r HEPPN Help support Heppncr Business Men tvho help support Heppncr. Central Qriyou ov..-s o and oif the train at Heppncr Gateway. With which is consolidated The lone Bulletin A first class neapaper entered at the prstoTire ut n-irner. Orr-Kon as second-class m; 'U-r VOLUME 4. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1917. NUMBER 1 STATE SUNDAY IT L CUE Herald T Juck Del Monte, vl;o is being held in the county jaiil tuunsvvcr tlic charge of assault to commit robbery made an unsuccessful attempt to secure his freedom by the tunnel route a week ago last Sunday and bail not Sheriff Georgo McDuffee by chance went to the jail a half hour earlier than usual the attempt would probably have been suc cessful. When Mr. McDuffee went to his office Sunday after noon at 4:30 instead of 5:00 o'clock, as was his custom, he happened to glance out of the wiudow and was surprised to see a stick thrust up through the sod close to the jail wafl. Speedy investigation revealed the fact that DclMoute had cut a hole through the concrete floor of the jail corridor burrowed down a couple of feet to the bottom of the wall and then up to the sur face. Unfortunately for him self his work had proceeded to the point whero he was able to thrust the slick, with which he had done his excavating, thru the sod just at the moment that the sheriff glanced through the window. It is believed the prisoner had bceu working ou his tunnel for several weeks as the sheriff and others around the court house bad heard suspicious noises on several occasions which could not bo satisfactorily accouutod for. Del Monte had made the opening in tho concrete lloor under a cot which stood in the corridor and also kept the hole covered with a piece of old card board, about tho same color as the floor, and iu the scmidark ness of tho jail tho opening was not noticod. Del Monte and a young inau named Vaughn, who is hold on a charge of larceny were allowed the freedom of the corridor dur ing the day and locked in the steel cngo at night but from now until court meets that privilege will bo denied them. U is thot Vaughn had no part in the at tempted break other than to act as lookout for Del Moute while the latter worked. When tho sheriff made his discovery ho at once put the The State Sunday School Convi-n-tiou will lie In-ill nt I'i-ikIIcIoh. May 17, IS, III mid 20, rind it promises to lie otto of tin? largest and best con ventions ever lield in tlte Slate. Mar lon Laurence will lie on tlte program. IS very Sunday School worker knows Mr. Lawrence Uy reputation, mid ev ery worker wlto can possilily arrange to ku should attend tlte convention iind hear Hint . Several other experts In the work will he in attendance. Kvory Sunday School in the county should be represented by at least one delegate, and ninny of the schools should send several delegates. The railroads have agreed to give, reduced rates on the certillcate plan. Dele gates should he sure to take a re ceipt for fare paid lit going. When validated, the receipt will entitle tlie holder to the reduced rate In return ing. Ktttertainment will be provided on tho Harvard plan, lodging and breakfast, delegates taking care of themselves for the other uieals. Those who expect to go and desire enter tainment should notify Mrs. S, A. Lowell, t'endleton. Ilardiuau High School gradu ated a class of four members last evening in the llardnittn church building. The members of the class of '17 are: L. Margaret Haunt, Venia V. McCarty, Ivan 11. Leathers, Nellie M. Wright. The exercises last evening at- C. O, Paine, prominent eiiuen of lioardman, was a lleppiier visitor Monday (-it it mission to enlist (he, uiil of the lleppiier Commercial club in I'.oanliuau's