Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 18, 1917, Image 4

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The weather is unusually cold
and backward for this season
but wheat l.i reported to be do
ing well.
Not gone or going but here to
stay. Permanently located at
Heppner, Oregon. Dr. D. R.
II ty lor, eye specialist. 4tf
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haird
who liave been visiting their
daughters, Mrs. J. O. Ilager and
Mrs. 0. ('. Patterson, returned
to their home in Pennsylvania
this week.
FOR SALE Twelve good
work mules; also some pood work
horses. See these animals at
my place. GUY BOYER, Hepp
ner, Ore. 4Gtf.
Manager Wilkins, of the Palace
hotel, has received from the
State Highway commission a
large and comprehensive map of
the State Highway System in
cluding all of the roads that have
been designated as eligible for
improvements. The map may
be seen in the Palace lobby.
NOTICE After May 21 no
alien, not admitted to full citizen
ship, can vote at any school meet
ing. Lena Snell Shure,
School Superintendent.
Dr. Gunster. graduate veter
inarian, has located in Heppner
with headquarters in Patterson's
drug store.
E. II. Kellogg, transportation
magnate, has bought a new pass
enger bus that looks like the real
thing in street cars. When it
comes up Main street tooting its
bell and ringing Its whistle it
gives we bunchgrassers visions
of little old NewYork.
County Commissioner E. L.
Padberg was up from lone Tues
day in attendance at Circuit
court as a witness.
F. M. Atkinson, tea6her of
manual training in the Heppner
school expects to leave tomorrow
for Blaine county, Idaho, where
he has accepted a position as
bydrographer-and water distrib
utor for one of the irrigation
projects there. The position car
ries witn it a salary ot fclou a
month and will probably be per
Two Meet Death in Wreck
Continued from page one
Dr. H.T, Allison has returned
from Vancouver, Washington,
after completing his examination
for a commission in the Medical
Officers Reserve corps, which he
passed with high honors. He is
now subject to being called to
the colors at any time.
Mrs. Hanson heard of the wreck
soon after it happtied and imme
diately went to the scene in a
car. She did not know of her
husband s death, however, until
she reached the scene of the dis
aster and inquired for him when
she learned that he was under
the engine.
The wrecking crew got to work
Saturday evening but it was not
until late Monday afternoon ihat
they got the engine raised to an
upright position. 1 uesday efforts
to recover the bodies were con
tinued and tiuallv the bodv of
Frank Habelt was caught by the
grappling irons and loosened
trom its position in the wreckage.
It was drawn nearly to the bank
of the creek ond almost within
reach of the rescuers when the
ironssiipped and the body was
swept clown stream by the swol
ten current. Although constant
efiortsare being made the body
nas not been recovered at this
writing. At about noon Wednes
day the body of Samuel Hanson,
the engineer, was recovered. It
was found under the tender and
was almost buried in the sand.
It showed ugly wounds on the
neck and foreherd and a deep
puncture in the left side. The
body was brought to Case's un
dertaking parlors in this city
where it was prepared for burial.
The remains were taken to The
Dalles today for interment.
Our Cakes and Crackers
We handle and recommend:
When you want the best crackers
j Snowflakes j
Phelps Grocery Co.
llTIII Nue i', .Hauler thai I'd pei cent of tin'
11 wlmle p.. pid it ion nl thi-. Country lives in
' ' l ine, we t in understand t ho need of hh i n-
i'ii -;ie hi f I prod net s, which come ehief ly from
the f ii ins It i au urgent mil. U is it call upon
the patriotism of every f irmer, farm hind and
land owner Every iiere should produce, its (iu
t.l of fund pr.idiiets. The time to p'an for tl.is ro
ult is ,(t h ui I No delay can ho ullowtd I'lunt
lug iten ige Clin fer u lug yield Work for n
huinpei-, ep l'i iees w ill be goud The Coun.
1 1 s Heed is the farmer's opportunity.
First National Bank
Heppner Oregon
We have the materials for making them.
Come in and examine it.
Stripes, Polka Dots and Fancy Figures
in a good assortment of colors.
18 Tom Just
and who wants to be behind the times?
Certainly none of our Heppner ladies,
so we are ready to serve them in their
Snort Sis are a
Bright Pupils Win Prizes
Continued from page one
drates, fats, and salts. Proteids are
such foods as the white of an egg,
cheese, and meats; carbohydrates
are sweet and starchy foods; fats are
butter, cream and lard; and salts are
common table salts, and soda. Milk
is the only perfect food as It Is the
only one which contains all four
kinds of food. Therefore It is used
extensively for invalids and ill peo
ple who require a liquid diet. When
one of the four classes of foods is
neglected partial starvation results.
People in different climates require
different kinds of foods. The heat
producing foods are eaten in the frig
id zones while frujts are eaten more
in the tropics. In our own country
we eat more meats and hot soups in
the winter and iced drinks and ice
cream in the summer. .
The proper preparation of food is
something which every housewife
should thoroughly understand. She
should know that a meal is not com
plete unless it contains the four
classes of food. Since proper cook
ing improves the food and makes it
digestible she should not make Boggy
and doughy bread, continually fry
food rrrstead of boiling or baking it,
and should not substitute food too
rich and too sweet for the plain and
wholesome food. She should avoid
all adulterated foods, too much
spices, and too much grease.
