Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 01, 1917, Image 3

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John Deer Ptas
i w
Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc.
Van Brunt and Thomas Drills
Bain and Webber Wagons.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines.
In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line
gilliam k mm
will supply you.
"We have got it will get it or it is not made."
Leua Suell SUurte.
Application blanks for member-
Examinations for State certili j
cates will be held at the county j J
seat of each county on June 27, J
28, 21). and 30, 19l7. Following);
is the program: i
Notice is hereby Riven that the j
l1?.!0 I lXTJrZ. ! County Superintendent of Mor-
Bring in Your Old Ford
and we will convert into a one-ton truck for
S350 -
You retain all parts and equipment taken from
the car in making the change.
E. H. Kellogg
County agent for
E. E. BEAMAN, Prop.
Successor to N. A. Clark
Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store
We Handle Blacksmith Coal
in Sacks or Ton Lots.
All Wood from our Yards will be Sawed for
65 cents per Cord.
a wisest &EESSEa&QessiettfgtBG3Q
L. 0E i -' I r-' - it,',
R.. TI
1- '
Tho ubovo picture represents but one
of L"0 dilleietit designs we are showing
in our book tit "Ucuutiful llotiies."
Every design and plan the work of ex
perts and not one iltiu iu modern ton
structiiu has been overlooked.
Investigate Our
Free Plan Service
I-Tii matter v b.it kind of building you
hive in iiiinil Home. Dun, iid'i, ir;m
ery. I'.iii'ir Nle d all the peipl.'Mng de.
t.ii',. hr bi II Worked out fo Juti.
on: M.Kvici; dituut.mknt u of
untold value to yon. Vhj t an thooM!
your pl.inv your material, compare
valuut ai.d t'ft ideas,
riione L'd.il. I Lau a mm ".U.o
Lew -." an l v. ill .ill on you.
urnnvTiM) . rM I?r?rXT
elation can be obtained from Mr.
K. Notson or from the County School
Superintendent. Every teacher who
is interested iu the advancement of
the profession must necessarily be
interested in the welfare of the asso
ciations or organizations having as
their purpose the building up of the
profession. Every teacher should
carry a membership in the state
teachers association, the national
teachers organization, and the or
ganization representing the particu
lar phase of educational work in
which he or she may be interested.
Each has a distinct purpose; each can
accomplish for the profession some
things which the others cannot; and
each will bring to the individual
member benefits different from those
derived from the others.
In a few days Enlistment Blanks
Oregon Branch, Boys' Working Re
serve, will be in this office. Teach
ers having boys who wish to enroll,
kindly let me know at once how
many blanks you will need, so that I
may send them to you as soon as they
reach this office. Others who wish
to enlist may apply at this office. The
enrollment includes boys from 16 to
21 years of age.
In the Oregon Memorial Annual
for 1917 are the following rules for
Flag Etiquette:
1. Iu no case should the flag he
permitted to touch the ground, nor
should it be marred by advertise
ments, nor desecrated on the stage.
2. For indoor decorations the
flag can only be used as a drapery;
it cannot be used to cover a bench or
table, or where anything can be plac
ed upon the flag.
3. No words, figures, pictures or
marks of any kind should be placed
upon the flag.
4. When our national flag and
state or other flags fly together, or
are used in decoration, our national
flag should be on the right.
5. Whenever possible the flag
should always be allowed to fly in the
breeze from a staff or mast, but if it
should be necessary to fasten it to the
side of a building or platform, it
should hang with the blue field at the
upper left hand corner.
If hung where it can be seen from
both sides, the blue field should be
toward the east or north.
6. The correct salute to the flag,
as required by the regulations of the
United States army is:
Standing at attention, raise the
right hand to the forehead over t lie
right eye palm downward, fingers ex
tended and close together, arm at an
angle of forty-five degrees. Move
hand outward about a foot, with a
quick motion, then drop it to the
7. The oath of allegiance to the
flag, adopted by the N. S. D. A. R.,
and by our military schools, the Boy
Scouts and other organizations, and
which should be taught in all our
public schools, is:
8. When the colors are pa.if.ing
on parade or iu review, the r.pi'c'ator
should, if a man or boy, stand at at
tention and uncover.
When the "Star f'paunled Ban
ner 13 played, all present should re e
and stand at attention until the end
10. When the flag is displayed at
half mast, for mourning, it Is lowered
to that position from the top nf the
staff. It Is afterward hoisted 0) the
top before It Is finally lowered.
11. When used on a bier or a car,
ket at a funeial, the stars should be
placed at the head.
12. Our mriht Important holiday;!
(when the flag should be displayed
in full Btaff ) are :
Lincoln's Birthday, February 12;
Washington's Birthday, Fcbruai y -J;
Memorial Day, May 30; Flaw Day.
"June 14; Independence Day, July 4;
Star Spangled Banner Day, Septem
ber 14, and State Day.