effort to secure federal aid for I he homesteaders on the govern incut irrigation project in his community. The pjan is to have the 'overnment improve ten traded a large and apprccti ve ! acres of each -i acre tract by audience most of whom were ; leveling and nWinj it. in con.li acquaintances and friends of the j tiou for immediate cultivation graduates. x I repayment to the government Tho motto adopted by the class being made on a 'JO-year pay was "Puddle your own canoe.'' ; incut plan. In cases where the Tl 1.. - n r : o .. . r 1 1... i i i i , . . , iuu hum ti"ur, LjHi.y ui niu lanu us already been ,t.u Ken a Valley, the class colors, purple and old gold. Huv. 11, A. No. yes preached loan for the money necessary to do the work will be made to the homesteader ou the samu liberal WEDDING BELLS , An impressive wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vawtcr Crawford, Sun day morning, at an early hour, the bride being their daughter Virginia, and the groom Jesse 0. Turner. Doth of the young pcoplo aro very well known throughout tho country. The groom belongs to ono of tho oldest and most influential families, aud tho bride also, is not only known for hor long residence aud sterling qualities, but for her beautiful character and musical talent. It would be difficult to lind more of the de sirable qualities of iniud, talent, and character embodied in one personality, than is found in the small person of Virginia Craw ford. Their friends entertain high hopes of their future happiness, aud they carry with them to their new home the best wishes of a host of friends. The wedding vows were sol emnized by Turner MacDonald pastor of the Christian church; after which the wedding party consisting of about thirty rela tives of the Crawford Turner family, went to t lit I'alare hotel, where a bountiful Wedding breakfast was served iii ten courses. The table was deco rated with beautiful ferns aud carnations in pink at.d white. tuo baccalaureuto serinou to the j terms of payment, class iu tho Ilardmau church Mr. Paine says the money for last Sunday eveuiug, Kov. and ihis purpose is available ami it Mrs. Noycs aud Fred Tash driv-;is only a question of hi.s district ing over for the occasion. ; getting its slwre iu the allot ment L. K. Meliee, well known: Lexington may not be the big stockman, started for Pendleton j gest town in Morrow county but last Sunday and upon reaching ! in one respect ill least it is unique among towns of its size. It ranks third as an initial wheat ship ping point in Oregon. Condon his ranch ou Skinner creek a minor accident to his made it necessary for hint to leave the machine tltereand return to town for repairs. I'pon returning to tho ranch next morning lie found that-some vandals had practically wrecked the machine, taking if ranks first, and is said to lie the greatest initial wheat shipping point in the world, Pendleton is second and little Lexington is third in Oregon and is, perhaps. Clean Up Days j 1 Icppncr Wins Again The city council has designat Tho lleppiier base ball braves ed May 17 and 1 as clean up ; went out to Gooseberry last days. Tito people are urged to! Sunday and again victory perch clean up the rubbish about their ' ed on the banner of the local premises aud place the rubbish llads iu a score of 3 to ! in llepp in front of their lots where it j nor's favor. The game was said can bo easily loaded. The city ; to be the best one yet played will employ teams by the day to 'this season. A large crowd was haul tho rubbish away, and the people will be charged simply the actual cost. Health aud safety from llrcs demand that we make a thorough job of the clean up. S. E. NOTSON. Mayor, J. P. WILLIAMS. Recorder