I Make a Specialty of 3 : : Our Cakes and Crackers : Hare fresh j :We handle and recommend: SWASTIKA BRAND I When you want the best crackers ASK FOR : I Snowflakes I Phelps Grocery Co. THE HORN PASTIME. SOFT DRINKS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. A Quiet Resort where men may meet their friends and discuss the News of the day. VICTOR. GROSHENS, Proprietor. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. Plate Glass, Burglar and Automobile Insurance Also write all kinds of Surety Bonds REAL ESTATE l expect a mimher of land buyers here, If you want to your farm or ranch, list it with me. Roy V. Whiteis Heppner, Pre. 7UKX wo consul. t tluu (l hm cent m in fthis Country lives in ri cities, we can under I and iho need of nn in erea-o in f.ixil products, which conn- chiefly ftoin the farms U is mi urgent cull. It U tt call upon (ho patriotism of every farmer, farm hand and Lui.l owner. Every aero should produce its quo t.i of food products. Tho ti mo to plan for tt.is re sult i ut hand. No delay ran be allowed. Plant big acreage. I'laii f..r a big yield Work for a luiiiper crop. Prices will bo pood. The Coun try's ih ihI is the farmer's opportunity. OUR COUNTRY CALLS. EVERY FARMER SHOULD RESPOND First National Bank Heppner Oregon i LOCAL AND PERSONAL L K. Harlan was over from Pilot Rock Tuesday. -Barney Doherty was in from Sand Hollow Sunday. John Marshall, of Castle Rock, was a visitor in Heppner Satur day. WANTED Good girl for gen eral housework. Enquire of Mrs. Phil Conn. 51 tf Paul Webb, well known Bultn creek stockman, was in the city Tuesday ou business. . E. E. Day, a well known resi deut of Uhea creek was a Sun day visitor in Heppner. FOR KENT Barn for 2 or 3 horses with plenty hay room. Enquire at this oflico. tf W. 1). Newlon, reality man of Lexington, was a business visitor here Monday. Jim Higgins, well known sheepman, accompanied by Mrs. Higgins, was in town Tuesday. Not gone or going but here to stay. Permanently located at Heppner, Oregon. Dr. D, R. Haylor, eye specialist. 48tf Mrs. Robert Anderson, of South Springs, died last Sunday evening. The funeral was held at Lexington Tuesday. Creslon Maddock and Elra Iayes visited Arlington Monday. Creston's father, who has been on the sick list there for some time, is much improved. E. G. Haverstick, who bought the James Adkins ranch on Rhea creek was in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. Haverstack came to this county from Bellingham, Wash ington. Dave and Jack Hynd, promi nent sheepman of the Cecil dis trict, were in Heppner on busi ness Monday. Choice Early Vermont seed potatoes for sale at Phelps Groc ery Company. ltf Pat Cornell, sheepman, was a ca'ler Monday. Mr Cornell ex pects to spend the summer at Hilgard with his ilocks where the Herald will keep him posted on home news. Now is the time to get a new Spring Bonnet. Every one re duced in prico at Mrs. F. Luper's. Id3 A report is current in llepp ner that Miss Jessio Vii kers, who is well known here took her own life at her home in Enter prise, Oregon, a few days ago. Tho Vickors family moved from this city to Enterprise u few sell mouths. Mrs. Low, postmistress of Cecil, spent a few days iu llepp ner during tho week the guest of Mrs. Barrett. The Herald is informed that Prof. Pehr and his able corps of assistance have been retained for another year at Hardman which speaks well for their past work. Hugh Neil is iu tho east buy ing a car load of fin o bulls for W. 0 Minor and will arrive in Heppner with the stock some time next week. Watch for ad vertisement next week. Dr. Van Waters will he unable to reach Heppner to hold regular ' services at the Episcopal church next Sunday but will be here at the regular hours Sundav, Mav 20th. Tho Quaker Show at the opera house this week is not only draw ing big houses but is putting on a first-class entertainment. Their vaudeville and specialty stunts are above- the average and the 2 1 I ! bill for tomorrow evening, "Mar-j riod in tho Dark," is said to he their best feature. The Quaker people are no "cheap skates" as is evidenced by the large number of valuable presents given away every evening in the course of their medicine advertising cam- jpaign. They will leave llepp. i t ! i ner for the interior Sundav morn ing. Dandelion leer is said to be gaining in favor as an nftcnieuti tea beverage. It is saij to have a rather lady like " kick" ami a bitterness like tho real thins; ! IT NOT A SPORT SUIT? ' " We have the materials for making them. Come in and examine it. Stripes, Polka Dots and Fancy Figures in a good assortment of colors. t Sis are a and who wants to be behind the times? Certainly none of our Heppner ladies, so we are ready to serve them in their wants. We also have the Sport Hat to match your Suit. Don't forget to ask about them. FOR THE YOUNG GIRLS. And the young girls-They were not forgotten in this new creation. We can please them with many beautiful things suited to their needs. Come in girls and look at our new ribbons. We have just what you want. MINOR & COMPANY Dry Goods Department satoay warri "A Show With five w. ras M THE 1AM Seats Now on Sale at Opera House DON'T MISS THIS BIG TREAT 16 IBP JllSt 111 a Million Laughs" WRMijm