11 i Til T T l r rT mrni 111 K II 1 J I I K'AttA Ota al iiu Deer Plows Harrows, 'Discs, Weeders Etc. Van Brunt and Thomas Drills Bain and Webber Wagons. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines. In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line GILLIAM & BISBEE will supply you. "We have got it will get it or it is not made." Joy In Trying. Do not allow yourself to Just drift long through life. Set before you an uuu, some real purpose. Cultivate uope ami ambition to accomplish something. Do not be contented to let things hap pen; make things happen. Whatever your business or occupation aim to ex cel lu it. Financial yulu is not all one (jets from labor well performed. Your character Is elevated and your mind U enlarged, and the satisfaction lu hav ing done well is the most real Joy. Don't be afraid to set your aim httth. Gild It with your highest ldeuls. Let the hope of its attainment nerve your every act. Turn incidents and circum stances toward the attainment of your aim. If you have no aim you reach nowhere. A life without u purpose is a dreary thing, without real Joy. Sup pose you fail to reach the heights you have set as your standard; you will have gone higher than if you had not striven. You will be more useful, of more worth, than if you had not tried. Milwaukee Journal. A COMPOSITION ON ' exi)enscs like tbe so called Bis THE WORD "CAN" I am completely fniiuieed with If you read this composition j Eastern 5 percent money. one of Hie objects for which it is written will be ;ii-complihed Bring in Your Old Ford '1 and we will convert into a one-ton truck for - $350 You retain all parts and equipment taken from the car in making the change. 1 E. H. Kellogg County at?ent for HENDRICKS TRUCK ATTACHMENT J n BPS! wood m E. E. BEAMAN, Prop. Successor to N. , Clark Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store We Handle Blacksmith Coal in Sacks or Ton Lots. All Wood from our Yards will be Sawed for 65 cents per Cord. YOUR ORDERS SOLICITED An Expert In Motives. Cousin Henry is an expert iu mo tives. If you were reading off a list of names and overlooked Henry lie would understand. He would know exactly the motive that prompted you to do it. If you don't tliink to Intro duce him to the man who is with you he can see through it. He may have to go back four or five years, but he will make a complete case against you. In less than an hour he will know whut your motive was. Right now he Is angry because his daughter was not selected as valedictorian of her class. You may think thnt the other girl de served to fce selected, but you don't know all that lleury knows. It is a long story, but he is willing to tell it to you, and after hearing it you will understand the motive you will un derstand thnt it is a case of spite work. -Claude Cnllau lu Fort Worth Star Telegram. How David Garrick Made Hit Fortune. If David Garrick had had no more than lils salary as an actor he would have had little to leave at his death. He made his fortune as Joint proprie tor, and for a time as sole proprietor. of Drury Lane theater, so that the amount set down to himself as salary was practically nominal. When he re tired from he stage in 1770 he sold half his share lu the theater for 35, 000. He was probably the only actor who consistently made Shakespeare pay, and, like Shakespeare, ho was actor, author and proprietor. It may be recalled that Garrick, who had no enemies outside his own pro fession, was the grandson of a French man exiled at tho revocation of the edict of Nantes and that his father was a captain In the army. Loudon Standard. There are two oilier reasons why this is wished on to you. The first one is that people are supposed to be hungry for this sort of stuff and unless they get about so much dished up steam ing along with the lint cakes in the morning they figure that the guy that's peddling that particu lar brand of Coin Separator don't amount to more than a soiled duece and his wares are not in the same class as the sport who smears the front page all over with a lot of Con talk that no one believes. The third reason is that I need the money. I suppose that you are begin ning to wonder what all this line of chatter is about anyway, but be patient, I'm liable to say something pretty soon. I'm not going to start out and tell you how badly you'll get stung if you don't patronize me, but are foolish enough to buy a piano from some of my competi tors. Icn' not the only original little philanthropist. Between you and me there are some mighty decent men in the piano business. Whisper it gently, all evidence to the contrary not withstanding. You can buv a good piano from any of them. You notice that I say "can '' You don't always not quite. I want you to take particular notice of that little word "can." A man regardless of how honest he is and all these sort of things, don't want your business bad enough to sell