Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 25, 1917, Image 4

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Mrs. Tom Deen was iu Iroin
Hardman Sunday.
Noruiau Florence, of upper
Willow creek, was in the city
yesterday on business.
Ross Langdon, employed in
the Forest service, was in Hepp
ner yesterday,
Walter Crosby was down from
his Willow creek home yester
County Judge Patterson and
Gouury Commissioner Currin
visit fed the frtmous"banaria hell"
section Wednesday looking over
county roads.
Mr. and Mis. H. N. Swank,
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Veghte and
11. llolbiook. were Morgan visit
ors in lleppuer Saturday and
Sunday. They were called here
as witnesses in the coroner's in
quest into the death of U.S.!
W. I?. Tucker and wife, of
Hand hollow, were in lleppner
W. 10 (Hilly) O'Kourke, well
known young man of Heppner,
who has been iiMhe hospital for
several weeks suffering from
rheumatism is able to be on the
streets again.
Tom Iloss, Echo wool buyer,
whs in the city Saturday
Oscar IJorg, Lien Patterson. H.
II. Hoffman and Jim Wilson mot
ored to Condon Sunday to try
conclusions with the Condon
Gun club at the traps. Needles
to say the Heppner delegation
upheld the honor of their town
and club in good shape.
NOTICE During my absence
in the east mv practice will be
looked after by Dr. H. T. Allison.
Dr. N. E. Winuard. 3tf.
O. M. Wh'ttington, accompan
ied by Mrs. Whittington, were
in from their ranch home Friday.
The storv recently in circula
tion that Miss Jessie Vickers
had committed suicide at Enter
nrise, Oregon, seems to have
been without foundation. C. J.
Thornton in form's the Herald
that he recently received a letter
from Miss Vickerswritten from
Kansas where she is living with
her family.
WANTED By man and wife,
job through harvest, woman as
cook, man as combine driver, or
would consider steady job the
year around. Capable of takin
full charge of wheal ranch hav
ing had 20 years experience on
same. References if desired.
Call this office. 3d4
II. Roland, a Condon garage
man, was in the city Saturday.
H. E. Dodson, a railroad wan
of lone, was in town Saturday.
Not gone or going but here to
stay. Permanently located at
Heppner, Oregon. Dr. D. R.
Haylor, eye specialist. 49tf
T. J. Mahoney was in the city
yesterday from Portland looking
after business affairs.
FOR SALE Twelve good
work mules; also some Rood work
horses. See these arjimals at
my place. GUY BOYER, Hepp
ner, Ore. 46tf.
F. P. Nutting, formeily pub
lisher of the Albany Democrat
and one of the best known news
paper men in the Willamette
valley, was in lleppner ever
Sunday on business. Mr. Nut.
ting is now employed in the U.
S. revenue service.
Sam E. Van Vactor and family
and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spencer
enjoyed a motor trip to Condon
last Sunday. They report the
roads in fine condition. The
only complaint tiled by Mr. Van
Vactor is that he found rather
more roads on the trip than he
really needed.
Now is the time to get a new
Spring Bonnet. Every one re
duced in price at Mrs. F.
Luper's. Id3
: j Our Cakes and Crackers
5 We handle and recommend:
When you want the best crackers
j Snowflakes !
Phelps Grocery Co.
Application for
Prating '. 1-i per cent inteiest
Income lax exempt
Received in id handled lice ol ihame ly
The First National Bank
I leppner, Oirjion
W. P. Scrivner has sold a
threee-bottom Rurnely Oil Pull
tractor to Theodore Anderson,
of Eightrnile.
Should be left with W. O. Hill
at the Heppner Loan & Savings
Bank who will receive and ac
count for the same. 3tf
Dr. N. E. Wiunard left for the
east Tuesday evening for an in
delinite stay during which he
will visit the famous Mayo hos
pitals at Rochester, Miunesola,
where he will take a special
course iu advanced surgery. He
will also visit other hospitals
during his trip and expects to
acqnire many valuable ideas
along the most advanced lines of
his profession. Dr. Winnard
will be accompanied on the trip
by Dr. Chick, of lone, who goes
on a similar mission.
Honor Pupils Burton Valley
Following is u list of "Honor
Pupils," those neither absent
nor lardy during the past month
at Burtou Valley school:
Alice Mc Daniel, Dollie. Elmer.
Earl, Iris Musgrave, Alvin Mc
Cart.y, Thomas MeOarty, Madge
Osboin, Sidney Osborn, Helen
Osborti, Victor Johnson, Marion
Haydeu, Ehvood Hastings.
Antia Heiny.
Crops Looking Fine
Farmers report crops looking
liue all over the county. The re
cent tine rams keep the ground
well supplied with moisture and
the indications now are good for
another excellent crop.
Rains are somewhat delaying
shearing operations but the lleec
os lire said to bo of extra quality
and weight.
We have the materials for making them.
Come in and examine it.
Stripes, Polka Dots and Fancy Figures
in a good assortment of colors.
Snort Sis are all i Yope Just Nw
and who wants to be behind the times?
Certainly none of our Heppner ladies,
so we are ready to serve them in their
We also have the Sport Hat to match your
Suit. Don't forget to ask about them.
And the young girls-They were
not forgotten in this new creation.
We can please them with many
beautiful things suited to their needs.
Come in girls and look at our new
ribbons. We have just what you
Dry Goods Department ,
Fair Grounds, Heppner
S. P. GarriKiis Passes
S. IV (iariigus, it former resi
dent of Heppner and a heavy
property owner here, dropped
dead ou the sheet in lVitlund
yesterday mm nine according to
advices recoiled here at noon.
He leaves a widow and one son,
Percy Gai rumis, Ifoth of w hoiu
reside in Portland.
! A H rroir
am of Eflucatiou ant Mcilaiiiiiit
Real Lstale Transactions
An important real estate deal j
was closed Mondav whereby I tan
Hanshew, a w ell known fanner
of the P.lackhorse district, sold:
his fine ISO -acre u heat faun to
Kdkrar Stevens, of Portland, the '
consideration heinn l.tW. The
deal included stock, implements 1
J j and crops. i
! K. M. Moriison. who has heen i
! fanning in the Willamette valley i
J i for sev eral u ars will operate ,
the propel ty. He U already on
I , the ground and in chaise of the
J ! farming operations. '
i Mr. llaoshew expects ti locate
on a small tarm in th W illam-
J ette v alloy hut t'eloi o doin so I
she expect to ? pond some timet
visiting his old home in the ast.
J; Mr. Mi'iri-on w a piotussiic.J
! farmer ami w ill ix d.n.ht prove
' a successful farmer and i ahtahle
citi.en. .2
Parson's Novelty Orchestra of Portland will furnish
music during the day. They are worth coming miles to hear
Hear a thorough discussion of the
Road Bonding Issue
Prominent Speakers will talk on both sides of this im
portant question. All measures on Special Election Ballot
will be discussed and explained.
Notitr to Water and Light t'scis
Tlieie will ho no reduction in ,
.iter and liht till when service.
j Hi lint 111 U-l, tlldt !4 lint ICO IS
jtuin the cmiip.tiiy at the tune
service it d wO'iitinin d
I Heppiitr l.'U A Pnwcrl'o
ii'dn M.tV i. r.'t:
Dinner on Grounds at Noon
Everyone is invited to come with a well filled basket
to enjoy a day of education and recreation.