I'1 ' NAHM TMPTTaiFI 1 IX IX 1U. 11111 UJJ 111 XJ l L U b' A till Ota an J i Deer Plows Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line 1 MY PRISONER By JAMES BRAINARD LEXINGTON ITEMS Mr. lici t Smith and Miss Etta: jLykos loth well know n Lexing- ton people stole a march on their WEDDING BELLS On Sunday June the third, at nine o'clock a. in. Mr. Ley M. Turner and Mary Ella Coe were SBEB will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made." r Bring in Your Old Ford and we will convert into a onejton truck for S350 - You retain all parts and equipment taken from the car in making the change. 1 111 L. E. H. Kellogg County agent for HENDRICKS TRUCK ATTACHMENT TND E. E. BEAMAN, Prop. Successor to N. A. Chirk Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store We Handle Blacksmith Coal in Sacks or Ton Lots. AH Wood from our Yards will be Sawed for 65 cents per Cord. YOUR ORDERS SOLICITED Tl 9 mm i" t--.. . i.j (t'r i - i- : i-. u- ;;,? STWS" Jv MM LET US QUOTE YOU THE PRICE OF THIS HOME COMPLETE. The ubovc licturo lopresenls but one of Ti'io different designs w' '-' showing in our book of "Heiiutiful Homes " Every design and plan the work of ex perts mid not one item in modern con struction has been overlooked. Investigate Our Free Plan Service m No matter "li.it kind of budding you hive in mind II diio, l!;irn, Sdo. Onm ery. Ibn or b'-d iill 1 1 - I x i de. tuN l.avo be n ttnikid out fur yo'i. (in; service department is of utitnid viilue to you. i. u can id. (mil! your i'l.tti. jmir uu'ei i.d. cm p:i r values and tret idea-. Phone '.; I . I l.avo t mill ' who ktmux" ut.l will (all on you. 0 Mil PIANIHG AND CHOP Hill HEPPNER : : OREGON ec I was walking on a river bank when I saw a rowboat approaching. I was coming from the penitentiary on the other bank and half a mile upstream. Whoever was in it was pulling as for dear life. As soon as he came near enough to me I recognized the stripes of a convict. 1 stood under overhanging trees, and he could not see me. He ran his boat ashore just below where I was and without stopping to make fast pimped out and climbed the bank. There be saw a woman within a few feet cf him. I shall never forget the agonized look on his face, and on seeing me it changed to despair. "For God's sake, help me!" he cried. "I have just escaped from over there. and they'll be after me right away. 1 was put in for a crime I never commit ted. Either kill me or give me a chance. If you tell them which way I go from here they will overtake me and take me back to what is worse than hell to one reared as I was." I looked up into the dense foliage of a tree above where we stood. He took the hint and, giving a jump, caught a lower limb, pulled himself up and dis appeared among the topmost branches. Meanwhile his boat had floated down with the current. I saw another boat shoot out from the penitentiary. It came dashing along, scattering spray with its oars and making directly for the spot where I was. Some one I must have seen the convict laud and have marked the location. The bout's occupunts jumped ashore directly where I stood. Xow, I was not quite up to telling a deliberate lie, but I was willing to look one, especially for a poor fellow fleeing from piison. Before the men had climbed the bank I had turned and was looking southward as If intensely in-, terested In something. When they ap peared behind me I turned toward them. They asked me which way a man in stripes bad gone. I did not reply. But I had Indicated the route he had taken by dumb show, and they set off In that direction. Soon after they had gone the man in the tree called to'suie to ak if they were out of sight. When I told him that they were he came down and, taking my hand, covered it with kisses. Ho was too much moved to say u word. "Go back," I said, "and keep in hid ing. I will get you some clothing." He went back Into the tree, and I went home, caught up some of my brother's old clothes and ran back with them. The prisoner descended and took them In among some bushes, put them on and, rolling his striped suit about a stone, threw it into the river. Then, seizing my hand, he looked a world of gratitude, then went off In a direction opposite the one his pursuers had taken. About a year after this, while looking mer a newspaper, I saw mention of the arrest of an employee of a bank for embezzlement of the bank's funds. The Item went on to say tlmt the same bank hud suffered In the same way ti few years before. An employee bad been convicted of the crime ami bud been Rent to the pi-uilcutlaiy, but had escaped and had not been found. The person now arrested had confessed to having committed both crimes. I certainly had not forg"tten the young man In whose es. apo I bad ns shied. Indeed, I had thought a gieat dtHl about tilui. (.Hie afternoon I was sitting on th.