HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An lutliinii'lciil, Uunil Ni'ir.-:- Eiitfndut Ihr lit iima Orajitn, I'n::t 0i(Y- an ririiittl-cliir,:; iiKllli'f. Ul D Dnrmll lr Pnknnl nimnlnt iii u. uauaii iui ouuuui uiiowui i At 1V.P parnod solicitation nf'ii Professional Collimn & ::i:::2rsr;:tr?:i:i&:jr. public school, W. r!. Barratt, ness that the spoken word too often fails to uncover. rri - 1 i t i ! ine same mea was urougm, , A, TT ' . . n i t c . i i many patrons of the Heppner twyv-..-rv-: out repeatedly last Saturday dur-! , .. , ,. ., -.-.-wf-wfww : inK the lied Cross rally. While (Inn Year Six Aloulhx Thm- JIAMfs iilir.i i iittni. $i.r, 75 - .rji) FRIDAY, JUKE lb 1917. DUST ! The Bible tells us that "man was made from the dust of the earth" and in another place it tells us that he was sentenced to "till the ground," and dig his living out of it because of his sins. But we have never been able to find it recorded in the scriptures that man was doomed by divine decree to eat dust, drink dust, smell dust, feel dust, sell goods in dust, set type in dust, practice law and medi cine in dust and generally to wallow in dust as the unfortu-! ent, but it only words of praise were heard from townspeople and visitors alike for the parade and other features of the day's entertain ment, on all sides were heard ex pression;! of regret that there was no music that no band was in evidence helping to stir the public soul with strains of patri otic melody. On all sides was heard the remark that the Her ald has been charged with hav ing stereotyped for frequent use "'Heppner needs a band." The suggestion made by Rev. Noyejj.at last Sunday evening's service that the young people and others interested, should or- j ganize a Choral society, indepen ent of any church or other organ ization, but as a strictly commu nity proposition, was a most excellent one. Such an organiza tion would not only prove a di rect benefit in to every individ ual taking part bringing out and cultivating his or her musical tal- would also prove a president of the Board of Educa tion, has consented to become a candidate to succeed himself at next Monday's school election, June 18. Mr. Barratt has made a careful and efficient official in the position he now holds and his re-election by a substantial vote is perhaps not questioned. At least, so far as the Herald is informed, no other candidate for the position has been proposed. Mr. Barratt is a careful and level-headed business man and is also vitally interested in main taining Heppner schools in their present position, as. among the very best in the state. DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON : WfJZ Tf,n S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON nate people of Heppner seem doomed to do this Summer. While the average Heppnerite may not be able to qualify in a select summer school of first class saints the Herald is un willing to believe that Heppner people are so much worse, at this period of the early Summer season, than old Aduni was after the Fall was over, that they are entitled to so much more ex treme degree of punishment for their sins than was Adam for his original transgression. Neither is this medium of intelligence willing to admit that our esteem ed City Fathers are justified in assuming a more austere posi tion, as they sit in authority over the comfort and cleanliness of their fellow townsmen, than did the Jehovah of the ancients as he sat in awful majesty and passed upon the short-comings of of his people. Adam did not even pay for the apples he ate it is even strong ly intimated that he stole them while Heppner people have not only paid for abating the dust nuisance but they have also humbly petitioned those in au thority to spend the money and spend it quick. Why, then, should they be sentenced to the extreme penalty of living in dust, dying in dust as well as most valuable addition to the so cial life and cultural development of the community. No doubt Heppner will have both a band and a Choral society one of these fine days and her "savage breast" will be, there by, properly soothed. CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Church Services. First Mass, 8:00 a.m. Second Mass 11:00 a.m. Evening Devotions 7:30 p.m. Reverend Father O'Rourke. The Federated Church Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Topic of morning sermon, "Thou shult not steal" Evening "Fullgrown Man hood." Christian Endeavor 7:00 p.m. Topic, I'rov. 1: 1-7. H. A. Noyes, Pastor. An Appreciation On behalf of Morrow County Chapter, American Red Cross Society, I desire to tender the thanks and appreciation of those in charge of the Red Cross exercises Saturday, June 9. to all those who assisted in making the day so great a success. To those who assisted with the parade, to the press and to all those who contributed to the success oi tne occasion Dy con tributing either of money, mer chandise, labor or time I wish to express the heartiest apprecia tion of those in charge. ' The work in which we are engaged is for humanity and only the high ideals and noble impulses which actuate the citizenry of Heppner and Morrow county could have made possible the high degree of success we have already attained. Yours in humanity's work, MRS. PHILL COHN, Pres. Morrow County Chapter. DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON wrm rStflY '. j I 5J Ik Latest Novelties in MERICAN IAD LACE BOOTS JUST RECEIVED They are made according to Dame Fashion's latest decree J '.! l (mini atoWjif Come to us for your finest shoes E. N. Gonty Shoe Store Masonic Building Church of Christ Subject of Sunday morning sermon, "(Joel s Husbunury. At the evening service the subject, "The Highest Bidder." will be the themo for discussion. The second annual conveution of the churches of Christ in Kistern Oregon, will be held at Lati rands July fi-H. The regular state convention Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and lONE Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM l VAN VACTOR YTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON will be held at Turner July !2s returning to dust while lucky old ; to August 5. Adam was allowed to slide out . under a sort of suspended sen-j fence and, in elVect, given his j choice of the host farm lands! around the outside of F.dcu. j Chances are that if Adam was to return to this planet 'ind locate in lb ppin r he would Kick up a first t'hhs 1. V. W. riot the first . time lie walked down Main street 1 in a dust slortn. I FOR SALE-320 acres of fine, raw land in Marion county, Ore gon, 10 miles from Silverton. 