Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 25, 1917, Image 3

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j Ofc ant JoM Deer Plows j
Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc.
Van Brunt and Thomas Drills
Bain and Webber Wagons.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines.
In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line
will supply you.
"We have got it will get it or it is not made."
Necessities of War.
When Lloyd George In England un
dertook to organize the ministry of
munitions a glazier began to stamp
out cartridge dips; a rniiuufnoturer of
music rolls used his equipment to make
gauges; a concera engaged before the
war in preparing Infants' food began
delivering plugs for shells; an adver
tising agency manufactured shell ad
apters; watchmakers began adjusting
fuses; a manufacturer of baking ma
chinery became a contractor for six
Inch high explosive shells: a jewelry
house devoted Itself exclusively to
periscopes: a phonograph concern sent
millions of delicate shell parts to the
assembling stations; a firm which
made nothing but sheep shearing ma
chinery sturted turning out shell cases;
a cream separator factory manufactur
ed shell primers. Among other pro
ducers of finished shells were candle
makers, flour mills, tobacco manufac
turers, syphonmakers and the manu
facturers of sporting goods. World's
Bring in Your Old Ford
and we will convert into a one-ton truck for
- S350 -
You retain all parts and equipment taken from
the oar in making the change.
E. 11. Kellogg
County agent for
Stocking the National Parks.
The United States is carrying on a
very Interesting work In exchanging
the wild animals of one region for those
of others transplanting elk and deer
and Rocky mountain bighorns from
regions In the t'nited Slates where
they are plentiful to others where, so
far ns known, they have not lived.
Some of the animals are being shipped
long distances, says the Popular Sci
ence Monthly.
Wyoming Is full of elk. The herds
In the Jackson Hole country are the
largest of any of North American wild
animals since the days of the countless
buffaloes. But the big Yosemite Na
tional park of California, with Its
three-quarters of a million acres, un
til recently had no elk, or at least only
a very few scattered specimens. But
the elk shipped In from Wyoming have
become very much at home and are
breeding and multiplying rapidly, add
ing to the charm and plcturesqueness
of this popular national playground.
m m w
E. E. BEAMAN, Prop.
Successor to N. A. Clark
Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store
We Handle Blacksmith Coal
in Sacks or Ton Lots.
All Wood from our Yards will be Sawed for
65 cents per Cord.
Love and Marriage.
"First love is very apt not to be the
lasting love," said Dr. Antoinette Koui
kow, speaking at the Boston School of
Social Science.
"Young lovers try to excuse all the
faults of the loved one because they
are not In love with the Individual, but
with love. Hence they may not choose
the partner with whom they will Cud
Iheir happiness in later years. Many a
man and woman is glad by middle age
that the first love was frustrated.
"Marriage should bo based on love
alone or It 13 immoral, and some change
Is necessary if marriage is to be saved
from degradation. Ileal love always
makes people better. Romantic love Is
the source of all the best things lu life
the foundation of all the aits. And
Individual happiness makes up the hap
piness of the race." Boston Tost.
Examinations for State ivrtiti
cates will be held at the county
seat of each county on June 27.
28, 20, and 30, 1'JiT. Following'
is the program:
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Mor
row county, Oregon, will hold
the regular examination of ap
plicants for State Certificates at
Heppner as follows:
Commencing Wednesday. June
27, 1917, at 9:00 o'clock a. m.,
and confining until Saturday,
June 30, 1917, at 4:00 o'clock
p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
U. S. History, Writing, (Pen
manship), Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Afternooon
Physiology, Reading, Manual
Training, Composition, Domestic
Science, Methods in Reading,
Course of Study for Drawing,
Methods in Arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of Educa
tion, Psychology, Methods in
Geography, Mechanical Draw
ing, Domestic Art, Course of
Study for Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammar, Geography Stenog
raphy, American Literature,
Physics, Typewriting, Methods j
in Language, Thesis for Primary
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthog
raphy (Spelling), Physical Geog
raphy, English Literature, Chem
istry, Physical Culture.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology, Algebra,
Civil Government.
Saturday Forenoon
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday Afternoon
General History, Bookkeeping.
Very trulv yours,
The Palace Hotel management wishes to
announce to its patrons and friends that
on and after June 2, 1917, the Hotel Lob
by will be in what was formerly the bar
room. The entrance will be in the front
of the Hotel instead of the corner. The
side door will be closed. The Grill will
have an entrance from the side street so
that patrons may enter and 4eave the
Grill without passing through the Lobby.
Music by Parson's Orchestra
during the Dinner and Supper hours on
June 2 at which time we will appreciate
the opportunity of showing the people of
Heppner and Morrow county some of our
recent improvements which we believe
will prove a benefit not only to ourselves
but to the general public as well.
We extend a cordial invition to one and
By J. L. WILK1NS, Mgr.
Memorial Day
Union Memorial services wil
be held in the Federated church
Sunday morning May 27, at 11
ii. m. The Grand Army Relief
Corps, Spanish War Veterans,
LJed Cross and all patriotic
orders will be represented.
Newton Whetstone. Commander.
