Bread. I can't cultivate the
other two unless I sell this ranch on account of lack of capital and
insullicient stock and equipment.
This ranch lies 12 miles due North of Lexington, Morrow
county, Oregon, being the East one half of Sec. 215, Township 2
North cf Range 25 East W. M., and in Oregon's Host Wheat P.elt.
There are good producing farina all around this place. The aver
age wheat crop in the United States is 12 bushels to the acre. This
land in this section averages about fifteen. 'Sometimes the crops
run as high as 25 bushels 1 ut 15 is about the ave-iage.
len acres ol this ground is on a rocky side hill and suitable
for nothing but pasture. Forty acres is light sandy soil ami suit
able for rye, the balance is wheat land and lays neatly let el. The
soil is deep and rich and if properly farmed will raise a crop. . 100
acres in Rluestem Wheat seeded this spring on spring plowing.
100 acres more summer fallowed 200 acres ready to seed this Fall
by discing the land in crop this season. Fenced with three wires
on part, balance two wires, new posts well set and fence in good
shape. Four room house, bunkhouse, cellar, well, barn for ten
head of horses, barn for ten head of cows, corral, chicken house.
Splendid crop of potatoes, corn, beans, and other garden varieties
growing. 1 have one sample of w heat over two feet hiuh now
(June 4th). It you think this country won't raise anything come
and look at it and you will change your mind. I expect to get
from my crop this year one half of the price that I am asking for
the land and the improvements, and I have loss than one third of
the place in crop. Will give possession imni"dialely after harvest
possession now. Price of crop
the Heppner Loan i'c Savings to be estimated. There is a farm for sale on half miles vest of
Bank to change its place of bui-; the ranch of 480 acres about the fame finality of land at ltU"Vpor
ness lu Lexington, and to chunge j vxvo. Raw land joining me on tin- flortheast for sab' at $15."" per
the name of the Bank to Lexing acre, others $J0.('. This dace i ; a bargain at the price asked,
ton State Bank. Supplemental j Buy it and 1 w ill move two miles east to my other ranch. Price
lj.11" per acre, no stock or equipment includ' d at this price and
all crops reserved. No trade;; considered, -rl ! l' of pun ha; o
price can stand, balance of $-t M' cah.
Address all inquiries to the owner, C. GUY, WAKFFIFLB.
Lexington, Oregon.
A grand pr'ue of t1'it1. ottered
by the Gerlach-Barklow Co.,
will bo announced later nud will
be published along with all win
uersinilie Review of Reviews
magazine. Mr. Cohn believes
there is a good chance the grand
prize may also come to Heppner,
Lexington to Have New Bank
At a Special Stockholder's
Meeting held last Saturday, it
was voted by the stockholders of or will sell with the crop and gi(
SALE - Twelve good j Articles of incorporation are be
ing filed this week, and iii soon
Here is a nic-.r.n;:ft to
nft"rin uomr.i, (mm
Mrs. K.'thryn l-.'J-.vnrrls,
ot H. F. IJ.4, Wa-J'inKten
Court ! louse, Ohio. I
P'li pUr to tell, arA have
1"ld many vomcn, v.-hat
1 MiftcrTi b lore I knew
ot tardui and the i;re.it
benefit lobe derived tiom
this rcmeily. A tew
yars ao I became rrat-
lir.lllu In- n ore
will be
It is proposed to have a local
Boa id of liireclors and officers
coinliosed of Le.iii"toii bu.,nies
linen and farmers, and to m-
Lm,m, 11, I ,l,ll.,l If, M O'lll ,,
i.T.ooii, V. O. Hill, who La
bel ll l a duel' of tbe Ilcppnei
Loin A Saving-. Bank iiince i!-.
nrgHiii.ti'iii. will L" ' i-ho-r of
the lie ,v ImiiK.
j I ii" cox j
I'ltiir.i uiul lrl i iintlm h'uniiiliiil fur AH Kiinl.i 7 llitiUiutiji.
I 'irr.l Cln. j W iirl: iihi. J
M'jh? (I i'fifrinll if ft ' n ml llirr 'inn )'li If
I jpt I jinn lit III)'
mi;:; and women-i.. you
i want m ij i e money. Ti to l" r
day. all or i-puie time; ea.y con
genial woik light at hour
Wnte today bifuie yourlcni.
tory is gone, J M. ( 'ouglduii,
7l'j Chainbi r o Comiiiei ce, Poll
Und, ( he.
House Moving
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
-T I
The Woman's Tonic
"I v' ery rak,"
Mrs. IS at'is p-i t ci
to lay, "and t'.ul'l n t
ttfKip il'i'ijl I. iii-iin
.'thl p.nn . . . ('ill ir,'
t'ticd to h' ln vi? i;ttti
I hf.itrl off .irJul (Old be -fzn
t' U'e rf it ... I
erjd'.illy ptim-t ry
stre"uitt ... I 8"1 r vv
utile to do r'.l y v oV."
II ixi v.i.1, ii m 4,, hi,- f-il
Ci ! ;i. It l f t ';" i n. bj,T
It cnr mid flui !) ''
!i W ,1 .f Ir'p I' j
joiif, illi !pc(JI!:'LiJy.
Ail DrugrhU lL
n '-A "'LK'i
E. If INIIol;
hi IO: V t I III k
Ibis i-.,'ie ulid it V.ll
Mil" It O o( nil j ene ll '
r La inj; mi e'.d i ,n
h", tl lllf' I Hie I Hit',
i- ad vi i li -.ing
I i pH .ii inn in
lie I.. He,
I in ; I 1 1 in li
Hill iniil'l
a timk (o
ce hi in
lliethol i
Ti in k i hi t he i 'iiiiii:.
I I ii in 1 1 ad - 1 ta1 ion
; i ) 1 1 E - I ' i ing my aii hu-iritlioa-t
my piaiJu" wi'd L':
looki d nl'i r Ir, Pi II 1'. A; i i n
Di N' I. V iiM.41 'I i f
Oill I icsh MchIa dtp li In ,1 in the City. ( )or
I . IfOMuii Cooling Plant s..llirs I if .ll Nwi i t
M at at nil Iiiiii h.
II you for rating inn I lams ntnl 1'iaioii you
V ihi'.v how gooil thry u II yon m- not wc me
bnlll lo ,1114. I'liou'1 U t otlt ordi ft, Y.I- nuaiaulie
entue Mb, .(action.
I 1 Mi
Lor 1 .
M'h 'li i t y I
a' tl.i i.M
l-i J .1
1 ay i""ii
Cilf Meat & Colli Stop Co. I
Johnson Ivros., l'inp-..