you a piano for less than it costs him. IIo CAts' do all that he CAN but he CAN'T sell without a profit very long. CAN a man who buys through a middleman, that buys of a job ber that buys of the factory sell to you as cheap as another Suppose that 1 am no greedier than the oilier fellow fur a prof it, and suppose again that I am just as anxious for your business as he is I CAN do better by you than he CAN, CAN I not? I have sold to date 135 Wick and Shattuek pianos in this country. Tn other words One Hundred and Thirty Five poor deluded mortals have fallen for my particular brand of bunk, and they all tell me they like it. Funny isn't it? I would like to hear from you to the effect that you might consider being victim No. 13(5. I endeavor to make the operation of Separation as painless as 'possible, but even if it hurts a 'little, you'll feel like you do after you have a tooth pulled, so satisfied and content ed that you'll be glad you was operated on. As to the quality of my pianos and my methods of doing busi ness and my treatment of my customers after they buy ask your neighbors 3?IAN0S C. Guy Wakefield, State Agent. Home Address, Pendleton, Ore gon. Ranch, Lexington. Ore gon. Store and Warehouse Arlington, Oregon. !30dl. For Sale A few choice milk cow-.. AU a few pure bred Berk-hire siUs Also a couple huildivd sac!i seedless and hulless bailey for seed. Call on or address B. F. Swaggart, Lexington, Ore. Id2 If- J) t Mr LET US QUOTE YOU THE PRICE OF THIS HOME. COMPLETE. The above pictc ro represents but ono of 5(H) diffcren's designs wc are allowing in our book of -Beautiful Homes." Kvery design atul plun the work of ex perts and not one item in modern con struction has. boiMi overlooked. Investigate Our Free Plan Service No matter what kiud of building you Lavtf in mind Home. Harn. Silo, Gran cry. h r St"'d "ll tl,u t,or,loxir'8 de" taijs have' ofL'n wwr'Ke(1 out for 'uu' Well Balanced Diet, One of the most common faults of the diet is the eating of too much pro tein foods. In excess this is hard for the body to excrete and is likely to de compose In the intestines with the formation of poisonous waste products. Green vegetables and raw fruit are .uiportaiit elements of the diet. There is li'tlo energy la these foods, but I hey supply mineral salts which the body needs and curious substances called vitamins, which ore easily destroyed by cooking. One food expert has wipm-sted a rule tor securing a well balanced diet. It Is: An ordinary family should spend about as much for inllli, u-i-'ct.'iblcs and fruits as for meats, lisb and cubs and as much for milk and optrs us for meat and flnh. fellow who buvs direct from the Four prolits against MEN AND WOMEN-Do you want more money, 5 to $10 per day, all or spare time; easy con genial work right at home. Write today before your terri tory is gone. J. M. Coughlan, Follies of Science. The history of si Icnee lias seven problems which men lu all nt-'t'i more or less linvp tried to solve, but which have finally been Klvon up by all. To day they lire culled follies. The usual list comprises the follow ing: First. F(iiarlng tho circle; se-ond. duplication of the cube; third, trlsec Hon of nil angle; fourth, pcrpcHml mo tion; fifth, transmutation of metals; sixth, fixation of mercury; seventh, elixir of life. Some lists put the phi losopher's Mono for the last three and then odd astrology and magic to make tho seven. Too Much For Him. "I thought he was going to marry that girl?" "Well, he did think of it. Hut It yccniH when ho culled the other night alio threw him down." "Well, If (he's as good as that at wrestling 1 don't blame him for tjult tittif . t. Louis I'ost lilspateh. on: ski: untold vuhiu your plun. y values and rct it. ea- Phone :M-:;i. a maQ knows" and wiil ca H i'ou- VICE IjKPAKTMENT is of o you. i on cn choose fur material, compare factory two. Foolish question No. 1- Can a firm that advertises in the Oregonian and other big dailies, runs a big store, pays huge rent, enormous managers salary, clerks, lights and an army of help that don't produce, sell as cheap as a small fry like Yours Truly that has none of these expenses? Idle inquiry No. L Can you blame a man that is unfortunate enough to bo run ning a piano business under tne above conditions and needs your business, as they ail do, their expenses like 'lime goes on for ever, for trying to sell you an inferior piano when you state your limit to bo lower than he can afford to sell you a good in strument for. Idiotic Interrogation No 3. Call a man w ho sells his paper at u heavy discount to the banns or private capitalists so as cheap as the other fellow wlioi has ample capital and financial backing to carry your account himself, and to whom your paper is as good as your cash. Echo answers "Can he?" That word "Can" is importitit as you pay the bill. Most every dealer is I. onc.it and will do all ho CAN for you, and still