The graduating exenlsfs of the
Hardman High School were held in
the church on Thursday. May loth.
This wad the first event of It'i kind in
the lilhtory of the school, and re
fleets great eredlt upon Mr. lleiimrd
I'ehr, principal of the uiIkhiI. TIiI;;
I:i Mr. I'thr'u third year at Ihirdimoi.
and the school linn made i lib. tuntliil
progress under liU tllii lent maiiagu-
The rostrum was beautifully deco
luted In the clas colciit.
'I lie" members of the ki ndiiHtinx
class were the Ml sen L, Mm i
Gaunt, Nellie M. Wrlnh'. Venn V
M'arty, and Ivan II. Lf-atheu.
The progiani con.st:-ted nt a ie l,i
tlon and : aa by the Junior la
mid ,-, by the KraduHtliiK i In
Mli-H Lealheiii renderd thuhetl;.
fereiiHile and B' roinpunh l l
Mr. Pehr on the clarionet. 'I hi; v h
receive dwlth gnat applau-e. Mi
Marlon Lone of lleppir. uio:
l.'auUf'il folo, playing her uv n a
lenipatiiin" nt.
Mr. II. J. Hoi k' nhero . of I'm'
Und. f urmall v hiiperlnO ml' nt 'if th'
I.h Grand" n Intnl. d' lnen d a M'h H
did B'Mre;':, imt to thl:i alone,
bill t' dp pupil ; lit the i nllio hool
Mr. Gfi. l;lHkiiin, rlmli nun "I
the H hold teilird, ir i.i lilrrl (.lie dip
I'iiiih t to tin- i Ih III , t ilk v a
I ho'li liilretlii ill'! l i Hit'
j A f"'v feniurk" liv the ( 'Minify I-up
erlntriidi tit l'i-'d t!i or' .mm
i We vere then "irt'd to fie n-I
il"ll0". lull WhlTfH MII!lltU'HI . Iin
'I net it i i prend for t h" pun lit . of 1 'h
; i U r., the b( liool board, 1 1' ak' f i and
vi. itur.
row county, Orepon, will bold
the regular examination of ap
plicants for State Certiiicates at i
Heppner as follows:
Commencing Wednesday. June
27, 1917, at lJ;U0 o'clock a. m.,
and contining until Saturday,
June 30, 1917, at 4:0(3 o'clock
p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
U. S. History, Writing, (Pen
manship), Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Afternooon
Physiology, Reading, Manual
Training, Composition, Domestic
Science, Methods in Reading,
Course of Study for Drawing,
Methods in Arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of Educa
tion, Psychology, Methods in
Geography, Mechanical Draw
ing, Domestic Art, Course .of
Study for Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammar, Geography Stenog
raphy, American Literature,
Physics, Typewriting, Methods
in Language, Thesis for Primary
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthog
raphy (Spelling), Pliysical Geog
raphy, English Literature, Chem-.
istry, Physical Culture.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology, Algebra,
Civil Government.
Saturday Forenoon
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday Afternoon
General History, liook keeping.
Very truly yours,
Supt. of Public Instruction.
Teachers wishing the sources
of questions for this examination
may get them by calling on or
writing to the County School
Superintendent. 3d 1
The Palace Hotel management wishes to
announce to its patrons and friends that
on and after June 2, 11)17. the Hotel Lob
by will be in what was formerly the bar
room. The entrance will be in the front
of the Hotel instead of the corner. The
side door will be closed. The Grill will
have an entrance from the side street so
that patrons may enter and leave the
Grill without passing through the Lobby.
Music by Parson's Orchestra
during the Dinner and Supper hours on
June 2 at which time we will appreciate
the opportunity of showing the people of
Heppner and Morrow county some of our
recent improvements which we believe
will prove a benefit not only to ourselves
but to the general public as well.
We extend a cordial invition to one and
all .
By J. L. WILKINS, Mgr.
Enlistment Still Open
I'ostuiaster Kichardson au
thorizes the statement that en
listment iu the army and navy
is Dot closed on account of the
passage of the couscription law.
Aoy man who is eligible cau en
list in either branch ol the serv
ice at any time. Mr. Kichard
son believes tu&t a wrong im
pression has gone out in regard
to this matter which has bud a
quieting effect ou the number
of enlistments repotted lately.
Should be left with W. O. 11 1 11
at the Heppner Loan it Savings
Hank who will receive and ac
count for the same. 3tf
E. l.icaumii and E II. Kel
logg returned fmiii I'oitland
Sunday bringing with Ihcm n
new truck wbich Mr. IJeanuui
will use as a delivery truclt flu
ids wood business.
FUR RENT Hum for t or
horses with plenty bay mom.
Enquire at this ollice. tf
want more money, 5 to per
day. all or spare time; easy cuii
genial work right at bonu.
Write today before your terri
tory is gone. .1. M. Cougblati.
