Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 11, 1917, Image 3

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    ) t
r num. jueiilmi 10
h IV
L-J 1. '
Her and.
John leer Plows
Harrows, Discs, Weeders Etc.
Van Brunt and Thomas Drills
Bain and Webber Wagons.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Gas Engines.
In fact with most everything in the IMPLEMENT line
expenses like the so called Rig
; I L.rg.r Than All New Engl.nd With j THE WORD "CAN" j I auVcomplotely financed with
I Maryland Added. j T. , . . 'r . - .
To those of us who remember Idaho ; 11 ou rra" lm composition , i.asiei u .. peiceui money.
In our school geographies as a small ! one of the objects for which it is j Suppose that I am no greedier
pink Wools, shnped like nn easy chair j written will be accomplished. than the other fellow for a prof
ffHg enst, it may be of iuterest that j There art two other reasons it, and suppose again that I am
this state, which In JSM added the ..,, ,,- ,.,, ; .lc .,,.;,,, f,,,. u,,,,..
1'J 13 11 1 ITIUJH Vl IU J till. .1" J " wii.iivu.) yj j I'm WU.TI 1 1 v O '
The first one is that people are' he is I CAN do better by you
supposed to be hungry for this than he CAN, CAN I not?
sort of stuff ami unless they get 1 have sold to date bj'i Wick
and Shuttuck pianos in this
forty-fifth star to the constellation of
tho flag, Is nearly nn large as Pennsyl
vania and Ohio combined and larger
than the lx N'ow England states with
; . mym menmed tor good measure. ulbovit so uiueh dished up steam-
the smallest of whtoh'u half as large illoll!r with the hot cakes in , country. In other words One
us the state of lihoele Island and tho ; the morning they figure that the 1 Hundred and Thirty Five poor
largest greater than the comblnedarea 1 g,ly that's peddling that partieu deluded mortals have fallen for
I dn ho covers nn area of $3,888 square
k B
will supply you.
"We have got it will get it or it is not made."
Bring in Your Old Ford
and we will convert into a one-Ion truck for
- S350 -
You retain all parts and equipment taken frorif
the car in making the change.
miles, divided principally between the.
Rocky mountain region and the Co
lumbia plateau, only a small part la
the southeast corner of the state lying
In the great bnsln. In elevatlou above
sea level the state ranges from 735
feet, at Lewlslon, to 12,078 feet at the
summit of Hyndman peak. It Is drain
ed mainly to the Columbia through tho
Snake river and Its tributaries aud has
an annual rainfall of about seventeen
Inches, the range In a single year at
different places being from six to thir
ty -eight Inches.
The Industries of the elate are chiefly
agriculture, stock raising and mining.
Hay, wheat, oats and potatoes are the
principal crops. A large area Is cultl
j vnted by Irrigation. The mineral pro-
1 InMlAn I,in1u,l,a frfil.l c.M,-. o,.r,.
Jcnd and zinc Geological Survey Bulletin.
lur brand of Coin Separator don't 'iiy particular brand of bunk,
amount to more than a soiled1 and they all tell me they like, it
dueceund his wares are not in j Funny isn't it? 1 would like to
tho same class as the sport who ; hear from you to the effect that
smears the Trout page all over ! yo might consider being victim
with a lot of Con talk that no one ! No. Kill. . t endeavor to make
believes. 1 1 tie operation of Separation us
The third reason is that i need 'painless as possible, but even if
the money, it hurts a little, you'll feel like
1 suppose that you are begin-!you do after you Lave a tooth
uiug to wonder what all this line : pulled, so satisfied and content
of the
Heppner Loan and Savings Bank
No. 228
at Heppner in the State of Oregon, at
the cloje o( businest May 1, 1917
Loans and discounts $.".8, 785. 02
Overdrafts, secure d
and unsecured 18.00
Rondsand Warrants 3,700.0(1
Furniture and Fixtures 1,50(1.00
Due from approved re
serve banks 8.080.W)
Checks and other cash
items 100.00
Cash on hand 1,881.80
xpenses 1,7(19. 57
E. H. Kellogg
.en l for
" 1 i
E. E. BEAMAN, Prop.
Successor to N. A. Chirk
Leave Orders at Humphrey's Drug Store
We Handle Blacksmith Coal
in Sacks or Ton Lots.
All Wood from our Yards will be Sa wed for
65 cents per Cord.
H Admit H Can't Grmp His Wif'
I dans of Economy.
"I can understand," remarked the
ofllre philosopher to the visitor to his
.sanctum, "must of the feminine traits
! and characteristics that puzzle the or
i dluary man, but when a woman be
i gins to practice economy she leaves
mo lashed to the mast and quivering
; with helpless astonishment.
"Of course, the w hole sei Is poo
utulcal. You have to admit that, be
cnu.V every woman says she Is economical-
aud no gentleman would un
, dertake V1 dispute a lady's statement -;
at least, n'l RBntleman of my acquaint
1 an-e would undertake to dispute It In
i his own hous' Wbat-to use a vul
: gnrlsni get my. g't Is the method
' they employ.
