NEVER BEFORE in the History of the Am erican people has the Food situation equaled the present. WHY NOT HELP by raising your own veg etables? WE HAVE THE SEEDS. Phelps Grocery Co. THE HORN PASTIME, SOn DRINKS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. A Quiet Resort where men may meet their friends and discuss the News of the day. VICTOR GROSHENS, Proprietor. HEPPNER : : : OREGON. I Make a Specialty of Plate Glass, Burglar and Automobile Insurance Also write all kinds of Surety Bonds REAL ESTATE I expect a number of land buyers here, If you want to your farm or ranch, list it with me. Roy V. Whiteis Heppner, Ore. If you can use money on your farm to make more money, sec us. Capital The First National Bank, m s rotiKtr.At t. r-ww .1 II N VUIH Vw !'rrt.n J MUIOMY W. I'roidMt W. IV M Mlosrv Cuhwr HI GH K. HKAX. Ami. 1'a.hwr W. P. COX. AmI. CuhiM $100,000.00 lloppner, Oregon LOCAL AND PERSONAL JacK Ayers was in the city from Lena Monday. --. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spencer visited at Echo Sunday. ! Dr. M.W.Davis, of lone, was a Heppner visitor Sunday. WANTED Good girl for gen eral housework. Enquire of Mrs. Phil Conn. 51 tf M. S. Hefner and N. E. Petty john were in Heppner on land business Mondcy. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith were Arlington visitors at the Palace Monday. FOR RENT Barn for 2 or i horses with plenty hay room Ennuire at this office. tf Walter E. Cochran, prominent publisher of lone, was in Hepp ner again over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alstott were in from their Eightmile home Monday, Pete Rourlte, a former resi dent of Heppner, now of La Grande, came in Sunday on bus iness. P. A. Anderson, abstractor, returned Sunday from a busi- uess and pleasure trip to Port land. Not gone or going but here to stay. Permanently located at Heppnor, Oregon. Dr. D. K. Haylor, eye specialist. 48tf Jim Coleman, of Rock creek, was operated on yesterday at the Heppner hospital for ulcer of the stomach. Drs. W'innard and Gaunt performed the operation. Pete RourUe a former well j t . . i . h uown young mau oi mis county was here for a few days from LaGrande during the week visit ing friends. Mr. Rourke is em ployed in the O. W. R. & N. train service at LaGrande as a fireman. M. Kopple, proprietor of the Fair store, has returned from business trip to San Francisco. He has an interesting now ad in this impression. Arthur Findley. who resides in the wheat belt between Sand hollow and Juniper canyon, was in Heppner Tuesday and reports crop prospects excellent in that section. FOR SALE Twelve good work mules; also some good work horses. See these animals at sell my place. GUY BOYER, Hepp ner, Ore. 4Gtf. Judge Patterson has a famous brerd of chickens. His flock consists of seven hens and a rooster and yet last Sunday they gathered nine eggs. "That's soruo rooster," says the judge. Tho weather continues rather cold for this season but the gras9 is growing rapidly now and the stock is doing nicely. Wheat growth is rather slow but with the abundant moisture now in the ground and the sea son so well advanced tho pros poets are rather good. Miss Joo Cameron, who has held a responsible position in Sam E. VanVactor's law nflice for tho past nine years, has re signed her position and gone to Portland to be with her mother whose health is not good. Miss1 Cutneroii has tunny friends in i Heppner who will reirret her departuro from the city. I Lor l'uu S.u.r. Good resi I deneo lot on Center street. Hep-' pner. 0x1'.".'. Get Imsy and plunt a garden. payments Apply to Arthur Smith. J-tf i A. I'.. Patterson, the woll kuown horseuKiu, accompanied by Mrs. Patterson were arrivals from San Diego Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson formerly rcsiJed here und Mill retain property and business interests in Heppner. Bargain Sale One lot 50x100 with good barn; 1 3-inch wagon with wood rack; 1 set bus harness; 1 lfi-Kisserger bus; 1 pair loh sleds; I modern, up-to-date cash register; 1 lot :l plain white assorted dishes prac tically at your own price. WHY BO! A SPORT SDIT? We have the materials for making them. Come in and examine it. Stripes, Polka Dots and Fancy Figures in a good assortment of colors. Sit Suits are a and who wants to be behind the times? Certainly none of our Heppner ladies, so we are ready to serve them in their wants. We also have the Sport Hat to match your Suit. Don't forget to ask about them. FOR THE YOUNG GIRLS. And the young girls-They were not forgotten in this new creation. We can please them with many beautiful things suited to their needs Come in girls and look at our new ribbons. We have just what you want. MINOR 8c COMPANY Dry Goods Department i Ml at the Fair Store Commencing Friday, May 4, the Fair Store will offer Extraordinary Bargains in the following Goods: DOMESTICS. 10c Calicoes at - - 8c 16c Percales at - -12 l-2c 16c Dress Ginghams at - 12 l-2c 16c Bleached Muslin at - 12 l-2c 35c Black Sateen at - 25c HOSIERY. 25c Ladies' Hosiery at - 15c 35c Lisle Hose, black and white, at 25c 35c Children's Lisle Hose at - 25c 75c Turkish Towels at, per pair, - 59c 75c All Over Aprons at - 49c Special low prices on Ribbons. Shoes for Ladies', Misses and Children at greatly re duced prices. A great reduction on overalls, work shirts and pants. THE FAIR STORE Next to Palace Hotel IB lop Jus Si HrlCiVSAIUI all kinds of Silk and Taffeta y HEPPNER, ORE. (3 i u i I r-idc: Palare llott l t'o.