22 miles from Salem. Best quality soil, lies well, practically all plow land. Running wate for stock on both quarters. Close to macadam road, less than one half mile from railroad. Good school, neighbors improved farms adjacent. Home market for all products of farm at big logging camps farther in interior. Land easily and cheaply prepared for plow. A splended proposition to cue up and sell in smaller tracts or to develop entire. For par ticulars enquiro at tbo Herald office titf T. C. DENNISEE For Fine Up To Dato Homes ARCHITECT and CONTRACTOR HEPPNER, OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. June 1st. 1917. Notice is hereby given that George W. Van Winkle of Lexington, Oregon, who, on March 16. 1914. made Homestead Entry No. 012671 for SW 1-4 NW 1-4. W 1-2 SW 1-4. Sec. 4, SE 1-4 NE 1-4 S 1-2 SE 1-4. NE 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec. 6. NE 1-4 NE 1-4, Section 8, Township 3 South, Range 25 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patter. son, U. S. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on the 12th day of July. 1017. Claimant names as witnesses: Juhn R. Olden, Ilt-nry C. Cay. Lester E. Guy. Ralph L. lienge all oi Meppner, Oregon. 5d8 H. Frank Woodcock. Register. "Ml'SlC HA TH CllMtMS" A w t il Know n I It ppiuT minis ter remarked to tbo w ritcr not l :i ) that "Heppner w not much of u church coine. town on MiMiuu" Sunday cwidnes. While tin' ta'.t ir.el;t i ' no doubt true in a vein ml way, it was not borne out by the attendance at union sen ice la-1 Sunday even ing when the ;-erice Consisted id' a bcautil'i;il rendered sacred I cantata. smur by a specially train-: eil chorus el 1 leppner's best sine; its It in by no means the in tention here to m;c:.:i . t that the sonr m r ice was superior a a religious sen ice or more ii.truc five or uphtiii than the regu lar preaching si r ices in any of our churches; all are e.ood and worthy of the atten.lai.ee and at tention of more of i;s than jjo to hear them, bat the i!, tel. ton is to mint out that pi op!e yencralh low music ai.il Will toicvo many other wavs of .-penduut 1 1 . if Sunday ewn'i i'i erdi r to tivail ti.cm r. i s of its M'otloi e, iiitluenci s. Mu-v breaks into! the inoiieto!i of c t nday lie n'ld brines to ti e s ii face certain ipiailtu s in the l.:tia!t iVmi iolls- j THE MORN PASTIME. SOFT DRINKS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. A Quiet Resort where men may meet their friends and discuss the News of the day. VICTOR GROSIIENS, Pioprietor. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. :ST PHce Undertaking Case Furniture Co. Heppner; Ore Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of J L. Egbert, deceased: by the County Court of Mor row County, Oregon, and that all persons having claims against the said estate arc hereby notitied to present their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned at his office in the store of Egbert & W'adsworth at the town of Irrigon, Oregon, with in six (t) months from the date of this notice. Dated May 25. 1917. M. F. WADSWORTH. Administrator. Irrigon. Oregon. E. If. Ilartwig. Attomey for Lstute, Hood River. Oregon. Date of first publication May 25. 1917, Date of last publication June 22. 1917. Flower gowned. Forest-bound, Rose-crowned, Portlands June 13, M and 15 Brilliant t Instructive Patriotic Excursion Fares via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM OKtUJN WASHINGTON RAILROAD NAVIGATION COMPANY TUkfti on Sl June 13, 13 in, I 14; trtum limited to June iS Win M.M.irai Mini IV -1.1 Ami I .,(,,. . v....n The Eastern Hide and Junlt : Company of Pendleton has a representative in jour city, by name 1). L. I'hillips. You can always reach him by rdioniu to one of the hotels. We buy the following stuff; Mixed iron, nil kinds of hides, ull kinds of ra's, auto casings, ull kinds of rubber, brass and copper and ulso wool We pay the highest price in the Matu of Oregon for this stulT. Mr. I'hillips and this ttlivo will appreciate your patronage, i Kistern Hide and Junk Co., UM ( West KailroaJ street, Pendleton, j Oregon. Telephone Main 4i', 1 Pastern Hotel, Heppner. Ore. )tf I Choice Karly Vermont seed potatoes for sale at Phelps Croc ; ery Company. ltf J I Notice to the Public 1 wih to uuuouiicc to ,u y patrons and friends and the i . . . . .. .. . i i ptunic geueritiiy niai I nate t tiaiigcd my plans in regard to closing ruy business and Ravine Heppner and that I have iKn-ided to remain nere ana cor,ti,ui my .business ns before. 1 wish to ! t ike this cportuntty of thanking I my patrons for pist buMM and courtesies and hope the same pleasant relations between vi ill be conltued in the futjre. :.:'tf PHIL COHN J Heppner. Oregon. May 1. p.' Li". C. H. GOLDSMITH, DEALER IN All Kinds of Fire Wood and Rock Springs Coal. "Best in the West" All orders entrusted to me will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Phone Main 396 or Main 393. THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. The O. K. Restaurant. : A GOOD PLACE 10 EAT. Meals at all Hours 25 cents and Upward. Only White Waitresses Employed. HEPPNER : OREGON. SPORT SHIRTS Up-to-the-minute Ties in all styles and shades Mens Clothing and Furnishings Sam Hughes Co.