"Take my wlrtr, Tor rxaiuplo. When-;
; ever she tells in She' Js going to econo- j
mlze. I emit, a slttsle agonized shriek, j
I and then Jeap for tb tall timber. IW j
i plan Is to think up a whole lot of j
' things she ifnnnnt possibly do without.
) and then do without wm. By this
device she saves at o single stroke the
cost, of the err list. laving thus
j accumulated a .surplus, she naturally
proceeds tn spetyl It, and she Is bI-
ways prepared to rove she has snveo
much money In the: process.
"There Is no answer, or no answer
worth making. On occasions of this
kind It Is my ourUom to pass, for, with
out lookhig at my hand, I know I can
neither trump nor follow suit." Rich
mond Tlmes-Idpst'-h.
of chatter is about anyway, but
be patient, I'm liable to say
something pretty soon.
I'm not going to start out and
tell you how badly you'll get
stung if you don't patronize inc.
but are foolish enough to buy a
piano fiotn some of my competi
tors. J. in not the only original
little philanthropist. lletween
I y o n aud too there are some
mighty decent men in tho piano
j business. Whisper it gently, all
! evidence to the cont rary not
withstanding, You can buy u
good piano from any of them.
You notice that 1 say "can."
You don't always not quite. 1
wmil you to lake particular
notice of that little word "can."
A tn mi regardless of how tunics!
he is and all these sort of things,
don't want your business bad
enough to sell you a piano for
less than it costs him. lie CAN
do all that he CAN but he CAN'T
sell without a profit very long.
cd that you'll be glad you was
operated on.
As to the quality of my pianos
and my methods of doing busi
ness and my treatment of my
customers after they buy ask
your neighbors
ym&? ANDS
Capital slock paid in
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Individual deposits
subject to check
Demand certificates of
Cashier checks, out
standing Time and Savings deposits
757. rw
457. 4(
C. Cuy Wakelield. Stale Agent.
Home Address, I Vndlclon, ( re
gon. Kunch, l4eiiigtou. Ore
gon. Stun ami Warehouse.
Arlington, Oregon. TiiHl I.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 1'aird.
who have been spending the win
ter with their daughter, Mrs. C.
C. l'alterson, will leave fur their
liciineiil IlillNvillc, I'ennsyh aiiia,
soon being called there to look
after business and property matters.
CAN a man who buys Ihroujth 1 want more money. 5 to lo per
a middleman, that buys of a job- day, all or spare time; easy con
her that buys of the' factory sell genial work right at home
1 i 1 '
m you us cueap us h.ioiu. yy ,,,, . wu
fellow who buys direct from the
factory, Four profits against
123 OC
LUi.. Hif i k-vt V- 1 k
Shark fitnrlri.
A shnrk Im very tena-ous of life, and
Or. (iiiitther, the Irhihynloglst, pointed
out In one of his contribution to the
ll'irntnre of his sub.lert that "wounds
affit Ash'' generally niui'h h"s than
hlghr." vertebiates. A ;iernland hnik
continue fp,v' wlillp his lnnl Is
plerred b,N n harpoon or by a knife n
long as th ' nervous renter Is not
A Norwrslnn nlar' tlc rporrr. II
I. null, gives a s.NrtXnj word pMnre
of a shark's tens' llv'f TliU man.
nnlnr eauelit nl he bl'lHml rod
two. I
Foolish question No. 1
Can a linn that advertises in
the Oregotiiau ami oilier big;
dailies, runs a big store, pays
huge reul. enormous managers
salary, clerks, lights and an army
of help that don't product!, sell
as cheap as a small fry like
Yours Truly that has none ol
these expenses?
Idle inquiry No. 1'.
Can you blame a man that is
unfortunate enough lo be run
tiiug a piano business under the
above conditions and needs youi
business, as I hey all do. I heir
expenses like Time goes on foi
ever, for hying to sell you tin
odny before your terri
tory is gone. ,). M. Coiigblan,
725 Chamber td Commerce, I'oi t
laud, Ore.
County of Morrow
I, V. O. Hill, Cashier of t'.ie nhov
nnmed bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is t etc to the
liesl of mv knowledge and belief,
w. o. nn. i,
Sulisei iImm! ami sworn to before mo
tint 7th day nl May, 1917.
(', 10. Woodson,
Notary l'uhlir
My commission expire ( )i t. 1, 1920.
I'rank (lilliain
W. O. Minor
Card of 1 "hanks
The family of the kite William
Hughes desire to express (heir
sincere I hanks In I he many
friends in Heppner aud vicinity
who assembled, some from long
distances, lo attend his funeral
i set vice, to lint Kov, Noyes who
nlYuMutcd, to Iho.'o who I nvtnK.li
tul hy in it service, also the mem
bers of Masonic orders who so
loudly attended.
Quality, Service
& Sanitation
d t id., ii i..... nn 1 in iff n n 1
nsuriv. mi toil, n-i i. , i
anangements were remold so n, to inferior piano whet. y, slat,
put a period to his eareer, and tin Hois j you f liluit to bo lower than In
muitintoi iiooy win. oieu o.,.. aTotl lo sell you a L'ooil in
Our Fresh Mcnlit arc l) sl in lli City. Our
Lxtcnsion CoolinR I'l.tnl assurcn l'resli Sweet
Meal nl all limes.