present among which were a number of Heppncr people who enjoyed a drive to the scene of activity. Among those tl riving out from ho:-e were Cleun Y. Wells, Martin Keld and Kinory (icntryeach being accompanied by a party of friends. AGRICULTURAL DEFENSE DAY Fair Pavilion, Heppner, Oregon, Saturday May 12, 1917,2:30 p. m. Competent speakers will present statements and sta tistics by Agricultural Authorities regarding the food shortage of the world. Opportunity will be si Horded farmers and others to register their needs in labor, seed, etc., and to enlist federal jiid in meeting them. All pro ducers will also be asked to furnish an estimate of what tliey expect to produce during the season, This day will bo observed all over the rlale in responce to si recent proc lamation by the (lovornor of Oregon. 'livery citizen, man and women, is urged to be present. This is n matter of national importance nnd calls for concerted action on the part of every patriotic citizen. Ily Order of Committee of Arrangements, apart and scattering I he parts the greatest initial wheat ship--tud tools all over the ranch. Jtlping point in the world for a was necessary to take a ntachin-' town of its size, ist out to reassemble the machine The writer spent a day in Lex ami put it in shape to bring it to j ington recently and the above is town, j not the only surprising thing he Mr. McP.ee says he has no idea discovered during his visit: The who is guilty of the out rage as j town has a number of up-to-date he knows of no one willi a valid j mercantile establishments, two reason for such mischief. j big urain warehouses, a Hour Malicious desl ruction of pi op jand feed mill, a pumping plant erty is serious olienso and (Im.and water system, an elegant guilty parly merits severe pun Wrick school building, a good ho ishiuent if caught. ; t,.i, nn appetizing restaurant and ; a lot of mighty affable and cour- CLX1L NO TES Icons business men and women lack ll.ynd and Hill llynd went fiul citizens, to Sand Hollow Sunday in Jack's W- '(,,t- linker and ware cur. 1 houseman, took the writer on a sightseeing trip around the lown in his car, showed him the wsitcr plant, the warehouses, the Hour mill ami also gave him a lot of valuable and interesting infor mation. The Lexington wheal district, within a radius of about ,r) miles from the town, produced last year, in round numbers, 250,000 sacks, This is sill shipped from Lexington. Considerable wheat yet remains in the warehouses either unsold or awaiting cars piles of The Sullivan shearing crew finished shearing L'ono head for lack llynd Saturday and now have their plant installed at C. O. Minors w here they have about j "000 of tho woolios to trim up.' The crew will go from horutnj lleppiier. 1 Mr. anil Mrs. .1. II. Pranklin j departed on Sunday morning's; train for this east where they expect lo visit for a mouth or' six weeks. O. A. Minor shipped two car for shipment but sacks is heing gradually re duced. The writer was shown a pile of some I'iiOO sacks in the Loach & Scott wsirehoiise for which the owner has refused -2. (.r per bushel. One day, iu ,lan- . ofcatlle undone of hogs from 2 I ( Veil Sunday. 