Today most of our sickness Is
caused by stomach trouble which Is
a result ot Improper cooking. There
fore, since our health depends to
such a great extent upon our food it
is very important to know how this
should be prepared.
A shelter is that which protects us
from winds, ruin and snow storms,
or the hot sun.
In prehistoric times man lived In
caves. The American Indian lived In
tents. Today we have dwelling
houses mude of lumber, stoue or
Kvery home should bo weather
proof, well lighted, ventilated and
properly heutetl. If It is not weath
er-proof, the occupants are liable to
take cold. If it is not well lighted
the eyes are effected. If not ven
tilated tho lungs do not receive the
proper amount of fresh uir that they
should. Anil if not properly heated
the whole body suffers from tho cold.
A house should not be built near
a swamp or in any damp place on ac
count ot illness which would be sure
to result, and Insects anil mice, which
Inhabit such places. Neither should
we live in u tent under the glaring
sun bemuse being overheated is very
harmful as well us being siinstrnked.
I lotlilng Is the means by which we
nsslst Nature In keeping our bodleg
warm. It Is made of rotten, woolen,
silk and tlax tlhre. flothlng, like
food, also differs according to cli
mate and seasons.
Woolen clothing Is lighter In
weight Mum cotton clothing ,,f the
same thickness. It absorbs the per
spiration un. re readily, and does not
penult the body to become suddenly
chilled. Woolen clothing lessens the
danger of taking cold. Since wool Is
wanner Hum cnlten clothing we
should wear the former In tho win
tor. Too much clothing over anv part
of the body overheats it ami make It
tender. Many sore throats lire
caused by wearing scarfs or mufflers
about the nerk. Too thin clothing
also causes Illness.
t'lKht clothing Is eiy harmful.
There Is no a le spare m the human
body mid i:nl mm h room
for their Inns. i.t, ui,, I,, aiid lunge
a h.Oi. Tltlit hiring . ,.rv In
Jurloiis to tin. Iie.ilili hi it deform
the liver. s.iie. ,es up the bine and
crowds the stomach out i.f pl.ne
Kbit hei r, shi.rs at,, mu, , r
for the hc.illli th.iu ,r, ,ei ,. ,.,
Shoes Hint are ton tUht r m, ,ilu,
corn.. TlKht ,-l.,,t,c Mrt.M about
the knee hinder trie limitation of
the Mood
'b un clothing , ,, i, , (,,, ,,r.
term! t.i that ,, h dm M, t,e
eat of our b,.,lie ,jt, ritlitng
should pt , lean ill ,ll our
If e time proper f,.o.. a gd
home, sad unit.,!,!,. .loUnng ,. m
without .huiM ri,Jin k., ),,.,,,,
good l eallh , t,lv ljflU,ui
to a Lappy life.
We also have the Sport Hat to match your
Suit. Don't forget to ask about them.
And the young girls-They were
not forgotten in this new creation.
We can please them with many
beautiful things suited to their needs.
Come in girls and look at our new
ribbons. We have just what you
Dry Goods Department
Choice Early Vermont seed
potatoes for sale at Phelps Groc
ery Company. ltf
Rev. Dr. Geo. B. Van Waters
will hold services in the Episco
pal church next Sunday morning
and evening.
LOST Sorrel horse, circle
brand on jaw, weighs about 1200
pounds. Last seen near Head
quarters ranch. Twenty (0)
Dollars reward for return to
Heppner Steam Laundry,
2tf Heppner, Oregon.
Catholic Church Services.
First Mass. 8:00 a.m.
Second Mass 10:80 a.m.
Catechism class 11:30 a. m.
Evening Devotions 7:30 p.m.
Reverend Father O'Rourke.
The Federated Church
Sunday School at 9:45.
The Anti-saloon will bo repre
sented at the morning service
by Hon. H. N. Hicks Portland
Now is the time to get a new
Spring Bonnet. Every one re
duced in price at Mrs. F.
Luper's. d3
Brought Back by the Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff Walter Cason
returned from Madras Monday
evening bringing with him Frank
McKeehan who is charged de
frauding an inn-keeper.
It is said that McKeehan was a
partner and room mate of Jack
Del Monte when the latte'r at
tempted to hold up John Keys
in the Palace hotel last winter
but so far no charge in connec
tion with that affair has been
filed against him.
lone High School Notes
The finishing touches are be
ing given in all classes to round
out ami colli plete the years work.
The members of the ISiology, Do
mestic Science, and Physical
Geography class are writing pa.
The U. S. should be dry durinir t'01;
the war. Come out and hear s Tho members ,,f the
him. Mrs. Sims will sing. ; Knglih i l.ts are preparing a
Theme of the evening sermon j series of d-bates while other
by the pastor. "Faint Yet Pur. classes ni e reviewing woi k pre
suing." 'punitory for tinal exaiiiihati'.ns.
Christian Endeavor 7;00 p.m ' 'Hie Seniors with the assist.