If you arc cttltnu our Hams anil ll.icon you
know how good lltry arc. If you arc not we arc
both losiu,(. I'hone us your orders, we yuiirantcc
entire satisfaction.
! sea. He simply gate a leisurely ran
' of his tall and swam lapjdly ut of
! sliiht.-Cliambera" Journal.
The above picture represents "but otic
of 5i.x) different designs we a ,o showing
in our book of "Mcautif ul Homes."
Fvery design and plan thti work of ex
perts and not one item i a imiderii con
struction lias been oveihjokcd.
Investigate Our
Free Plan. Service
Nu mutter what 1(iu,j t)f buiklmg you
luvo in tin ml ., 1 ;u ( n . Silo, (irun
ery, !ni or 'S,e,l all the perplexing de.
''"-"j been worked out for you.
V'.told value to you. Yon c m choose
your plan-, your mutt. i t.il. utupare
values and get pica-.
I'hotie L"'l':'.l. I h.ie a man "'wle
ki.o A an I wi,l ill on ) ou
cm tat k a
Hi Own Shamt.
j liobrrl's mother's adinonlsliluiis to
ter small son cenetallv ended ili tin
I vnnN. "Id bo a.haaicd of y If j'"U us cheap as the other fidlow who
11,1 so and ao.-and the wotd avl,an,ed , , ,u (.H,;l , IMI,l;i;,
Iherefom was contntlv In hl 's .
Itaelong to carry your account
himself, and to whom your p iper
slruineiil for.
Idiotic Interrogation No I!.
Can it man who sells his paper
al a heavy discount lo Ihe baiilts JollMSOIl HlOS., Props
or ptivate capitalists sell to you J,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,
1 mm Co.
! Hie day after he had rnti-n up liia Ut
ile sMer's candv lili mother i-iild to
ill in :
"Hobetf, did "U rat . .r-t ly' esndv
llen I lol'l yu ll"t to':"
"Ve., tna'aoi," miIJ lt"brrt In a t"iie
if triumph, "and I in Ju-t as -.liimd
if invself as I can be, so joii iirrdii t
l atiame of me. at all." Sew Y"rlt
oth Oiid Thy Withtd T.
Tenu; loi s a fcti.r. nnr'l
man, omlil tieier miderniid p.i.rrt
llfiwiiliig Iot of H My. He liiot
'ID-en liratd to lemsi'n list Itioui.lng
Wolild dt III " hllo rlvker at a 'I toir
I party. Th t"o pl died H er
I ould lis to ill lt..ltt
ni nlntf In (tie grstol l;o li n.
III'"'. "I'll Ills soil bv llj l..p, ll1
Jir'l Trim t n In Ids !; rd f-ir-ry
hitw, urroittidi d by his JotH i-rn.
"or a !"rg ottf wfh lirf
' "Not al all. tie i lot arr gu t for
ti t Ht tt'sO" 1''
l "f Tint tn pi h h'a "tl
1 m mr.'V-W""U I'fM l'i
! Foil SALT. I' ''
i-Aork mules; al-ofoiu.'ood v ork
: horse. S e these at iina at
' my place. .J' P.'lYl.K. H-!'l-
tier, Ore. 4'tf.
is as g'.oil as your cash.
l',eho answers ' Can In-r "
That wot l "( 'an" is nn pui I ml
u.s you pay the bill. Mo.it every
dealer is honest and willdoall
he CAN for viiu. and siill make
a plolit Now don't get tie; idea
front Ibis that I ant going lo tell
you I don't make a ptnlit Illeis
your soul I can I. ilk lo you in a
lotic of nice (h it Il ls nu lled ice
ft'oui Alaska lo l.os Angeles in
'III ,'lHelllpt lo gi I ymt lo loo. I'll
tip With Milne of He' nceesi.ii j
and if I t an wheedl" you II. In
paying me l'ie ll jinlnd l.'etl
I roll .lll.gles f"l Ihe '-.lite 'pi ll
ity of pi.tno tin- nil. i I g"iy le
man s a s, i b gei Nt II in.
dn d and Si m lily l ive f,, I
will In- i il pi i -id I Ul .ifli I
,e I ) I t .1 h ll'i .1 ' HI " I
ih. iii but il.' i i i- tin' :
I i pte-i 10 lie' I' S U 1 1 I'
I't mo I e l"l.V Hn" I
My pl H i s , I e M tli'lf i till I -I'tn
' t . Ihe 11 :'. I. e' Is
I h i'. I.' lei I liMolig o i I i el
1'hlitH Hint rtttiwHli i'n rtiifh nl Jur AH liii'l- nf Jliiilihuifi.
I 'ii nl Chun W'ni l; hihf.
Ma!;' U Si'i'i iiill;! "i (nml linn i 'mn ;7'
v'""cei'' '(
House Moving
Up-to-the-minute Ties in all
styles and shades
Men's C 1 o t h i n and I'urnisliings
Sam Hughes Co.