1 1 Mr. ami Mrs. T. II Lowe re- j turned home Sunday from a t wo weeks slay in tho Willamette Z valley- jj M. V. Logan is busy loading 1 "ary, Mr. Scott paid out for iiuid shipping wheat this week. wheat, in his ollice in Lexington, llouierand Avon Cuinmens are tf'-H, 0110,00. J ! running the trucks, Leach Pros.. .Joseph linrgoyne, ;i There was serious trouble in ,:,r"1 W' ,!:lrn, lt f'i"'1' li:lv" '''-' ;! Peril last week which resulted 1 -,'",''!l1 sl"n' hl1"'1 Willi i i .1.1 1 ill. 1. . r i : l. Ii.ol to death between Mrs ' grade goods, i,encii ,ros. carry .in extensive slock ranging from III a tlllel to ill I '-oyil Logan's rooster am Lowe's n-il roO'ler". Mis. all's rooster was killed, says he has some rooster There w ill be a dance in tin Cecil hall on the I'.Uh Mush Tom I .og. Tom mnn in )hn pnrroo nnd lnot lliu ... lt ... . i Souvenirs weie given each guest hi', ln 1,, Li incil T fin, I ,( ii'iij in. I r- HllUltl IV IIIUI 'VH uim II U1 , . , , - , , , . , - w , i , , . , , i i , . oy 100 proprietor oi Uie In-HI. , " nowm-i i.ii ih-mi.i n I'he last course was u bountiful supply of nee, with which to I Icppncr Pioneer Passes liouse yard lost her ball down! the hole into Del Moiitu's tunnel, und from that incident the mat-i tor bccauio knowu to .Judge Pat terson and other couuty olliciulsi and later to the public. until last Friday that the at tempted break became known ,. , ..... . , i shower the happy coup u. W illiam Hughes, a former rt .-i Thursday evening a little fill. I , ,. , ' ,, : . . . .. . , . ... .1 Immediately after breakf.ist dent of Heppncr ami u pioneer IllllUlhlf II llll 'I hill III IhM Klilll't I I 11 J i i . i , ,, , i they departed on a wedding o tins county, died at hi -, home liitnc.i viiril li.vl. Ih-i- li:.ll il,,-ii journey lo Portland ami u visit m Pol ll.md last Stit urday 11,0111. j with the biides si- ter iu Wash- ing at 'he age of '7 years. : ington. ! The remains were broiiirhl to " lleppiier Sunday ami services Soinethint' iu the nature of u j were held iu the I'.piscopal cluin h . , - . . II.. .1 : . i . II.. Del Monte, it is alleged. ul. s"ri'iise to tneir many lra-mi-, I .mi.huu.v mm ng c.u.oue,. i tempted to rob John Keys iHst ' camo the marriage of Mr. Ai thur . Uv, N-yes. of lh.i l-e-lcatt d Winter, while the latter wliS i A. McAlee and Miss Lucile Cul .ehurcb, .uterment -l.eing in the Ubleepiu tho Palace hotel. Keys ! burton, last MomUy evening, j Murine cemetery. S.-rvicesi.t awgko and Del Monte, it isbaid.illiu c,-,'t,","y '"K l-eiforu.e.l U'e grave were conducl. l by- beat him up with a six shooter.' County Judge (,. (. Patter but Kys put up "buch a-aiue s,,u" ul n'b"k'"co tight that bo was able lo hold ; '""" l""'l'' "' his ussiilat't until help uniVL-a. ! W,-H ""d favorably known beie, Keys, who had been working j 11,0 fe'iwui being a well known! Me was a large pn-peily UM, , here for some time, had drawn ' )'ou,1o hesiness muu of this city i in this county and u man of i his savings the day before and uud t!i0 bri,lu a ""t'htcr of Dr. J tensive affairs. .. I . v uii.crisou, and a graou. ate of the Pnivcrsity of Wash inpton. Many friuuds will join ! in congratulations and best wish, es fur their futuro happiness the masonic lodge- Mr. II Jghes came to Morrow county 37 years ago mid resnb-d litre for uioru than I'o yeaii was expecting to btart cist on a visit to his old homo In Missouri tho following morning. The Quaker Show ut tho oj era Louso this week is drawing good houses ami putting ou g'xxl ; show. At the free show Mon ' I or Sale A few choice milk cows. A No day evening Tom Morgan and ; a few pure bred PerKshire gilts Mr. J. W. P.rown each rctuivwd ' AN.. couple hundred hack a present of . ( from tl.c man. seedless und Luliess barley for ogetneot fur being the oMwst seed Call on or uddrtss It. P. persons In the audience- , Swagg art, L"Xingt. n, lie. 1JJ He is survivetl by a wido,'-, two sous ami to daughters. The sous are Percy Hughes of I! it. ter creek. Dr. Will Hughes ,! Milton. One married daugl.P r resides iu Portland und ,Mi Helen Huglies, also of Pt;i tl.iti l resides with her mother. Many Newsp.ipcis Cliani;e Solnel hi llg like a i y clone seem., lo have struck the iii-w-pupi r idtii'i-s over in Cow hi, coiiiily. Wa.Ntiiiigli.il. lately Mrs. P.I la Kiel, h. r ha- .