J. C. Ball, Adjutant.
Use of Bacon Drippings.
Bacon drippings make splendid short
ening for light, flaky pie crust. It
takes just a little less of the drippings
than of ordinary lard or readable
shortening. Use It for shortening In
spice cake, pluseibiead or any dark
cake and note the delicious flavor.
Spread rye bread with a thin layer
ot the pure drippings and sprinkle a
little salt on It. Add to this n thin
slice of nny salt meat and you will
have a delicious uud highly nutritious
sandwp'h. The European houscvlfe
has long mudo use of stv h sandwiches
for the between meal snack for grow
ing boys and girls.
Dr. Tumor, the well
known eye specialist of
Portland, will bo at the Palace
Hotel, Heppner, Thursday. June
i 7 1 li , in lone Friday, June 8th.
n.. in : :..: . ..f ....
Supt. of Public Instruction. U1' lulUttI " -l'""'" "l .UA
! iiprinnnp nml ttunnmo lio w n
Teachers wishing the sources j
of questions for this examination
graduate and has a degree from
tha Northern Illinois College of
""7. KC 1 ,i ; , i, Chicago, with more than 20 years
writing 10 uie v,ouuiy ocnooi
LOST Sorrel horse, circle
braud on jaw, weighs about 1200
- .
, .
a '
1.1 i
v.- ,
I ?
practical experience at your
service. This is no side line for
Dr. Turner devotes his entire
time, energy and effort exclu
sivelv to the eve. and vou will
pounds. Labt seen uear Hoail-; ujake n(J mistake in consulting
quarters rauch. Twenty 2l) him ab()ul your eyes and g,usses.
Dollars reward for return to Headaches relieved, cross eyes
Heppner Steam Laundry, j strai,htened. satisfaction guar
2tf Heppner, Oregon. uutCL,d Uii umlfes ,liar(,tt
. ,TT7Z . for consultation or examination.
I-OK REM Barn for 2 or u . .. T. ... , ,,
. , , , Consult him. Don t forget the
horses with plenty hay room.ij J4
Enquire at this oftiee. tf j '
The Pygmy Hippopotamus.
One of the animal least known to
the outside world is the pygmy hippo
potamus ot West Africa.
This animal Is just what In name
Implies, a pygmy hippopotamus. It is
mwh smaller than the nuum.in hippo
potamus, being no larger than an m'll
mtrv or fair sized hog. It differs s"nii
what from the common hippo In the
character of Hi teeth, and Instead of ,
.spending Its time In the river.) and
lul.e.i In Hire Herds II u un.ii rs nin j l0 ,,,., tiu,r Hi . duly wiir.i t tli.-
through the Jungle:! singly or In j.alrs. u.i, rtitf n'l at hut i-tfn'e in lti .tor' "f l.tflieit A
uiui h after the iiintiticr of swine In Wmtiwurih m tin- u.v.n uf Inmuti im-
search of m.tst. London Spectator.
Sale on Hals
Choice Early Vermont seed H Saturday. May 12.
potatoes for bale at Phelps (.roc , M y f &
ery Company. M j reauctioii her entire line of
Trimmed Hats and Hat Shapes.
Catholic Church Services.
First Mass. 8:00 a.m.
Second Mass 10:30 a.m.
Catechism class 11:30 a. in.
Evening Devotions 7:30 p.m.
Reverend Father O'RourUe.
The Federated Church
Sunday School at 9:45.
At 11 a.m. Union service ot
the churches in Memorial Day
exercises. Topic of the Morn
ing sermon "The American
Soldier." Kvetung, "Christian
ity as Opt i m is tn . '
Christian Fndeavor 7:0) p.m.
Leader, F.velyn Rue.
H. A. Noyes, Pastor.
Church of Christ
No preaching Sunday morning
on account of union Memorial
services at the "Federated church.
A request has been made, to
preachers of all religious bodies,
to preach on Christian union,
Suuday May 27. In liarmouy
with this request, "Christian
Union," will be the subject dis
cussed at the evening service.
Second Annual Picnic of the
Federated Sunday School will bo
held in the Fair O rounds Satur
day, May 2f. Every member of
the Sunday School expected to
attend. Lunch at noon, ltring
your lunch uasKei. a. im.
Phelps, Supt.
Notice to Creditors
N-ttice ia hcr-tiy no. t-n itiiit llm untkT'iicriH 1'iu
been opc'iint'-! mluuoi .! riitur of the t-slHU' f J.
L. tt'r1. (lHiHit"t. h the C-junty t'ouiluf M.r
ruw County. On-nori. mi'l thai hM icroni lifo in
rlaims KBilnt tti" r ft P"tHtt' mi hereby tmtitii'l
This sale will continue through
the month of May. Id3
Walter lieckett, wheat farmer
of Eiglitmile, was a business
visitor in Heppner Saturday.
A this tiotii -
The above picture ti presents but one
of oO'i dnTc'icnt designs we arc showing
in our hook of "Leautiful Houit-a "
Every design and plan the work of ex
perts and not one item in modern con
struction has been overlooked.