- , porch reading when a motor, ar was driven up to the door and a well dressed young man uliiihtcd and cnine up on to the poo u. I recognized him at once as my c.si aped prisoner. To my surprise, he did not appcur to recog : nlzo mo. He looked at me as tlnuiini trying to discover if he bad seen mo before. "Whom do you wish to see?" I asked him. "A filling lady v. ho assisted a pi is oner to I'hiHk from the ienitcntint,v." "It doc tint secni that she made much of nu Impression on you." "That wm be mine t was so absorbed Id my flight. All my faculties mcic rlvetiij on waking good my '"iiie." "I can understand Hint. Well, I him that girl you are looking for." Hii manner -lrtni.'"d at once. He looked ut me ns though, to ne a :iia doxliul espressloii, III' whs oblivion I to uiv. He win lijlng to remeini r the girl to whom be owed no much. "I have leiirhi-d that you have l i n vindicated," I said. "Yen, thank io(l!" "I ei'iifes I whs linii li pleased when t mw nn Recount of it n a new -uiier." ".My diiiIii ot.Jisf In life now Is to xliow my ippmdatloii, my gmiliude to you for keeping Pie from Lciics sent back to prl"ii. I owe foil mure than my life." "I did not t. ll h He for joii." "Ynt 'ed what tllllde tile fl'e IIIHII." 1 Il took -nt tuiir me and M I in hU utoiy. It n a li-niMliy (Oel nl'lll"d to melt I tin slolile.t heart I doii'i know whether I win more iii y H l by M ow ii miffi'i biK "r thoe of Ids jt Q motbiT, wh"" health wb broken d.i n 'I'JA by her "tra misfortune I listened I T. I . .. ... . .. .. . .. it - i wnn kis-ii ti n i'T i ne inciiiion oi ii j wp't!imrt, hut If there 8one he dl I t not sp ak of her. j The re.f of my tory It by no tnenn etfrnoidlnary. My ptlknner run tiice ( become my pHa'tirr for life. At b ni ' that l the war he pn' It. II- " re atored to hia nriirlnal po-i'lon In the hank. Indemnlfed aa far aa l.e for wtnt h had auffcre'l and la now j l! vl. i realdent. many iriotnU and wore uiotly j united in the matrimonial bonds, married in IU'iiiukt on last Sat- the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. urday. ! W. Turner, Turner R MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Hreshears made ! ollieiating. a trip to Kehot'regon Sunday go-j The groom is well known in ing in their auto. They were ! the community and is the son of accompanied by Mrs. biesliears i sister Mrs. Mulligan who took the train from there to Walla Walla. Lsxington has been quita a busy little town witn t lie election on Monday and registering on Tues day. We tiever tbot there were so many ueuiile in Lexington vicinity. Mr. aud Mrs. 1J. J. Brown were auto passengers to Condon on Tuesday where they expected to attend the races. Miss Hodge wf. Lebanon visited wilh Mrs. May Porter awhile aud then went to work at Lane's restaurant. James Slocktird and family left last Saturday for a -1 weeks visit in Billings, Mo. They left Mr. Scheiich in charge of the ranch. Mrs.luna Gilbroath retimed to her bmne al Dayton Washing ton, ller brother Niel White took her to Staulield by auto on Sunday morning. Lexington was shucked on Monday evenir.g when they learned of the sudden death of Mrs. Mildred Peck at Pendleton wife of Geo. Peck. Mr. Peck certainly has the sympathy of the Lexington people, iii this, his hour of great sorrow. The body was taken to Ueppcer Tuesday evening and interment was made from there. B. F. Swuggart had the mis fotuno to lose a stack of w heat in iuafire which also destroyed: the separator, w bile he was hav ing bis threshing done. The cause of the lire wns unknown. A number of Lexington penple went to Arlington hist Sunday to see the high water there. Word was received that daugh ter was burn to Mr. and Mrs. Rounds of Spokane Wash. Mrs. Rounds was formerally Miss Anna Ferm aud was one of Lex ington's popular teachers a year! ago. j Patrick Counoll who has been woi king for J tines ('arty stopped in Lexington awhile mi Wed lies- j day on his way to lkppuer. i ! Mrs. W. P. McMillan is vi.il-' ing her molher Mrs. Wilinol of! Selhvood Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner. The bride is also well known, having been a teacher in the Heppner schools for some time. Just preceding the ceremony Mrs. Dr. Vaughan sang, "I love you truly." Following the song the young people marched into the parlor to the strains of a wedding march, played by Mrs. Virginia Turner. After the words which united the happy couple were spoken and congratulations received, Mrs. Frank Turner sang, "My Lover is a Weaver." A dainty lunch was served and Mr. and Mrs. Loy M. Turner started by auto to Pendleton to spend a few days of their honey moon, They will make their home in Heppner where their many friends hope they will spend many happy anct prosperous years. The following guests