-...Id her ( 'ast le Pock I tub peieh iil In helinar ) I mus, of Kulama. Mrs. Nellie P. MrCl.ne I,,,., hold her l 'n-,1 le I.'oi i( I C I I to lollll W. Phillips, of I.eKo. M. .1. linn-, of K :i 1 it i ii :i . las laki n over (lie I billelin. of tlml city. Copies of both Cislle l,'oi ll papers hliVe hi ell received and show th.it iicwspiip. r ineii am iu 'charge of r.i.b ( ',i -I l: Pock has been 1. 1 1 1 n- fi.r I lie p is year in having b"lh 0- new, pip.-rs cdiU'l and pabhslietl by hldics and b'llh huve golleii.eil very i ieditable publu ile-i.-. I .Hid Don't forget the d.ile. I.i .t Sal unlay ll iiold Ahull killed jx coyote li.'.i r l.'hea sidiltL' "A bile il w a light ii. g t w o lie iil.n tilled Ihe dog, , e-y ol e was le l"' , i In ,. i v r. ii.hn , does I. Ihe e h ad a paper of pin t to a t hi t shing machine and in connection (hev do sin etvnsie business in the manufacture of drapers for bar v. Mor and threshing machines. .losopll Hill ;oiviie ;i;o rsirries St I , ''.eisive lock of ;o-ii. r;il i -- chsindi:; -Hlilblis illolie switch Ill-Ill is iind niachiiiei v , In bj. in. .-lit i.; located (lie . ), cent ml ollice. A lo w board soul oilier cinip lio", I m i 1 1 -. in.-.l ;i le. t h;it wi'l give Ihe tow ii iind coiinnniii t y si lit I i l;c - - s.-r i. e. v. '. P. ll liell bin I'eci-nl ly nio.ed il.lo ;i coiniiio.hoii, n. ti.i I'lH.ni 1,1 el t ill l ie' il pari i ularlv lieal ! and 'A ell Kepi stock of ni-m i hI iiii'I ( haitdi.-e. i Plot I loiiK i .; the eii ienl i in- t'ipal ol thi- l viiciloii si hiN 1 and is sttsi ,e. in the work le si Wnr Crnsus Marshals Appoinlrtl enris of six i otnp. t.-ni teii.-h. is. I III- seli.M.I l.llllilll.U M llto.i nlinil Wol d I c.lcheil l.i e Monday t-f 1 1 it- deal II ill I 'ol ! i.ilid of I' I unit a h, u f- i ii.i i resiilriit of I hi -iiilv. Ileeeaseil w a , Well k HOW li in I Id seel ion of ( li j;oii. I hi vilt;. f'-r several Jt.tls In t Ihe p..si lu ll of chief. of pollen in Pi-udle loll. I In- o.i-viig pe-OllS been sipiiiil I as War ( Mrs. Seaman, si teii' lu r Irrigon, was a ll- ppni-r i Mote lav. d -itor ha e nsu-i M;u bids and to se t as ( Mlieial peeis! ran in the several otinjj precinct of Moiro-.v rouiity: M. S. Maxwell, Parkers Mill; .1. A. (IiI.IhiIiS. Ciistle Pock', P,..l. Uri-toA, South lone; K.M. Shutt. VVI'll SllMMIlled. Il hils il s enil.K hull e.nippeij v 1 1 1 1 il iiiree slag1 to which ii i . . -1 -1 , set ot tn-vv sci-nei y l ie no v ln iii-' inlde.1. In- hilll i i - l iiled it h opel SI I hiiil S nnd will -.ill more than 2"0 people, lie school has Walter Km has bought a Uiu Cud i lac car from Pbtil Corn Mr. l'jid tiied out hit pun Ii;im- T. K. Chidsey. Mt. N'ellton; I . 1 . is. .lotie-t, MaMesiin; joim I Sal- on Hats ! Iho -nan. L na; Pi t.-r Snsbaurr, P.egiumng f-it 'ltd iy, M iy U. Inigon; P. A. l arrein. (Iihi.c- M r. P. I.'ip' r w ol II ai a I ;r i rrv ; N. A. Lit k, .ent rv; m, reduction l. r ii.ttre hoe of , ,eis, ppm i; O-car Keilhlcv, Tiiiniii'd II its , ml II it Mi ip , i l.igl.tiiiiie; Alex Wai nil. Ihiiiy: This s.vle will continue ll, t o'h .Ji'k 1 1 nd. Ceil' ( 'liihd W hif. North I ; L O. N'eill. pine ('it- an i-nrolluieiil of :',."i j.upils ami ai.I gind.iuln ii iininlii-r Irom tin lliyh Sch.H.I Mav '..Mb. Mm. I'.uima lliii Inn. ; it in chaise of lh- I,j- inj-lon poI n.e and that l.i-lv a ted Hi-' Herald man lo hihioiioci- tli;i ih' SI, s iind SlllH' W id .Mill (loilt ovci llial i I ii I il i hitn-iil, er Oldern il 4ltl,lbil !rf',', plili l .1 iii a trip to Lone Ko..U Tuesday - tie: m-.tpli of .'! iy M I A!pi! e; Kail I'.caeh, L-x i i iy ' '. W i et, itilf 111 te.-o, l,:c, ',' shortii" l.ei .i del.iv i-d b