Investigate Our
Free Plan Service
unitu-r wh tl kind of building you
I, ivo in iniiid Horn.'. Hu n. Sim. (iirth.
cry. or Sh' d nil the perplexing do
!,;',, h i0 I'M n WolU I out f"r ''"
on: M-Kvin: i;i.i'.i;tmi.nt of
Ut.ti.l.l V.'il I.! I" y J ' l - "! i Hi) i hoo,e
y-ii'ir p!n.v J"ur iiiiUiu'. c ii-1 a re
v.i'ue utid g:t iJ-a-.
Phone 2'l il, I I .i v ; a mail "vL)
kioiw-." ittol w ill ill "ii you.
Just the Timt.
"No, I have neier pla.'cj Prldze he i
foto " (
"So I oli'iuld Nilrinlse." suld 111" tll
KUitfil pnitner. "I'.Mt how t'Oii" V"
lo enter tin linportntit to'ii tin iii-nt 111.'
"(ill. I thn;!it It Ti-o'lM l.e n pe..
I time to lmrn. " I.onl.-v lll- I'nui-ler.
All Wrong.
! "Now, I'Hjk lit ie. All' e. I know ft en
' tlilnir. Y"U've U-en r.'urjlm: "ii vi'h
I Milliliter mun. I e i ll know tlmt lil
; lininn U ltnpeit ."
1 "Hon- rldl' ti"ii jnii me! I"irt "f
j nil, I liioen t lllrl'il with miv "in1, hi d.
j m.c.nij! y. lilmniine hii't Knpeit " I'hi
! lint Slio-.
In iix t' I tinMitlia fr-jin th'
Imt.-l May i' l.'l.'.
M. 1. WAO: VM'l!lll A.li..ii!..!.
lit b-.ti Oiivtii
K. II HurU-n Mnti ( r l.tnt.-. It -l
i )m.,f tmt .-il.ii.iM. Mi) .'. VAt.
of lt i n. i' Jur I'M ;.
J. H. COX !
me:: and womi.n-Uo y.iu
want more money, . tu per
day, all or upare time; ea-.y con
jreuial work n'l t at honu
Write today before yourteni
I lory is (,'one. J. M- ('oii'hlan,
7'j C'liattiher of Com in i re', I'ort
land. Ore.
riaiisamt l:'n(ii)iat(H Fimiixltnl for All Kinds of Huililinu.
First (7'i.sm Wurk Only.
Make a Sixrinlhi uf and Ihu c (mlrti
r.ijii iiint nl ir
House Moving
Profitubl Writinj.
"My wilting I ir In if In I'rt i'f lieiti'
pwr? tnniitli "
"Tliiit "'; tl di'lii't kiiniv ; mi wrr ri'pri-i lil.itiw
nn nnth'ir. '
"I'm lint I'm Hie n.im Hint ins'.'',
o'lt (lie .!h fur n'lr firm."- Intoit
I ri-e I'ri'
Triiiii e' Ai'tHoft.
"V'.ii d'i le t kii" ." hiiiit !'"!
Wl.iln m tit,,, mo fl "w ,l It i I
ri'lnnln II 'i' le ilnv H!i i "ir ' " "'
III Jn'ir tiniid". - zli ii jour nnf' t' I
tint Irlii t'i find "id "
t'tnt Mni.
"I nfW," mkM Twmmv. ' wkiit ;
lli hi i-r V "
Murrlo'l men. rrr Ik v," ri-; Il-'1 t'
f nttior - ly'til'm T'''-Brb
V like to r1' Im tl i
!' In flit dirk.
.ii!!.U, to t-
The Ed-iteru Hid': and Junk
t.'ttiniaiiy of l'i mill Ion hii-i a
jour rity. hy
iiaini' 1) , l'liilh'. on in
alAavn ii.ii !i hiiii ly ilioiiin to
one of ll,e I. -.ii Wi- l.uy Hi'
fi'il'ivMii' i-l "'! Mi ' d itoti, all
hli'! , of hull -,, nil I mil . of m- ,,
Hutu ( ji.i'i. u!l l.n. Ii "f ruMi-r,
hr.i-1 .in I io'n r and uUo wool
We 'iy Hut liifle -t 1'iK e in the
st.it of Mi k'ou f"r H.iH hliiiT.
Mr. I'i,iiiii-. uud tlin "tin w ill
iiji.i i.' u'e ou r I 1 1 r o li a v I-.
Edilel ii Hull; nod .1 ..f.ii " . l.'l
West Hi Imad stie. t. 1 '. ihI leton.
Or goti T li .li .iie M ini 1,
.Ki-,,iu Hi'..!. 1 111 '.-i. --' tf
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
(3ur I'rrsh Meals orp (lie l:.t in llie C ity. Our
Kxtenbion Cooling Plant c.surcs 1'rrt.li Swi-cl
Moal at all limes.
II you ate fiitinK oni ll.um aivl Il.iton you
know liow Kood lliey are. II you are not we ate
both losing. I'lione u your ordeis, wc jju.irahUe
entire satisfaction.
OH Mai & Mi Shw ra.
Johnson Uros., Props.