tnukt . .. .1.. a prolit. Now don't get the idou leil u iiiwj , 725 Chamber of Commerce, Port land, Ore. The Eastern Hide and Junk Company of Pendleton has a representative in your city, by I visit, name D. L. Phillips. You can) Earl LEXINGTON ITEMS Mrs. Lota Calloway ami baby are here lrom Portland visitintr her mother, Mrs. T. L. Dorman. Mrs. Petra Hanson w ho has been working for the Newlons went to Heppner to work for Albert Bowker. The high school faculty are very busy practising their play to be given the last of school. School out May 25, 1917, then Hurrah for vacation. Chas Morey of Strawberry was in town in his Buick car. Quite a little excitement was made manifest Monday forenoon when R. W. Snider's team ran away. Mr. Snider stopped in front of Barnett's store, leaving his little son in the wagon, He stepped into a store for a moment when a car driven by Earl Bar ton drove in and stopped direct ly in front of the team which frightened them, they turned and ran down main street turned down another street and crossed the bridge safely. As the little boy had presence of mind enough to grab one line and head them into the fence when they were caught by some one. E'oryr". thot the little boy uoul.i Ik thrown out and killed but he was lucky as he was unhurt. There is a moral for both parties in this accident. Dennis Kiernan was in from the Sands the first of the week. Mr. Kiernan had boon uu to Heppner vvhiT" It,' pi;..;,.. proof on his land. R. J. Helms. ncplu'W of J,w Helms wart '.'iioiiicr brave voai: man who left Monday morning for Portland to join the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cypert of Walla Walla Sunday Mrs. Cypert is a sister of Mr. Barnett. Lexington has been terribly excited since Saturday'y wreck. Everyone has been most kind in lending all the assistance they could in the work of rescue. . Mr. Weigel of Turn Lum Co, and wife returned from an ex tended trip to Portland. While there Mrs. Weigil was quite ill. so of course did not enjoy her Esseltine of Echo who always reach him by 'jhoning to one of tho hotels. We buy the following stuff: Mixed iron, all k'nds of hides, all kinds of rnirs, auto casings, all kinds ol rubber, brass and copper and also wool We pay the highest price in the state of Oregon for this fituff. Mr. Phillips and this office will appreciate your pa r n h ir Eastern Hid and Junk Co., 121 West Railroad htreot, Pendleton. Oregon. Telephone Main -12, Etsiern Hoii I, II' ppner. Ore. )if kept Turn Lum yards while Mr. Weigel was in Portland returned Sunday morning to his home in Echo via ovcrbind Notice to Water and Light Users There will be no reduction in water and light bill w lien service is not in iiso, j,... givt li llie con, piny .it the uii.u set vice ii l;scoiifmio d lh-ppntT Light tV I'tivvcr Co 2.1 II. l;i- I.'. I'M 7. i to you i . J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Extlmutes Furnixhcd for All Kiiulx of HuH'liny. Firnt CIuhh Work Only. Make a Siifcmltij of and Have Complete. Muipiiieht for House Moving Not Tht Bill. "I cuu't tell tanviisbacU dm k from hurnyurd hikm-Iuioii." "1"" " '" ' 1. .i :.. t !,. i.. i..h dU .i iiroin mis vout i nui ' , "How no? Tho bill for ono Is 1- ! you I dotl't Illlike II prolit Illt'ss j nays hlrt tho bill for tho oilier. , , ,illk t() j.,,,, j,, Thafi what I'm kicking about.' - j ' UtiUvlIle Courier Journal. tone of Voice that has in-lted !: from Alaska to Los Angeles in Juit Chna In Wordt. an attempt to g t J'ou to loosfti TuUUK rk-Iio )o likf to ittnnil , ,,.... , . ....I ...-.I... 1 UP With SOUK! of tilt! IIITfSs.ll 111 I I M 1 1 J 1 I-I "HT r i - . HEPPNER PLUG MB CHOP Mill HEPPNER : : OREGON K'i bj ? Old .Mt-rthniit-No. but I Ilk lo Htainl In tho l k of our torn inl wo the t rod coiiio buy.-i:' ImiiK- ' mid if I can w hffdle u Miving me Five llutidntl into i:.ui A 8t'ctr. Ilowfll ItoWfll in rnmi 'if tnimflf jr. owvII-Yf. If h 't do aid Rot trip oh your troiiM-m JoU would ? rt-rffctiy ufe In ordering nnv ir. ii.:il. W bo I iiflcr f 0 Putol. PItol yirre Inveuto! t I'l-toju. July, ami were fi rt ufl bjr i;i.illti (itilrjmeti In 1MI Oolil, Ilk tbe nun. Mh ni'ltt wt lei harden tin;, expand Breat aoul U'l cvutiaclj b4 bearlf.-U'arwI. Iron JillglfH for tin: Mine try of piano tins oil.fr U"iy makes it splash gi-U Six dred and SfVtnty live will be real Ihi-hsi iI, I'm tho Coin j ist lis I. .ird us any thf tn but tin) point is, that ; I repn-sf ru the I'. S 'V ' Piano Factory Iin t l ' My prices an; M niufuctur'-rs price to tl,.. H g iJ -ali rs 1 I havo no ruiit.ing ovcri.'al Quality, Service & Sanitation Our Fresh Meats are the best in llie Cily. Oi'f F.xfension Cooling Plant assure Fresh Sweet Meat at all times. II you are eating our Hams ami IWon you know how good they arc. If you ore not we are both losing. Phone us your orders, we guarantee entire satisfaction. QU M k CM Strap Co. Johnson Bros., Props. 3TE1 0 crjKZi 0 1 1