7J5 Chamber of Coiiiuh ice, Port-
laud, ( Ire.
Dr. Turner, the woll
known eye specialist of
Portland, will be ut the Palace
Hotel. Heppner, Thursday, June
7th, iu lono Friday, Juno Hth
Dr. Turiitfi- is a specialist of ex
perieiieo and standing, lie is a
graduate and has a degree from
tbd Northern Illinois College ol
Chicago, with morolban l!0jcai;.
practical cApiJiicnce at your
service. This U no side lino for
Dr. Turner duvotes bis entire
lime, energy and effort exclu
lively to the eye, and you will
make no mistake iu consulting
him about your eyes and glasses
Headaches relieved, cross eyes
I straightened, satisfaction guar
anteed. Ho makes no charge
for consultation or examination.
Consult him. Don't forget the
! date. 3d
Catholic Church Services.
Sunday, June 3
First Mass, 8:00 a.m.
Second Mass 11.00 a.m.
Evening Devotions 7;30 p.m.
Reverend Father O'Rourke.
The Federated Church
The church services and the
Sunday school will be combined
next Sunday morning iu a Child
ren's Day program. Children
will come at 9:45 as usual ami
the program will start at 10:30.
These services are always spec
ially attractive and we invite
parents and all interested iu the
school to be present.
lliemo for tlio evening scr
uiou ''With Cod all things are
possible," a study.
Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p.
m. Topic 'Hible Study Habits"
leader, Norton Winnard.
II. A. Noyes, Pastor.
Church of Christ
The moi iiiiig service Sunday
will be a Child l ens Day service.
I n connection wil b it, I hero will
lien slioit picture sermon on
Little I'm.'.c:,."
In tlio evening tile sulijecl dis
cussed will be: "Im it easier to
serve tin- Devil than to sc I e
II S. N'eel, prominent t.toiU
iniwi of tbu Lone Rock country,
was iu town over .Sunday acting
as guardian for bis neighbor
(ieorge Perry who cauin iu lo
make liis liibt visit to lb ppner
iu uliiiost a week.
$ai Condition of Indiana Lady
Before Beginning to Take
Card-u-i, ilia Wcman't
! I'lnnmiiid l:'ntinmtin I'urv'wlitd for All Kimln of lUuhlhiu. I
l'i rut CIhxh Work Only.
i ,
FOR SALi: Tw.he uo.il
work mules; also sotne g'el v. ork
horses. Sec tln.su anim.iJs at
my pla.e. GUY POYLR, 11 w
n-r. Ore.-Mtf.
Kokomo, bid. --.Mrs. II. H-mkemcif r,
ol thistov.n, My. "I loolc bo well, and
nm so will, tli d It do;.-, not sctin as il I
ever needed C-mliil. I'ul I was not al
ways this wny ... I I liave tiikcn a
Jozcn bellies . . . before 117 Mule f'.irl
I was feeling dre ulliilly b.'.d, Ind head.
aclic, b.Kkrcle, f .it my M'nn." 11, n
'.-nr-rry ... I was very imt ible, loo, mid
I b' ;,ail l;ikiiik! Crn'm about ( month
U-iore my bi'iy c Hi.c. A a n .till all J
hose had Iftlei::'. I it in", sec' I j.i.l lell
,;rand, ju I a . il n lliii i at a'l -v.11 lb .
n'.illcf, ami when 1'ie rnd came I w& J
kitdly tk at a'l,
Since It M I I ?', e t"-. t likfn O-h'i
a! aM . . . It b l' d'itif ti. ; K'-o'l, an'' I
; row it m1! lit ' p oilier:-, it lb' ) ni'l only
try it.' ,
Many wo i'fn bv, e wiitt'-n yM-Ut kt-
f-isbke Ibe aly.-.e, telling r. tMc g'.'i . ,
hat 'w.iri.;i bad' ne tbr-n. Why fcli'.uM J
I ivA help you, '.-yt II )oii fcuikr lion
inycl Ih: ailtir nt. iotoimnon lo woinrn. ,
and k-il Ibe nc.d (,l a rile, re', 'b e, J
'.rengtbcnini; tonic we uf;;e ou lobe- i
today and i'l'-'e Canlm a Ijir t' t..t . ! J
Your Oealer tell Ca; J u-i. Lit l'J
J Mule a Siircinltu of awl lime rt'iinlr
,'( ioif nt lor J
5 House Moving
Ouality, Service ;
& Sanitation I
Our I rcf.li Meal arc tl I in tin City. )nr
I'.xlcnsion Coolm I'Unt :,iiii i I n idi bwi t
Mc-.it at all linn .
II you are eating 0111 I lain 1 ninl ll.uon y
know bow (oo'l they f. II yon arc not we arc
both I'K.in. I'lionc u: mr oid ts, wc goal .oil f
r nlire k,ih ,l,n lion.
QU Meal k W Stop Co.
Johnson Uros., Props.