present: Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner, Mr. and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Dr CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Church Services. Sunday, Juue 3 First Mass. 8:00 a.m. Second Mass 11:00 am. Evening Devotions 7:.')0 p.m. Reverend Father O'Rourke. The Federated Church Sunday School 9:15 a. m. Topic of morning sermon. "Divine Protection for the Fam ily." In the evening union service at which the sacred Cantata, "The Rolling Seasons" will be given by a community chorus. Christian Endeavor at 7:00, subject "Loyalty," leader Loa Briggs. II. A. Noyes, pastor. Church of Christ Subject of sermon at Christian church Sunday morning, "Keep ing up steam:" There will be no preaching service on Sunday evening, but the public is cordially invited to hear the musical cantata to be held as a union service at the Federated church at 8 p. m. Notice The Committee in charge of the arraugomeuts for the Red were , Cross meetings to be held next. Saturday desire that all citizens McCarty, of lloppnei 'attend both I he morn- Vaughan, Mr. i ing and afternoon meetings, but and Mrs. Frank Turner, Mr. and; realize that it will not be conveu- Mrs, Jesse Turner, Miss Casey, Pruitt Cox, Mrs. Eva Crawford, Harry Turner, Sam Turner, John Turner, Anita Turner, Miss Lena Mize and Miss Muriel McCarty. GUEST. Married at the oflice of the County Clerk by Turner B. Mac Donald, Monday June the fourth. Charles Wesley Ranch, and Emma Clark. The newly mar ried pair will make their home in Portland. FOR RENT Barn for 2 or .') horses with plenty bay room. Enquire at this ollicu. tf ieut for the business houses to close in the forenoon. In order that all may attend In the after noon, it is therefore suggested that all places of business be closed at uoou and remain closed until tho close of thu at'ternooii program, which will be about ! o'clock. 1, therefore, respect fully request all the business houses to close at noon on Satur day. June II, and to remain closed until the close of the afternoon program. S. E. Notson, Mayor. MEN AND WOMEN Do you want more money, V.) to $10 per day, all or spare time; easy con genial work right, ut home. Write today before your terri tory is gone. J. M. Cougblnn, 7J"i Chamber of Commerce, Port land, Ore. FOR SALE - Twelve good work mules; also some good work horses. Sec those animals at my place. GUY UOYHU, Hepp ner, Ore. - I'itf. Mrs. A.' V.. McHrido was down from Slocum's Mill Tuesday buying supplies etc. Mrs. Mc Hrido and her husband have re cently settled in Unit section .ind expect to locato a homestead tod make an ideal mountain home there. They tiro recently from Leuisloii, Idaho, and are delight ed with Morrow county as place of residence. Marriage License Record The "Cupid" clerk in County Clerk Waters cilice has been having a rather busy time of it the past week, the following couples having filed their inten tion to "commit matrimony." ' Guy N. Corey and Edith Evan geline Doble, both of lrrigon. Loy M. Turner and Mary Ella Cw, both of Heppner. Otha C. Stephen:!, and Ruth C. Ruy, both of llardinan. Albert Smith and Etta A. Clark, both of Lexington. ('has Wesley Kaiirli, of Port land, Emma Clark, of ll"ppniT. BELGIAN RELIEF FENDS Should lie li ft wilh W. . Dill at the Ih'piuicr Loan A Savings Hank who will receive and ac count for the same. ill f Keep Clean Kcrp clean inside, as wc'l ;ir out idc. Do not allow food por-ons to (' -cnmul.tie in yonr bowel:, II'.m'Jj lie, il f.'s-n ol s'.ll poiinnini.',, will point iiumcrjii-i oilur tionbies which aie T.urc t' lo'li v. Keep younell veil, thousands t others d , by t.ikiii:;, when needed, a llrjiC or t .vo f't IPC old, reliable, vegetable, l.inli ly liver ii cdmnc, Black-Braiigl!! Mr-.. f-Vi ( ) MW.llOl' H. if l!lrdi(.i. Ivtn , n ' lite k - I )l Mi;:'d Ciur I j j it'C id C'lnMii'.iii'm ol I I ) ) "311 !-! iiolnij!, w li'i II V H lllllIU' I .1.1 I)' 1 II 'Ib'e I'J fj li !p. I v : .(' o A 'i ivf hi Mon''" Il tiotibV . . . I vciylliiii.: I a1'.1 v 'Mil I Hour on my t i c i." It. I iced ( a) r k n c (-1 LLuk-Dt.' t. nt. c -I "il !, be Lies id H h i a b ' riven n." I'lok lriu;:M iboitl h: '1 pur 1 "!. i 9 I i" 1 - -. (,i':,y. 1 1 x Ga"r ti.-i I a ' ' 13! r; n It All Di rut 1 1' l t ii ii J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and liUILDKR 'hum ami l:'ntimitrn Fiiniixlinl fur All IuikIh of UtiililiiKju. Firxt CIhxh Work (nln. Make ti Xirriitlhi uf nil liner 'iu ;ii If Htiiiniii til for House Moving Quality, Service & Sanitation Our I'resli Meat arc the best in tin C'ily. Our l.xlcii .ion Cooling PI. in! U'.:,UM s I rcsb Swrel Meat ut till timcti. II you are caliiiK our 1 1. inc. and Pi.iion you knoiv bow yood lliry lire. II you tin- not we re bolh losing. I 'hone us your orders, mc guarantee entire satisfaction. Citf Meal ii Coli SturaoDB Co. i A I Johnson Ilros., Props.