Topic "Is it Easier to be Good
Mollie Reed Shoots Jack Parker
Jack Parker Is in a serious condi
tion at the Heppner hospital suffer
ing from a bullet wound in the left
breast which he received at an early
huur Thursday morning at the handa
of Mollie Heed, a well known old
time character of Heppner.
Parker, it is said, was attempting
to break into the Reed woman's
house, at about 2:00 o'clock In the
morning, refusing to leave when or
dered to do so. Finally, fearing for
her safety, she got her gun, opened
the door and lired through the screen.
Parker ran around the house and out
to Main btreet crying for help. Glenn
Y. Wells and Guy lioyer heard the
shot and cries and came down to
Main street, finding Parker in front
of the Oregon Garage. Sheriff Mc
Duffee was notified and hurried to
the scene w hen Parker was taken to
the hospital and a physician sum
moned. An examination showed that
the ball entered the loft breast a
little above the heart, barely missing
a large artery and lodging near tho
collar bone. It is believed he will
Paiker Is said to be a drug fiend
and has been In trouble here before.
It Is said that he waylaid the woman
on the street several months ago and
attempted to brain her with a rock.
111., ...... .... 1 . .
I j "l ""-i uiicnitu un.i e.amineu as to
When Poor"? Leader Molba
Griffiths. H. A Noyes, Pastor.
Church of Christ
The subject at 11 a. m. will be
"Another Reason Why Christ
In the evening at R o'clock the
pulpit will be occupied by Hon
15 N. Hicks. Prosecuting Attor
ney for the Anti saloon League.
Mr. Hicks will have a vital tin s,
sage. (.Vino ami hear him.
FOR RENT -Haru for 2 or H
horses with plenty hay room.
Eunuire at this office, tf
the tniilerelu-s
present "1 U
Jim Coleman, of Lone Hoik, who
a operated on a (hurt time ago by
lr Wlnnard mid C.aut.t fur tumor
of the tomach able In leave the
hospital Wednesday practically fulh
recovered. The operation Imehrl
the Making ef new opening In the
tomaili and new ronnrvtlon of the
IntiMliie and Mr. Coleman m mi to
thing It werka very niudi baur than
the enc Nature mv
nice of snino of
II. fill hoi' V ill
Snow l.aii'- May l'l.
Tho t'l a.l i.U lug eXeliiM'S will
lie given May 1". Dr. Maples of
The Dalles will deliver thcGrad
uution Address.
The InJustri.il Club met May
I! ', to elec t inlvtsi.is and In hour
tl.L rep. 'I ts i f e ich tiit'iiibcr.
(.rt wili w,ii ml r nl uie.l into
the loin; school this Near for the
In st time .
Ti e pi unary it i d..l u great
deal of construct!. .i:, free hand
cutting .ii,. I i i.ivi n wi rli.
The int. l ine. lul gl ides ld
nature ntu.lu un I landscapes.
The sevitmi and ;-!,th gtaJe
t ... k p. tt r .n.ik. Th" seventh
a-.it itgl.th gial.'tuU ii. .w utfet
Wednesday ,ifw riin ii .r their
drait!i: wl.iio the .,. uko the
niedutiic.il p'.i.o Tim Kiri
have in l ie .uvnl attractive i
paii.tir -. foi Ii, i !
his sanity but was finally turned loose
.and ordered to leao Heppner and
'nev.r return. It is said that before
j leaving he thrcali-ned to "cot" tho
j Ueed woman sometime, and he ap
jpeais to have hud some Intention to
make his threat good.
Mr-i. He.-d has been In Heppner
fur many viari and is quite aged.
Public opliii..u teems to be that In
this ia-e she acted within her rights.
At this writiio: she has not been ar-rt-vld
and It Is tint known whether
any charge will be filed against bcr
or not.
j IIKSltl.llloNS
Whi r. as. It h plraM-d Almighty
iod. the lather of all men. to rail
fr.iiu mir bids our lulovi. brnthfr,
WillUm ll.ith. ., l,,. tr many years
.i a priiiiilm i,t ami n-' piiteii elt
I'm ut llf..uir an. I a worthv bro
ti er n n. in. ml., r i f II. ppi r l.nig.
N.i 1.1. A. P. A. A. M.
I'. I It lie... he, I. II t while e bow
I.I II O Ii III ; ill. ml Inn I,, the Wl f
him I ii i... Hi hII lliini; , ,.. w
; e do ll' I the .-. i. plorr the '' (
j our bp'thi i .
In the tiimllv of liretlor lltlkhe
ithe niemh.t i,f lleppior M-.mic
' t li.Ue l M. Il l th. lr .... t Ui,,,thV
In tin. thi lr Imnr of t"t. t
i !; "hid. that r. pv of I !,. f
ellllli. in be ..pri.nl Upon the lllllllllei
Iff out .Ue. r,.(,y i,,,t l, .,,nr
ei i...r i.-..4 ,, priorer III I fi.pl)
nil, hid the lu.nl pjp.r. (i.r piM.
i a'l.'U.
S v. spj si'i i;,
' i: WOnli.ii is,
C onaiotUe